towards the portal


Well, random acts of kindness have that effect on me

causing me to

in the power of

The gifts of wonder that you have sent me throughout my blogging experience, "JUST BECAUSE", envelop priceless sentiments of overwhelming support. I long to sit with you all one day S0MEWHERE OVER the RAINBOW

where BlUeBirds FLY

and thank you de Tout MON coEur. It takes
to change the course of another person's life.
The Dutchess
The two Sherrys
and to many others that extend random acts of kindness Just BEcause. I thank you.
Tumblr Photos of horse and rider by Anna Malmberg
other photos, google images
Fairy Godmother's are just great aren't they.
I just read your email and just popped over to blogland and see you have written a new post : )
What can I say? You are a giver ... and so you also may receive. You bring inspiration and joyful moments into our lives, and giving little treasures to you is a way of saying 'thank you, I'm glad you are in my life!'
You are a dreamer... and inspire dreams in others, and have a magical touch... of Joie de vivre and creativity!!! And you are just so very kind too : )
~ Violet
You bless my heart Anita...
and the hearts of countless others my dear...
Gorgeous and thoughtful post!
Deborah xoxoxo
Ma belle Anita,
You are an amazing lady. You inspire me, you make me dream of beautiful things and places. It's me who thank you de tout mon coeur ... You are a dear, dear friend.
Oh my Darling,
the pillar...when I need strength
the shoulder...when my world is falling apart
the smile...when my eyes are damp
an infectious giggle...when all one can do is laugh
a kindred...so many times over
You always inspire and give of yourself day after day, because this IS who you are. You loyally come every single morning to wish me happiness throughout my day.I so adore you dear one...have a wonder filled day...xoxox...Rosie
Anita, i thought about YOU while composing the post you just saw - dressed up in your beautiful dress and crown, having fun! You are always so inspiring and i love the inspiration in your posts - this new one is fabulous! Given how busy you are, and how demanding your school days have been in the last weeks it is really great how you keep up blogging, and bringing so much fun to all of us! I hope you and Ruben will have a fab weekend. I want to go hiking tomorrow with my hubby and friends and hope the sun stays out. So beautiful this time of year, all the colors! Bisou :)
What a glorious post. And how fitting that one who has given to me and so many people your own random acts of kindness, should do so again buy acknowledging this wonderful quality in others.
On another note, it is also fitting that in that enchanted land "over the rainbow" you should have a blue bird that is too cute for words.
Love you
utterly chaming and so magically you! i will write you later :o)
have a wonderful day xoxoxox
Good morning,
dear friend!
I believe in
the power of
positive energy,
so it's no surprise
to me that you
attract it, in spades!
Funny, I almost
used this very same
version of OTR by
Izzy, today!! We
are thinking along
the same lines : )!!
Beautiful post, as
always, sweet Anita.
Thank you for being YOU.
xx Suzanne
:-) So sweet of you as always! Thank you so much!
You are a gift in my life!
English is not my first language, so I have more difficulty to express my emotions.
I want to you know that you are very special to me and I don't imagine my life without your joy and friendship!
You are always in my heart!
Mille Bisous and thank you for the lovely surprise!
Good morning Anita....Thank you for "touching" my life! Great post! Love the little "bluebird"!~Hugs, Patti
Good morning Anita~
What a beautiful post so full of beautiful images and words....Just like you!!
It's always a gift to read your posts...HUGS!!!
Oh, Anita...a visit to your blog is a treat for the eyes and the spirit. In a world where so many things are ugly and dark, your blog is beautiful and full of life and light. Thanks for sharing your gracious spirit in the blogosphere!
Dearest Anita, this is SO sweet of you, putting me on your list! Let's have some champagne there tonight, over the rainbow, and share a magical blue hour with the bluebird, eating macaroons in all the colors - chin, chin!
I cannot ever say my feeling while looking for my name on your SPECIAL list, sweet Anita!!! My eyes got so glad for reading BELA right there and my heart reminded me its existance and my lungs stopped working for some seconds. I am alive after all this JOY YOU caused me, dear Anita friend!!! I am so sure life crossed our ways for some reason. Maybe we find it out one day. Maybe not. Maybe we all meet one day and share a delightful cup of tea among laughs and looks. You made my day, sweet!
Much love! Bela.
Gorgeous and PRECIOUS post this time, ma cherie. So sweet of you to mention all these lovely ladies {and me too}.
I feel the same way about blog land and all the inspiring sweet souls we get to meet, uplifting my day, putting a smile on my face.
Happy hugs to YOU for a wonderful weekend. I posted a carte postale est en route, il est poste a Tours.(Hmm, I believe my French is not that good today).
Enjoy your weekend, get your well deserved R&R xxxx
Just beautiful,lovely and magical post.....thanks you you!!!! for your inspiration,your words and your friendly
Muchos besos,
My Dearest Anita
What a magical post! It is so like you to speak of acts of kindness from others, when in fact, you my dear friend give kindness every day. You are a constant source of inspiration to me. Thank you for your kindness, encouragement, humor, magic and friendship. I am honored to be on you list.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend.
Some days I wish upon stars and I ask them to send moonbeams straight over Rabbit Hill! Pixie friends fly over often too...you just don't know it.
In our dreams, there we are...living and breathing. Our cottages turn into our castles and our cars turn into our pumpkin carriage and Cinderellas dreams come true for you and me and Dutchess three!
Loving the wild adventure with you, because we all BELIEVE.
Wonderful and thoughtful post... you are a blessing to many... you give so much of yourself to those you have only met virtually, but the care and thoughtful inspirations you offer through your posts and comments are real and truly do make a difference..xo HHL
I know some of those names and so agree....the tender, thoughtful, encouraging kindnesses...and all this on the internet too. Anita, I include you in a similar list I would make and dearly thank you for your consistent kindness. Have a wonderful weekend...God bless you.
I am the most anxious, dear Anita, to see your artwork!!! Fabric designs coming from you, brilliant soul!!!
Love! Bela.
Will visit Tita right now!!!
I think that whatever we put out in the world is what we get back, so no wonder good things have come your way! This site is always a delightful respite from a harried day! Have a wonderful weekend!
Bonjour Anita, comment êtes-vous? Votre message est très jolie.
(My limited french!)
Thank you for using the music of IZ. He reminds me of wonderful years spent in Hawaii.....
Best to you,
It is amazing that there are so many lovely souls out there in blogland... the random acts of kindness have brightened so many days. How like you to create a wonderful thank you card in your own inimitable style!
your posts are so gorgeous and inspirational that at times i'm just speechless......
I never cease to be thrilled by the beauty you offer to those who visit. Every time I visit your corner of the world I go away feeling just a little or lighthearted and full of anticipation for the next visit! ! Thank YOU!!! Cathy
Good Morning My Sweet Friend,
I am off to start "decking the halls"...Have a JOYfilled day and I shall come for a quick cuppa if I can. Hugs and Kisses...Rosie
What a lovely post, Anita. You bring such pleasure into all our lives!
And you are so right...one act of kindness or one sincere compliment makes such a difference.
Oh My!!!!!!this is AMAZING! I will be your first customer...Your little drawings are absolutely CHARMING...I can not wait!...ahhh... back to to tree trimming...FANTASTIC dear one!
What a sweetheart you are..you are such an inspiration and spread light wherever you go.
Thank you my friend...you bless so many! xoxoxoxo
Dear Anita, did you know cookies or muffins with chocolate chips are my FAVOURITES!!! Just heavenly! Beautiful post today! So wonderful.. and thank you for mentioning me - I feel the same way! Have a fabulous Saturday!
Hugs, Kristin
Vos mots sont toujours magiques qui nous oblige à être d'autres, seulement ceux qui sont dans notre âme.
Merci pour l'affichage des sentiments de beauté et de bien.
Oh, aren't you just the mostestest precious friend? How sweet!
And, yep, blogging is such a gift. I don't think the Hubbs quite gets the whole gig, but it's been one of the best things to happen to me... How could I EVER have met so many wonderful and dear chickies???
Love right back atcha! :-)
PS. I love it that Ruben's at the top of your list....after telling me about your love story, it's all the more wonderful. :-) This chickie LOVES a love story.
PSSSSS.... Oh, and IZ... we were actually in Hawaii when he passed away and went to his memorial at the Shell in Honolulu. It was wonderful. No, not that the poor fella passed away..but, they had loads of Hawaiian artists dedicating music to him.
Beautiful images and great post!
Nita, you my darling is the real precious stone! It is *HARD* not to fall in love with you and your sweetness.
I love you,
Hello Darling....
How was your day? What did you do? What ever it was I hope there was much happiness involved.
oh dear one I am sooooo tired...but "it's starting to look a lot like Christmas" ;D ...It is so exciting to see the transformation take place...ahhhh...I LOVE Christmas...EVERYTHING about this magical season makes me smile like a little girl all over again. I will have three very special ladies helping me tomorrow, so there will be alot of giggling I'm sure.
Well sweet one I must say "Bonne nuit mon cher ami .... bien dormir"
...as I may go down to the shop in the middle of the night to work if I can't sleep...I will meet you for a fabulous cuppa soon...xoxo...me
Good morning my dear friend!
Thank you for your visit and yes, I am so sorry for not having as much time as I wish to post comments to all blogs that I visit and to my dearest friends.
Nita, I am over the moon with the other news that you gave me. I will be praying that you and Ruben find just the right person to help you along the way. I always told you that you have the *way* to get this done and I am happy that the french lady has confirmed and encourage you too.
I visited the other site that you sent me last night again. I love everything about it. I will write later in a email more details.*grin*
Yes my dear, I turned pottery for half of my day yesterday. Becca also made some soap dihes and cups. The pottery shop , at this time of the year, is a special place for me. I love to sit and turn all kinds of dishes .... the shop is warmed with a small wood stove where I keep a pot of water boiling at all times. I make tea and it mantain the room with a perfect humidity.
Later the afternoon, we went to see Becca's game. It was a perfect afternoon.
Oh Yes, I still sleep about 5 to 6 hours a night but I don't do a lot on my wee hours . I "treasure" that time because it is quite ...perfect for my needy prayers!!*smiles*
I feel great Nita, like never before.I have completed 3 months of eating changes and I can't tell you how much my life has changed from that... I know you understand that very well.
Okay, I better go... Hope this was not a too long *comment*, grin!!!
Have a wonderful, peaceful and blessed Lord's day,
lovingly, Tita
It has been far too long since I rode by to say hello. I do hope you are ok lately. Isn't it wonderful how we can meet people across this magical world that can be so kind. I am sure you deserve all these tresures. Happy Blue bird singing filled days, Catherine x
Oh Anita such a beautiful post, I have never thought about it before being a mere fuzz ball dog, but I suppose you peeps must have a rainbow bridge to.
Is the George up there me?
Love to Balzac and of course your good self
George xxxx
Mon amour vole vers toi sur les ailes des anges.
Belle mes amis
Merci chère
Anita, My love flies to you on angels wings.
Thank you for such a beautiful post, and including me in it...
I have a more simplier version of the French blue chest on your header. I took and stripped off the green that was on it and left it in its natural state.
Love the header girl!!!
Happy Sunday!
Anita, I'm always so excited to see your comments!! This time you really made me dream about the wonderful places you mentioned. I'm actually going to find some more information. It sounded like very charming places! Guess what, last night, my husband and I just decided that we want to go to Italy again for our summer vacation. And this time South Italy! Maybe Sicilia! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!!
Kristin xx
Good morning dear heart!!
Hope your day is a sweet one as are you!!
Deborah xoxoxoxoox
Bonjour ma cherie, just popping in to wish you a sweet Sunday afternoon, make sure you reload those batteries for another grand week! xxxx
Oh, sweet, Anita, it is a joy to read your blog every time I stop by. The images are so dreamy and magical and your kind wishes are such blessings...
May all the blessings you give away return to you ten times over!
Many, many blessings for a wonderful new week!
Dearest Anita.........THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND!!!
and a very special thank-you for including me in this beautiful post.
Nuf' said....
Another marvelous post. It's so much like you my dear friend.
you're the one who's always there to help, encourage and make us feel loved and cared for.
have a great week.
Hey sweet one,
Just got home...I am too tired for a cuppa, but we got "a little sparkle goin' on sista"...will go down early and put the finishing touches on. Lookin' forward to a "feet up, cuppa in hand, good girly gab" tomorrow...
Sweet Dreams Dear One...xoxo...Rosie
Hi Antia
You gave me two miracle moments yesterday, one seeing George’s name on your list and the comment you left. I am very touched by what you will do, you truly are a giver, and I put myself in that category always doing things for other people don’t get me wrong, it is a special feeling and enjoyment you get from giving. So you will know how this has touched me. I am glad that you take George’s comments in the spirit that they are given; I do wonder what your other follower thinks with some of the things he or rather I have put!!
Its half term over here so time to recharge my batteries before the run up to Christmas!!
Have a good week
What a gorgeous, gorgeous post. You are so good at choosing perfection eye candy to compliment your thoughts. Thank you for mentioning me, and I am glad that you are inspired by others, because you sure do inspire us. In every post I feel your pure heart, and always enjoy seeing your creations.
Have a beautiful week.
My sweet new friend,
You are so lovely.
Your post was so special...I feel so loved!
I thank our Lord for letting our paths meet.
I too am so thankful for "YOU".
I just have to commend you for inspiring our youth to give. Random acts of kindness has been one of my pet projects over the years. It blesses me so by giving of myself or secretly payin' for a strangers lunch. I get a kick out of it...just sayin.......
God bless and have a most incredible week sweetie!!!
Oh Anita...next time I hear Over the Rainbow I will think sweet thoughts of you...and in my imagination with a glass of pink!!! Now I am singing it in my head...hey, it's something different to Cabaret ha ha!!! Have been Cabareting all weekend...and still loving it...Have a beautiful day Sweet One...Dzintra♥x
Thanks sweetie...you are way to kind!
Have a wonderful evening! :o)
What a wonderful post! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the kindness you have shown me. You are a blessing to all of us here in blogland ♥
Dearest Anita
When I enter you little part of the world here, I can just feel all the love.. Thank you so much for the visit.. Your thoughts have touched my heart.. Yes, how very magical our meeting was.. I so wish we could sit together again..
Enjoy your evening dear friend.
Oh Dearest I think perhaps a new Bernina sounds like it's on its way to you...YAY....You will love it...it sews like a dream!!! How sweet it sounds that Peter will be tucked up in a basket in your room...perhaps to be a delightful bag one day!!! Cheers to you...Dzintra♥x
Beautiful post Anita, every time I visit you, I leave with a renewed spirit, and so much inspiration! You are such a dear soul, God has blessed you with many friends, I hope you count me as one. with love, Christel
Dearest Anita, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your lovely comment on Robin and Julies pix! I'll tell them about what you said - they'll be thrilled!
Julie actually got a small role in a new David Cronenberg film about Sigmund Freud, playing side by side with Viggo Mortensen, that will soon come out. She was VERY exited, and of course we're all so proud of her. I'll blogg about this another time.
Aw, i wanted to come and visit you yesterday, but as i got home, son N°2 was hovering over my Mac with some of his friends, and it was impossible to shoo them away. I hope you're having a smooth start into another week of teaching. Am working my way through another project about wine & culture in our region, and must hurry to finish it. It just never stops! Till soon, bisou!
Hi Anita! Hope you're doing great today! That recipe with chocolate chips and ginger...I would me more than HAPPY if you would give it to me :) Ginger is also great now before Christmas!! But take your time..I'm not in a hurry! Have a lovely day!
Kristin xo
Anita, you have captured the magic of friendship, just lovely!
Dear Anita,
If I had the number of students you have I think I would need to write a list of all their names and begin noting at least one praiseworthy thing about each child before Parents' Night (and maybe a photo with labels!! heehee) in case I got to a parent and forgot who we were talking about!!!! So many kids!!! Praying for strength for your journey, dear one!
Good Morning Anita Sweetie...
Oh thank you my friend so much for allowing me to call you friend. I have so enjoyed the treasures that I find here each and every time I come to visit.
You are such a giver of the heart my friend. You make each one of us feel as though we are your very best friend, and that is a very unique gift. You make my heart "happy" and my soul "sing" each and every time we talk. Thank you for that wonderful gift.
I love the way that you and Ruben dream, and you make me dream right along with you. See you are a teacher even on your blog, and didn't even realize it.
I love you sweet friend. May you have a truly blessed day, and for your gift of friendship and love, I am truly blessed. Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry
Dearest Gorgeous Anita .... You once said to me in a lovely comment to never leave you! Well believe me I never will .... I truly believe I have found an extraordinary friend and an extraordinary individual in you. I count myself blessed that one day I found your beautiful blog and thought to myself "Yes I love Crowns and Castles and Cottages" and so our friendship began. Anita I find in you a beautiful spirit that everytime I open my blog for the day I feel filled up if you have visited. I would like to do a post on you if you would allow it and I will email you for confirmation. You are the special one ......
hugs and lots of love
You are a light in the dark friend. Thanks for this! Oh, and there is nothing coloring book stage about your art as you say! You have a gift, gentle, sweet, adorable and exactly what I would want to buy in a book or other form! keep creating such joy friend. I send faerydust and kindness, repose and ease. Blessings dear Anita!
Anita, yes, will keep you informed about the film, can't wait to see it, although Julies part is not a big one - she plays Freuds oldest daughter, and was so exited about her costume - you would love it! Hope your day was fine - mine flew by like nothing again and sometimes it worries me, how fast the time goes, Wait, wait a minute, pretty day, i'm not finished with you yet ;)
Gorgeous photos! LOVE that portal! I hope your busy schedule is allowing you some fun as well. And what a lovely tribute to your blog friends! Just from reading some of these comments, I know they treasure you as much as you do them! A beautiful heart you have, Ms. Anita!
Your post is always so inspiring, and lovely. Wishing you a great halloween, with witches and pumpkins.
This was a beautiful and heart warming post. Loved it! XX
Greetings Dear One,
Oh my word! Soooo much fun...oh so tired. There was a great turn out, {which of course I always worry about,as it was pouring down buckets}and I think all had an enjoyable time. My girls worked sooo hard,as usual, and they made the shop sparkle, with laughter and smiles. They are VERY special.
So dear one...Bob the builder is going to start playing in the back yard shortly...YIPPEE... just doesn't seem to cover it!
AND YOU WILL BE PRINTING YOUR OWN FABRIC LINE!!! I LOVE your characters...completely angelic. I was VERY serious when I said I want to purchase some...it would be "delightful" in my baby section.
Tell me more about it. What will your color pallet be?
I hope to scope out purses for you on Friday. I don't think the one we are waiting for, will be in yet, but there are a few other companies I can check out,for your give away.
Oh Anita you are so sweet to sprinkle such encouraging words in my little world. Although, I was not able to return the wish, please know, I was smiling.
Well dear one I have managed to come down with a cold. Fortunately, the work is done and I will be a lazy girl tomorrow and sleep much.
Have a HAPPY day tomorrow and we will chat soon...xoxo...Rosie
Wow, this is so lovely and what a way to end my day :) I know I'm not the Kelly listed, but I am grateful to have recently been in exchange with you and all your loveliness! I have been greatly blessed in the short 6 months I've been blogging. I had no idea how wonderful it could really be. See you in blogland...blog angel ;)
I loved that post~ What a sweet thank you to your many bloggy friends! I know what you mean! So sweet! I have many blog friends that have touched my life in so many ways, too!
~TattingChic ♥
I'm home....to find this beautiful post..thank you dearest..How are you..very busy with the bunnies I expect..and did the builders arive yet..? Hope to hear from you soon..I missed you xoxo
Thank you so much Anita!
It took me quite a while to arrive here. First I was tired of the extended weekend in Gent. When I arrived home again, the phone rang, one of my best friends calling: can we spend tomorrow at your place? Well of course! So I stood up early, cleaned the house, did the groceries and had a fab time. Except there seemed to be a little crow in my throat. Mmm yes, I have fetched my first cold of the season :-(
Yes, you should visit this part of Europe Anita! The flemish towns are quite beautiful but they are more friendly than the french towns more southern. And of course you should visit the Netherlands too! We could meet!
I love it how you honor your blogfriends and even include 'moi' (*blushing). Have a great week Anita, I do hope that you won't catch any colds. A final word: I love love love the photos of you and your harp!!! A fairy tale! Bisous, ma belle Anita!
Oh dear one,
I am praying for a safe journey... Feel His tender hug, as He comforts and protects you on this blustery day ...~R~...
Hi Anita...sounds like your Bernina is on your way to you!!! I took mine to a workshop today and it sewed like a dream...Happy creating Dearest, Dzintra♥x
thia is an amazing post! acts of kindness can make an impact on a person's life and bring special hope. thanks for this wonderful post. good day to you ANITA! verbena cottage
Dear Anita,
You are just amazing! Your posts always leave me speechless and with a feeling of hope and love and peace and the gift of friendship! I don't know how you do it but don't ever stop!
P.S. Love the new header. I'm going to have a new one soon too.
Love the music on your player.
By the way, stop by my blog when you get the chance and if interested, enter my give-away.
Have a happy day!
Juste ... parce que ...
juste parce que tu es unique, que ton blog est unique, féérique, qu'y entrer est un privilège ...
Je suis aux anges de compter parmi tes amies, celà me fait un plaisir fou.
Bisous du coeur ma chère Anita
Bien entendu je suis encore en retard, Blogspot M'ENERVE !!!
So beautifully said and the photographs complete the vision. Thanks for creating such and enchanting blog.
What a sweet post, Yes indeed,there is so many acts of kindness. I have had so many kindnesses here of late.I appreciate all the prayers sent out for my brother.You are kindness. Pure kindness. I thank you for being my friend,
May God Bless you Dear Heart,
XXOO Marie Antionette
Oh dear Anita. What a wonderful world is playing through my speakers, how appropriate.
I'm coming for my "Anita" fix.
I hope you didn't get blown away today, it was very windy here, but the sun was shining, the sky was oh so blue, and the day has been grand. I have Randy and Colt by my side, and all my doggies.
Life is good isn't it?
Have a great evening my friend.
Love Me
P.S. Love the fact that Ruben is at the top of your list. I would put Randy there also : )
Its me again Anita,
Update on my brother Woddy(Jr.)
He is holding his own.The Leukimia he has is very agressive.He is in remission yes...but he has to have booster chemo every three wks.My other brother and I are not a compatiable bone Marrow match.That broke our hearts .We thought that was the end.But his insurance is Tricare (military)and they have agreed to pay for other donors.Anyway the good news is as of right now...MD Anderson has found 29 matches.They are being screened now.I so appricate all the prayers and so does my brother.
Other things are also going on,so to keep my mind off things.I make things. I try to blog more,but its not the same.I also read.When I read I'm in another world till I'm needed. As Jr said...Its all in Gods hands Sis.
You take care.I will tell Sherry To get in touch.They have her working way to much.I don't want her to get run down,
Hugs Sweetheart,
Oh dear one,
You are safe at home, tucked under a warm fuzzy blanket, fire in the in the fireplace and a warm cuppa tea in hand. Oh Anita I am sure you were so nervous driving in this blustery weather...but you were so very brave.
I am so excited that you will witness the beginning of your dream...how VERY exciting!
Well I have a whopper of a cold, so spent the day in bed and think that this will be on the agenda for tomorrow as well. It is time to make another cuppa tea and call it a night. Travel safely tomorrow and we will enjoy another fine bit of chit chat very soon...{sniffle}...Rosie
Sweet dreams dear friend!
Deborah xoxo
I think it is you my friend who sprinkles the love and beauty all over me. I really am so grateful to have met you via my sweet Nancy friend!!!
Every post I visit of yours is like waking from a delightful dream...you know the kind that leave me smiling all day long!
Love to you...
Happy day Anita and thank you for all of your visits,
Muchos besos
So sweet, sweet Anita! I feel the same way - there so many beautiful, wonderful people in blogland - and I am such a lucky girl to have found you! :)
Hugs and happiness,
We are all truly lucky to have met you..You are a magical person.
Dear Anita! I can say I am so, but sooooo anxious to see your creations!!!!! Can't wait!! Ok, I know they will be fabulous and it cannot be different considering YOU are making them, but my eyes want to have this pleasure!!!! Please, please let me know when I am able to see your fabrics!!!!!
Love!!!! Bela.
What an amazing post so full of gratitude I could feel it!
You must be a special person to share this.
I'm glad I stopped by your blog today, my first visit won't be my last I'm sure
Kathryn from England xx
Godspeed cher ami qui est vêtu de blanc comme un ange.
Un éclat de la beauté avec vos mots.
this is always better than going to the
movies. such enchantment and
thank you for taking the time to give
us such joy.
Anita, hope you have a great day - with pupils and teachers that adore you like they should! Thanks for your nice comment! Yes, i studied art and painting - the whole design thing came later, due to my husband who had a printing-business. And so, i constantly try to juggle several things. But i'm a gemini (star-sign) - and i like juggling. Sometimes ;) See you soon!
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