Other faiths celebrate the glimmer of re-dedication

while most of the western world embraces the folklore

and fun of the season.

But there remain however, many unknowns. And while most everyone has traditions for home

and hearth

and feasts of wonder

with colors that enchant

tastes that delight

with the perfume of childhood memories

I JUST do not know when He actually arrived.
But what I do know is this:
Love One Another.
It was His opening scene

and His final act.

And as I was enjoying a holiday wreath in my home, I was stunned by a moment of reflection.

Have you ever noticed how much this symbol of the warmth and welcome of Christmas

resembles a LIFESAVER?

I pondered on this observation

and wept.
His arrival, whether welcomed in grandiose splendor

or in poverty

was an extended hand of assistance for living
AND for dying.

for you and for me.
Celebrate in health, joy and faith and do ALL things
every day
in love.
Merry Christmas to all my splendid friends around the world. NOW GO AND CELEBRATE!!!
Sooo beautiful!
Merry Christmas to
you too!!
What a wonderful post, full of beauty and love!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family, my dear friend and thank you for all!!!!!!!! Love and warm Hugs from Bavaria,
your´s Jade and Sheila (Sheila is waiting for Christmas and for my son coming from England today - she loooooves him ;)
Looooooove your new header - soooo sweet,
kiss Jade
and a wonderful Christmas to you too! I also love that a wreath has no beginning and no ending xo.
Your post today was like opening a special Christmas gift. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Christmas, Nan
Dearest Gorgeous Anita ...what a truly beautiful post for this wonderous season. I am so sorry I have been absent because of work but I come back and find this beauty that you give to us. This beautiful season of Christmas is so special. I am as always, in awe, of your words and I wish both you and Ruben a truly beautiful Christmas. I would love to call you on Christmas day and raise a toast to such a wonderful lady! Happy Christmas from Down Under!
hugs always
Such a beautiful post, Anita :-)
Merry Christmas to you too, my dear! :-)
Beautiful post, dearest. It is frequently the seemingly simple things that can leave the most profound influences on us. "The greatest of these is love." The celebration of Christmas, that "opening act", still inspires hope in me for peace on earth and active goodwill to all people.
Happy Christmas,
Lovely wishes, dear Anita! Merry Merry Chrismas for you and all your beloved family!! I DO believe that stunning dress fits me, so let me put it on and dance and dance soft steps around all the festive room! Let me dance with YOU, my sweet friend Anita!!
Much love for you! Always! Be fine! Bela
A truly beautiful sentiment. A Happy Christmas to you.
Merry Christmas to you and your family my friend. A visit to your wonderful corner of BlogLand is always peaceful and inspiring! Yes.. the message of the season is simply Love one another and treat them as you would like to be treated. Thank you for always putting things in the most beautiful way ...xo HHL
That is so beautiful and elegantly stated. He has truly shown us love like no other and I can only pray that that is what we show each other no matter how we celebrate.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Perfect!Love you Sister.
Dearest Anita,
You have brought genuine tears to my eyes as my heart weeps for our Lord and all he has done for us. Thank you dear friend for this wonderful putting things in perspective. I hope you have a really blessed and loving Christmas.
Your friend,
In the wreath...I see the the circle of life given to all man kind.
Luke 2:10
Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
God with all of us.
Merry Christmas to both of you as we celebrate the one who came to this earth, to love us.
Thank you for this beautiful post. Have a very Merry Christmas! Twyla
Good Morning Anita Sweetie...
Oh my what a beautiful share this morning. Yes indeed the wreath is a life saver for one and all. Endless love forever.
The manger scene and the cross was such a beautiful statement sweet friend. So serene and peaceful. I love it and thank you so much for sharing it with me this fine morning.
I thank you so much for always extending your hand of love to me over and over. It has pulled me up so many times when I needed it this year. I have been touched with your love graciously throughout 2010 and can't wait to see what roads we travel in 2011. You are such a shining jewel sweet one. I am glittered each time I visit.
May God richly bless you and Ruben this beautiful CHRISTmas season. Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry
Again a wonderful post with love and magic. I wish you and your loves one a Merry Christmas from my little part of the world.
That was a wonderful Christmas message Anita! Thank you for your friendship...I treasure it! Merry Christmas! ~Hugs, Patti
Een hele goedenavond, lieve vriendin. Snoopy bracht een lach op mijn gezicht, voor de herinneringen aan mijn jeugd. Ik was een groot fan!
Die huisjes op de rand van de kopjes zijn ook al zo leuk.
I am almost off to CELEBRATE. Our friend down under are even more close to Christmas eve. I am always dreaming away on New Years day when watching the news and seeing first the Opera with fireworks, then fireworks in Chine, Paris, London, and finally the US!
Il est soir deja et je prends (ou est il 'prend'?) mon the, laptop et un qq chose du chocolat, le soir est de moi ^_^
Sending tons of sweet snowy sprinkles your way for a sparkling Thursday, sweet Anita beaucoup de bisous
Guess what? I'm making the pretty blue and pink bark right now as I stop to wish you a Merry Christmas.
Those little ginger bread houses on the coffee cups OMG... CUTE CUTE CUTE.
While Randy cooks the main dinner entree for tomorrows feast, I'm doing all the "sweets". No red and green this year, only PINK and BLUE : )
Lovely post Mademoiselle Anita. I ADORE you.
See you soon : )
Love You
Love Me
Tes images sont celles de l'espérance, de la joie, de la liberté, du partage, de la foi ...
Il y a mille façons de célébrer Noël, tu nous en donnes la plus belle preuve chère Anita ...
Je suis émerveillée par chacune d'entre elles, touchée par beaucoup d'entre elle, émue par l'une d'entre elles ...
Je te souhaite un très beau Noël chère Anita rempli de bonheur et d'amour.
Bisous du coeur
Mes enfants trouvent que le Minnesota est magnifique et Minneapolis superbe ...
Dearest Anita - this is so wonderful! Everything - your christmas header, and the beautiful post! Love the message, especially the thing about the wreath being a livesaver. Yes! And everything in live goes in circles, like the planets, the seasons, and also our live experiences! Thank you for a joyful year of blogging chère amie, it's such a pleasure to know you! Surely you and Ruben will have a lovely celebration. Have you got anything planned? We'll celebrate en famille (our small family) tomorrow, and then head of to see the bigger tribe of ours! I'll be back tomorrow for a hug! xx
Amen !!....happt merry christmas my darling Anita....with your friends and familly......love love love ......joy ...and hapiness.....blessings from me Ria....xxxx...
It's a lovely post Anita, and I can see that you have a deep faith. I hope you have a wonderful holiday celebration. I know you will appreciate each and every moment of it.
Yes, dear Anita, that is my husband, Aila and me. Thanks soooo much for the compliments! I blushed! Merci! Some dear friend said I should try a white background in order to make my pictures more visible...I tried and did and I do think it is better. I am soooo happy YOU like it!!! As long as you are top top opinion for me!!!
Anita, we are holding Xmas supper at our house tomorrow night!!! I am anxious!!! All gifts sewed, dishes chosen, drinks prepared! Oh dear Santa may like our celebration!!!!
Be super fine, dear friend!! I love U!! Bela
Merry christmas to you too Anita and thanks for this wonderful message,
a lovely sentiment, as always. Love makes everything just better. Spread it around for the holidays. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Dear Anita, you have such a beautiful way to say things!!! And this post was full of love!!! And some really nice images too! I love the white room and, of course, the mouthwatering photos! I'm so glad I got to meet you and got to know you a little this year. You and your comments are always inspiring! May you have a blessed Christmas time with your family! Merry Christmas!
Lots of Christmas hugs...
Oh the wonder of Christmas
and the gift of Gods Son...
Quieting my heart...on this eve of Christmas Eve...
Beautiful post Anita which draws
us nearer His heart of love..
Merry Christmas sweet friend... :)
De tout mon coeur...Deborah xoxoxoxo
LOVE your new header! That little dog and bunny brought out an audible "awwwww...so sweet!"
As ALWAYS, your latest post has left me DELIGHTED and AMAZED. I must say...I had never stopped to ponder the resemblance of the wreath to a lifesayer, until you mentioned it. Pretty cool.
And I love those little gingerbread houses on the rim of the mugs. Who thinks to do such whimsy?! Your line, "the perfume of childhood memories"...is a goodie.
Wishing you a quite wonderful Christmastime and some rest...before you again transport us to EXQUISITE otherworldly places of magic and dreams through the SPECIAL GIFT that is YOU...in the new year 2011.
Love. xxx
oh how wonderful...the simple wreath as a lifesaver.
"love one another"...indeedy!!!
happy holiday and blessings galore to you, anita.
Oh sweet lady....I do so love it when you reduce things to their sheer essence.....YOU ARE THE BEST AT THAT.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ....you are truly loved..
I love your sweet view on Christmas. "Love one another".
Love you dear friend....Merry Christmas to you and your Mr.
Love, love, love it is easy. All you need is love.... Love this post and the revelation of the wreath. It is my favorite symbol the circle. Blessings friend. Merry Days!
Oh dear heart, you have stolen my breath...Ahhhhhh....Yes, what a promise. We are gifted with a present like no other...and need do NOTHING but accept it and express our gratitude...this gift of HOPE makes tomorrow worth living.
I have shivers up my arms as I gaze at the perfect images you have served up on a shiny silver platter...and garnished with the sweet phrases only you can create.
...oh what a talent you possess...
OK, this IS the last time I shall declare that I am FINISHED! I must do a few horderves for tomorrow night but, I will keep that pretty simple. At 1:00 I'll spell off my lovely helper at the store and hopefully be home by 4 or so. We will have an evening of games, rich, tasty food and top it off with a movie...LET THE FESTIVITIES BEGIN!
What are your plans dear heart? What has Ruben got up his sleeve?
I am quite sure it will be spectacular...OH, and let us not forget Bob and his band of merry men. Dear heart I see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I am sitting poised at the edge of my little stool, in excited anticipation of what's to follow.
The kids just arrived home after a big day of shopping, and we shall scoot out to supper at a little grill that holds many memories for our family growing up.(the ribs are to die for...Mmmmm...)
Enjoy tomorrow dear one as I look forward to our next warm and wonderful cuppa...~R~
Dear Anita,
You are such a fantastic person! Ahhhh! I LOVED this!!!! Still trying to get over this :D But I don't have to because the love will live on and on. Super great way to embrace all the walks and what a perfect champagne toast to THE Eve of His birth! Amen, Alleluia my friend. LOVE to you XOXO,
hi anita, sorry i haven't commented or visited too much lately but i have little time now. this post brought tears to my eyes because through all the rush of december i haven't once remembered what we're celebrating and i felt ashamed. tomorrow is xmas eve and ... i'm so tired and it just really got away from me. thank you for reminding me that we are celebrating the day Christ came to "live among us".
This just touched my heart! Both the beauty, and the truth.
The 'lifesaver' could make any one of us weep, when we think of what it means that He sent His son to be that for us.
You have so eloquently said this tonight, and it blessed me to pieces!
Merry Christmas!
Anita ,you chose all of the right words . that was wonderful .Thankyou
happy Choristmas time to yu and looking forward to your next [postihgs the images are perfect Fay xx
Dearest Anita
This is such a beautiful and moving post.. Once again you have touched my heart with your words.
Wishing you and Ruben a most joyful Christmas.. I cannot wait to see where we travel together next year.. Bless you for taking me along on this magical journey.
I will treasure our meeting forever.
Love and blessings
These are beautiful thoughts. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas to you and those you love.
Dearest Sister..I'm back..and its so good to come home to you..wishing you warm and happy days...xoxo
That was so beautifully said! Your post has touched my heart so much. Thank you for sharing all of those beautiful words and images. Your faith and love is so evident in your life.
Many, Many Prayers & Blessings for you during this season and for the New Year!
What a wonderful post Anita. I love the pretty pictures. Your thoughtful, heartwarming story is very touching. I never thought of the Christmas wreath quite like that before but always will from now on. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! Bonnie
Hi Anita, thanks for your comment, I just keep popping up ;)well my name does lol, lovely post and photos
A Very Merry Christmas to all your family.
Love and Hugs George and Jan xxx
Right I do beleive we are off to Celebrate!!!
Merci Anita pour ces superbes photos qui sont l'essence même de la féérie des fêtes de fin d'année ( j'aime beaucoup aussi Snoppy !)
Je te souhaite de merveilleuses et très heureuses fête de Noël
Anita, I "cannot" wait to meet you in Canada on our venture to Miss Claudie's Cottage in 2011. I just read your Christmas Post and am so blessed by it. The words crept into my heart as I read each one, and no...I have never thought of the wreath resembling a lifesaver...how prophetic; and how true! I will be excited to get to know you more in Canada! Merry CHRISTmas! :) Hugs, ~CC Catherine
Merry Christmas, dearest Anita!!! Wishing you & yours much joy and love!
~ Zuzu
Dearest Nita, I must agree with so many responses here. Beautifully said and so pretty described!
I am thinking of you today and want to ((( Thank you)))) once again for your priceless freindship to me!*grin*
Nita, although I am still under the weather, I am so very excited as tomorrow is call for SNOW!!! This will be MY and MY children FIRST white Christmas!!! My children has prayed for this for yearssssssss. *smiles!!!
Love love you!!!!!
Such beauty and heart in your post. May the seasons blessings follow you and yours today and tomorrow.
Love and kisses
All your messages came through loud and clear! There must be a delay in typepad that prevents you from seeing them.
Love you,
Dear Anita,
You are brilliant! I love what you said about the life saver. That is so true! Thank you for bringing your beauty, wisdom and friendship to each of us! You're a sparkling treasure and I wish you and Ruben much happiness this Christmas and always!!!! Love you sweet friend!!!
xOxO Merry Christmas xOxO
ANITA THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SWEET WORDS it was Shari at Little Blue deer who thought that we would have the same tastes Shes right you blog is really beautiful like you see you ina couple of days happy christmas Fay xx
My dear Anita...
What a precious post... As always, something ever so special from you... His opening scene.....and His final act.... how profound...
Love to you sweet one....and a gazillion wishes for the Merriest of Christmas's...
Anita, you are just amazing! I never thought of the lifesaver thing, just unbelievable. You are a beautiful person and I am so grateful for your friendship! Merry Christmas, my darling!
LOve is the best message! Anita your sweet words and kind thoughts are very moving!
May your Christmas be bless and the New Year a delight!
Much love! I am so grateful for our friendship, Anita!
I thank you, dear Anita, for his BEAUTIFUL post! We do INDEED have SO MUCH to celebrate!
Joy to the world! The Lord has come!
* * * MERRY CHRISTMAS dear one * * *
.............. X O X O ..............
Joyeux Noel, Anita! A lovely post from a very lovely person. Much love to you and Ruben.
xoxo, Bonnie
Merry Christmas, Anita!! Wishing you and yours a fabulous holiday and also wish to thank you for the inspiring words. Never thought of a wreath that way before. But you have a way of doing that. Another wonderful year and so grateful for your visits and comments.
Here's to another great one!
Hello Anita...what a beautiful post full of Love and what can be better at this time...Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful shining new year...I lift up my glass to you and say Cheers as we have just come back from a beach walk...Much Love to you Dearest, Dzintra♥x
Anita, thank you for you wonderful comment!
Just a big Thank You!
PS: Take the Interior Design blog!
I very much appreciate it!
Much love - and merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!! I love your post and this song is my absolute favourite! It's true, a wreath does resemble a life saver.
Your new blog header is beautiful. Christmas is my favourite time of the year.
I have completed my architecture course and Int Design 1, both with flying colours. All of my hard work has paid off! We immediately left for Chicago after my finals and we were snowed earlier this week! Bella and I came out of the American Girl tea party to see the boys waiting for us and it had began to snow. Unfortunately, I came home with a cold and stayed in bed for 2 days. What else can you do but laugh, right?
Even so, Christmas is perfect! Tree is trimmed, gifts are wrapped, cookies are baked, wonderful time spent with family and friends and we have a beautiful white Christmas. So very much to be thankful for!
I wish you and Reuben an enchanting Christmas filled with peace, love and happiness!
xoxo, B
Your header and especially the colored garland zijn werkelijk prachtig! I will raise my glass of wine and fly away to your lovely little corner, a warm wintery Christmas wish to YOU, lovely lady.
Het wordt donker, the candles are lit, kerstmuziek aan.
Tomorrow we will drive to family and spend the afternoon and early evening together. 14 children running in the sand, we will go for a walk along the beach. But that's tomorrow, first I'm to enjoy a quite evening. Have a most wonderful Christmas day, lieve vriendin. Enjoy that deliciousness from Nederland !
X x X x X x X x X x X
I read about your building before in a comment, what is it exactly that is to be built and in progress, hooray!
I left the wine and just made myself a cup of tea to end this wonderful day to.
Have a glorious rest of your day, ma chere amie xxx
Dear Anita,
I wish you and Ruben a happy holiday season. May it be filled with love, happiness and peace.
thank you for a year of precious friendship and for your enchanting and amazing posts.
I knew you would have something special today... God bless you...and God Bless us, everyone!
What a magical post dear Anita....and it's just as beautiful as you.
Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season!
Simply Beautiful! ~Cheers Kim
Ah, so nice to hear from you tonight. We, too, had a special, quiet day with my youngest son and his gal. After they left our house we just cozied up on the couch and watched Jane Austin's " Pride and Prejudice"(my favorite version with Kiera Knightly as Elizabeth). It doesn't take much to make me happy!
Thank you Anita, for your new friendship. It is so nice getting to know you. Hamish sends his best regards!
Bonjour dear Anita, many thanks for visiting me.
I hope that you have enjoyed your Christmas and I hope it is filled with the sweetest of blessings.
Thanks for your friendship, isn't blogging the best to meet beautiful friends from all around the world.
Happy holidays
Ces jours-ci si spécial, je tiens à adresser mes meilleurs vœux de paix et d'amour.
C'était un cadeau pour vous trouver si loin mais si proche.
Joyeux Noël
This is so beautifully written!!! You have such a wonderful way with words, so heartfelt!! Merry Christmas to YOU,Kathysue
I just discovered this blog and I love this post.
All I can say is Amen!
Ohhhhhhhh My you gave me pause...SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL,SIMPLY TRUE.
Best Christmas post I've ever seen! Thank you! Have a lovely and prosperous New Year.
Stunning! Just stunning and true and beautiful!
Blessings and a very Merry Christmas Season to you and your lovely family!
What a fantastic
revelation, Anita!
I love it when I am
graced with these
"aha" moments and this
one was very special,
indeed and one I will
carry with me long after
I hit the publish button!
Thank you for that and
for all of the lovely
thoughts that you share
with us.....
xx Suzanne
Beautiful images!!! Hope the holiday season has been FAB for YOU!!! ENJOY the NEW Year... hope itis FAB!
Hello And Happy New Year!
I have arrived via Bluebird Notes.
First... I have no idea at this moment in time where you live, right now, but i do know of Menards! love those friendly and knowledgeable people! I am also acquainted with snow!
Perhaps we will be near one another and a new friendship begins?
Wreaths ~ circle of love ~ of family ~ of life = precisely why I carried a wreath down the aisle when we married.. 29 years ago.
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Blessed New Year.
What a wonderful post! You really are a gifted author and designer... putting those two traits together and WOW. You have something special.
Have a wonderful January~new beginning!
you are an artist with a pure heart xxx
anita i had to come back and visit the beauty here- this post is so wonderful, i truly loved it- it gave me goosbumps!
have a beautiful weekend.
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