where a star shines its bRigHtest.
Add Glitter to your Photos
IF you find yourself feeling ALONE and AnXIous




like the star that you are

because all you have to do is remember to
"DO the ordinary, SImpLe THINGS

with ExTRAordinary LOVe."

To my beloved MB
Photo credits:
Bits of Beauty
Delectable Deliciousness
Oona Patterson Paper Art
Henri Matisse
Last Quote ~ slightly paraphrased: Mother Theresa
Very sweet post. Thanks.
Very sweet post. Thanks.
Dear Anita, when I saw the title to this post, it instantly brought me to "Vincent" a song by Don McClain, that I dearly love, and then as I read on, it made me wonder how many sad, lonely people are out there, just waiting to read your post, and feel alive, and loved, and special. You have that special something, the ability to reach across the pages, through the internet wire, and touch people in only a way unique to you. I always leave your posts feeling inspired, and warm. Thank you for the hug. With Love, Christel
I have been thinking about love...deep love. Love is very deep and it is extraordinary and it's ordinary at the same time. It's simple, it's easy and it's very easy to love you dear Anita.
Love was on my mind as I drove to Seattle yesterday to see my three kids. I felt awful with some aches from working my hind end off but my heart was so full of love for the three of them.
Yes, look up, because the one who created love looks down and is all around us.
Hello my dearest,
I'm home! Lovely post as always and wonderful encouragement. Thank you!
Lovely, what a beautiful post.
I feel inspired as always, when I leave your blog, Ready to create, something made of an indigo sky, pink sunset and silver stars...your'e awesome!
Greetings dear friend,
Oh those tree photos are spectacular...accompanied by a perfect collection of thoughts...we all have desolate moments...times where we feel so alone. The silver lining is, the HOPE we have in Him. Yes dearest, once again your words truly do S*P*A*R*K*L*E.
Still sniffling and coughing...will take another "warm fluffy bed" day tomorrow.
How was your commute today...hoping it was a bit more enjoyable.
Well, the kettle is whistling and my teacup is ready to go...so will wish you a good night and send you a hug.
Until tomorrow...xoxox...ROSIE
Dearest Anita,
I don't know how to express thanks for you. You are so full of love. You are my star in the night. I think you know that. But I just wanted to say it to the whole world.
I Love you
I so enjoy my visits here!
I can relate to the little girl baking...I'm just a little girl at heart.
Thank you, dear friend.
Dear Anita
What a beautiful and touching post my friend. You have a way of spreading love and kindness in all that you do..
Thank you for this inspirational post.
Love and blessings,
Dear Anita, this is my very time at your blog and you have left me speechless. This is such sweet inspiration. Your words and photos truly touched me. Please forgive me for not visiting sooner! Frances is right to have you as her dear friend.
Love this post...every endearing. Kori xoxo
Oh Anita, I had to come back, and listen to Starry Starry Night...I did not hear it, I rarely ever turn my speakers on..isn't that strange that this song would enter my mind, and the lovely pictures you displayed told the story as I read...I love this post even more now. Thank you for taking a moment to come and visit, and leave such kind words for me. With Love, Christel
Hi Anita,
This one is a great principle to put the better of us every day in the small things ... it never fails,
A beautiful day to you,
Muchos besos,
Anita, sweet, I DO DO DO aDOre the word EXTRAordinary!!!!! EXTRA is something we can get if we want to. EXTRAordinary is your gift to enchant people through your words and feelings!!! EXTRA love you have in your HEART which is spread all over the way you pass. I DO have an EXTRA love for YOU, dear friend!!
Be fine today. Love! Bela.
Dearest Anita, what a sweet post you've composed here! This time of year is certainly one that is not easy if you're alone or depressed, and a sweet reminder of STARS inside and outside feels good!
Am hoping to get some alone time though, over this weekend, to refill my creative batteries and follow up with ideas i've had and creative projects that are waiting, and painting...
What are your plans for the weekend?
Merci Anita !!!! je me suis régalée les yeux tant j'ai aimé chaque image de ton billet toutes narrent une histoire touchante , gourmande , tendre , poêtique , sensuelle , mystérieuse .....
Bonne journée
Bises Sacha
Thank you so much, for making my day brighter - looooooooove those pictures!!!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend, my dear friend,
Hugs Jade
Awwww....This is
just singing to
my soul. That song
always resonates with
me and brings me back
to my childhood, when
catching a falling
star seemed like a dream
that could very possibly
come true. Love this
and YOU, sweet sweet
friend!! Happy Friday.
xx Suzanne
Gorgeous, uplifting, settling. All I need at times, thanks. you are so gifted friend. Blessings.
So true...and so uplifting.
Such a beautiful reminder to
look to our One source of light, love and peace.
Your photos are lovely as always,
and your thoughts pointing us towards the eternal.
Love to you my friend and hoping you have a fun weekend with your dearest.
In His love,
Deborah xoxoxoxo
Dear Anita....That was very comforting post....love the music! From my high school days. Having a stressful week....I needed that.~Hugs, Patti
Beautiful and inspiring. Perfect. Your words, the images, the music, a peace of art!!!!!
A wonderful reminder and words of hope. What a beautiful gift you have my dear friend ... of encouragement and delight.
Of course I had to giggle at the jeweled shoes and matching dog.
WIth love, Violet
Since I just learned all about Halloween and the time when spirits walk... it seems your advice is especially sage... it can be considered a scary or a lovely time depending on your mindset...lovely words and photos, Anita. I am over the moon for the writing paper pumpkin!
What a wonderful post! I know that someone, somewhere, who really needed to hear this today will read it and feel uplifted.
Hi Anita and Balzac, I love going for walks when its a starry night it means the air is fresh, good for clearing the head don't you know, I'm sure Balzac would tell you the same. So you see us dogs like the simple things in life to.
Now I know you always come to see me, which as a mere dog I feel very honored, well mom says I should keep my fuzz shut, but I has to tell yea, make sure you come and see me on the 1st of Nov I have some things going on, and I do hope you will let Balzac take part. All will become clear on the posts.
Have a great Weekend
Your faithfull furry fuzz friend George xxxx
Very sweet post. Lovely sentiment. Have a wonderful weekend!
Dear Anita, that is sooo true!!! Thanks for entering my giveaway and have a fabulous weekend :)
With love, Kristin
these pictures are so beautiful and haunting! i love the halloween theme with the sillouetted trees against the sky and the costume-themed princess pictures. =)
Anita, so kind you came again! And please, take your time to relax and unwind. A panic attack is a warning sign - really, what are they asking of you? I mean, you're so ambitious as a teacher and i'm sure you do a really god job there. But sometimes, times are strange and we cannot avoid the pressure. I've had a difficult week as well, beacause i was hoping for some free time, but instead got involved in an urgent project i couldn't say no to - and here i am, with a headache, feeling so tired. Aw, you know what? Let's really, really enjoy this weekend, make it recharge us and connect us with that twinkling star i can see. And then post about it. A little adventure! xoxoxo, M.
Oh sweet Anita.....what a beautiful post you have shared with us again today......You have managed to distill to the most important things in life.....you a truly a blessed lady!!
Hi Anita
Starry starry night...and twinkling and happiness thats what I see in your post.
I hope you've had a good week...and you'll have a very Happy Halloweeee'n too!
Lovely pictures for us to enjoy! Love the pearls on the girls ankles and the dog too! Cute!
How is school going. I hope it's a piece of cake for you. :)
You asked about the felted westie dog. Those are made by an artist in England. I can send you her link.
Hi Anita...just flying by on my way to the Kit Kat Club for matinne and evening...What beautiful images for Starry Night...I will think of these driving home tonight...Cheers Dzintra♥x
Very sweet post written with few words yet utmost impact as only you seem to be able to do. Thank you I really enjoyed this.
Ah Anita dear,
I am so saddened, that you must endure this dreaded paper work:(
Is it new to you because of the curriculum change?...Perhaps, as you get more familiar with this method, things will improve. The unknown is always a bit unnerving until we are sure of what is expected. This will be my morning request...that our dear, caring Father will give you the confidence and undaunting courage, to tackle even the most difficult of tasks. You my dear are an angel of hope to so many of these thirsty minds that we must not let this nasty paperwork get in the way. Your gift to these wee babes is one year of unbridled INSPIRATION...and what an amazing gift this is. You my dear will get over this hurdle and go on to make our precious Father smile with pleasure, all because you trusted Him fully. He loves you and will not give ANYTHING that, with His help, you can not conquer.
Now...with those warm fuzzy slippers on and your cuppa in hand, grab your favorite book, sit by a crackling fire and ENJOY!
We have the largest tree in our front yard, that you have ever seen. Probably planted when the house was built, which makes it over 100 years old and this lovely lady has leaves the size of dinner plates. Bill threatens every year that he is going to get rid of it but he never will. We get anywhere from 40 to 50 garbage bags of leaves from this majestic old tree. So bagged 12 today and put out my collection of white pumpkins, ready for tomorrow. We don't get as many kids as we used to, but I still like to see the sweet little buttons come to our door. Do you get many kids?
Time for supper and a little mindless T.V...sending a hug...Rosie
My dearest friend, You always have this SPECIAL way to *wow* me.
What a sweet remind of how we are not alone. My star is Christ and He reminds me everyday how much more I should be thankful including of friends like YOU!*grin*
Warm, warm hug to you!!!! Love you, T.
Oh yes.... so loved the pictures!!!
Thank you soooooooo much for your sweet message and have a wonderful weekend,
Hugs Jade
Dans la nuit, même la plus profonde, il y a toujours une petite étoile pour nous montrer le chemin ...
Bisous ma belle Anita
Hi Anita, you got mail ;)
See Yea George xxx
Bonjour ma belle!!
With love so much can be accomplished. And if we should slip into stardom during the process we should do so with grace & humbleness. That adds up to perfection!
I'm so busy working right now... tis the season! Loving our new place on Golden Pond... it's an enchanting little place, perfect for the two of us.
One of these days I WILL get back to my french lessons!! ANd I will be counting on you my professor!
Love & huge hugs, sherry
Thankn you dear... and I can't wait to see what your will be cretaing today!!*smiles*
Parfois, l'obscurité de la nuit est le moment juste avant la lumière plus vive.
"Do ordinary, simple things, with extraordinary love".... that is brilliantly beautiful. How very, very true and a lovely way to live.
ps> thank you for mentioning my name in your post below, I am honored.
Lovely post with amazing images...where do you find all of these my friend? You amaze me.
Thank you for your kind words sweet one...you always make my day.
I am off to visit our sweet friend Rosie!!! I missed her Christmas wonderland last week as I really hurt my back...sooooo today is the day! Can't wait...I drove by her little shop yesterday...oh how pretty it is with all the Christmas lights on...looks soooo magical..wish you were here.
Hugs and blessing for a great weekend. xoxoxo
Good Morning Anita Sweetie...
Oh what a beautiful share you have here. I absolutely love it. You are such a beautiful writer, I think you missed your calling. Teaching is good, I know, but your art and love for writing is spectacular. I love it when you share.
You always make each visitor feel as though you have written for just them. You my friend are the shining star I see twinkle when I look up. I know each time you are saying hello to me. Thank you so much for allowing me to call you friend. It is such an honor for me.
Again thank you for sharing with me today. I love reading your thoughts. You and Ruben have a wonderful Halloween, are you dressing up? Can't wait to see what you would choose. Many hugs sweetie and SO much love, Sherry
You are a very bright star dear Nita...thank you for being there..much love to you dear one xoxo
beautiful............. and so true. I needed to hear this, especially lately. merci!
I hope these past couple of weeks has found you well. I can't believe the holidays are approaching! I hope school is going well for you. We are still in transition here in the apartment, but hopefully next week we should hear news about Florida. Cross your fingers! Lots of love....xoxo
Ha Ha, oh look its me on your side bar, how very touched I am, you know you would always get a kiss from me ;) didn't know it was you mother!!! how young she looked!!!
See Yea George xxx
well, once again i am enchanted to have
visited her. you are so inspiring, my
the gorgeous tree and sky photos took
my breath away.
the darling with her star cookie cutter
made me smile.
thank you.
Vous êtes l'étoile pleine nuit.
you enchant us all with your inspiring words. beautiful post, beautiful friend. You are a starry night, soulful as the dark starlit sky.
Anita, what a joy it is to see your comments on my blog, and then to come to yours and read such wonderful poetry. Your posts are so uplifting and sweet. Have a good weekend, my dear friend.
"brrinnggg....briinnnnggg...Trick or Treat!"
I must say I am treated to a plethora of sweetness each morning when we have our fabulous cuppa...thank you dear one. Speaking of which that was a crazy good cuppa this morning! Oh Anita you must be SOOO excited...I am doin' the HAPPY dance right this moment and grinning BIG...YIPPEE!!!!
Will you be able to take a bit of time out of your CrAzY schedule to attend the "ground breaking ceremony?"
Oh dear one it was busy today, and I was trying to pretend I was healthy and well, when I was not. I think tomorrow will be a "snuggly bed day"...it is taking tooo long to get better. I don't have time for this. Oh well, I shall rest one more day...
Well dear one have a splendid week end...and give away many sweets :D...love Rosie
Oh dearest, I am barely keeping above water and sometimes I feel as if I'm not. This architecture course is taking so much time and I'm taking another one next semester. I need to in order to move forward. My poor children, it's hard for them as they're used to me always being available to them. That has been very hard for all us to adjust. I thought I could put the next course off a bit but it doesn't look like it.
How are you? You mentioned you're feeling the same. Is it the renovation? How is that going. I'm certain it will be fabulous once it's completed.
Thank you for understanding my absence. It's hard not to be able to post regularly or respond to posts immediately.
Wishing you a lovely Sunday!
xoxo, B
Hello ! Chère Anita,
J'adore les changements de look de ton blog. Les photos sont magnifiques et les couleurs aussi.
J'espère que tu vas bien ?
Je suis allée voir à Nice les découpages de Matisse, j'aime beaucoup l'imagination de ce peintre. Et j'apprécie ce post. A très bientôt avec toute mon amitié. Fine
I read over at Bluebird Notes that you took a fall yesterday! So sorry to hear that! I know how you felt! I too was tripped by a student (not intentionally) and down I went...Bounced right back up too, but I heard my little red haired girl snicker... I couldn't help but think I might have done the same seeing me go down and all my papers and pencils go flying!
What a sight! I'm certain that you were much more graceful!
Keep bouncing back, my friend!
Anita, what a beautiful post! I love the photos, each one is just wonderful!!!! I feel the same as all of readers, it is such a pleasure to stop by and I always get excited for the next post!!!
Happy Halloween!
Margaret B
This is a beautiful post and so true. Sometimes life can be very difficult. This post is such a lovely inspiration for all of us. Thanks you. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Hi Anita!!! Your comments are so beautiful they could be a post all by themselves!! Thanks! I've never been to Canada...I'd love to see some lovely pictures! Have a great day!
Kristin :)
Ma belle Anita,
Vous êtes celui que nous pouvons appeler un ami.
I wish you a very happy HALLOWEEN night,
Muchos besos,
I had not seen this lovely image of Audrey before...isn't she just the prettiest! Just looking at her made me smile. Thanks!
--Lee Ann
Finally finally I'm here to read your post. That is what happens when all brooms are taken ;-)!
Another inspiring post Anita! Hope you are treating all kids that will ring your door as much as you do us. Happy Halloween to you and your family, bisous, LiLi
ps is it a coincidence that the word verificator says: treat?
Beautiful post Anita
You know Starry Starry Night is one of my favourite songs... has much sentimental attachment for me and always brings a tear to my eye... The perfect song for your message...
I just love that first image.. I have a similar one I may post soon... But all these are just lovely... I must check out the source!!
PS... thanks also for your kind comments.. All the images in that post are my own and done in photoshop... hours and hours in photoshop.. hahahaha ... By the way.. you didn't take a guess??? hehe.
Thanks so much for stopping by... have a fabulous new week.. ciao xxx Julie
Oh Anita dear.... Don't you write the sweetest things.... And, I love it that your pictures are so perfect. :-) Yep, I always look up when I feel down.... That's where Jesus is....waiting to lift me up.
Huggies ....and lovies too...
What a deliciously sweet journey! I'm on the back side of Halloween now, but what's another piece of candy...eye candy :) Happy Monday.
P.S. I'm trying to add you to my side bar and am having trouble! XOXO
Hello dear one,
How are your legs my dear...does this happen often?...and your have anxiety attacks...Oh dearest, you have so much on your plate! Just know that He knows your fears and loves you so very much.
Ahhh...a man with a chain saw on October 31st...hmmmm...!!!
WOW, it is finally starting...
Hoping you had a relaxing dinner and are ready to shine your beautiful light for all the world to see...PEACE AND LOVE TO YOU TONIGHT AS WELL...xoxox...Rosie
Hi my dear...wishing you a wonderful November!
Had to pop over and ask how you are doing...hope you are back to normal as a fall can be nasty.
Did you take it easy this weekend?
I am finding it harder and harder to take it easy on the weekends..espcially this time of year as the magical SEASON will soon be upon us...always soooo much to do.
Have a great week...fill it with JOY...LOVE and HAPPINESS!
Oh Anita! I am so excited that you are FINALLY having your home resorations done! This is so exciting, I know you've waited so long for this time to arrive! I hope everything goes smoothly! I can't wait to see the pictures!You have exquisite taste, this is going to be so incredible for you guys! I'll pray for patience for you at this time, lol! It will all be worth it in the end! Thank you for your positive vibes abuot Florida, I really believe it WILL happen! love you, xoxo
Anita...I keep missing your posts because after several times of re-blog listing you, your blog STILL does not show up on my blog list. I cannot figure it out. It says its on there and I've checked and checked and checked to make sure I have the correct addie for you. Hmph! Has anyone else had trouble getting your blog on their bloglist??? Because I was you shining like a star over there on my sidebar!!!! lOve yOu ox
So so s w e e t, Anita. Thank you for making me sing this lovely song over and over again in my head ;)
Happy to read my postcard found your doorstep!
Have a wonderful start to the month of November, you keep on running, flying, running, flying and do take your rest every now and then xxxxxx
Hope you had a Happy Halloween weekend!!
First, Your new blog look is gorgeous! My favorite part are those turqoise faded letters of your blog title. I don't know why your blog does not upload on my blog roll. When I type in your blog website into my 'add' blog it goes in. But on my actual blog it doesn't show up...and this was a problem before you ever changed your blog header. That does not affect it. So just so you know you can take the itty bitty castles, Crowns, and Cottages off of the top of your header. I will just add you to my faithful friends list :) oxoxo
Oh Dear one...A HUGE W*O*N*D*E*R*F*U*L hole....YIPPEEEEE!!
and you are feeling better, oh I am sooo relieved. I know what you mean when you say you were concerned and assuming the worst. Ah, but God is so very, very faithful.
I talked to my purse lady TODAY and she thinks it will be in by Friday! At that point, I will send you a few snappies and see if any of these tickle your fancy.
I am STILL under the weather...and sleeping so much. Can't seem to shake this silly old cold. Will have ANOTHER sick day tomorrow....Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Wishing you a "Wonderfilled" day of blissful digging...thank you for the great snappies...I'm in the bottom corner of the snappy, wear a BIG grin with my cuppa in hand...xoxox...Rosie
A beautiful post... The joy of simple things are great!!
Loved the pics, lovely indeed!
Have a great week ahead:)
Anita, I always look forward to your posts...they're always as inspiring as they are lovely!
Dearest Anita, want to wish you a good start into this week and hope you could relax and let go of it all over the weekend. Was worried, when i heard about your cramps! What do other teachers say to that new mode of teaching in your school? Am a little late, because yesterday was a holiday here, and i was still in sunday "stand by" mode. Hope to get a new post up later in the afternoon. Awww, i feel like taking the whole week of! Take care! xx
Such a lovely post, Anita! Your thoughts and photos are perfectly put together as usual. Sheer pleasure to read and I always feel better after I've visited you!
Just coming by once again to say hello and love you!!!! You are an INSPIRATION!!!!!
~ Violet
I'm glad you loved the mask! It was fun to wear and it didn't scare the children.
Whan an absolutly gorgeous post sweet Anita, thank you for reminding us to all look up once in awhile... I think we all tend to forget sometimes and get bogged down with worldly weights.
xoxo Heather
hello my lovely
twinkle (my daughter) and i have just become all ecstacic over this post and feel inspired to do something arty very soon.
we've all had a rotten virus, even my poor little granson :o( which completely washed out our halloween plans. but we celebrated my son keven's birthday today and have november the 5th to look forward too. we'll have all our pumpkin magic then, we were going to make a pumkin fairy cottage, i'm sure the fairies won't mind waiting. i think most of the fairy folk around here have had the sniffles too. everybody seems to have it. i hope that it doesn't reach your neck of the woods.
sending many warm hugs and magical wishes xoxoxox
millie ✿
Beautiful words and photographs! We should never under estimate the power of a kind word. And...one should always remember that what is in the heart comes out of the mouth! :)
Thank you for the beautiful reminder...:) Happy day to you!
p.s. our newest little granddaughter, Sophie Brooklynn, arrived safe and sound on October 29th. We are all SO smitten with her!
xoxo Gloria @}~`}~~~
HI Anita
Me again.. thanks for popping over to support my whinge habit.. hahaha... the fonts in that post are actually image files i created.. I think there is a way to get other fonts in text but it is complex and slows down the blog.. so I just make up the images in ps and load them as pics.. Hope that answers your question.. [a little]
OK... Have a great day..! ciao xxx Julie
Dearest Anita ... this is so true and so beautiful. Do the simplest things with extraordinary love, care and attention. I always think if something is worth doing it is worth doing well. Always strive for perfection no matter how insignificant the task! Such a beautiful post as well and I like from the darkest night shines the brightest light. Sometimes all we have to do is look up and find it! I often find here in Australia when looking up at our night sky which is the southern cross you immediately feel in awe of the overwhelming beauty and enormity of the world we live in. Gorgeous post as always my dear friend and I have just signed up for my subscription to Belle Inspiration so I am very excited!
hugs always
Just came over to say...what would I do without you my friend..you are a true blessing. We need to plan to meet soon...and yes Rosie will come along for the date as well. xoxoxoox
Have a great evening...school was busy today...I think the students are still on a sugar high. xoxoxo
Dearest Anita .... I hope you feel better soon. You poor thing ... you are probably exhausted. A very good thing to have a break and look after yourself for a day. You so deserve it as I can imagine you go at full speed all day to meet deadlines and to please everybody! Take care of yourself! I am so excited that your building has started ....YAH! And your sofa will probably be arriving the same time as my sofa from Karina will be! How is that for fate! I do believe we have so much in common and some pink bubbles of gorgeous French champagne is just the beginning! PLease keep me posted and I hope you feel recharged and better soon. Thank-you for your lovely comments as always and as always you make my day! Bon Nuit dearest Anita.
ps Is that your email address that you gave me on one of your posts as I would love to email. Karina and I talk just about everyday! By the way I just thought you would like to know ... a client of mine thinks you are the exact replica of Audrey Hepburn! She was looking at my blog and thought you were Audrey Hepburn!!!!!
Thank you so much for such a thoughful post and so very timely for me. It is so important to take time out for the simple things - I just need to remind myself to do so more often :-) kisses Kitty xxx
Such an uplifting message.... I love it & love your dreamy posts! xo
Hello Anite from this 'new' thespian...Just back from my final performance tonight...it is all going so very very well...our small coastal town loves Cabaret!!! You will love your new Bernina when you get it...and WOW Audrey Hepburn dresses...just perfect!!! Sounds like it's all happening with the extension...so exciting for you!!! Happy Thursday sweet one...Dzintra♥x
Mais oui ma chère,you can take what you want of my blog Anita, there's no problems.Thank you for your words....
Have a very lovely day,
PS.I like that you have known Julie and her wonderful blog his blog.
Morning sweet friend...I am off and running but just wanted to stop in and say use whatever you want....I would be honored!
Must get in by 8:30...my late start day...so off I go...it is nice that school is only 3 mins. away..just down the street.
Have a wonderful cozy day off...enjoy it!
hugs. xoxox
You always find the cutest and coolest photos to compliment your posts!! So much fun!
You have such an eye for beauty, darling! These images are so divine that I'm saving a few of them in my folder titled "Inspiration!" :) Paris in Pink
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