TEA RAT: Oh come now old thing and join us at the theatre tonight. We have quite the line-up and everyone is buzzing about it; won't you make an effort and come?
RATTUS: I'm in no mood for your buffoonery tonight! I am spending MY CHRISTMAS here by the fire, ALONE. Besides, I don't like the theatre.
TEA RAT: COME AGAIN? Theatre critic extraordinaire? The GRAND POOBAH of Vaudeville, Ombres Chinoises and the Big Top? Come son, and enjoy yourself, on me. Go get your shabby old coat and...
RATTUS: Oh leave me now! You are not going to steal my Christmas! Meanwhile downtown...

(The Dance of the Dutch Sugar Cookies and How Tea Rat Stole Christmas)
(The Dance of the Dutch Sugar Cookies and How Tea Rat Stole Christmas)

Then please follow our Prima Ballerina and usherette, Miss Bebe from BEBE'S CORPS DE BALLET (and charm school)
this way please

featuring a host of performers
from the GREAT CIRQUES DE PARIS and the illustrious HILLTOP! Now, without further ado, we present to you
singing, I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas accompanied by the smooth tones of none other than TEA RAT
OH! Here it comes.... the high note that only THEY can hit together "....may your days be merry and BRIIIIIIIIIGHT
and may all your Christmases be white."

Oh that was smashing! ENCORE! ENCORE!
And now, do we hear the shuffle of DUTCH SUGAR COOKIES, otherwise known as SPECULAAS gracing our stage?
Gracefully led by BEBE
followed in a neat little queue by Gretta the Great, Basile the Rat, Tea's cousin on his mother's side, twice removed and followed by MOZES who SUPPOSES HIS TOZES TO BE!
And tip-toeing in after Mozes we have.....er......ummmm..... (meanwhile backstage)

TEA RAT: "What do you mean Racoon broke his leg? He was to do the final SPECULAAS SOLO after Mozes! Oh dear, this role requires GREAT SKILL and FIT OF LIMB! And I AM, of course, the only one who is able to stand in, BUT I'm preparing myself for THE GRAND FINALE to accompany RACOON'S ROUTINE!" (
back on stage)
AH! Here we are ladies and gentlemen! AND FOLLOWING Mozes we have....uh.....is it....is it RATTUS?
And the crowd went wild folks...and as the BIG COOKIE OF THEM ALL, TEA RAT, IN HIS GRAND TEA CUP, DESCENDS FROM THE RAFTERS...
My friends,
Dank U
Merci Beaucoup
THANK YOU and a round of applause, PLEASE, to Miss Bebe, Nowhere's Sweetheart and her CORPS DE BALLET
and to our VERY SPECIAL and last-minute understudy, RATTUS SCRIBUS for executing the most difficult dance moves ever seen on stage OR screen!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, and to all, a good night! Tea and Speculaas in the lobby for everyone!
That night after the show

TEA RAT: Rattus...
TEA RAT: Thank you.
RATTUS: For what?
TEA RAT: You came. But not only did you come to see the show, you helped me, your old mate, your comrade, your friend. Did I steal YOUR Christmas old thing?
RATTUS: You GAVE me Christmas tonight old chum. What can I say but that I feel young again and I thank you for.....

TEA RAT: Oh Rattus!

TEA RAT: You had your arms out, I thought you wanted a huggy...
RATTUS: Did you ever read that incorrectly! COMPORT YOURSELF OLD THING!
Friendship like a cup of tea
and sugar cookies crumb-e-ly
are sweet and sometimes hard to chew
but ever worthy, precious and few...
Thank you for amusing me and bearing with my foibles. NOW FOR THE WINNER OF THE DRAW FOR THE BLACK CLUTCH, THE TICKET TO LE BAL MASQUÉ AND THE GLITTERED WAND...The sweet Canadian...HIGH-HEELED LIFE! Go and visit this darling lady and say, FÉLICITATIONS!
All regular programing shall resume next week!
All corny text, poetry, poor photography and drawings by Anita Castles Crowns and Cottages ©
EXCEPT for the darling illustration of Bebe by Penny at Angelswings
and image of Miss Moussie and idea of Mozes the Bear by The Dutchess
Image of Gretta by the imagination of Jackie at Once Upon a Fairyland
Idea of Racoon by Patricia Cabrera at Woolytales
AND RATTUS SCRIBUS is the brain child of RUBEN RIVERA from
Heavenly Minded and Earthly Good
Please stop by his blog to read a REAL Christmas message!
THERE you are ... did you see me in the front row?
Merry merry Christmas darling Anita!
Oh...that was so much fun!
BRAVO Anita ...
Tu mérites des applaudissements pour ta façon de nous emmener au pays du rêve ...
Mes enfants embarquent lundi matin pour le Minnésota, direction Lake Ville ...
Pourrais-tu me redonner l'adresse de ton école stp, je n'arrive plus à la retrouver ...
Christelle est aussi institutrice, c'est une jolie coïncidence.
Mille bisous d'amitié.
What a delight!I wasn't expecting my own little show this morning with my coffee and toast.oh oh I gave myself away -lounging around on this rainy day in my pjs.I love when she comes down out of the rafters.Perfect.
My dear Anita
All of your hard work paid off! This is, without a doubt, the most enjoyable Theatre experience I have seen this year! Your photography and illustrations
are over the top!! Bebe was very honored to be a part of this show. Thank you sooooo much my dear friend.
Rattus... you look so very dapper in your blue suit and red vest.. Did TEA RAT pick that out for you?
Merry Christmas to all
Love and Blessings,
Bebe's mum
My dear Anita...
Your talent simply amazes me... YOU ARE FAB.U.LOUS! I love the whimsy of your art.... and your storytelling... TOOOOO wonderful. Leave it to that sweet little Rattus Scribus so come through when you need him, right???
I soooo enjoyed my Saturday trip to the theater!
Congratulations to the VERY lucky winner... I am greeeen with envy.... :-)
Gotta go.... I hear there is tea and speculaas in the lobby...and heaven knows I love a treat.
Bless your pea-pickin' heart....
Huggies and Lovies!
Ooohhhh Anita, this is sooo much fun! Before I hand you over Miss LiLi's personal Oscars of best performance, best actor, best special effects, best actress, best producer etc. etc. I want you to know that my husband and I went to 'the Sleeping beauty' ballet last night and not only we were totally enjoying ourselves, I just had to keep thinking of you. How much fun would it be if you could sit next to me and enjoy the Russian St. Peterburg's ballet too! It was just our cup of tea. The dance, the costumes, the joy and the decor, just a fairytale, now wait 'sleeping beauty' is a fairy tale!
Now tonight there is another heavenly production in this home theatre! You have done such a wonderful and creative job Anita. You deserve all these Oscars and a big applause (clapclapclap). I love the characters, I love the drawings and of course I love the tea and speculaas (did you already taste some?).
Thanks for the tickets to this unforgettable experience dear Anita, hugs and lots of love LiLi.
ps I will visit your husbands blog later.
ps 2: if we don't get in touch anymore this very busy week; I just want you to know that I'm wishing you and your wonderful family a very warm, cosy and happy Christmas!
Anita, dear, I am trying to find words to describe what I felt while watching your play...but I cannot find them...they might be hidden somewhere...there are only three of them I found: YOU ARE FABULOUS!!!! What a creative talented intelligent minded friend I DO have! God bless you and all your gifts!!!
Merci beaucoup! I am truly enchanted! Have wonderful weekend time! LOVE!! Bela
I really like your post what a funny one....congratulations to the winners........happy weekend darling....love love love Ria...
Oh, Anita! Such a nice and beautiful surprise you have prepared to us! What a Christmas gift! Thank you so much!!!
A Bravo to you, your dear husband, the Dutchess and all your dear friends!
Thank you!
I wish you all a Merry Christmas!
My dear, I sent you a Christmas postcard this morning.
Please, tell me something when you receive it. I hope you get it before Christmas :-)
Mille, mille bisous!! :-)
PS: I love speculaas ;-)
Dear Anita
It is a wonderful surprise,the most beautiful way of demonstrating the spirit of the Christmas time and to wish happiness to all of us for these days.
I wish you a Christmas celebrations full of Peace and Love,
Bigs hugs from Spain,
Wonderful Anita! Thank you for such a lovely and amazing Cirque de Noel played in all it's glory. Fantastic characters all. Bravo!
I truly needed to sit in this little theater and enjoy a world away from everyday. Thank you thank you. Happy Holly Jolly Joy to you my dear and all the fabulous performers...
I so love going to the theatre.....especially during the Holidays!!!! Thanks for this grand performance.....you have made my Christmas Merry and Bright dear friend!!
Anita, my dear, I always enjoy my visits to Nowhere where such creativity abounds! I love the theatre everything was outstanding. I am back have you noticed? Take care and stay warm!
Love, Bonnie, Sadie and Kitty
Well sweet Anita, as you can imagine, an Idaho country girl like me has little opportunity to go to the theater, so this was a special treat to me! A magical production!!! And something to make my season complete my sweet, creative friend.
You bring us magic with your art and your wonderful imagination.
Congratulations to you winner. She will love her win so much.
Wishing you the perfect Christmas ever.
hugs to you...
I must commmission you to make me one a fabulous stage and shadow theatre!!!! It's enchanting!!!! And I just adore the scenery with the big moon and the Eiffel tower and the cirque horse and everything!!!
You always excite my fanciful side!
Brava! Brava! Brava!
(Is that Reuben at that French window in your side bar?)
Dahling! I wore my velvet gown and jewels, did you see the lights reflecting off the diamonds?!?!? I do hope I wasn't a distraction!
What a delight! Bravo! Encore!
~ Violet
Oh, and I forgot to say, the photo you used for the banner, is so magical! The glow of the lights and the sillouettes, beautiful!
~ Violet
Everything looks different than about two hours ago...I left a comment, did you get it Anita?
Oh my dear, creative friend. There is nothing to say but, this is ever so CHARMING...I was in a land far far away, enjoy the most precious tale of the spirit of Christmas rekindled...quite perfect Anita...I am STILL smiling...thank you dear one.
I am finally able to jot you a wee note...I am sooo tired. It has been a string of L-O-N-G very busy days, with little time for any thing even resembling sleep and I don't see it changing until after this blessed day has been celebrated by one and all.
And dear Bob has come through once again, "hip hip hurray"...it is getting close dear one...in my mind, I am doing a cheer and a very, very happy dance.
This has been most delightful dear friend, but I fear I may doze off, with my fingers poised over my keyboard...Ahhhh, but what WONDERfilled dreams I would have of Tea Rat, Rattus and the beautiful Miss Bebe...and all the adventures they would have...Yawn...SWEET DREAMS Dear One...Yawn...xoxo Rosie
Ok, I just had to take ONE more stroll through before bed...ahhhh...magnificent!
............ ~R~................
Merci Anita pour l'adresse que j'ai retransmise immédiatement à mes enfants ...
J'espère moi aussi que leur voyage se passera bien ...
Je t'embrasse.
Bravo, Bravo I loved it, that's a cute tiny little theatre and all the characters, I'll make sure I don't miss the next one.
I went to visit High-Heeled life, and whats I see Dolce, that has just started blogging, I of course are now following, us dogs need to keep together.
Stay Warm, we have snow now ;) love it makes me feel all Chritmassie (not sure that's how you spell it!)
Love and Hugs to you all
George and Jan xxx
Your blog, writing and projects are beautiful!
Congrats to the winners, too :)
Oooooooooooooooh how sweet, dear Anita.....what a lovely, lovely theatre - we all are winners, it´s such a great gift, to be your friend!!!!!!! Your delightful post makes me smile and my day so much brighter!!!!!! And thank you so much, for your lovely comment.....Sheila would be very proud, to be in your sidebar (she told me;))!!!!!!! Have a wonderful Christmas time, my dear friend and enjoy every moment!!!!!!! Hugs and kisses from me and Sheila,
Oh Anita, you are so sweet ;)))............it´s much better Sheila does`nt see the lovely rat theatre, because it may be, that she likes to eat them (and Pablo to)....sooooo psssst ;))!!!!!
Have a wonderful sunday, Hugs Jade
Awwwww, Anita, how sweet is that! When have you done all this - it looks magical and is one of the most gorgeous posts EVER! You must have worked so hard to get it done, but now, there's no need to panic dear friend, we should celebrate - not only with tea, bur with real champagne, directly flewn in from Paris! I LOVE, LOVE. LOVE this darling theatre and everyone on stage - and the header image is FABULOUS! Do your pupils know what you're up to in your spare time? I bet they would be thrilled. Like blogland will be. You just wait, you will have comments like crazy on this one. Now relax and just have a lazy sunday - you deserve it! xoxoxox
Oh Anita, that looks so lovely in your siedbar - Sheila sends you 1000 kisses ;)),
Hugs Jade
Anita this is sooo much fun!
Merry merry Christmas
What a magical post. I loved the performance very much. Congrats to the winner of your giveaway.
Blessings always~
Nita, I am a little late but I made it here. It is a double delight to come from NoWhere and end up here as you know I hardly read your posts only once!!!*grin*
This is beautiful Nita! Your dedication to please us all is shown in the way you do things. You are *always* encouraging and helping everyone. You are so kind, and as I told you once that I learned the meaning of the word KIND years ago - Kind is to give one what He/She (((needs))) not what he/she (((deserves)))!
You are so Kind!! I love you and appreciate you so very much! I am thankful for this year and all we have shared. I am looking foward to the year ahead of us and with hopes that some day we too, can meet!
With all my heart~
I will have to read this to my grandson. Really so beautiful, whimsical and creative. I am so happy I stumbled into your little world here.
Oh Anita..what would I do without your vivid and creative stories...what a talent you are! ~ Christmas Hugs, Patti
Oh my goodness! What a wonderful gift I've got from participating in Tish's Christmas-blogging -- that's where I found your comment that's led to this delightful, delightful page. Too much risk of getting lost here and I have, reluctantly, to shove myself away from the table and get on with the day's busy-ness. But I'll be waiting to get back and explore more wonderful stories and charming illustrations. Lovely anticipation!
Oh my friend...you continue to amaze me with all your talent....you just made my morning! I am smiling ear to ear...time to fill my teacup and go for another show.
Your illustrations are magical. Thank you!
Hope your holiday is off to a great start....my girls and I had a baking day yesterday...we baked went out for lunch...baked some more...went out for dinner...made a gingerbread house {well really watched my youngest make it}...then out shopping for stocking stuffer for the 3 men in our lives.
It was a grand day...just wished our Molly could of joined in on the fun.
Have a great day....enjoy enjoy enjoy! xoxoxo Love and hugs.
Off to read your magical post one more time!
Bravo! Bravo! Well done all:)!
Thanks for the wonderful performance at Wits End:)!
Christmas Blessings,
Goedenavond lieve zuster, mijn theekop is gevuld en veel speculaas erbij, heel veel speculaas!
Bonsoir ma chere amie, my teacup is filled and I have lots of spiced cookies, beaucoup de spiced cookies!
Anyway, I started with ooooh and aaaah's and I ended with aaaah and ooooh's. Such amazingly awesome creations, sweet Anita. I think you could make it your day job easily. But perhaps you wouldn't want to, the combination of teaching and being artistic aside is a great one. I will pop over to your other blog right away.
I was needed every minute these last 24 hours. Now there is a little space and I grabbed it with both hands ^_^
Have a wondrous Sunday, lieve vriendin, ik ga snel naar je andere blog, daag {I am off right away to your other blog, bye bye} Zillion bisous
Anita, Bravo, an excellent production. I love you and your creativity!!
Joyeax Noel!
I have a New Giveaway from My Sparrow, so do come and enter!
Art by Karena
It is clear that much work went into the Production. I love the lighting effects and am still trying to figure out how you did it! Mysterious... It was jolly good theater!
Thank you so much for all your lovely, energetic, positive,informative and happy words that you leave me whenever I post. You are much appreciated and admired here in the Hollow.All the critters find you simply elegant, and honestly, I believe a few have quite a crush. Although, I keep telling Hamish,you and he are NOT in the same league, and he must lower his expectations. Besides, I told him, Anita is already spoken for!
Keep up the good work, you are truly a blast and a treasure to many.
Dear Anita, my message left at Nowhere was much too short, I have re- read the entire Theatre production, here in your post..I was so very tired last night, (after shopping with my husband) and apologize for such a short message. I can see all the hard work you put into this, I hope today, you are feeling better, and know it was well worth your time and efforts! It is a sweet little tale, loaded with all the characters we have come to know, and love! It was heartwarming to see Rattus, and Tea Rat finally come together, and for the old man to have a wonderful Christmas gift himself! The photos, and art work were delightful too! It was a wonderful presentation, from a beautiful lady. Thank you Anita for including me in this very special night. I am so looking forward to the new year, and all of the great adventures I will be part of in Nowhere! I also look forward to getting to know you better , and Ruben as well. Wishing you and Ruben a wonderful Christmas! With Love, Christel
This was so funny I enjoyed it so much. You amazed me with the story and the beautiful pictures. You students are luckily with a talented teacher as you are.
Oh friend, that was magic. The best heart kind with music and delights. Thanks for this gift of sweetness, creativity and light. You are an angel. Bless you. So glad to hear it arrived. Have a beautiful time opening it on Christmas Eve. Love, Amy
Encore, encore and a standing ovation! I'm grinning from ear to ear from the sheer merriment that i gained from this post! You're so talented! I hope that you're enjoying your Christmas break from school(well i'm assuming that you're already on break-we are here in the States). Bon soiree mon amie:-). XX
Oh, dear Anita, I do love the theater! You are AMAZING!
Can you hear me shouting "Encore!"?
You must publish your work! Your characters are so sweet and endearing! I think they will be famous! And there will be toys made of Tea Rat and Rattus for children of all ages to enjoy! Oh, they are magic! Thank you for sharing your precious characters with us!
Dear Heart,
There is nothing corny about this production. It is just to devine.Bravo!!!
Merry Christmas,
XXOO Marie Antionette
I had just a wonderful time and I especially like how you drew in a bit of "Singin' in the Rain!" All I can say is well done! And what a talented troupe you have assembled!!! Thank you!!! And Merry Christmas!! Cathy
Bravo! My sweet Anita,
La grande finale a été fabuleux, j'ai failli ne pas voir le spectacle, parce que mon billet a été dans la petite bourse noire que vous avez donné de suite:) j'ai jamais été si heureux de l'avoir récupéré par le gagnant.
Belle production, en vous remerciant pour l'invitation.
Un Joyeux Noël
Oh dear one, after you take a bow, or maybe a delightful little curtsy, I have a delicious glass of pink B:U.:B.B:.L:E.Y., to toast your success.
I just arrived home from the shop. Oh my, I am so computer illiterate, and my store P.C. was VERY old and tired. She needed replacing...and my dear son rescued me. WE shopped, we bought, HE installed, and I am thrilled :)
My little ray of sunshine arrives tonight at 10:00...I am the happiest mama around.
And you have started your holidays, much rest and relaxation, all wrapped up with a pretty bow...enjoy dear heart...xoxo...~R~
Standing ovation! And congratulations to the winner of your giveaway!
Kat :)
I went to email you, but it has been so long, I lost your address!! I'm sorry I've been absent, but I wanted to tell you that my husband and I are submitting an offer tomorrow to purchase our first house, and your gorgeous fairy tale cottage has been in my thoughts! Feel free to drop me a line sometime, and we can catch up.
Bravo, bravo, and standing ovations no less! What a wonderful play and how sweet of Rattus to stand in at the last moment. What a splendid performance indeed! Congratuations to the winner too!!!
Dear Anita, thank you for all of your lovely, funny, thought provoking, and wonderful posts!It is always a joy to visit you. I hope you, your hubby, and all of your family have a blessed and joyful Christmas, and a peaceful, healthy, and Happy New Year ♥
Love, Carol and Charli
Dear Anita
Ready to turn the lamp out and wanted to tell you again how wonderful this performance was... You have outdone yourself my friend.
Bebe is asking for you over at NOWHERE... When you have time, please go help her out.. Something about the tickets and a lonnnnnnnnng line outside..
Blessings my dear friend
Hi Anita! Congrats to the winner! What a lucky girl - she won my last giveaway also!:) An adorable post...and a lovely day to you!
Hugs, Kristin
Magnifique mon amie!! What a wonderful Christmas play! And such an unexpected turn when Rattus stepped in to take the play over the moon.
Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and Ruben!! bisous, Sherry
You are too, too clever, my darling! The two of you must be an absolute blast to be with, I am so impressed with your wonderful theatre! XX!
Bravo Bravo Bravo Dear Anita...Wonderful!!! Tea and Speculaas in the lobby...I'll see you there and we can sip together!!! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas...and all the best for the following year...I have loved getting to know you...Much Love, Dzintra♥x
How lovely, I especially love your mouse paintings. All of you are so talented and create the most adorable performances. Ruben is so creative, the two of you are wonderful together.
I have been lost in Christmas and neglecting my blogging. But I wanted to stop by and say Merry Christmas Anita to you and Ruben.
Goeden middag lieve Anita, er ligt zo veel sneeuw hier in Nederland. Ik ben heel de dag binnen gebleven, koekjes gebakken.
Good afternoon, sweet Anita, there is so much snow here in the Netherlands. I stayed inside the house all day long, baking cookies.
We tried a gingerbread house but that was no success. My little one added some sugar and played about an hour with that stuff. As you can see, we still had fun! It doesn't matter what we do and if it's a big success, as long as we enjoy ourselves. i might crown this to my quote for these 2 holidays weeks ^_^
Een heel gezellige avond met koffie, thee en speculaas
A very cozy evening with coffee, tea and spiced cookies
Sweetest chere amie xxxx I love reading all your uplifting comments, ma bella xxxx
Anita cher vous êtes si bienvenue, Qu'est-ce qu'une amitié sans un petit bijou de temps en temps.
Avec amour, l'inspiration et la passion de créer de la beauté.
Joyeux Noel
Il neige ice aussi, le ciel est bleu bleu bleu, comme j'aime bleu. Amuse toi aujourd'hui, ma chere amie. Mille bisous
Hoera voor de talen!
Hooray for the languages!
Brava Anita!! I love your theatre! :) What a beautiful story, once again you touch so many of our hearts. And you do it through more than words alone. You have such a gift Anita. I'm so thankful our paths have crossed! Congratulations to your lucky winner. All of us have won just being here!!
Wishing you the sparkliest Christmas season, and lots of love and happiness in 2011! xOxO
Move over girls because I am in the front row, with my hands clapping and clapping. I video taped the whole thing, and now I will have it forever and ever. BRAVO ma belle Anita.
See a little Canadian girl won your treasures. Isn't that wonderful?
Merry Christmas to you and your dear hubby Anita.
We love you.
Love me
BTW I'm the girl to the right of that gorgeous man in the front row : )
Well, If I would have known I was going to the theatre tonight, I would have dressed up.
But I was kinda sitting in the back, so no worries.
I enjoyed it very much.
clap, clap, clap, clap, standing ovation
clap, clap, clap.
thanks, It has been a long time since this girl has been to the theatre.
Oh dear, I was
late for the performance!
But, I see it got rave
I unplugged for the
last couple of days
and am now enjoying my
blog visits....Yours
most especially was
divine! Great photos
and I LOVE your precious
drawings. Hope this
festive week is off to
a merry start for you,
Anita : )
xx Suzanne
Why did i think that you were in Europe somewhere? I saw that you're actually here in the States too(which is great:-)). I also LOVE what you're doing with your blog redesign. I hope to catch the eclipse so i'm off to bed so that i can hopefully get up to view Mother Nature at work. Buenas noches. XX
Oh my dear,dear friend...
I can only have half a cuppa tonight, as I am on my way to the shop with Ry to iron out a few issues with our NEW store P.C....she is shiny and did I mention NEW yet? My old P.C. was made up of components from other old P.Cs that my Very smart son threw together to help his old mom out.
NOW...You MUST know how precious your friend is to me too...My Sweet girlfriend, you are the definition of loyalty. EVERY morning it is YOU I have my cuppa with...Je t'aime mon cher, cher ami. He has truly blessed me with such a friendship as ours.
Alas, I must say goodnight, as I have to leave...until tomorrow my sweet....xoxoxo....Rosie
Dearest Anita, thank you so much for your sweet christmas wishes - i'm wishing the same to you! We shared so much fun over the last year and i always love to visit here and love to see your lovely face up on my blog! I hope your holidays got of to a great start. We have a winter here, like we rarely had. So much snow. It's pretty to look at, but it makes everything hard to do and i'm glad, i got almost all my presents and things, so at least that is settled. Would like to be a christmas fairy and send sth. to all my blogfriends, but surely, i'm sending lots of love!
Oh Anita Sweetie...
I went straight to Nowhere first, as I had no idea the performance would be here too. I loved it sweet friend. Encore...Encore...
Bruiser and I had the best time, and I love it that Tea Rat and Rattus performed together for the holidays. So sweet like you my friend.
Thank you for gracing my blog with your friendship each and every time I post. Your friendship is priceless sweet friend. May you and Ruben have the merriest of CHRISTmas(es) and may God richly bless you this holiday season with his love.
Many hugs and so much love sweet friend...Sherry
I absolutely adore that you couldn't wait til Christmas!!! we have that in common. I think you are the best and am delighted to give you a smile friend. Blessings and may your Christmas be white and full of safe memories and light.
I'm sitting here with the silliest big grin on my face! How adorable, Anita!!!
I hope you have a magical Christmas!
Hi my sweet sweet friend....thank you so much for your morning visit! I have fallen behind on my visits....life has been crazy busy over here.
We are heading home for the HOLIDAYS so thought I would pop in and wish you a blessed and joyful Christmas one more time! I will try to have some posts scheduled while I am away...but I will not be on my labtop as I think I will leave it behind. I so want to focus on Family and Friends while I am away.
Thank you my sweet sweet friend for all the blessings of LOVE that you send my way every single day....you really do not know how much your words mean to me.
Not to worry about your sweet little gift...it will arrive and I will have so much JOY in opening it!
Blessings on top of Blessings as you enjoy your Christmas with your sweet sweet family.
xoxoxoxoox love and hugs koralee
Een heel gezellige avond, lieve lieve vriendin. En welterusten voor straks! xxxxx
How fun was that?
I think you are the queen of paper.
Imagine if you and I get together.
Merry Christmas!!
I'm so glad I stopped by...that was a delightful presentation! I was enchanted by it from the beginning...thank you for a lovely treat!!
Ahhhhh dear one,
I have just finished my post and the tooth pick "eye props" are no longer working...Such a productive day, but oh SO LONG...I promise to come for my first cuppa, after a few hour of sleep, and have "THE CUPPA, of all cuppas with you my dearest friend...yawn...sweet dreams
Hello Anita,
Oohhh how much I have enjoyed this beautiful performance! It's a bit difficult to express myself in an other language, but I had so much fun, from the beginning till the end. My compliments for this beautiful piece of art!
I wish you a merry christmas dear Anita,
Hugs from Ester
Dear Anita, thank you so much for your kind words yesterday! Awwww, you're the most wonderful blogfriend! Here, all the sreets are full of slush since it got warmer, but new snow is on the horizon they say. I'm pretty sick of it by now and wouldn't mind to go on a nice cruise to somewhere warm - right after christmas. A month of snow is enough for me! But i come to blogland to renew my spirit and find joy. Don't know how i could have survived the year without all the lovely support i got here! Have a cozy day and stay safe and warm!
Dear Anita,
I saw your comment in my last post. Please, come again to visit me. In the same post, at the end, I put a new photo. It's my cadeau of Valkenburg for you...;-)
I was there only one day but I want to go back next Spring. I will tell you more about it then...Limburg has so many castles to see...:-)
Now, come to see my little surprise...
Anita dear Anita, I am sure we are getting just the end of the first act of our play! So fun and full of delightful moments play! You are such such a blessed soul! Even if I knew how to deal with all words from your language I would never get to say, indeed, how much my feelings get touched by our friendship!!! My heart is grateful for ever and ever!
Merry Merry Bright Xmas, sweet lady! May all your dreams become real life and all your wishes come true true always!!! Much love!!! Bela
Hi there, thanks for your visit to my blog and your kindness. I have enjoyed my visit here too, it's like stepping into a magical little world! Loved your sweet play and the darling characters! You have a very Merry Christmas and come say hi any time :D
Congratulations! that's awesome
Happy Holidays, may you have a blessed one.
Dear Anita
Thank you for visiting this morning.. Yes, I had to run a few errands.. The streets leading to our neighborhood have been closed due to the rain... I was just now able to get out through the back way..
When you have a moment, please stop by again.. I have completed Madonna and child... Stay warm and cozy, watch the builders from the window...
Love to you dear friend,
Hufffff...Pufffff...well...I FINALLY made it!
Oh dear one I am RACING around tying (and untying) loose ends. .I have finally found my way OUT of the wrapping paper, ribbon, cookie dough, garlands and L_O_N_G...L_O_N_G line ups (for EVERYTHING!)I am Soooo tired, but excited to have my family home all together again. The shop is a "mad house", but thankfully only a couple more days to go, and then we close between Christmas and New Years...Oh dear one I CAN"T WAIT...I think I will stay in my P.J's all day! ;D Ya, that probably won't happen, but it will be wonderful to be home.
And our BOB is one busy little elf...building a little castle for one very "good girl" on his list.
My little house NEEDS a real good cleaning and this is NEXT on my list of "TO DO'S".
I think a Christmas movie might be on the agenda for this afternoon though...I'll make tea, you scurry over and we'll have a "movie afternoon"...;D
Well my dear girl,enjoy each and EVERY moment of this BLESSED Christmas season...Thank you for all the love you sprinkled in my world DAILY...Hugs...Rosie
Applauding as I type..I'm multi~talented like that!!! Heeehehe!!! :o)
Thank you so much for the ticket, I had soooo much fun and did ya see me in the lobby stuffin' my face???
You are a treasure my friend. You and that old 'Rat' have a very blessed and Merry Christmas filled with friends, family and fudge baby...piles of fudge!!!!
Dearest Anita,
That was absolutely delightful!
As always, you provide the sweetest and most magical experiences upon my visits.
I want to wish you and yours a most lovely and Merry Christmas!
Joyeux Noel..
Wow!!! You have done changes in your blog...so good.
I wish you a Christmas time full of Love,Joy and Happiness with your family.
Hello Anita,
Just wanted to wish you both a wonderful Christmas. It has been such a Blessing having you in my life! I don't know anyone who sparkles more than you do!
I hope 2011 brings you everything you could wish for, and more!! Lots of love to you......xOxO
Dear Anita...
These drawings are yours!!!! you clever clever one.. so sweet!!! you are full of hidden talents.. I have to admit.. I just love that Miss Bebe also!!!
Well I want to thank you for your kindness and thoughtful words my way this year .. You are such a great friend and supporter in the short time I have known you and always bring a smile to my face when I visit here..
I wish you and your family a wonderful christmas filled with love and magic!!! xxxx Julie
Goedemorgen Anita, hoe gaat het met je? De laatste dagen voor Kerst, winkelen, lijsten maken, nog wat weer winkelen. Just bought a wee Christmas tree, will decorate it with Christmas mugs, for the hostess on Christmas day. Some more grocery shopping tomorrow morning and I am all ready for a merriest of Christmases ^_^
Sending sweet sparkles your way for a lovely merry happy Thursday, sweet friend x*x*x*x*x
Oh, my darling Anita,
Sometimes words are never enough. Once again, you have captured the marvelous, the magic, the love. . .
I think next year will be our year.
Thank you for being such a wonderful, special friend.
Joyeux Noël to you and Ruben.
Hi friend, I'm glad to have met you, I follow
very often and want to make you a participant in the "Mime For the
Life" that I have left on my blog.
Spend any time you want to pick it up.
Kisses, Amparo.
Thank you Anita for your company, your friendship and your wonderful post throughout the year.
I send you my best wishes for the new year to you and your family,
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