The chilly autumn air slows me down long enough to STOP, REFLECT and pose the question


Is it a sense of AveNture



going SOLO

or pairing up with someone COMPLETELY THE OpPOsItE?

Is it work


quiet solitude for artistic achievements



Whatever it is, HARVEST the benefits of
The GRAND Essentials of Life according to Joseph Addison:




FILL your autumn basket and may it OverFlow


Photo Credits: Images of Baskets and French Country Fireplace scanned from the book, French Country Living Caroline Clifton-Mogg, Ryland Peters and Small
Paris Photos scanned from the book, Parisiennes: A Celebration of French Women, Flammarion
Little Ballerina, my beautiful Auntie Thelma, circa 1930
Sketch of The Dutchess and Myself: Anita Castles Crowns and Cottages ©
What a beautiful post, Anita!!! ;-) So cosy and true!
Mille Bisous!!!
I am very sure, my source of youth they are always my young pupils. The contact with his vital energy, his illusion and the happiness of exploring and developing his artistic qualities
My autumn always marks the beginning of the school year and my basket is full of plans of work with my little girls
Have a very happy weekend,
A pause for thought fills my Autumn basket along with my gratitude for the many wonderful friends and family. Thank you Anita for this beautiful post. Happy Autumn to you my dear...
Very beautiful these black&white photographs in America 50's. I liked them very much.
Saludos from Chile,
Hello my sweet Anita!!
Beautiful post, once again...
Love your photos..everyone of them..so thoughtfully done.
I would have to say "the childlike spirit" that God has put within me is what keeps me young.
My basket is full of gratefullness
for all of His good gifts in my life. Too many to count..although I am counting all my blessings. Of the many, you, Anita are one..
Im so blessed to have met you and am being blessed by your sweet friendship.
Deborah xoxoxo
Lovely thoughts, this post! What keeps me young? My high school sweetheart I hadn't seen in 28 years calling me up from across the country almost 4 years ago now and telling me he's never gotten over me. Love is better the second time around!
What a lovely blog!
--Lee Ann
Dearest Anita - wow, you've been creative again! Just came home from a very nice day - a stroll through town and then some hours in a lovely spa - it did me good after all the hustle that was goung on the weeks before! I like all these photos, beautiful and fun! And what keeps us young? I think it's being creative and being open to new people and experiences, learning new things, plus living in a sensible way which is good for body and soul. A role model for me was my grandma, who passed away 2 years ago at the age of 97. Yet she still did her drawings and loved young people around her.
Have a relaxing sunday. enjoy every minute of it! xx
What a super beautiful post...you always share such charm and beauty and dazzling inspiration! Shine on!
have a most magical day!
Oh so very lovely!! Autumn brings one to thanks and hope! My basket is always full...Gratefully so! Wishing you well! Cathy
Oh my I want all this in my basket...another beautiful posts filled with yummy images.
The sun is shining brightly on me today...just waiting for my sweetpea daughter to come home from Ballet and off we go to enjoy the sun! An afternoon of adventure..downtown Vancouver!
Weekend hugs my friend. xoxoo
Lovely post Anita, I think you have covered it all, George keeps me on my toes!!I suppose that keeps me going, not sure if it keeps me young! learning new things is good for the mind.
Have a good week.
George just said with his one eye open he sends his love, he's on the couch dozeing, peace at last.
LOve this post..a basket full of happy thoughts and things..
Miss Mousie kindly asks ..can she sit in your basket..on a beautiful Autumn day..she will fill it with dreams and hope..and appelflappen..xoxo
I am so fortunate because I virtually live with what helps to keep me young, if may humbly say so. And it is you. This is great theme you hit here with fab pictures.
Hope to keep growing young with you.
Autumn is such a beautiful reflective season ~ chasing beautiful little grandchildren around the long path in the park and realising they really can out-run me, keeps me young. Thoughts of new challenges like trying to perfect my French speaking skills definitely helps to keep my mind young! & sitting in a cosy little coffee shop enjoying lovely chatter about ~nothing in particular~ fills my heart with warmth & keeps my spirit young.
A beautiful post Anita!
Dear Anita
My autumn basket is full of positive energy,dreams and illusions that I never want lose
Your post is lovely as always and visiting you is an enchanted moment
Lovely words .... 4 years ago I would have easily said career, and going out and reckless adventures. Today, It knowing how precious life is, and that I am privileged to be living! To keep going enjoying good friends (old and new); to embrace and be embraced by nature; and to be able to help others ~ helping others is truly what brings a smile to my heart...
Wonderful thoughts, thank you.
"...to think outside the box". That is it, exactly it, IT!!! Anita, dear, that is the way I drive my thoughts!!! I LOVE THIS POST!!! The images are huge delight! My sweet friend Anita, how nice my visits here. I live and I learn. It excites me. Merci beaucoup!!! Muito obrigada!!!
Wet spring around here. I can smell Christmas. I am tired, but so happy, Anita!
Kisses and tight hugs!!! Bela.
Hello Anita, I hope you didn't think I fell off the face of the earth! Maybe I'm in Nowhere, I'd better check! I love this post and am cha cha - ing to your music as I write this...I'm very talented that way! Please tell Ruben HI for me.
~Bonnie xoxo
I just love this post. Packed full of beautiful thoughts and photographs.. I have so much to be thankful for. My beautiful children, family and dear friends, such as you.. I hope you are enjoying your Saturday.
Create, create, and create some more my friend.
Anita, forgot to mention you look gorgeous in your gown. Absolutely stunning! and I did visit your previous post with the wonderful wedding pictures. does your email still work?
oh dear heart you are extraordinary!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. It started with a smirk and before I knew it I was wearing a goofy grin...I do so adore you!
AND YES OF COARSE WE CAN DO A BIT OF SHOPPIN'!!! You read my mind! I just today, gathered "a tiny little bit of nothing" to send your way...and I just needed a mailing address that would get this wee treasure to you. Are you speaking of the tiny little rose evening bag? If so I probably can still get that one...but this poor site is sooo in need of updating, I have many others that you might find interesting...most of which are encrusted with roses. What is your pleasure dearest...cream, grey, black...what will it be?...and I would LOVE to give you a "give away"...oh I am so excited!!!!
oh, my company just drove up...so I must scoot...will have more time tomorrow for another GREAT cuppa with you!...love Rosie
Bonjour Anita,
Aw, Ruben's comment is so sweet- you have a great guy there! What an amazing post! I think my hubby definitely keeps me young because of his unconditional love.....and friends like you who are so warm, uplifting and positive esp in rough times are definitely key in keeping me going. You always have something happy and positive to say, and that is a treasure in my autumn basket that I don't take for granted. Merci beaucoup Anita!
No news on FL yet, but it will happen, I feel it! Have a wonderful weekend! xOxO
I so enjoyed this post! I would say my basket is full of more quiet than excitment. Though I dearly love to be with my girls giggling and chatting up a storm. Lately I've been riding my bicycle slowly everywhere I go. It is youthful! Going shopping with my daughter's keeps me youthful too. Watching Gossip Girl with them too. Listening to loud music and singing in the car do too. I'm also one for twirling in the city park under starlight!
Dang.... There's REALLY a fountain of YOUTH? Hey, I'm gonna be lookin' for that!
Loved this post sweet Anita... you are such a clever chickie...
Still getting ready for Autumn here....well, it's here, weather wise, but still have some things to do. :-) As always.
Oh my..........I just read the post from your sweet husband.......oh my gosh......he's a KEEPER, isn't he? What dear words.....to such a sweetheart.
Now that I am actually enjoying the autumn of my life, I see things in a whole different light. My family, my friends, love..these are the the things that keep me young at heart, and willing to face the day. Monetary things are of far less value to me, but my autumn basket is filled! Thank you for such a beautiful post Anita..you're in my basket! xoxox Christel
It is quite simple I guess: just keep your eyes and your mind open: read a lot of blogs every day, this will make you happy and stay young! Reading and looking at lovely stories from people all over the world simply is great and makes me so thankful that I live in this time.
(Of course my husband, who just started a new (ad)venture, does too and my kids; they will be young at least in my eyes forever and you know what? When you truly are interested in your kids and their friends you will find out that youth really is contagious!)
What keeps me young? Living life as it comes and loving every minute of it, especially when I'm living it with the people I love!!
Grosses bises! Sherry
I'd have to say my girls keep me young...and laughing!
this was such an inspiring post!
Oh my Anita...what a fabulous post!!! You sure come up with the most original!!! The way the weather is here it could very well be autumn at the moment...enjoy your wonderful autumn basket and hopefully soon I will be able to pack a little spring basket...Have a beautiful week...Warmly, Dzintra...(still at the Kit Kat Club and having a blast)♥x
My life long quest...never, never grow up! What keeps me young is anything cute! I have recently decided to tie my hair with a lace bow...and become, Jacqueline & The Three Bears. I think I will write a short story about Jacqueline. Goldilocks has nothin' on her!
Happy you loved the tag Anita...Rabbit Hill will soon be visited by Mr. Postman.
Off for a picnic today with Len and the dogs by a river in Snohomish Washington. Antiques and my favorite store called Joyworks! I will grace the door of The Cinnamon Stick too and bring home some tasty cinnamon for my bears.
Love to you my friend. Wonderful post, as always. Makes us count all our blessings...
Blog Friends,
Nowhere Friends,
and a scarecrow or two.
A lovely post with beautiful pics... Very well done, I loved it! The nature pic was my favorite.
Have a lovely day:)
Definitely pairing with the opposite (that would be Randy), camaraderie, or I don't know where I would be right now, nature, because I adore all animals small and large (well wait a minute, I'm not a horse lover, but I think they have a purpose : ) Solo is something I prefer not to be. I like it for a couple of hours, but it's so much more fun to be with friends or family. There's nothing like a girlfriend to go shopping with either.
Randy loved the pictures of the Beatles.He's a BIG HUGE fan, and Elvis too lol
So what's in my basket today? YOU, cuz here I am.
Love You
Love Me
Hey Anita,
Thank you for again your beautiful visit :)
Love that stones, and your music list...well hannah statred to dance the steps to your second song on your play list she knows every step to it. So I need to tell you that you made her Birthday day!!!
See you soon belle amie!!
Vous dansez votre chemin dans nos cœurs avec de belles messages d'inspiration dans vos offres. Je voudrais que vous aviez vu sa danse à votre musique.
Avoir une âme dimanche inspirant, et continue à danser fille.
Cha cha!! Slide woo- hoo!!
Hannah and her friends would dance to it at school dances. When her friends get here she wants me to show them your site, and play the Cha Cha Slide :)
Hannah thanks you for her Birthday gift of SONG!!
love yeah girlie.
Ahhh... friend! Another inspiring transporting blog post that gives me much to think about. I know I fill my basket with family, friends, you all and art and books! Nature, yes. Wish to have more of Nature. I am going to take more time outside while it is so beautiful. Thanks friend and light to you. Blessings.
Dear Anita, I am totally in love with the two first images!!! Beautiful! Have a lovely new week!!!
xoxo's Kristin
Thank you for visiting me my friend....hope your weekend was amazing. Mine are always busy. Thank you for your sweet comments...I do teach in a private Christian school and love every minute of it!
Hugs for a great week. xoxox
Ah, love my
getaways with
you, Anita, on
your special blog!
What keeps me young
is being a student
of LIFE ~ observing,
reading, doing and
sometimes, just being!
Hope your weekend
was as wonderful as
you are!
xx Suzanne
Anita, totally delightful!!!
And your Aunt Thelma!!!! Do tell me about her. What keeps me young is playing. Women must not forget how to play and have fun, be silly together, laugh.... Can you come out and play? Actually, you do that quite well here.
May God bless your week with His beautiful presence that is in you, and working through you,
Oh dear friend......your post today is so very inspiring.....all the things you have mentioned do keep one young.....and I do try to embrace them all....but the ACE CARD in my hand is my 7 year old grandson with whom I will forever be blowing bubbles !!!
Bonjour ma cherie, nous sommes a Bourre, dans le Loire Valley. Beaucoup de chateaux en du bois. It's only our second day, we have four more to go. How I wish I spoke French so much better now. I love the language. Think you're professions is one of the loveliest there is, sweet friend.
Much love for the new week! xxxxx
Anita, send me your mailing address at skok@dappui.nl
I will send you a postcard from France.
Have a happy start to the week! Love to you xxxx
Pour toi, un délicieux poème d'automne de Lucie Delarue-Mardrus ...
On voit tout le temps en automne,
Quelque chose qui vous étonne,
C'est une branche tout à coup,
Qui s'effeuille dans votre cou.
C'est un petit arbre tout rouge,
Un, d'une autre couleur encor,
Et puis partout, ces feuilles d'or
Qui tombent sans que rien ne bouge.
Nous aimons bien cette saison,
Mais la nuit si tôt va descendre !
Retournons vite à la maison
Rôtir nos marrons dans la cendre.
On ne peut être poète sans quelque folie
Mille bisous d'amitié ma belle Anita.
My autumn basket is filled to the brim with goodness! You are so wonderful, Anita, and you are part of my joy, your kind comments every day make me so happy! I love that picture of Audrey and the donkey! XX!
What a wonderful post Anita! I like to fill my basket with all of the beautiful yet simple things life has to offer like smiles, hugs, and little acts of kindness. I hope you have a great week ♥
Anita, it is always a pleasure to visit your blog, so many wonderful images! I never tire of the old black and whites, from the Beatles to Audrey!!!!
Lovely shoes, especially the houndstooth.......very pretty!
Autumn is such a wondrous time, all the color and yet the anticipation of the fresh white to come....
Thank you for your visits, and I am feeling much better, yeah!
Good thing cause there is a lot of things to do!!!
My Autumn basket is filled and the Winter one is almost full too.
Margaret B
Ok...that was great! Loved the music and the beat that went right along with your post! Lots of food for thought...hmmm...there is one thing I always wanted to do and that is to learn the Electric Slide! I am so envious to watch people at weddings doing it and I want to jump right in myself. I would like to do this before I have to use a walker, if you know what I mean! Have a great day Anita and thanks for starting my week off to a fun start!~Hugs, Patti
Dear Anita, i hope you've had a splendid sunday and a soft strat into the week! At the moment i have to do so much computerwork, that i have to stop in the evening - to give my eyes a rest. Although i'd love to blog and blog - ha ha! I love my dear compi - just gotta have some balance sometimes.
Another thing that keeps us young: playing - having a place like nowhere, believing in fairy tales and dreams come true. You do - that's what i love about yiu ;)
Hello Dear! Another lovely post. Love how you put those photos and words together. Hope you are enjoying fall with all its busy-ness. We have been blessed with gorgeous sunshine for my sister's visit from Paris. Alas she leaves too soon.
Hugs to you,
Oh Anita..thank you SO much for this precious gift...it is beautiful!
What a tremendous gift you have...I will always treasure this
generous and kind drawing from your SWEET heart!
I love the colours and you are right..it will look perfect on my turquoise shabby shelves...
Thank you again my dear, dear friend!! I love the colours and the ribbon is a perfect match for my turquoise living room....
With all my heart...Deborah xoxo
Another thought provoking as well as inspiring post. Today at this moment I'm doing some of things I want to do when I grow up. Some days it's hard, some days its overwhelming, but every day has been gift of wonder.
"W'sup girlfriend"...
Oh I am so tired...I am giddy...my poor husband is cooking us supper and I am talking "crazy talk"...this is what he has called it, either way, I am loosing my mind...
Checked out the purse situation and my sweet wholesaler is going to try to bring one in for me. The size is a bit deceiving in the snappie...it is not a small evening bag, it is a shoulder bag. You and I are such kindreds. The first time I brought this bit of pretty home to the shop she rode next to me on the front seat so that I could justify why she should live at my HOUSE instead of the shop. She is lovely.
Oh dear girl I am sooooo nervous. I am answering some mock questions on the success {or lack of it} of my business. I go before a panel of 3-5 people, who will pepper me with questions I have no idea the answer to....all because our little store was nominated for a silly "business excellence award"...I am soooo sorry I let this nomination stand. PLEASE pray for me...this will happen at 2:00
so my dearest has just delivered a lovely dinner and has beckoned me to ENJOY...so I will
Sweet dreams my dear, dear friend
love Rosie
Living in Miami, I know nothing of changing of seasons. Our seasons is just a variation of how hot it is. You know, hot, hotter, inferno, and not quite as hot.
Nothing makes me happier than thinking out of the box. With anything really but mostly with food. Pushing my food to the limit and then going beyond that.
Thought provoking post for sure.
Ma belle Anita,
Another fabulous post!
My children and my family keep my young. The sound of my children laughing, fighting and screaming keeps me young!
I do not remember the photography of which you ask me for information If you remember the day in which I published it I can look for and give you the information about,
Happy day Anita,
Marvelous Nita! As always , wonderul pictures and few words with the RIGHT meaning!!YOU are so talented!!*grin*
Thank you for your comment on the video...you are right ,there are so much that we take for granted... even teh faith in GOD that HE gives it to us on times that we don't even want to deal with it. I loved that testemony!
Love you , my friend!!!
peeking with peace lily and now 3 (rescued) deaf white cats. i have a new blogger where you are welcome to email me (i couldn't find yours and i do so want to catch up with you. also so sorry i have taken so long to respond to your sweet messages). much love and hugs xoxox
What a beautiful post~ I plan to fill my baskets with dried hydrangeas, roses, and ivy~~~ :D
My daughter keeps me young...she prods and pushes me to extend my interests, to experiment, to travel, to laugh, to create and to love.
My basket is filled with children, grandchildren and friends!
A genuinely creative and inspiring post here. Exquisite images as always - and the perfect post to keep me in a good mood since these silly strikes here in Paris are driving me insane! :) Paris in Pink
Oh dearest THANK YOU...
Such perfect words of encouragement...I will follow your advice to the letter, knowing you are putting in a good word to our Father...and I too shall be praying for your health and strength today dear heart. Feel better and I will come back for a cuppa later...xoxo
Dearest Anita
I was so very touched by your words this morning. You always encourage me to go forward with your praise.. To say thank you just does not seem enough.
This is such a beautiful post. I love to come back and put my dancin shoes on. Great music. Yours images and words inspire me daily.
Hope you are feeling a little better.
Love and blessings
oh and i did mean to tell you that the little mousie sketch with you and the dutchess is totally adorable! what a super talent you have xoxox
wow anita... so much to ponder... my basket is filled with love and gratefulness... i am truly blessed...
lovely post!
hope you are well... xx pam
Ahhhhh....Anita, how are you feeling?
Is your head back to it's old self yet...I hope so. Words can't begin to express how much I needed your wise words of encouragement...I was sooo nervous and although I knew what needed to be done, seeing it in writing was the ticket. Oh dearest thank you.
Well, I am happy to say I made it through "the inquisition" in one piece...actually not too bad at all. I crammed all last night, and I think it paid off...as I was not shaking in my boots. Ahhhh I will sleep so well tonight, knowing this silly hurdle is behind me.
Tomorrow, I will be back in the workshop...YIPPEE!...and then it is off to Vancouver to pick up some small white trees. The winter wonderland is coming together nicely. Bill and I spent the evening putting new "WHITE" furniture pieces in the shop. Lovin' the white wonderment.
Dear one, may your day be full of smiles and you enjoy each and every one. I am off to bed "HAPPY" that this day is done...thank you for being YOU...love Rosie
I think, dear Nita, that you pretty much covered all aspects of what keeps a person young, healthy and happy. The only thing I would add to this lovely and thoughtful list is quiet nights of slumber!
Another really beautiful post!
Thank you so much, for this wonderful post, dear Anita..........i loooooove the black&white pictures!!!!! Have a very lovely week and enjoy those autumn days,
Hugs Jade
i adore the third picture! you win first prize for most unique and inspirational blog pictures! =)
Thank you Anita for the lift upwards! Fall does cast a warm golden glow on good things.
Such an inspiring post! Love the images and i love how the message makes one pause to appreciate the little things...
Beautiful post! Thank you for visitingmy blog and for your kind comment. :)
Another gorgeous post dearest Anita. You are my inspiration. The love you have for life and all things beautiful, is what inspires me. I just read the last posts that I had missed here, and keep asking myself why I stay from the computer for so long? I miss so much when I do.
What a gorgeous picture of you at the harp in a previous post. Any picture of you is gorgeous!
Hummm, what keeps me young...I would have to say all of the above!!! Probably Landon is the main reason I strive to live well, so he can live well. He is my joy.
hugs to you dear one...
dearest Anita
i hope you are well
i have been coming back and forth admiring this and some of the other posts i've missed. your blog is truly uplifting and yourself a fairy princess! i so adore the photographs of you with your harp.
i can't seem to find your email address on your site or profile (maybe it's there somewhere and i've missed it), anyhow mine is millie.meadowsweet@yahoo.co.uk
lots of love to you and big steaming mugs of p.g. o)
love also from peace lily and all 3 (now) white cats (can't wait to tell you more about them). xoxoxox
G'eve Anita ~ What a fun post! My basket is presently full of paint ... we installed the new library door today, yippee!
Have a lovely autumn eve ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Beautiful sentiments. Thought provoking my dear. I am so glad that I stopped by. Oh, and those green shoes in your last post~ ~I was so enjoying your writing and then. . . the shoes stopped me dead and I lost my senses! Girls and pretty shoes! What's with that?
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Anita, look what I found:
I know you love animals, so...
Truly an inspirational post Anita, but yet they always are. Just made me feel good & I haven't all day. I think for me it is, 'thinking outside the box'. I hope my excitement for life never grows old.
Thank you & wishing you a lovely Thursday. xx
Hello Darling!
i simply adore this post...your creative story telling is a breath of fresh air..and just what I needed to read tonight!
i love all of your carefully selected photos...so well put together....all the time you take to pull this off...Anita..it is really quite a talent!
thanks for sharing..and I think that a little of everything you mentioned in your post is what keeps me young...oui...oui!
ciao bella
Anita dear...
How is my dearest blogfriend? Are you feeling any better? It is so difficult to take time for ourselves when our agenda is sooo full. We feel we must keep the ship a float...even though we are barely treading water.
God is good and will give us the strength we need, to make it through these busy days.
My day was yam packed, but I feel great knowing how much I was able to accomplished. The To Do's are getting done and I am so very grateful...Oh my dear, I am so ready for bed and will sleep well I'm sure. Have a wonder filled day and take time to enjoy the little delights He gifts you with.
I'm off...I will send some Sevilla sunshine your way..xoxo..A Bientot :)
See my post of 20 October, you need to see whar we found in the frontyard of my neighbours!!! Just click like here to enter in the blog
and scroll down, is the post before tha last that you comment....
Joyous!!! Thank you for brightening our autumn basket, Anita!
hurray! your mail arrived :o) (at least the second one did) i have sent a little reply for now and will write soon. wishing you and yours a very sweet autumn evening.
we sometimes, if the sky is clear (which it often isn't) see wishing stars shooting across the sky here at this time of year. there is something very magical about this season.
mush love to you my dear friend xoxoxox
Dear Anita, thank you for coming over to visit me!!! You baked pumpkin muffins - oh, I would love to have one with my tea :)
Hope you're having a beautiful evening! Warm regards, Kristin
WOW, I am just finding treasure with every click connected to you! I love all your beautiful blog work!! Lovely and more lovely. My basket is filled with comments (not as many as you), but new visitors thanks to Shari :) Lovely to meet you XOXO, Kelly
Oh Anita, I love this song. When I hear it, I am back in East Meadow New York going on a date with the boy across the street. Just sixteen and loving that neighborhood so much. Great friends and great memories. Thank you for the reminder.
Anita, you can take any photo you would like from my blog. Have a lovely Friday.
beautiful words and images!!!
Sending bunches of happy thoughts your way for a happy last day of the week, happy running and flying, Anita!
Enjoy your afternoon cup while I'm enjoying my evening tea. xxxx
Hello Dear Girl,
Do you have a cement floor today...did you write a little message to celebrate this momentous occasion! Oh the FUN, FUN, FUN you will have decorating this fabulous space.
Well today was spent running around tying up loose ends. Wanted to be outside raking today, but am STILL sneezing and sniffling.
Will spend a girls day tomorrow with a very dear friend who I don't get to visit very often...always is a fun time.
Well off to start supper...until tomorrow, Good Night Dear Heart...love Rosie
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