Time is gently ticking away

et c'est l'heure d'aller au bal masqué.

Oui, it's that time of year for all little girls who dream beyond the moon

and who reach for the stars


to step out of their favorite Christmas fairytale

for a masquerade ball

so they can SHINE.

I have the most elegant little gift
thanks to a special STAR that shines brightly in the Northern skies of Canada.

has a wonderland of a shop

from where she has sent me a darling little sac à main noir
to give away.
It's the perfect little bag
to tuck away all those memories
of a special night of celebration.

I will include a hand-drawn billet au bal masqué as a keepsake

and a hand-made star wand with a vintage-style customized tag

with a French word or short phrase (or whatever language, si vous voulez)

to remind you to always look up towards the stars

for there, you will find a friend
"who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
It's the perfect little bag
to tuck away all those memories
of a special night of celebration.

I will include a hand-drawn billet au bal masqué as a keepsake
and a hand-made star wand with a vintage-style customized tag
with a French word or short phrase (or whatever language, si vous voulez)
to remind you to always look up towards the stars

for there, you will find a friend
"who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
My sky is pocked with stars...
who seem to be light years away in distance
but close to my heart
because I know that we are protected under the same canopy of DIVINE love and light
de Notre Seigneur.
Look towards the North in Canada once more

to find your bluebird of Happiness
chez Koralee from
Bluebird Notes

who always serves up a sweet message sprinkled with charity to send you on your way.

North Carolina shimmers brightly as
ma chère copine, Patricia Cabrera
delights her readers with her
watercolour visions of childhood tenderness

at Woolytales
where you can access her shop on Etsy

and become a child again.
To enter my give-away
just leave a comment to let me know you believe in Faith, Hope and Love.
Winner will be announced Saturday December 18th.
because I know that we are protected under the same canopy of DIVINE love and light
de Notre Seigneur.
Look towards the North in Canada once more

to find your bluebird of Happiness
chez Koralee from
Bluebird Notes

who always serves up a sweet message sprinkled with charity to send you on your way.

North Carolina shimmers brightly as
ma chère copine, Patricia Cabrera
delights her readers with her
watercolour visions of childhood tenderness
at Woolytales
where you can access her shop on Etsy

and become a child again.
To enter my give-away
just leave a comment to let me know you believe in Faith, Hope and Love.
Winner will be announced Saturday December 18th.
Photo Credits:
photos 1 and 3 Goldbug Studios
Photo 7 - Annie Leibowitz for Vogue Magazine
Roses and Rutabagas
Bluebird Notes
Original artwork of
Marie Antoinette and star wand, Anita Castles Crowns and Cottages ©
Oooooh Anita,
you are the brightest star of all ........loooooooove your wonderful post and you make me smile, dream and sometimes i have tears in my eyes!!!!!!! Thank you for all and have a heavenly weekend,
Hugs Jade
Okay, the hour has finally passed ^_~ so here I am to find another amazingly magical post, ma chere amie.
A hand-made star wand by YOU will make everyones wishes come true.
This year I came up with the idea of throwing all kinds of wishing stars in the Christmas cards. Wishing stars for a sparkling 2011.
Je te souhaite beaucoup de plaisir avec ton magnifique giveaway, mijn lieve vriendin.
Je t'embrasse xoxoxoxoxo et je te donne cent bises xxxxxxx
hello blessed friend! What makes me happier than your look on things? That display the bag is in! Is that her shop with that fairy and the moss? Gorgeous! Right up my alley! Hope you are well! We have rain, no snow. Strange, huh? Blessings dear.
My dearest bug.
What a magical post. Blogland can indeed be wonderful with people of creative energies, and a spirit that reflects the beauty of this season. Noel. Noel.
You always have such pretty pictures!
Just read your last comment on my post. Shall we have a lovely cup of warm tea together apart, right now. I am off to make myself a nice cup, do join me, ma sweet sweet vriendin xxxxx
I love each of your posts unconditionally,
Anita, I expected this birthday of mine to be sad with my love out of the country..but I have had a windfall of love and friendship.
Blogland has turned my soul onto a path of happiness! Faith, Hope and Love are madly fluttering in my chest!
I believe!
What a gorgeous giveaway..
It all looks absolutely stunning.
May sprinklings of stardust cover you, my dear friend:)
You my Dear have a lovely blog and you too are lovely I can tell from the spirit of your blog.I too want to play amoung the stars.I love life ,laughter and imagination.Count me in. Denise
Oh yes . . . I B E L I E V E!!!
wHaT A gRaNd GiVe-AwAy!!!!
Will you please hand deliver should I win????? Te Heeee!!!
How's all that new snow?
~ Violet
What a GRAND
and glorious
giveaway, sweet
Anita!!! You
have managed to
sweep me away
from my little
cocoon, today, to
a magical, star-
strewn sky filled
p o s s i b i l i t i e s!
Love you, dear friend!
xx Suzanne
Bien sûr que je crois à toutes ces jolies choses! Because I AM a true Princess!( in my head anyway...)
Je t'embrasse!
Cela faisait longtemps que je n'étais pas venue ici.C'est toujours aussi enchanteur!
You've got to be kidding!! I grew up in Whittier.My husband grew up in Montebello.We both know Pico Rivera well.My first true love went to El Rancho High.I took a few summer school classes at El Rancho High too.I grew up near the corner of Norwalk and Beverly.He grew up near the corner of Garfield and Beverly.We've only retired to R.C.
Always you make us dream with this beautiful histories full of feelings and emotions. I love to read you and to see your stunning images. Thank you for sharing your inspiration and your endowments,
Have a nice sunday Anita,
How good of you to share your favorites with us. I am consistently amazed by the talent that exists out there.
I think my favorite thing was your ticket to an imaginary ball.. the best kind, of course, because you it can be as great as your imagination can construct... a lovely daydream indeed! I am feeling my gown about me already!!
Yep, I seem to have a hold on all three!
Thanks, Anita, for making the Land of Blog so lovely to journey through. As I travel throughout this strange new world of cyberspace, your little piece of Bloglandia is definately my very favourite to adjourn in for a while. So pretty. So enchanting. I count myself very blessed, each time I stop by for a visit. (AND there is now also a giveaway!) ThankYOU dear one.
(ps...My other very favouite place is Elven Slippers/BB Flocking)
Oh I do love the Land of Blog :D
Ahhhh dearest...You are the brightest little *s*t*a*r* of all. With each new bit of loveliness you impart, I adore you just that much more. This is such a very special tribute to all us girls to the north. Oh how blessed we would be if perhaps you could find your way to our little corner of the world. Koralee and I were expressing our great desire to have you join us for tea SOON. Thank you for this oh so pretty post...a sprinkling of love in the middle of the day...
Right back at you my sweet...xoxox Rosie
Oh Anita, such beauty youcreate and live in...
I love dreaming through your posts..they always take me to sweet places :)
Love, hugs and sweet smiles sent your way dear friend!
Deborah xoxoxoxoxoxo
Anita, awww..... the words alone, Faith, Hope and Love make me feel such love and warmth for all my friends I have met through blogging..... all your inspirational and beautiful posts really do make me believe in those three words! What glorious gifts, oh my heart fills with joy just to think of them!!!!
Margaret B
Dear Anita
I'm certainly trying to 'believe' and your magical post makes it a little easier!! I love the starry night image... so so lovely ... and the watercolour drawings by your friend are just so sweet!!! a little bit of love on canvas!!
All your giveaway bits and bobs are quite magical!!! I'm sure if anyway can help us believe in Faith, Hope and Love it is you!!! and the moon of course!! hehe...
Have a lovely weekend enjoy your white christmas!!! xxx Julie
Oh, was that the streets of Quebec? I'd only been there in the summer but it certainly looks like that lovely city! As always I am enamored by all the glorious pictures and artistry of the words. Thank you!! Cathy
FAITH, HOPE, & LOVE...What is life without them? Oh, YES,I DO BELIEVE, sweet friend! What a magical giveaway! I would be blessed beyond words to win it!
Counting down the days with my students until we break for Christmas! And looking forward to the "Big Reveal" when your renovations are complete! :)
May the days leading up to Christmas day bring you nothing but delight!
Many blessings, dear Anita!
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful giveaway.
I have a giveaway on my blog - a gift card from CSN Stores. Please come over and enter (its restricted to US and Canada readers only though!)
Speechless..........what a beautiful post .....and filled with love....hope and faith.........just what i need right now..........love you .....Ria....xxxxxxxx.....
anita, what an amazing a whimsical giveaway. Being on your blog is like going into a wonderful mystical fairy land. I love it here. I think this is where I need to come when I need to go into a wonderful land of dreams, Kathysue
This is such a beautiful post. the photos are remarkable. You make me want to believe in Santa again...thank you for the little escape.
Dear Anita
This is such a beautiful post, and what a wonderful give-a-way! I receive all three from the Lord everyday.. Faith, hope and love.. Counting my blessings for the love received from my family and dear friends. Thank you for becoming such a strong light in my life.
You are such a dear to always think of, and include others.. I hope eveyone takes time out to visit these enchanting blogs.
Faith, Hope and Love....isn't that what life is all about....isn't it what this special season exudes! Beautiful, magical post Anita! I BELIEVE!~Hugs, Patti
Hello dear friend....OF COURSE I believe in Faith, Hope, and Love....you continually provide us with all THREE!!
Hugs go you sweet lady,
oh YES, i BELIEVE!! although your generous gift is most scrumptious, i don't need to win anything...the beauty found here on your blog is all i am after.....and i have found it.
thank you,
p.s. i am so excited,we are expecting some snow tonight!
"la joie des Fêtes à mon cher ami."
Joyeux Noël
Anita my beautiful friend,
First of all I turned up the music, and was over come with the sounds of angels in the heavens.
This is a beautiful GiveAway! the winner will be so blessed to have these beauties rest in there hands.
You are the star of the GiveAway!
You are the the one who spreads
"Faith, Hope and Love."
Meeting you my dear has added one more missing link... "Peace."
"la joie des Fêtes à mon cher ami."
Joyeux Noël
to the winner!!
Another magical post, yet, it is true that Love, Faith and Hope exist in truth beyond the fairy tale. Maybe, they are not always beautifully adorned but, there power never ceases to amaze.
Well, I see others have used the word "magical"...that's what I thought when I was reading your post. Faith? Hope? YES! Love? Most definately!
Thank you for letting me be part of this giveaway. ...and by the way, I simply love Patricia's drawings. Isn't she wonderful?!
Deborah in NC
Hi, back again. Thanks for dropping by. It's always nice to know that you have graced me with your presence. I just wanted to let you know that I paid a visit to your friend Rosie and her very pretty shop...very inspiring! with that cute white Christmas Tree on top of the dresser...and then I just had to race down the hall to unearth a set of white fairylights from the depths of the large cardboard box that holds all of my hundreds of different fairylights...so I could adorn the petite little white(inexpensive)Christmas tree that I had sat at the end of the hall. It now looks a thousand times nicer, with 100 clear fairylights sparkling. I also spied that lovely clear glass 'lolly jar' in the cabinet beside the white teapot. It would go nicely with my collection of glass jars! I am also again enjoying that beautiful snow covered street scene in your post. With the little Christmas trees and a quaintness about it. Oh. How I would LOVE to have a white Christmas. *wistful sigh*
Now, I think I might just journey back through your past postings, and try to catch up on missed goodies. The one's that I have not seen yet.
And, yes. I am a follower of Christ. I gave my life to Him when I was in grade four. I am so looking forward to seeing Him one day. What did you think of Michael Card's song? Brings tears to my eyes...as do most of his songs.
Blessings to you, Anita.
Hi dear sweet Anita...a post so full of magic...that beautiful snowy scene, something we don't see here!!! That night time scene reinforces Faith Hope and Love as I gaze into it...Much love and Blessings, Dzintra♥x
Beautiful words, beautiful images .. limitless imagination potential to enjoy the magic of the season... and what a beautiful giveaway !!! I'm over the moon delighted to enter your fabulous giveaway... and to learn of two wonderful fellow Canadians, what a treasure. Merci, mon ami... I'll be wishing to the birthday Angels to shine on me..as your draw is 1 day before my birth celebration... hugs mon ami..HHL
Faith, Love and Hope dwell here in my heart and in my life. I feel soooo uplifted listening to this NOEL, my word! So even if I don't win your precious and most generous gift, I feel very fortunate indeed having come here tonight. Once again, Anita, you are a shining star!
La plus belle pour aller danser ...
Attention à ne pas perdre ton petit soulier dans la neige ...
Bisous doux ...
Dear Anita, of course I would love to be counted in for a chance to win, but I truly feel as if I have won already! Knowing you, and reading your words, always so inspiring, and true. Coupled with such beautiful photos, and sprinkled with mentions of friends throughout. Thank you for always being a light source to draw inspiration, and a smile from.I am always happy to see a new post from you, and know I will feel elated after reading it. XOXOX Christel
you have an amazing blog. have the best coming Christmas.
Of couse i Believe!!! ,,,i can´t without that !!.......on this moment i am worn........beacause otherwise i would not save!!...please pray for my mom darling !!! love Ria....
Dearest Anita, first of all I adore the starry night photo! Sooooo beautiful! I love the post and would love to win also....especially your hand made star wand!!! And you certainly make me want to go to North Canada! Have a lovely Sunday!
Kristin :)
OOOO..how marvelous..Miss Moussie would love to win a hand made wand..You are our star dearest..for ever and ever..xoxo
Thank you so much for popping in Dearest!!! Now what's this I hear about a strange swelling??? Of course I will think of you both...and fancy having to dig yourself out...That doesn't happen in this part of our world...Hope all is well...Big Hug to you, now you better scoot off and attend to that swelling...Dzintra♥x
... such a joy to find myself perusing another of your fanciful, enchanting and uplifting postings! My morning now sparkles and shimmers a bit more than it did before!
(and I love your little 'toinette drawing!!!)
Thank you so much Anita!!! I've never been in print before...nor have I contributed to a magazine before so this is all very exciting!!! How is your Husband? Dzintra♥x
So, so lovely! I felt bad about the Blue Christmas, of course you can post a Blue Christmas! (It's not so original, lol!). Such beautiful, beautiful things, I love the excuse to wear party clothes at the holiday season, gorgeous photos Anita! Hope you are having a very happy holiday season! XX!
Anita, querida!!! Ma chere Anita!!! What enchanted post you have!! A wish stick the winner will have??? C'est magnifique!!!! Let me start rewriting my wish list cause I am so hopeful now!!!rsrsrs...The noir bag is absolutely gorgeous!!! Tha tags wonderful!! I could expect nothing less coming from YOU, dear creative talented friend!!!
Are you already on vacation? Teaching yet??
Things around here are so hectic! I have clients still ordering sewings, my dear Anita!!! Christmas supper will be served at our home this year!! I need to organize dishes and decor and gifts...I love it all!!!
I cannot miss to say you are a special friend I got this year, Anita! Thanks so much for all love your lines alwyas bring to my heart!!! Love!! Bela.
Oh Pick Moi! Pick Moi! I couldn't help entering your giveaway with a bit of excitement ma belle... it is so exciting... what fabulous delights for the winner!!
Thinking of you all the time mon amie and looking forward to diving into my french books this coming New Year!! I will need lots of help ma
Mille Bisous, Sherry
I agree with Sherry my Dear One,Another post filled with magic.
Merry Christmas Hon,
XXOO Marie Antionette
Oh, another dreamy post. I would love to be included! What kind of world would it be if one had no hope or faith? I can't think of anything more sad and lonely. Love your inspiring posts. You have a gift for writing and uplifting others. xo
This coming year I definitely want more magic in my life. You make it all look possible. Faith, hope and love...now that's magic!
Hello Dear Anita,
What a beautiful, magical post to have right before Christmas! And what a precious gift you are giving away! OUI I believe in Faith, Hope and Love....though it wasn't always that simple for me. And I admit, I sometimes still struggle! It took me some time to look for the good instead of the bad in life! Your magic wand would be such a wonderful reminder to look to the stars and be happy. In fact it's already working, you're to the north of me and this couldn't be more true! Sending you much light and love, and thanks for always giving yours to all of us! xOxO deb
Absolutely lovely once again, dear Anita. Yes, I most definitely believe in faith, hope and love... "But the greatest of these is Love..." because, "God is Love."
But please tell me, what has happened to your dear Ruben? (I saw something you had written at The Dutchess's site...)I hope nothing too serious. I will offer up a prayer for him, and you, from my area of the world.
Blessings to you, dear!
What a lovely post! I do believe in Faith, Hope and Love, the greatest of these being Love:). God Bless as we prepare to celebrate the Love born in a manger to save us all from sin!
What a beautiful post! I belive in Faih, Hope and Love!
Now you had me worried “Time is gently ticking away, yep that right, I tied up over here, its ok not by my lead but this thing called a list, just who invented them?
If I could get to it I’d rip it up!!! Sorry got side tracked us terriers are like that, (you know that anyway ;) Anyways back to your beautiful post, Yes Yes Yes I do believe in Faith, Hope, Love and Father Christmas, I thought I would just put him on the end as this is my first Christmas and I’m worried cus we don’t have a chimney! How’s he going to leave my presents, moms says he will put them outside!!! No way, they might get pinched!! I will just have to stay up all night and let him in when he gets to me. Sorry got side tracked again!!! My fuzz brain is in a spin; say hi to Balzac it’s always good to hear from him he is always in my thoughts.
By the way I did pop by and see your last post, another beautiful one, I liked the photo of the street at Christmas, sorry I didn’t leave a comment, and mom was in a tizzy so I had to help out.
Holidays are coming up yea more walks for me
Love and Hugs George xxx
Sweetness, check your email :)
Dearest sister,yes, yes!!!I beleive in all 3 but the greatest is LOVE!!!OHHH , I am always SO (((excited)))about anything made by YOU!!! Even now , after a year, I delight myself with the book,story, and my special framed box. You are SOOOO good to me, Nita!!!!
Now, find myself ****HERE**** ,oh Nita ,Nita Nita!!!!! I love you !!!!! I can not get over how generous you are!!!! you are SOOOOO Kind to me!!!!! Thank you so much !!!! I love you!!!
I love everything about this post too!!!! You are a delight and I must tell you that I came here several times yesterday and didnt see this until now... so, forgive me for been late!!!! Love you~
Hi again Love,
Yes indeed you can wait till Christmas for the feel of MAGIC. I got something else going on too and it may not reach you till after Christmas.I wished it could have been finished before the give away but It wasn't to be.You take care Dear and I hope the two weeks pass fast so you can rest and enjoy the holidays more,
XXOO Marie Antionette
I wouldn't trade for anything in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!(((happy heart beating)))
Hope your husband is doing well darling !!??...my prayers are with you........love Ria....
I definitely believe in Faith, Hope and Love. Loved reading your post. :)
Faith Love and HOpe bring to mind this quote from Marie Ray......
Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hands and melting like a snowflake........
I would love to enter your giveaway thank you for the opportunity.....
Hello my dear Anita. One of your lucky readers will receive this beautiful gift...but I believe that we have already received the most beautiful gift, and that is YOU!
You are a blessing to so many.
hugs to you...
Your post and the music is making my heart sing with joy! You never disappoint DEAREST Anita! I surely believe in faith, hope, and love. In fact, they are necessary variables that make me lead a fulfilling
life:-). I sure hope to be the lucky star in this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity:-). XX
Bonjour Anita,
Such gorgeous words and images. The black bag is marvelous, can it go across the pond? If not, and I am lucjy enough to win, I will forward it to another friend in the US.
Faith, hope and love..this Christmas Season should remind us of this.
Hope things are a bit calmer!
Bon semaine,
I have faith...I have love and hope and patience and long suffering and joy and kindness...they were all gifts from above.
To you my magic maker...to believe with you and in you is my pleasure. This is a well designed piece of blog post that you should be darn right thrilled to share. You make all the darkness turn to light.
God Bless you...now lets turn out the lights and rest...
Sweet sleep under your snow covered roof.
Yikes...so much FUN happening around your place on the 18th...theater and give away and such. Wonderful!
Ahhh dear one,
How is Ruben? What ever do the doctors think it is? I pray he is resting comfortably and recovers quickly. With you lovingly tending his every need, I'm sure he will be back to his old self in no time.
Well dear one, I spent the afternoon making little bundles of melt in your mouth candy to accompany the parcels I must send away. So good to be able to cross this off the old list.
Tomorrow I will have tea with "Mrs Cupcake" (cupcakes and Ruby slippers)...Becky and I will go to a charming little coffee shop and enjoy a cuppa before I head off to Vancouver. My shopping list is a mile long with MANY stops along the way.
Time to clean up supper dishes and get to bed early...enjoy your day tomorrow dear heart...hugs and prayers, Rosie
Oh my, all those photos were like a fairy tale indeed. I loved them. I used to read all of Victoria Holts books....about castles, masquarade balls, princes..........all that.
such fun fantasy.
funny to see all that LOVELY where my life is about horse poop, straw, doggie prints on the floor and snow.
But I love my little slice of country.
and I have faith, hope and love.
Life would be meaningless without it.
I am so thankful for Christmas and the birth of our Savior.
and for HIS atonment which allows us all eternal life
It is where I know my son is now. And that gives me comfort.
Wow, simply divine and delicious...the images and the words.
Anita, this is magical as only you can produce. Love every inch of this post. ~ sarah
Wow Anita again a wonderful post of magic. In this time of the year your words are so special and full of love.
Have a wonderful and magical Christmas with lots of love.
Hi Anita, are you safe and warm? That must have been a HUGE snowstorm that hit your area, and i so hope that your building site can still continue. Such a beautiful post you've cooked up over the weekend. And a magical giveaway - so you! The bag is gorgeous and your handmade additions so precious! Would be fun to attend this ball masquée! Of course i believe in faith, hope and love! Wow could we survive without them! xox
Quel magnifique voyage parmi les étoiles vous venez de nous offrir Chère Anita : merci pour ces messages si poétiques dans un monde toujours aussi merveilleux : nos coeurs de petite fille s'éveillent à chacun de vos mots:-))
Reading this post was like winning a giveaway! Gorgeous! And that lovely little black pouch is an amazing extra gift :) I totally believe in all three -- faith, hope and love! You really are too much and visiting your blog is like entering a really magical world :) Thanks for the time it takes you to put these posts together!
Hi sweet friend....I am back..so sorry I have not visited for a few days...I had the most blessed time in Seattle. A well needed break indeed..just my sweet husband and I.
Your post is so magical and thank you so much for your sweet kind words....what a blessing you are.
And that Rosie girl...how sweet is she!!!! True blessings in everyway. I really do not know what I would do without my sweet friends...you all just fill me up every single day with so much love and sweetness.
Yahooooooo...this is the last week my sweet friend..it will be a busy busy one but it will be filled with soooo much Joy I will not be able to stand it. I am going to soak every bit of it up.
Hugs and love for a wonderful blessed day.
{your lovely creative tags and wand is amazingly beautiful...what gifts you have.}
XOXO sweet friend.
Dear Anita,
I was saddened to hear you lost your parents so close to each other. How long ago was that? I know my father died 5 years ago... but the pain and loss is still there. We have lost many loved ones in fact in the last 5 years, hubby's only brother and sibling, his father, many aunts and uncles and some friends too. Thank God we have a heavenly father who is waiting for us on the other side when we do leave this earthly world for the spiritual world.
I love your post , you always write enchanting words to go with your enchanting pictures. I would love to win your give away. I mean I WOULD LOVE TO WIN YOUR GIVEAWAY! Wink and grin. WE have snow and ice and brrr.... here in Mi. WE live on the river , I am looking at it right now and it looks frozen over. Now I will miss the swans and geese and such gliding along.
whew... I am long winded today!
Sending hugs and blessings your way!
Dear Anita,
I believe with all my heart and soul in the divine. I have seen those without any belief, when faced with great adversity - have no where soft to land, no faith in the great unseen that will lift them when they cannot lift themselves. So I believe...and for that I have a great hope in people and their deeds, I walk everyday with a great love in my heart.
Hmmmm, this is a nice way to start a Monday.
Thank you for considering my post and entry.
Diana from San Francisco
How Awesome...each new picture takes my breath away. I love the one of the stars.
Ahhhh.... My sweet Anita.... You brought tears to my eyes with those sweet and encouraging words.... You have got to be the bestestest bloggggger/friend eVaH!
Now, I want the little ruffly tulle gown for myveryownself.... Oh how I dreamed of wearing something like that when I was a little girl. I also dreamed of dancing like Ginger Rogers, but we won't go there, now will we? YIKES! That's some scary stuff.
Your giveaway has to be one of the most wonderful I've ever seen in Bloggyville. I love each and every thing, but most especially your handmade art. Oh how I would treasure that! In fact, I have JUST THE SPOT for it. :-) And, I think I NEED a magic wand....however will I get all my things finished before Christmas? I'm beginning to worry.
I hope you get a moment to rest..... This is such a busy time and you have to TAKE CARE OF YOU!
Huggies and Lovies too....
What a lovely post Anita.
I always enjoy visiting your blog.
Good to hear from you too.
This post was beautiful and magical.
Have a pretty day! Kristin
Anita dear,
Oh such good news...Ruben is feeling better then? I must admit I was worried when I had my first cuppa alone. Thought maybe you had taken your dearest to emerg. and tried to send you a note at the shop after I did a deposit...but, alas my P.C is old and tired (not unlike me ;D)...so VERY S...L...O....W, I could not get her up and running before I had to scoot away for tea...(which was completely P*E*R*F*E*C*T) So, please know you were in my thought and prayers :)
Ahhhhh...my feet are suspended on a fluffy little stool, a fine cuppa is in hand and you and this magical post are on my screen...
but the best of all is of course
for without this promise, where would we be? Oh dear heart we are so blessed to be His children and know that He is in control of NOT ONLY this VAST universe, but each tiny facet of our day to day lives.
Dearest this day is DONE, and I am ready for a good nights sleep.
So, may your pillow be soft and your dreams be SWEET...and may the day before you be sprinkle with blessings...
Good evening sweet one...I am still waiting for you to send us some of your lovely snow. Is it really Christmas without it? We are going away to my parents home so wishing that they will get some.
Yes another week and all will be over until the New Year...so exciting. My students are very excited..this week will be one where not much learning will be taking place. Hot Chocolate and candy canes are in order.
Have a good evening...I know you are tucked in your bed...dreaming sweet dreams..oh what a sweet vision I have in my mind of you right now.
Love the way you dream, my dear! Did you try the France Culture radio station? Could you follow it? I can only follow a few words here and there. Ok, right now I have to go find out what those delightful lavendar "chamalows" are! Hope you are enjoying your week so far!
Hugs, Kirsten
Chère Anita,
Je crois avec toi, que c'est le rêve de toutes les filles d'aller au bal masqué. Je ne suis jamais allée au bal masqué, mais j'ai vécu un extraordinaire moment au carnaval de Venise en 1988. J'étais déguisée et masquée et j'ai pu entrer dans tous les palais, assister à tous les concerts, vivre un moment inoubliable comme il pouvait en exister au XVIIIème siècle.
Il faut avoir vécu cela au moins une fois dans sa vie pour ressentir toutes les émotions de la fête sans être reconnue.
J'ai hate de voir le résultat des travaux que vous avez entrepris.
Et j'espère que le Père Noël respectera mes souhaits dans la lettre que je lui ai envoyé.
Et toi, qu'as-tu demandé au Père Noël ?
Je t'embrasse chère Anita et à très bientôt...
J'ai oublié de te dire que j'adore tes dessins...
Hi Anita,
I love Josh Groban, he is magical, and so is your post. I love what you did to your illustration and the beautiful purse looks so at home there. You are always creating magic Anita, and surely this idea is wonderful. Pat contacted me a few weeks ago because she wants to paint in Sepia. I love her illustrations and her enchanting pottery, which I included in a treasury about fairytales. Bluebird Notes is the prettiest blog ever!
Have a fairytale day.
My dear Nita,thank you for everything, you are so present here.... everyday!*grin*
I had to come back to *see* you and hope that YOU and RUBEN are keeping warm .... I can get over how cold is there....You will have a white Christmas that is for sure!!!smiles, Here my children are praying REALLY hard for the same!!!!
Kate is coming home today. She will be here for a month.We can't wait!!!!
Nita, I will post on my blog about Nowhere special upcoming event... Is that okay with you????
Love,love ,love YOU!!!!!TIta
ohhh....I the words of madre tereza!!!
What a beautiful give away....And Faith, Hope and Love have gotten me through some very tough times in my life...it is my strength and my salvation...
Hope you are having a Wonderful Christmas Season....
Lou Cinda :)
What a beautiful give-away.
I am planning to have another too because it's so much fun!! :D
(Check my blog for details)
Hugs to you dear one
Anita, I am having issues trying to comment, so hopefully my comment doesn't show up multiple times...
Your give-away is beautiful!
Hugs, Kelly
You are so sweet! Thanks for your kind, kind comment and I can't tell you enough how much I love visiting YOUR site :)
dearest Anita
i have been missing you and your delightful posts so much these past few months. it is always such a joy, when like today i get to visit your blog (at last).
i have been so busy with grandmother duties (whilst my son and daughter-in-law are working extra hours to make ends meet, such a difficult time for young people) at the end of the day i am exhausted, i having my sweet little grandson around, he is so utterly adorable and i cherish every moment, but i have still not fully recovered from that long bout of ill health and tire so very easily.
the illness also affected my memory. but guess what? to help remedy this, i am thinking of teaching myself french! it is such a lovely language and it also means we will have even more to talk about:o) i can't wait until i am back in the swing of things, especially when i can blog again and chat more regularly with you.
sending loads and loads of love and hugs and mugs of p.g and little home baked christmas biscuits xoxoxox hugs also from peace lily and the moggies xoxox and twinkle, says twinkle (she adores your blog too, thinks it the most magical princessy place in blogland) xoxox
Such a beautiful post Anita. It is true that all we have to do is look up to the stars in the sky to understand we are all connected not only in our world but the many, many worlds out there that have not been discovered. I always love the thought you put into your posts. Thank you so much. I hope all your days are filled with laughter, love, and happiness in every way possible.
Thank you so much for comimg Anita, on this cold and snowy day! Oh, poor you - why couldn't your district be free from school for a whole week, so you can happily create more of your blog -treasures?
I know Roses & Rutabags, i do visit sweet Rosie! Know her from Friday Pretties - she's a sweet soul and her shop must be wonderful!
Christmas crazyness is getting to me now - that slight panicki feeling in my stomach - will i finish everything on time, will all the pland work out - etc, etc. - will have a bubble-bath now, to calm down! I wish you the sweetest dreams for tonight!
Hi Anita, thanks for popping by I always laugh at your comments, in a good way, you know what I meen ;)
Please take what ever you like, the one with my eyes covered up by the hood mom spotted a white dot by my mouth, its gone now, if thats the one you want.
Your home town was on our news tonight with all the snow, keep warm and make sure Balzac is wrapped up I'd hate him to get a cold.
See Yea George xxx
I will be sending you a smile box to your pee mail hope you get it ok
Bonsoir ma sweet vriendin, I hope you are having a great third Advent week, enjoy joy joy this last week at school. The holidays are just around the corner!
We are getting ready for some colder weather and snow again. Veel groeten en kusjes! xxxxxx
Anita, you know how much I believe in faith, hope and love! And as much as I would love to win this give-away, I'm not exaggerating when I say each visit to your blog is a gift in itself.
Such a wonderful and magical filled post!
Happy Holidays!
Take me away, Anita ... I so enjoy your beautiful magical writes.
Christmas hugs & joys ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
Oh my sweet little S*N*O*W*F*L*A*K*E...
how was this day with those budding poets of yours? This is so exciting that you have kindled a fire in the hearts of these wee wordsmiths...They don't know there great fortune to have you as their mentor...and as for this lone soldier, the fever is sure to be infectious and he will be enlighten very soon. I am SURE of it.
How is your tummy dear one...sure hope you are not coming down with a bug before Christmas.
Well, I have cleaned and then cleaned some more...I am ready for any visitors who might knock on my door (hoping my sister might be "tap tapping" in a day or two) Tomorrow...another GLORIOUS day in the kitchen...cookies for my darling son who will arrive on Thursday. I can barely contain my jubilation...have I mentioned how much I LOVE CHRISTMAS?...giggle...
Off to a neighborhood cookie and coffee night now, so will wish you a day filled to the brim with the JOY of the season...HUGS dear one!
Happy midweek my friend...you are so sweet..I just had to pop by and wish you a good night. Love and hugs. Sorry this is so short but I must crawl into my bed before I fall to sleep here. xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoooooooooooooo
Oh no sweet one.....stay in bed and get better today...wish I could pop over with some sweet gifts to make you feel better.
I will be thinking of you. Off I go! xoxoxox
But of course I believe! How could I not?
What a charming post, Anita. And I'm so please to meet some of your friends....Koralee has long been a blog friend of mine; her posts are always full of inspiration and love. No wonder you know her! :)
What beauty and wonder your blog contains! Such an absolute treat to sit and read... You have the Touch. :) Have a wonder~filled Christmas.
Hope you enjoy the days before christmas, my dear friend?!!! Have you seen the horse at my post ;) - it´s for you ;))?!!!!
Hugs Jade
I am sooo sad to hear you are unwell. I hope it passes soon. I know, I will raise your spirits and let you know that I packed your gift today! delighted to give you some light when you are feeling low. Hope you are filled with joy when you get it. Just a bit of soft and tidbits of lovely. Blessings friend.
You are soooo sweet, thank you so much, for your lovely words!!!! Hope you feel much better today?!!!! When i walk with Sheila, we only meet deers or rabbits or horses ;)).............when i saw this one, it was late in the afternoon, before it gets dark and i asked the girl on the horse, if i can take a picture ;)!!!!! Have a wonderful day and i hope you feel well soon,
Hugs Jade
How is your stomach by now, chere Anita? Is she kind to you again. I read she is not that kind to you, drink lots of warm tea and rest rest r e s t. I am sending you lots of positive healing vibes, do you feel these coming yet? Feel better soon, sweet sweet friend. xxxx A little Dutch Christmas card is on its way to YOU xxxx
Oh Anita, do you feel better now? I hope so! Stomach flu isn't exactly a nice thing, many kids around here have it at the moment. But at least you can stay home, and i have a feeling that this is what you need. Thanks for stopping by - so glad you like my red painting! A good friend bought it for her home, so i don't have it anymore, but sometimes miss it. Red in winter is wonderful! Get well soon dear, big hugs and good vibes from chilly germany! xox
I DO hope you get wel soon, dear friend Anita!! Rest, sweet, drink much water, rest some more!! Stress may be causing all this! The end of a whole full year is so much for our head and heart and sholders!!! My prayers go for you, dear, tonight!!
HUGS + HUGS!!! Bela
Oh Anita,
I am sorry that you are sick. It's so difficult when you go to school everyday. I remember how often we were all sick because the girls were still in school. Having said that my nineteen year old is working in a Daycare Center. Yikes, lions and tigers and bears. I just asked her to surely get her flu shot.
Everything does get done eventually. I hope you have a comfy robe and slippers and a nice cup of tea.
Hope you are feeling much much better and this day has been a day of rest!
I was thinking of you today and wishing I could magically pop you over here...I went into Rosie's shop today...miss R was not there but had a great chitchat with the most charming gal! I bought some lovely gifts and something blue for myself!
Have a great evening ...2 more days......are you heading back tomorrow?
xoxoxoox love and joy and a happy tummy
i'm on my toes...pointe...no...i'm not. okay, my arms are gracefully reaching toward the stars......
sweet post!!!!!
Oh dear one, you are under the weather:(...my poor friend. I will make you a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup with a little dish of warm rice pudding for desert. Ahhhh, but you have a wonderful nurse to help you get well again.
And the "Merry men" are working sooo hard...you will be painting and decorating before you know it. Let me know what you are planning to do as far as paint treatments go....What have you dreamed up???
You have MORE S*N*O*W...
...Hmmmm...Now, how can you send a little bit of that fluffy white stuff this way. :)
I have been baking wee morsels of goodness ALL day. I still have Norwegian butter balls and a few shortbread snowflakes to do, but I THINK I AM FINISHED.
My sister is coming to stay overnight tomorrow, and I am so excited. We don't get to spend a lot of time together, so this is a precious gift.
...and the cherry on top? Ryan ALSO arrives tomorrow!!!!! Do ya think it could get any better? I THINK NOT!
So dear one, this has been a wonderful cuppa...and I have tucked a warm heating pad into your fluffy bed to keep your toes "toasty"...now, snugle under the covers and get better.
xoxoxoxoxox LOVE ROSIE xoxoxoxoxox
Anita, my sweet dearest blog friend. What a great post and a darling giveaway. I come to your blog to smile, to dream, to believe, to be a little girl again. I love it. No matter how difficult or challenging my day has been, your blog lifts up my spirits and reminds me of the friendships in and the beauty of this blog world.
Thanks for the giveaway. Count me in, dear one.
It's been so busy lately (working over 55 hours at my day job and attempting to open my Etsy store before the end of the year). I have barely had any time to visit you. But here I am, ready to dream during this wonderful holiday season.
Have a great weekend!
I'll post this giveaway on my sidebar.
Oh dear Anita that is not good news...please take care and be well for next week...Rest up Shining Star...A big hug to you...And thank you so much for popping in...Dzintra♥x
Morning!!!! Thank you for your sweet note this morning....I am happy to hear you are feeling a wee bit better! Take it easy today my friend.
Just wanted to let you know that I have not received your sweet gift yet...I will let you know the moment they arrive...can't wait!!!!
Busy day for me....we have our staff Christmas dinner tonight. Hugs and love....it's almost here!!!! JOY!
I loved everything about your special post!! Always.
So glad I found you friend!!!
You make your posts full of hope and kindness and excitement all over
this world...isn't that exciting!!!
It's like entering a beutiful "alive" book that goes on and on and never ends, just gets better the more you see. Love you friend!
Praying we are restored in our bodies, and feeling much better real soon!
Dearest Anita,
I am sorry to hear you have been feeling under the weather. I hope nothing serious and I hope you are feeling better. How sweet the little birds are.. and look how they even connect friendships. I think in some ways we are kindered spirits.
Blessings and hugs~
Are you better? I too was fighting a bronchitis the last weeks! If not, get better soon! Love this give away, please enter me!
I have one too, so come and get your chance!!!
Bonsoir Anita!
Thanks for your get well wishes! They worked, my husband is on the mend and I am much better too. It took a while to figure out which blogs I had read but didn't leave a comment yet. Comments are the spice of the blog, in my opinion. As always I love the magical world you have created up here. I do believe that people are good, that is my faith and I hope that everybody will have the opportunity to show their goodness and kindness. Here in blogland we can see that that is contagious, so that there is a lot of love shared and to be found. We have discussed the words of Antoine St. Exupérie before; 'On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur', which are so true and those words put in practice here give us hope!
Enjoy your advent time! Bisous ma belle amie, LiLi
Hope you're feeling MUCH better today, dear Anita. This is far too busy a time of year to be inconvenienced by an unwanted illness! Rest and recover completely. Relapses are the worst!
When do you finish for the Christmas break? We have a half day on Tuesday. The children will be dismissed after their Christmas program. Then we will gather for our staff party to share gifts and food and laughter!
Joy and many blessings to you!
oh dear one...can't stay for tea today as I have a house full of very special guests...but wanted you to know I have been praying that the city inspector will be gracious and kindly tell you he thinks your addition is really quite fine and will be back for tea as soon as it is finished...oh, I am being summoned and really must go...I will be back as soon as I possibly can. Happy thoughts, for a Happy weekend...love you lots...Rosie
With all the mailing fun I have been having, I got a little joy in the mail yesterday! They did another article about me and my fairy carriage (poppy one) in Somerset Studio! I received my advanced copy! Yay! what an honor and delight. Wishing you well. Blessings.
Anita, how ARE you today? Much snow here - and much stress! Hugs for a great weekend - and a relaxed one!
I am finally finding a moment to visit my dear friends in Blogworld...O how you delight my life Anita. You kiss my days with magic with every 'sweet thought' that you leave me. Do you think you could leave me your address again at my hotmail because I seem to have miss placed it and I want to send you a Christmastide. Love to you dearest. Joyeux Noel.
And off we are... h o l i d a y s here we come.
We are snowed in, the news advices people to stay at home as much as possible. It's not over yet, will get worse this weekend. The children will be outside a lot, hot chocolate, marshmallows I'm all ready.
Enjoy these last hours at school it will probably very festive?
Have a most wonderful weekend, our fourth candles can finally be lit, hooray.
Een heel gezellig weekend!
Hugs and more hugs ma chere amie, mijn lieve vriendin
You are a star for sure. Thanks for the chance to win that lovely star. It is magical as you are.
Good morning Anita!
I'm writing for the very first time..this post picked my heart away.. This is a very magical and elegant place to stay..and I love the feeling you give me. I really have to thank you for this!! My faith is my strenght!
Rome is covered by a white blanket! Hope you have a bright and blessed Christmas!
God bless you!
Early e a r l y morning, off to make, take and enJOY my first cup of the weekend, or better yet, the holidays. Do enjoy al your warm cups too today, lieve zuster. xxxxx and some more xxxxx
Hi Anita! Thanks for your sweet comment and have a BEAUTIFUL weekend!!! xoxo's
Hey Anita, so glad you liked that bunny rabbit - it's so like you! Go and click the link for zeng in my post - she has more of them, and each one is ... they just belong to "nowhere" i think! So, you're holidays are starting! That is so great! I have some more days to go, but somehow, today i feel better then i have in a while, and will start to wrap up some presents tonight. Will come and visit Nowhere later! Deeply enjoy your weekend! xox
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