AND I'm it! Mon amie française, Marie-Ange has tagged me to share
Something old

something new

something bOrrowED (gracias, Cecilia)

AND something blue.

My grandparents'photo, circa 1920 when elegance was a state of mind, no matter what your income.

An aged photo of my grandmother that hints tints of a sweet youth

and her occasional contributions to the Los Angeles stage.


the RECENT excavation in our backyard for the construction of our NEW two-room addition
that we are envisioning as an OLD WORLD salle de séjour (gracias otra vez, Cecilia!)

borrowed delights and generous exchanges of kindness from Koralee at BLUEBIRD NOTES

WHO IS THE EXPERT on photographing this color for all seasons.

So now

YES,YOU if you would like to
enchant us with
quelque chose de neuf
quelque chose de vieux
quelque chose de prêté
quelque chose de bleu
Now, back to my floating castle...

PHOTO CREDITS and links provided in text:
Cecilia - Desde mi Ventana
Koralee who happens to be the photographer of those amazing GUMDROPS! - Bluebird Notes
Original Sketches - Anita at Castles Crowns and Cottages ©
Tumblr images
A lovely idea of tagging. Had not seen it before. You picked some gorgeous pictures, sweet Anita.
I hope your week is a great one so far. We're heading on to the weekend! Love for today xxxx
How wonderful to read you're being tagged Anita! I love love love the photo of your grandparents, oh boy were they handsome, smart and young! I do hope you have very many happy memories of them.
So you are changing your lovely home into a castle?(your home is your castle, at least in your language! ;-). I cannot wait to see the results, but it usually takes a mess to get there, though it will be no doubt worth it. Wishing you good luck and a lovely day, bisous ma belle Anita! LiLi
Enchanting,as always,
dear friend!!! SO excited
to see the beginnings of
your new little haven....
Great pictures of your
relatives, too!!!
xx Suzanne
Dearest Anita, WOW, how exiting to be tagged - thank you so much! Loved your collection of things - these pictures of your grandparents are precious and so beautiful and elegant! Sometimes i long to live in these times myself. Can't wait to share my things and will do so for friday pretties!
Hope you've had a fine day. I took the afternoon of to accompany my son Robin taking pictures of my aunt and uncle - and of course we had coffee and cake - a fun afternoon, while the wind blew outside, whirling yellow leaves everywhere.
I hope your building site will proceed fast, so you and Ruben have another 2 snuggly rooms to enjoy wintertime decorating.
See you soon, xoxoxo
I get so much joy from the joy you take from life Anita. Oh to hang with such amazing friends...
I didn't mean for you to think I made that slipcover. I made the one that the chair had before. I am not that good. I had a lovely little woman make it for me. She has so much talent and does just what I show her to do. She is amazing, and I, alas, am not that talented at slipcovers.
You, on the other hand, have so much talent in your lovely hands when you hold a pencil to paper!!! I love the art you create Anita!!!
hugs to you...
Je suis une véritable picnik addict!
C'est un tag de jeune mariée que tu eu?
Cela faisait longtemps que je n'étais pas venue sur ton blog.J'avais oublié à quel point c'est joli ici!
Well now! How delightful : )
I am now going to use this as an excuse to go out in the beautiful day we are having here in the Pacific Northwest ~ known for rain, but today is WARM (I have the doors open!) and SUNNY and BEAUTIFUL out. I think I shall go hunting for the items to share, take my camera and get outa here!!!! (like I needed an excuse)
te heeee !!!
~ Violet
Well yes, grootmoeder is correct. How about grootvader? Meaning granddad ;)
Have a most wonderful afternoon, enjoy your day off, get those batteries reloaded sweet Anita! xxxxx Off to bed now, hope dreamland will take me to an adorable fairytale land! xxxx
Merci ma belle Anita d'avoir répondu de si extraordinaire façon à mon invitation ...
J'aime ... en fait j'aime TOUT, les choses de ta vie sont si jolies ...
Mille mercis ...
Bisous doux.
Hi What fabulous pictures you obviously put a lot of thought into the ones you chose jennyx
This is such a lovely post... I loved the picture of your grandparents, they were such a gorgeous couple. Your photos are always so beautiful... and your header is beautiful too.... Blessings~~ Daphne
exquisite and charming and still with
a touch of down home fun. it is a joy
to know sweet koralee and see her
photos here.
i get a kick out of how much fun you
have creating beautiful treasures for
Hi Anita
Mom says you are so lucky to have photos of your grandmother, very pretty she was two, you always put up beauiful photos, but my eye got stuck on one. The big hole in your garden, gee wiz, Balzac is one good digger I had no idea, how long did it take him!!! Hey we live in a two bedroomed house, it would fit in that hole! Did he find any bones!
See Yea George xxx say Hi to Balzac, paws up to him I bet he has no nails left, hope you payed him well to ;)
Mon Dieu! You weren't kidding when you said hole in your yard!!! WHOA~ breathe deep girl.....soon your dream will be reality. That picture of the living room you are showing, I can't even speak! That is so beautiful!I would die for something like that! And your grandmother is radiante. I see where you get your beauty! What treasured photographs. Much luck to you with the remodel! So happy for you!!!!!! Thank you for your always lovely comments to me! Yes, I hope that someday I will be that older lady I showed on my blog, cheering my teams on till the end! love deb xOxO
Oh dear Friend, you deserve tags and more tags!! How fabulous images you got! So pretty and special photos of your family!!
Aila is crying.....come back later
This is so YOU -Nita!!I love everything about it , and I can't wait to see the progress on your addition!!! Love you~
Beautiful, stunning, lovely. I don't know what else to say. You have gift of words and art. Your blog posts are works of art and inspiration.
Oh sweet one ...I am soooo sorry...just got home from school and got your message..so I hurried to put up the blue gumdrops on my sidebar just for you.. sorry..sorry!
Thank you so much for the sweet mention...you always make me smile with delight!! You sweet soul you...you just make everyone seem soooo special.
Hugs and sooooo sorry...xoxox
How exciting Anita! I can't wait to see it finished. I love you both!!
How sweet is this. I popped over just to be whisked away and indeed you did right down to you floatin' castle.
The pics of your grandparents are quite the cherished treasures girl!
Oh, how I enjoyed my 'float' today...you are amazin' sweetie!
May God richly bless your day :o)
beyond sweet, your post is enchanting...bewitching! your grandparents(sigh)are lovely!
I adore the blue gumdrops.
Cannot wait to see the rooms when they are completed:)
thank you once again for being so inspirational....
good night
Anita, what a glorious journey with this post! I have to say it, I know everyone has mentioned the photos of your Grandparents..but wow, These are some beautiful vintage photos, and beautiful people! Think about it, it isn't often that you see genuine good looking people in vintage photos. they usually always seem so stoik, or as if they are glaring. I suppose it was hard to take a photo way back then, and to hold a pose for a long time would almost insure a stare..or frown... your photos are just great! Always such a pleasure to come here and visit. enjoy your weekend, with love, Christel
That was a very unique answer to "tagging"! I really love that photo of your grandparents...so elegant! So, the hole is finally dug! The fun begins?~xoxo, Patti
Oh dear one,
Ah this sweet game of tag sounds like SO MUCH FUN!!!!I LOVE A GOOD GAME OF TAG...I will try to get get all my chores finished so that I can come out and play with all the other kids.
Alas though, I fear there might be just too many things on the "to do" list. This sounds like sooo much fun...while I was raking leaves this afternoon, I was planning the post I would do...ah, so we'll see.
Had the most glorious girls morning, even managed to start my Christmas shopping (3 of the sweetest rainbow ballet tutu's you ever did see.)These will grace the toy boxes of three very special little girls.
Then the afternoon was spent steam cleaning my living room furniture...oh it looks so good, once again.
Needless to say I AM BEAT!
how was your day dear one...I love this gorgeous post. Ahhhh...such romantic visions. I am so excited to see what you plan for this new space you have dreamed up.
dear one my arms just won't type any more...so I must tell you thank you for the great tag, and good night dear one...xoxo Rosie
Dearest Anita
Thank you so much dear one for the mention.. I am so sorry I am late.. I absolutely love all your words and images.. The 1920 photo of your grandparents is so beautiful.. What a couple they made. I am so happy you have included a artwork.. Beautiful!!
Bonne nuit my friend
Again you show us beautiful pictures. I won't to live in that house that is covered I think with the ivy. Love the story with each foto.
Do you play the harp? That's a wonderfull instrument with heavenly music.
Hello Anita!!!
Thank you for this beautiful post and thank you for sharing your memories of family. The pictures of your grandparents is amazing.They are dancing????
HAve a lovely day and thank one more time for the links,
Muchos besos,
Thank you for your nice words on my blog. Dreaming is a gift that we humans have.
My daughter plays the violin I'm so proud of her. She is a member of a symphony orchestra and they did a concert tour in Tuscany Italy.
Hi Anita! Thanks for coming over to me - always appreciated :) I simly adore that English cottage house! Wish I could have one of those as my summer house. And that elegant wedding photo of your grandparents...wow, so very nice!!! Hope you're having a beautiful day today!
Kristin xx
Oh what a delighful post mon amie!! I loved all especially the view of your new addition... I'm soooo excited for you & Ruben! I adore the photo of your grandparents, such a vision of "the past". I miss you my darling but know how extra busy they have you at school these days. We are doing well here and feel so comfortable in our new place.
Love you my darling Anita!!
mille bisous, Sherry
It's no wonder I could never build anything from scratch... how to decide!!! I bet your addition will be magical with a beautiful old mantle and gorgeous objets everywhere... a place with miles of gauzy curtains floating to the sound of Anita's harp... yes, I can see that (and you do resemble your grandmum~)!
yes, yes, take a day or two to rejuvenate! It is absolutely essential. I am sending you peaceful thoughts and a "place" in the mind where you can see the big picture. That is what friends do. I love love your drawings! Keep it up wonderful you! You are on your way to a lovely portfolio! Blessings and thoughts of joy for you!
Wow what a post dear Anita!!! I was mezmerized from the beginning right up to that Floating Castle!!!
Yes the last performance was splendid...and they say the theatre is addictive...I'm thinking how right they might be!!! So excited for you at the beginning of your new 2 room addition...Bring It On...Dzintra♥x
So much fun, loving the "old" and LOVE LOVE the pictures of your grandparents.
Hope you post your progress of the home addition I can only imagine what you'll do with it and how you'll decorate it with your lovely talent!
Never heard of tagging, fun
Anita, I love your original sketches SO much...I wish I had an entire coffee table book full of them! Have you considered getting them published, or maybe illustrating a book, or something?!? These are too beautiful and charming not to share with a wider audience!
By the way, I just shared the link to your blog with my daughter Elizabeth, who is minoring in French at Illinois State. She's struggling a bit with understanding spoken French, so she's immersing herself in French films and music, and I know she'd love the French-ness of your blog, and the music on your sidebar.
Your grandparents look fabulous...oh so elegant!
Oh Anita,
Your posts always enchant me. I love everything, but especially your lovely castle rendering and those children are the sweetest. Tiffany Blue, is there anything more appealing! You must take after your Grandmother with your art of entertaining.
Good morning friend....as usual....thank you so much for stopping by on a regular basis and leaving such wonderful comments.
I loved...this post...I DO WISH i spoke French...so I would understand more of what was being said...but the post was visually to die for!!!!!
Have a blessed day and stay calm in the midst of construction.
Oh your music is so "happy"!
I see how this tag game started...how lovely.
Just wanted you to know how much your kind words mean to me...so glad to have you in my life.
A big Texas Hug from me to you
(((happy hug))).
What wonderful photo's Anita! Beautiful picture of your grandparents! I can imagine your excitement with your renovation. Your posts are always so inspiring. I hope you are having a lovely week.
Anita, dearest, you were so right to allow yourself a day of! Awww, i neeeeed some free time. Not even totaally free but with time to fiddle arround, daydream, be slow, have cups of tea, blog, snoop around in blogworld. Yes, we can't always be fast and efficient. And with a lazy day in between, our energy comes back. So love your post and the way you put it together with so much care! Have a cozy evening. xx
You just have a way of transporting us to such special places...I love your pics!
Congrats on the tag, love this! You did such a great job, I enjoyed all of your picks! I have been so busy with the blog design that I haven't had a chance to come by as much, was just catching up on all the loveliness over here! I always appreciate your sweet, sweet comments, too! XX!
How fun! And how exciting to see your excavation. Do let us know if you find any ancient relics. Can't wait to see the finished results. I know your flair for design and beauty will make it a palace of joy for the senses! Keep us up on how it's going!
xoxo~ Kirsten
Very beautiful dearest...and thank you so much for the tag..I will think about it..xoxo
something old.....moi
something new..my granddaughter
something borrowed...life..
something bleu...me when I would lose You..
Oh, how I love your sketch, Anita! Wonderful!
And of course all the pretty images. :) Your grandparents were a very lovely couple!
Big hugs,
What a lovely and refreshing entry, Anita! A very beautiful and funny game!
I love the photo's of your grandparents! they were so elegant! And you are like them, my dear!
Have a nice weekend!
Ahhhh Sweet Friend,
How are you my dear...did you get the much needed rest you were hoping for? I hope so...and hey, the weekend is here dear one. Take a DEEP breath and relax for a couple of days. Make a great cup of tea, pull a comfy chair up to the window and watch the magic appearing before your eyes, as your castle increases in size.
Well dear one I felt as if my cold is finally on the way out. The weather was lovely and with the sun shining through the windows, I was quite inspired to clean everything in site {including MUCH silver}...i always feel great when the silver sparkles back at me. Even changed the dining room around a bit. Getting ready to do a bit of Christmas at home...maybe, in a week or two.
Dear one I am ready to snuggle under the covers. have the best stress free day tomorrow, and I will go and see if there is a white rose purse at my wholesaler with your name on it...until tomorrow my dearest...Rosie
Hi sweet one...just had to come by and wish you a great Friday...sounds like a busy one for you with all those assessments.
Just think it is the WEEKEND..I welcome mine with open arms...
Do something just for you my sweet friend...you so deserve to treat yourself.
Hugs xoxoxo
Hi Anita, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I found you through Bluenotes and a comment you left on Korelee's post. I enjoy your blog very much. Have a great weekend!
Just want o wish you a happy friday dear! God, my day was busy and messy! My computer shut down several times, making all my work undone - that is why the exiting post has to wait until monday. Sometimes, the energy is just a bit crazy, and computers pick up on that i feel ;) Only managed something real qick for today. Enjoy your evening! xx
I'd love to come over for a cup of tea in Rabbit Hill :) :)
Bonjour Anita,
Great job on this tag post! MArie-Ange is so sweet. How exciting to see the excavation started on your nex remodel.
Hope you are doing well and things have quieted down a bit.
We are in the home stretch - one week from Monday!
Cathc up when you can! Bon weekend,
hey sweetness,
check your email....:)
happy day....
love rosie
Oh wish I lived in the ivy covered cottage!!!! Is it for sale? Have a grand weekend!! Cathy
Lovely post, Anita! It's full of beautiful photography and dreamy thoughts. How wonderful that the construction on your addition has begun. A studio in the making!
Have a beautiful weekend! ~ Sarah
Dear Anita
Sorry I'm a little late in visiting... This is a wonderful post... blue is my favourite colour.. and I love how you have presented the old and new with similar subjects depicted in their respective styles.. fab!! clever you!!!
As much as I prefer classic styles.. that pool in the 'new' house is calling my name!! hahahaha
Have a fabulous weekend.. and how clever you are with your drawings.... as sweet as your enthusiasm!!! ciao xxx Julie
Hi Anita, I have posted on my blog
my: old new borrowed blue, it's been fun playing tag with you!
~ Violet
Hello beautiful Anita,
Again you did not disappoint us with your beautiful photo's and post.
See you soon dear one.
Finally.. the w e e k e n d! I figured out that it must be a late hour on Friday night in you corner. So put your feet up, drink some relaxing tea, dive into a good read or the blogosphere and relax r e l a x RELAX. Get those batteries reloaded. It's early early Saturday morning here and I'm off to do some more groceries for the weekend festivities. Off I go. It's so sweet of you to be sending me a little something, will treasure it!
Grands bisous ma chere amie ou en Hollandaise:
veel kusjes mijn lieve vriendin
As always... you just took me on such a sweet journey through your photos and commentary!! Your grandparents were so not only elegant but beautiful and handsome too! And so young... Time... a photo sure shows how constant it really is - not changing as we believe. I'll bet they aged into such lovely older people...
Have a wonderful Saturday!
I read what you wrote today on my comment. You know I can't even imagine not blogging. It has been the road that led to me finding so many wonderful and inspiring people like you. No matter what kind of day I might be having, I smile when I glance over at my computer and know that when I sit down there are hundreds of smiling faces waiting to say kind things; fill me with new ideas; help me to find my creative muse; and fill me with beautiful thoughts. I always feel that we have this beautiful outlet that as women we so need. In a busy world where sewing bees and gatherings just aren't possible, we can sit down anytime day or night and find out secret world of positive talk, and friends.
I know that some of my blogging friends who have been blogging as long as I have are posting less and visiting even less than that. Yet, a brand new group of people are discovering the wonderful world of blogging. To me I receive more than I have to give, so I still love it.
Thank you for being you.
Hello Beautiful! I am holding up well, how are YOU holding up!! lol
How's the giant hole in the backyard coming along?? This is so amazing, I hope you are capturing pictures every step of the way- you need to make one of your pretty books of this remodel! "Ma Maison Jolie!" hehehe I'm sure you can come up with something MUCH better than that! I'm so thrilled for you, and yes, I am next!!! lol Love you! xoxox
Fun to be tagged, Anita! And you've chosen such delightful photos. What a marvelous picture of your grandparents. As usual, I am charmed!
Have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Oh my!!! Your settee has arrived and no way to show me?!? I do hope your email will work soon! Try again when you have a moment. And I took photos of the tutu I made for a doll this morning... so cute!!!! back later my dear,
Hi Anita,
Thank you again for your visit...I too am excited to see the completion of you addition. I hope you are build to my specs so I am comfortable when I move in... He, he, he!!
I cannot wait to see the addition. It will be beautiful in it's simple French euro flea market chic decor.
Have a soulful weekend of creating.
My dearest Anita,
what a wonderful post - i looooooove those gorgeous pictures!!!! And i´m so sad that i could not leave a comment earlier, but i´m feeling not so good (Influenza)!!! And thank you sooooo much, for all your lovely words - you can take every picture you want, it would make me so proud to see some of them on your blog one day ;)!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend, my dear friend (i have to stay in bed :(( - hope to be better next week!!!!
Hugs Jade
Bonsoir mijn lieve vriendin, je ne parle pas Espagnol, pas du tout vraiment. Mais je crois que that language looks a lot like le francais, n'est pas?
J'aime les langues beaucoup! Alors, maintenant il est soir ici, je bois litres et litres du the and I believe my French abandons me du moment very very much ;)
I hope your weekend is off to an amazing start. Mine is great so far and we have one more day to go...
Sleep tight or Welterusten
Well that's for me this very moment I should probably say to you: enjoy dinner or eet smakelijk
I would love love to hear you pronouncing 'eet smakelijk'. >^_^<
Much love xxxxx
Anitaaaa! Thanks for your lovely comment on my family! Well - you can be sure i'm not always treated like a queen here, they can be tough, these guys! But i'm used to it, by now - a pretty rustic kind of queen! Today the weather was horrible! Nothing but rain, not sweet rain, but cats and dogs rain, and almost all the leaves came down. I'm tired, but still paint a bit, which feels good! Hope you enjoy your day, Love, M
hey sweet one, I did receive your delightful message this morning, and this is the email I just sent you...HUGS...
Hello Dear,
Oh my word, it was a NUT HOUSE... and I was the queen of the crazies. I need you to come and serve hot apple cider and wrap the odd parcel. We would have such fun... dear one I NEED to laugh as I am too tired and sore to do anything else. I have to keep this short as my hands aren't doing what they are told.
Your lovely email was an oasis in the middle of my day...you are pure sunshine my dear.
The parcel will arrive very soon, and the contents, are a gift from me to you...so get out those cute boots, put on that stylish winter coat and fling this white rose bag over your shoulder and have a bit of FUN...I have included two black evening bags for your dear blogger friends to enjoy. Have a happy, happy Sunday dear girl and we will have another cuppa soon.....xoxoxo......Rosie
Happy Sunday my dear friend,
Muchos besos,
Oh, Anita, absolutely magnificent as always.
I'm becoming such a bore, but one more time: Your creativity and vision of beauty -- life -- is inspiring and daunting.
I visited and re-visited Ruben. Words escape me. . .
There is a Q&A "game," I don't think it's officially part of the Proust questions, a French publication plays and my favorite query is: "If you were to 'construct' the perfect dinner party, who would you have at your table?"
My reply would definitely be, Anita and Ruben.
Je t'embrasse,
I think all your beautiful friends have said it all Anita.
Your tag is nothing but perfection.
That's some hole? I can't wait to see the end results. More shopping in your future I see lol.
All is well here in Canada. The leaves have all fallen, the air is cold, and the winter coats are rising from the basement.
Randy and Colt are busy in school, and Colt is an A+ student. Randy is a mere A lol. They make a great team.
I'm getting ready to go to Mtl. for the weekend on Friday. I'm taking Sister Lolotte to her sisters, then on I go to spend some quality time with Manon. All I want is to put our P.J.'s on, sit on her bed, drink champagne and eat Chinese food out of the boxes. Care to join us?? Wouldn't that be nice. She's a TRUE Montreal girl. I'm sure we won't sleep, but it will be worth every second.
Hope you and Ruben are having a good weekend.
Anita, your artwork is just delightful, you are very talented......yes, I would love a book of your art for my grandchildren!!! Your Grandparents photos are really beautiful, and you do look like your Grandmother, gorgeous!!! How exciting to adding not one but two stories!!!!
Love this post...especially the floating castle!
Margaret B
Dear Anita, i wa so touched when i read your comment! Oh, you know, i never really dreamt of having kids, they just came, faster then i'd imagined, and as soon as they were there, i couldn't imagine having it any other way. But you know what? It's so great that you and Ruben still have this connection to the "inner child", the creative, fun side that makes life worth living and also, makes young people and kids be attracted to you. And you have your students, and connect to them, which is so great. Kids are lovely, but also, being a parent is really strenuous sometimes. Our house looks and feels like a students communit now, with the 2 boys and their friends hanging out - not as nice and civilized as your gorgeous cottage!
How was your day? I slept in loooong - really needed it, had a little workout and then made scones and tea for friends who were coming over. And now, i hope i have some energy left to go on painting. Another sunday, please! Time goes too fast. See you soon. xx
As always simply gorgeous and transports me in thought with the dreamy visuals. That last shot of the "floating castle" took my breath away...where is that shot from? Have a blessed week Anita!
Oh how I wish I had your FLAIR! Stop by my blog and see me when you have a moment dear one.. Yes, they arrived... Such a beautiful post Anita.. I hope your weekend was full of joy. Did you receive my email?
Wow, Gra-mama was quite a peach! And to be a star of the stage as well, sweet!
Elegantly beautiful post as always. I can satisfy my hidden, inner, elegant self through your posts; while on the outside I live my real life in homespum and denim, a simple farmgirl.
Just came by to say good night my friend...
Hope your weekend was filled with rest {I know you were busy with your home reno..but hope you found some "me" time}
Have a great Monday and enjoy your week...is it a short one for you?
We get Thurs. off for Rememberance DaY
Hugs and love. xoxoxxo
Ya, I'm heading to bed too. Will put the kettle on tomorrow for another fabulous cuppa with you dear. Good night sweet Anita...nighty night Koralee...xoxo Rosie
I just love this post!!! So neat that you played in A Christmas Carol! I played a child in the King and I when I was...a child!! It was so much fun...
Have a great week!
Your images are always so lovely and inspiring, particularly on this dreadful, rainy day in Pareeee. It is always such a pleasure to visit your blog and encounter such beauty! Merci, dearest! :) Paris in Pink
Morning my dear....I soooo love visiting you first thing...your blue wallpaper always makes me smile...that colour is amazing!
Thanks for your cheery words this morning!
I really can not believe you have to meet with all those parents..wow...you have your work cut out for you...I know how draining that is.
Our Parent/Teacher conferences are next week...but we do it in 2 evenings and then we get the Friday off.
Sending you love...wisdom...endurance...and lets throw some JOY in there as well...hugs. xoxox
Love your picks...they are fabulous - can't wait to see the new addition to your home!
... and off we are .. hello lovely new week, warm welcome. You will probably be looking at your 50 students right now, lieve vriendin. I'm enjoying a moment of doing-nothing. Think I will make it 5 moments of faire pas du tout ;)
My heart does a little hip hop when thinking of you spending time last weekend for me. I so love the idea of having a little Anita in my home all the way from across the blue blue ocean. Know I will treasure it for ever and ever, sweet s w e e t friend.
Wish I could speak or read Spanish a bit, I know it's a bit related to French.. Hola, and that's it. I do know a bit more of the German language. We're neighbors that will be the reason. Also, meine liebe Freundin, ich wuensche dich einen sehr tollen Abend. ~ Alors, ma chere amie, je vous souhaite un bon soir.
Much love for a fantastic new week, dear dear Anita xxxxx
Dearest Anita
Thank you so much for coming over to visit!! I am so happy you like the new pieces I found for my humble little home.. The angel drawing... That one was done in 2005... Your excitement just tickles me.. You ALWAYS have a way of making me smile.. Bless you for your incredible FLAIR, kindness and friendship. I just love this post...and thank you again for the tag!
BISOUS!! Penny
I have popped in for my evening cuppa...oh good, the kettle is still hot...what are you serving dear heart? Do I smell the heavenly aroma of your famous "pumkin muffins"
...and your poor hips are complaining about all the girlish skipping you do down the halls...a "HOT" bubble bath and a little glass of sparkly should do the trick.
Today was another shopping day. Now that the gift giving season is upon us, I must go to the BIG city both Mondays and Fridays...quite busy, but I love all the new velvet gloves and shimmery scarves...quite girly and perfect for this time of year, and the chill it brings with it.
Bill and I put the gardens to bed yesterday...everything is trimmed, tidy and ready to go to sleep before we get our....2 days...of snow. Actually we didn't get any snow last year {I don't think}...but LOTS of rain.
Well that WAS the most D*E*L*I*C*I*O*U*S cuppa ever...Have a terrific Tuesday, with MANY smiles (given and recieved :))
Your Chateau takes the cake, better than anything drawn or snapped on an internet sight...beautiful Anita and second runner up is your floating castle!
The yard, me oh my...what will be next? I can hardly wait to see what the rabbits are building on the hill!
What a lovely tag and I loved the scroll through the unexpected images! Love the blues :) I see that beauty is a family trait! XOXO Kel
Hi Anita, thanks for coming to see me, even thou I'd not put up a new post, I think mom is going though the same thing, she came in last night and sat on the couch to watch TV!!! of course I was having none of it, she gave in and played with me, see I have her well trained!! so may be tonight you should just put your feet up and let Balzac drive you nuts lol!!! its a nak us terriers have ;)
Have a Good week, Hugs to Balzac
See Yea George xxx
Chère Anita,
Je rejoins tes goûts pour beaucoup de choses de ce post. Mais dis-moi où se trouve ce manoir reconvert de lierre ? Je rêve de vivre dans un endroit comme celui-là et je pense que ça va rester un rêve...
A très bientôt.
PS je suis très occupée en ce moment à tout autre chose qu'à écrire, et je le regrette, je t'envoie un mail bientôt.
Chère Anita,
Je rejoins tes goûts pour beaucoup de choses de ce post. Mais dis-moi où se trouve ce manoir reconvert de lierre ? Je rêve de vivre dans un endroit comme celui-là et je pense que ça va rester un rêve...
A très bientôt.
PS je suis très occupée en ce moment à tout autre chose qu'à écrire, et je le regrette, je t'envoie un mail bientôt.
Dearest Anita, thanks for visiting me this morning! So glad you like my paintings! Actually, at the moment i'm having a bit of a hustle with them. I started bits here and bits there and needed a lot of time and energy to really go into it and make it work. Sometimes it's so hard to hold all these balls in the air. But then, i will try to go on a new schedule and just make time for a bit of painting - and writing every week. Because a little done on a regulat basis can ad up to a lot.
Well, i really hope you're stress is gotten less as well and you fel better and are able to relax well in the evenings. I wish you a fun day, a good vibe day dear!
Bonne nuit c'est " Gute Nacht" en allemand.
I can't wait to see your pumpkin carriage! Yay! love to you and have a great day!
What a great idea! It is so interesting to see what each person chooses for images. Yours are so perfect. Lovely, as always, dearest Anita. I always smile and fill uplifted when I come to your blog (if sugar wasn't a problem for me, I would spend my day eating gumdrops!)
hello darlin',
...pitter, patter...pitter, patter...
Ahhhhh...the rain has arrived...it refreshes my world in the most wonderful way. If I had the time I would choose to slip on my rubber boots, put our sweet puppy on her leash, and go for a much needed walk.
It is not only a pearl, but the entire necklace! OH, it will be splendid in ANY room you decide to showcase it in...just gorgeous!
I have a frilly little settee that needs to have a bit of work done, before I can paint her up and give her a brand new gown {she needs a little glue to tighten up her joints} oh, if life were that easy for us :).
Oh today was a running around day, followed by a bit of Christmas shopping. Oh dear, I picked up the sweetest little "cowboy" outfits, for the brothers of the ballerinas on my list...the "tickle trunk" is filling up...oh to be young, and play dress up with the girls again.
well dear girl...it's pajama time again...wishing you the sweetest of dreams my sweet friend...xoxxo...R
Hi Anita...it's all moving now for you isn't it...how exciting!!! Yes some of our Theatre Group are encouraging me to audition for the next play...I've never done this before but I will go to the Information night in January!!! Have a beautiful Wednesday...we woke up to glorious sunshine and a 'salty blue day' after days of rain...Dzintra♥x
Hi Anita!!! Thanks for your sweet comments :)I'm taking a little break now till December 1st. I work a lot in December and need the rest of November to prepare things for Christmas...presents, calendars, clothes, christmas cards, photocalendars...and all my thousands of photos that that need to be dealt with...he he :)I'm looking forward to it though! Have a beautiful day and I'll miss you! Kristin xx
I just did a post I think you might enjoy....I'm still smothering myself in delight with your's .....this is up and down prettiness and humor, style, giggles and more. Jennifer jennsthreegraces
Morning sweet friend...I am enjoying an extra cup of tea this morning...my late start day...9am.
Sending you blessing for a wonderful day...our sun is shinning brightly...no snow...life is good.
{though my daughter keeps wishing for the white stuff to fall! }
One two three, bonne nuit! Heehee.
Welterusten lieve vriendin xxxx
Anita, i wanted to visit you earlier, but the whole day was sort of in a hurry. Was so glad to see your face this morning! Am finishing a project for winemakers in our region, and it's a lot to deal with. Yes, you#re so right abour "multitasking". It's much better to do one thing at a time - and give it all we've got. And than the the next thing. Hope your teachnig day went good - my son here has to work a lot at the moment, many tests coming up. Time before Christmas seems always short!
How's your building site doing so far?
Bonne nuit et groses bises
that moss-covered stone cottage is absolutely mesmerizing, and i love all the vintage photographs, as always! =)
Hello sweet girl,
I am so tired of this silly cold!
Just when I think I am on the mend...hack...cough...sniffle..."pass the tissue, please"....AHHHHHH!!!!
I will spend tomorrow tucked in bed...AGAIN!
Did a "search and rescue" today...looking for a little something to wear to a special dinner...found a few little goodies...thinkin' I can pull something out of the mix.
Our sweet pup was off to the "hair dresser" today. She always looks so cute when she arrives home from the groomers...little red bow and all. She loves the talented lady who makes her pretty and will jump into her little carrier, when ANYBODY asks her if she wants to "go see Debbie."...it is so funny :D
How is your project doing? I bet Bob is working so hard...Has framing started yet?
Oh dear, I really do love this post. It is so calming...yawn...you have created another oasis for me to enjoy and refresh by...Thank you darlin'.
...am off to get my p.j's on and a neo citron. Have a restful reflective day dearest...xoxoxo...R
My word verification is so appropriate for your world today...it is BLESS...which is what you do daily :)
What beautiful pics... And your grandparents photo, well its a classic...
Loved your all pics, the house.. the blues all of them!!
Have a great day:)
Look at all your comments girlfriend. You must feel so loved! I have missed you...so I'm here to tell you I'm sending you an email this morning...and a little envelope from Goodies Paper Parade popped into my mailbox on it's way to you.
As always it is an enchanted visit to your blog dear friend:)! The pictures of your grandmother are beautiful! Thanks for bringing such beauty to blogland:).
Good morning sweet friend....how do you do this...107 comments..wow! And to think I was number 100! I will email you soon...you are way too sweet for words.
Hope your day is filled with Joy as we remember the brave men and women that died for our freedom.
We have the day off today...so enjoying my second cup of tea and the fact that my husband is home with me today.
Hugs and love xoxoxo
Guten Abend liebe Anita! And thanks so much for stopping by! Seems like school demands a little too much of you at the moment. Why did they change the way of teaching, if everyone was happier with the old way? And how must it be for the other teachers, if even you find it hard to stand? Take good care of yourself - sometimes one just can't shoulder as much as one usually can, and it seems like you need some extra relaxation right now. The year was very stressful for us here too, and today my hubby had to have check-ups because his heart was not beating the way it should - quite scary! We must look after ourselves really well - that's the thing about getting older! So,some Yoga is not so bad! Hope you have a lovely dinner and extra cozy evening, xox
Lovely post!I love the pictures of your Grandparents!
I followed you when I was blogging under "A CHARMING HOME".. I left that blog a while back , but I knew I could not stay away and here I am again. I have always loved your very chic and gorgeous blog!
Dear Anita, Thank you so much for taking the time to come and visit me. I am always amazed at how many comments you have! Not that 111 comments would be left for you, but that you would take the time to reply! Such a dear heart you truly are. I was thinking of you today, and even left a comment refering to you, and your beautiful Castles and Crowns Blog..then I realized you were a follower of this lovely lady as well! I had never visited Dore at Burlap Luxe before today, but I felt so at home, and comfortable there in her blog, I told her she reminded me of a beautiful dear friend named Anita! funny huh? Hope you get to feeling much better, and can get some rest. With Love my friend, Christel
Mon ami, je suis béni d'avoir un ami comme vous. Je vous souhaite un séjour rempli d'amour et de baisers ET JE VOUS SOUHAITE UNE BONNE JOURNÉE trop.
Action de grâces d'amour pour vous, votre famille et remplis de vacances!
Dearest Anita
Thank you so much for coming to visit again. I wanted to stop in and wish you and Ruben a wonderful Thanksgiving... Don't let TEA RAT eat everything in sight..
We will all be together tomorrow, if only in thought.
Love and blessings,
Oh! I told Bebe to get ready for the Christmas pageant.
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