and plot

and then DO.

Along the years, most of my personal goals have come to pass

and have passed and gone.

Yet more room in my allotted time on this earth

has been carved out to seek other endeavors that remain to be challenging

but nonetheless, fulfilling.

Two years ago, January 1, 2009 I wrote my first blog post:

Decorating is my cup of tea. Since childhood, I have looked at rooms with a critical eye and visions of torn down walls replaced by french doors inviting you into expanded spaces and customized fireplaces. While proposing such projects, my father would just look down at his little girl, snicker, and move on. These days, my husband is the lucky recipient of my audacious ideas. He shares however, my vision of making something beautiful out of what you have and the journey has been a lesson on what you can do on a budget and an abundant imagination, not to mention a lot of hard work and patience. I dedicate this first posting to my beloved husband of almost 27 years who has willingly and lovingly created my dream cottage. Merci bien mon cher et je t'aime de tout de mon coeur. - Anita
Our dream has been slowing awakening into a reality. In early spring of 2011, I hope to share the intended destination with you, but for now, here are some snapshots of the journey.
Be audacious and focus on a journey's end and make 2011 a voyage to remember and share it with us!
Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar!
And thank you ALL for a memorable and LIFE-CHANGING experience in Blogland!
The Dutchess
Amy F. S.
Julie at Gilded Moons
The Two Sherrys
Lili M.
Marie my cousin ( I LOVE YOU)
Jan and George
Carol and Charli
Frances aka Marie 2nd
Julie from down under
Mimi Bleu
Deb F.
Karen H.C.
Marie at Tonidolls
and the list goes on...
Photo credits:
Audrey Hepburn - Tumblr, Google
Construction at Rabbit Hill, Castle drawing and La Petite Pierrette book cover - Anita Castles Crowns and Cottages ©
How beautiful your first post and specially the Love between both of you! We can see you are soul mates! :-)
I wish you both all the happiness in the world and my sure your house is a true nest of warm and coziness!
God bless you, my Dear!
Beijinhos!! Kusjes!
Happy New Year! :-)
I come to wish you a bright and joyful new year, Anita friend! May your wishes always come true. Challenges may appear and you may be strong to overcome them all!!! I love you!! Bela
Two years blogging !! ...i almost one year !! 31 januari !!...o my it is such a lovely world the bloggingworld...i really am so glad that i found you Anita.....i met a lot of dutch blog woman in our shop last year....it is so good to experience!!...wishing you a good and healthy 2011...and hope we are friends for ever........!! love you ....xxxx......xxxxx....xxxxx......liefs van mij.....
Oh Anita My Precious Friend of Gold...
I love this post, it is so beautiful. What love you and Ruben have, as I have seen it before in DH and myself. We share so much together. I truly learned what the two shall be as one means being married to my love.
I especially love the photo of you playing the harp. I didn't know that you played sweet one. I knew you danced, but your photo is just so beautiful. I can't thank you enough for sharing that photo of peace with me this morning.
I heard that you had the new roof on, and I love these french doors, how elegant they are. I can't wait to see what you two have built with your hearts and minds together.
I can't wait to see what 2011 brings us. It has been such a wonderful year in 2010 sharing with you. Your sketch of the castle is breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you for filling each and every little piece of my heart with love, joy and happiness this year. You my friend, take my breath away.
Many hugs and so much love, Sherry
You always have the most amazing photos. Good luck on your house. It looks like it's coming together!!
Hello my dear friend!
Do you see what love creates? If anyone can make a Castle out of your beautiful Cottage, it would be Ruben and you... Two people intertwined by love and a great passion for life...
Such a beautiful post to bring in the new year Anita.. I love your illustration of the Castle. Such beautiful images.
I hope your Christmas was a joyful one.. I was blessed with the company of family..
Thank you for the wonderful journey this past year... I cannot wait to see what is waiting ahead.
Love and blessings,
I hope all your dreams come true.Lovely tribute to your husband.
I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us Anita. Although I just started following you I am already inspired by your kind heart and sweet words. May all your dreams come true in the new year!
Anita....you are such an inspiration..
Everything you touch turns into something filled with beauty.
So glad to share this journey with you, dear friend.
Blessings my beautiful friend!!
Deborah xoxoxoxo
Anita, I have enjoyed reading your blog because it has a touch of fairytale with a sprinkle of reality that I find most charming. Wish you the very best in 2011.
Dear Anita!
My first visit back to blogland in so long, and not disappointed. Lovely post! A holiday gift to all of us. Looking forward to seeing all your dreams and wishes come true. Happy 2011!
I was wondering how your little project was coming along! Hi Anita, Sadie, Kitty and I send our best wishes to you this day after Christmas. We have a break in all the rain we've been having so we are drying out somewhat. If only the sun was out! We are trying to stay dry and warm and hope you and Ruben are warm and cozy in your part of the world.
Love, Bonnie
What a beautiful post Anita!! I hope that you can see your dreams in 2011,
Have a lovely new week,
He sounds like your prince charming!!! So wonderful to share your life with someone you love so dearly!!! Kathysue
Such a beautiful post and congratulations on the two year anniversary of your fabulous blog! I look forward to reading many more of your inspiring posts - Cheers!
How exciting Anita! What a thrill to see plans on paper turn into an actuality! I can't wait to see the end result! Happy soon to be blogging anniversary! ~ Hugs, Patti
Gi'day your MAJESTY.
I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as ours was. Your new header is beautiful. I'm guessing that the first photo is of your turquoise and white Christmas decor. So VERY ELEGANT.
I like to sit and plot, and do too. But usually just the furniture and pretty things get moved about the house. There is no room to expand...though a pair of french doors could be a future treat. I am looking forward to seeing what you put together. I have no doubt that it will be utterly wonderful.
I like your little topiary hedges under that single tree. I also have some of my own that require frequent clipping. They look so good when freshly clipped. As Walt Disney once said, "You can't just let nature run wild!" Hehehe
Oh dear Anita....I think good things are commin' this year.....I can FEEL it in the air!
Bless you,
Hello sweet Anita~
I surely love this post... showing us your first post. Sooooooo charming! I am looking forward to seeing your dream cottage. What a dear hubby you have. I feel blessed to be included in your list of bloggers... you are high on my list fo bloggers and dear people.
Blessings and hugs!
Oh dear heart, I popped over to pour you a cup of hot tasty coffee made with my new coffee maker, and a piece of "nutty" toast smathered with mom's homemade raspberry jam {my all time favorite}...and here you have been penning up something special for us all. Darlin'....when do you sleep????? I am always AMAZED when your creative juices overflow with goodness for all us girls. I so look forward to following the progress of your dreams taking shape.
Well the wrapping paper is all gathered up and thank yous all said and done. My mom has just arrived and a puzzle is getting dumped out on the dining room table. Games are a big pass time on holidays, both electronic and basic board games. All part of the R&R that is MUCH NEEDED at this time of year.
A little something to do each day, starting with a movie night in town {there is NOTHING like theater popcorn}...Tues will bring a supper out at a great steak house in town...Wednesday we will all try our hand at bowling. Actually, the kids and Bill are pretty good and old mom will cheer on the sidelines. Thursday we will go into the BIG city to see the Nutcracker with the Alberta Ballet. This was our Christmas present from my dear son...can't wait!!!
So my dear, Enjoy yourself and get lots of rest and relaxation...thank you my sweet friend for the wonderful cuppa...wishing you sugar plum dreams...see you tomorrow...R
What a lovely post! I am glad I stopped by, quite inspiring! Hope you have a marvelous day, so looking forward to what the coming hear has in store1
it's going to be BEAUTIFUL, just like everything you touch! you have already made a loving home and now you are just adding more frosting on top!! enjoy the journey.......i can't wait to see your haven.
lovin the header!!
Dearest Anita,
We are all blessed that one day you decided to start blogging. I love that I found your blog and that I can be inspired and uplifted by your words, your warmth, and your beautiful poetry. Thanks for being my blog friend! I wish you a 2011 filled with the blessings you are dreaming about. It seems you have great plans already! Hugs,
Dear Anita I love reading your blog and the lovely perspective you have. Voyage into 2011 is a wonderful visual as we complete 2010. Happy week ahead...
Dear Anita,
I so enjoyed reading your beautiful post today and how exciting your dream is! I am glad I found your beautiful blog and I look forward to coming back to visit and see where your journey takes you.
Many thanks for visiting me and following and I am now going to follow you.
Happy holidays
I am standing right in that beautiful room with you girl! I cannot wait to see it is all its beauty, Soulful, calming and a peaceful sanctuary place of your own to call on inspiring thoughts.
I wish I were there to see it take shape step by step, but know I am inspiring you girl, and you and your beautiful ideas will all take shape :)
Thank you for stopping by to chat with me...Leaving me such a sweet comment. I am looking for new inspiration this year, and wanting to design around old, aged with tattered stained beauty. The beauty you so see for yourself as well :)
I will send you up date photo's when I come up with some, and you do the same for me!
Anita, bien vivre avec passion pour la nouvelle année. Une belle passion pour tous ce qui est français, et belle.
Votre maison est une vision de la beauté.
Merci de partager votre auto belle.
Merci à toi chère Anita qui sait si bien nous emmener au pays des rêves et des émotions ...
Très bel anniversaire à ton merveilleux blog à qui je
souhaite longue vie pour qu'il continue à nous enchanter encore et encore ...
Bisous doux du coeur
Bonjour Anita,
I took a little Christmas break, unintended, I was planning to make a Christmas post on my blog too, but time just slipped through my hands. What a surprise to find not one but even two gorgeous posts up here.
I cannot wait to see your home finished! It all looks so exciting, with the beautiful doors and what a huge space you are getting extra whow! I think this reconstruction will be one from cottage to castle ;-).
I wish you a happy ending of 2010 and a very good beginning of 2011! Mille bisous, LiLi
Well hello ma chere Amie, aaah, dit is een prachtige droom, ik ga je post zo meteen nog een keer rustig en goed lezen. Your dream cottage looks amazingly cozy, sweet and beautiful. Early Spring... just a couple more months.
Your drawn castle really is gorgeous!
these days are crazy days, aren't they? I really wanted to visit some of my Special Friends, your at the top of that list. Do have a happy start to the last week of 2010, lieve lieve vriendin. T
For me, today is a day filled with (doing) NOTHING ^_^
Talk to you later this week and wish you een heel gelukkig, voorspoedig en sprankelend Nieuwjaar
Happy day! xxxxxxx
Oh my dearest, I see we commented at exactly the same minute at each others blog!! Big SMILES here
>^_^< * ^_^ * >^_^<
Happy happy studying on Dutch grammar, dearest. I hope hope hope my white envelope will arrive at your doorstep soon now, it has been traveling the ocean more than two weeks now. I think you will love the little Dutchy 'Thing' I threw in!
Ik zeg nog niet wat het is, verrassing! ^_^
Plein de bisous pour TOI
Hi Anita...always such a pleasure to call in and see what you are up to!!! Look at your extension just grow...looking forward to seeing more in your Spring!!! Whoever whould've thought blogging would indeed be a life changing experience?! Looking forward to seeing more of what you get up to 2011!!! Wishing you a wonderful 2011...Dzintra♥x
Quel beau dessin! je rêve aussi de ce chateau de fée à conditio qu'il y ait beaucoup d'elfes pour s'occuper de l'intendance car je suis nulle en ménage.
Tu me fais rêver chère Anita.
Je vous souhaites à Ruben et à toi une très bonne année pleine de promesses et de réussites.
Je t'embrasse.
My dear Anita,
Becoming friends with you is one of the best things of my 2010!!!
I like your new header, and your post. And am delighted to see the photos of your addition!
I love your style and decorating and so enjoy peeking into your world that is first and foremost designed with L O V E . . .
~ Violet
Bonjour ~Anita - A lovely post today! I adore Audrey, and can't wait to see your renovations unfold these next weeks and months in future posts! Happy New Year Anita! ~CC Catherine
Dear Anita, isn't the blog world fantastic? Thank you for letting me be a part of yours! So exciting to see your new part of the house coming up. Can't wait to see it all finished! Have a beautiful day, Anita!
Lots of hugs!!
...and the journey continues!
many more blessings to you Dear Anita and Ruben,
So Anita, do you already have a roommate for the Canada junket to Claudie's? Let me know, it sounds like we have much in common! :) BTW, are the lovely rooms on your banner in your home? They are GORGEOUS! PS: I really love the photo of you playing the harp. Photography is another love of mine that I don't have enough time to enjoy. I was just at Mall of America earlier this year on a business trip. Ciao for now...~CC
Well, no wonder you kept on posting, the first post was really inviting.I'll bet you had followers right away! I posted for nearly 6 mths before I had a single reader, but I kept on, just for my own benefit. I enjoyed it so much.
Isn't it wonderful to have a willing participant in your dreams! My husband is the same as yours, in that he allows me to imagine what will be, and then helps me to make that imagining a reality. The thing is... I never stop! New ideas are constantly born in my mind.
I am loving your new addition, it will be scrumptious!
Now that you have an entire week off, I hope you will take up your pencils and get busy... Enjoy your week!
Thanks for your wonderful comment, Anita, and may 2011 be a very blessed year for you too!!!
Kristin xoxo
Good afternoon, lovely
lovely friend! Internet
out in the country at
my parent's is very spotty,
so just now able to leave
you a comment. YES. I
truly believe that your
journey is just beginning
and that 2011 is going to
be very special, indeed.
Your new addition is a
wonderful metaphor for the
fruition of dreams come
true. Can't wait to see
you and do more plotting,
together!! I hope your
Christmas was magical and
that your New Year's will
be ushered in just the way
that you enjoy. See you
soon, dear friend!
xx Suzanne
And thank you, Anita, for always being here no matter how busy you are or how hectic it gets. You always delight with lovely words and photos, brightening up our lives! We're lucky to have you. Can't wait to see the finished product. And congratulations on your 2 year blog anniversary!
Big bisous and looking forward to even more fun in the coming year!
Anita, May all your dreams come true this year for you and Prince Charming. I am so Happy for you and awaiting the finish of your project. How exciting, for you both.
Wishing you LOVE,HEALTH AND PROSPERITY for the coming NEW YEAR.
Best wishes from Maine,
Dearest Anita,
Happy happy 2 year blogging Anniversary. Love that you had pink teacups in your first post, and your dedication to your Ruben AHHHHHH.
You get such wonderful images of our Audrey. What would we do without her beauty in our lives?
Just think 7 months and we will be hugging each other. I just can't wait.
Your addition is coming along like a fine wine : )
I LOVE that you are putting more of your photos in your posts. Now we see the real you, and you shine right through the screen.
Happy New Year to you and Ruben my dear Anita.
Love you
Love Me
Hi hunny bunch!
Loved this post and a peek into your world. It will all be worth it, in the end. Making more room for all the rabbits and friends at Rabbit Hill.
I had near perfect Christmas...blessed beyond belief with such kindness and love from my three kids and new daughter in law and blog friends and even an old girlfriend of one of my sons who arrived with simple pretty earrings for me.
Len bought me a waterfall fountain of Snow White and the dwarfs. I had seen it months ago out and about at an antique shop and low and behold...I now own it. I will post it this week...just magical. I still have one son here, he will leave tomorrow, back to Seattle.
I'm back to work tomorrow. I had 6 days off which was peaceful and fun at the same time. I even took a nap today...my #1 resolution in 2011 is to rest and nap more. I never nap and it did me a world of good.
I love you dear heart, away we go into Nowhere and beyond...Gretta will still be with us but I would like to introduce a new friend in January. She is creative and her name is Pippy. More to follow...and Crystal is arriving...what a year ahead!!!
Happy New Year Anita, It is amazing how much richer our lives have become with blogging connections. Thank you for always creating such lovely adventures in the land of Blog. I so appreciate you. Your posts have become more and more enchanting as you grow into knowing what a beautiful and creative woman you are. I love that photograph of you playing your harp!
Where do you find these most amazing photos for your blog...I loved the ballet slippers on the torn chair. So cool. Everything you do is glorious....yada yada, I sound like a broken record as I tell you that every time.
can't wait to follow along with the house renovations.
Have a blessed New Year to you and your family! Kellie xx
Oh my.... How beautiful you are at your harp... Just stunning..
Yippppeee.... !!! The very first pictures of the new addition. Can't wait to enjoy the journey. It's HUGE! WOW! Can you come add that on to my little cottage? Boy, do I ever need more space.... and French doors too... (of course!!!)
Happy, Happy New Year dear chickie!
And, lots of love too...
Dearest Nita,
Yes, yes!!!! This is totally YOU. Creating , renovating make things beautiful and sparkly!!!
I don't even know where to start Nita, YOU have been *THE* friend and sister that so many dream about it. I thank God for you and for the seet freindship that we share.
I ((((Love))) to share things with you.... I ((((Love)))) to talk on phone with you because I can hear your sweet voice and because 1/2 of what we talk becomes laughters!
I love you so much!!!
May this net year be a blessed one in the Lord for you and Ruben!((( Warm hugs))))
I can not wait to see your addition finished and you share pictures with us.... I know you will make just like the pictures on your heading.... beautiful and warm.
Happy New Year ,, my friend!
With all my heart~
Dear Anita,
This is my first visit here, and I'm enchanted! What a fun place you have, full of beauty and grace.
May your dreams and visions for the upcoming year come true.
What a marvelous post, Anita! And of course, Happy Blogoversary! I'm so glad I found you! You always put a smile on my face and hope in my heart. No matter how old we become we can still dream and accomplish.
Happy New Year to you, my dear friend!
sweet lady! Ok, first my sincere apologies for not getting my butt here to comment sooner! I read your post the day after Christmas, and was so inspired by the beauty of course, but the words..always so eloquent, and faithful to your heart. I too am reflecting on the journey, and had a one year anniversary with my blog in Oct..I am amazed at how many wonderful people I have met in such a short time! So glad you are among the cream of the crop Anita! xoxo Christel
Hi Anita!
I am so excited for you, where you've been and all the places you are going....in your heart, mind and soul :) Fantastic and wonderfully shared with wonderful people! Looking forward to getting to know you even more in the new year. I am so proud of you for the 2 year anniversary. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever make it to the baby blogger first birthday, ha! Cheers XO, Kelly
Happy 2 year anniversary, and sharing your first post, I had know idea the friends I would make when I started blogging just 9 months ago, and so pleased we will be following each other into 2011.
Looking forward to more photos of the build, do hope you got the roof on before the snow!
I had to just explain to George that is not a barn!! and certainly not a kennel for Balzac!!
Happy New Year to you, Ruben and Balzac
Love and Hugs Jan and George xxx
my my my ... I've been a fan since almost the very beginning of Castles, Crowns and Cottages!
I just read your two articles in Belle Inspiration!
I loved the article about the transformation of your own fabulous cottage ... I just read it - came her to tell you so - and see MORE pictures of the process. What fun! You and Ruben have done SO much work! Are you building a music room? A studio? A kitchen extension? It looks BIG!
I also enjoyed reading about growing young. I hope I'm able to do the same. I don't like the idea that I'm stagnating and growing old!
Hope the winter is treating you well - it's finally arrived here in Connecticut - and it's cold!
Hi dear Anita
You are such a talented soul.. in so many ways... I'm sure your extensions and renovations will be fabulous and look forward to seeing them next year...
Thanks for your kind friendship and the beauty you create.. I hope next year will bring you even more joy.. to you and your loved ones... ciao xxx Julie
PS.. you asked about the doll.. I think Ange found it in a french brocante... and gave it to me when we met up on holidays... she's a cutie!!!
oooh.. forgot to say.. I just love that last photo of you with your harp!! lovely!! xxx
Thank you dear Anita...we had a wonderful Christmas!!! Wow, look at your makeover!!! Now it is nearly 2011...new plans to make...create...and perhaps tread the boards again!!! Did you get your nice new sewing machine? Happy Happy New Year to you and your Ruben...lots of magical times ahead I think for you as you create a new space!!! Much Love, Dzintra♥x
PS now I will have to try and imagine how that chocolate wine tastes...did you have it with bubbles? You know I am rather partial to chocolate and red wine!!! Dzintra♥x
Anita, how lovely your post is, so like you, that is why I can never get enough!!!! You photos and poetry are stunning! You are always so kind and generous and may I just say, you always stop by for a visit and leave a sweet comment, you are soooo faithful!!!! Thank you my dear friend, I really do admire you for your never ending friendship!!! So glad that blogging has brought us together!!
Margaret B
OH dear one you make me smile!
Just a quick note to give you a HUG before we step out the door to toss a few bowling balls (hopefully down to the other end of the lane ;D)
Thank you for stopping by for that fine raspberry jam...did you find it in the fridge?...love you...Rosie
It was delightful to watch Miss Clara and see her creations! Love those birds and the little fairies. I am newly inspired my dear friend, you always awaken my creative energy : )
~ Violet
Hi sweet friend...I am home!!!! Had to come visit you and what a sweet post I found waiting for me.
I discovered something we share in common....I too shared my 1st post in January of 2009! Boy does time fly by.
I hope your Christmas was filled with all the JOY and LOVE your sweet heart could hold. We had such a wonderful time...a perfect break.
I am sorry to say your parcel has not arrived yet..but do not give up hope as our mail is soooo slow. The moment it is on my doorstep I will let you know.
Your new addition looks amazing...I am so excited for you.
Hugs to you for a wonderful evening...I must run and get my daughter who is visiting a friend...I am the driver tonight as my sweet husband has the flu bug.
love to you. xoxoxoxoox
What a loooooovely post my dear friend - it makes me soooo happy that you share all this beauty, love and inspiration with us..........you´r such a sweet princess and such a lucky girl.......thank you for everything!!!!! A wonderful, happy and healthy New Year for you and your lovely husband!!!!!! May all your dreams come true and the sun always shine in your heart!!!!!
I´m a little bit late, but i have not been online the last days..........my family was here on Christmas - my sons and the sweet little grandchilds (one year old twins).
Now i´m looking forward to another wonderful year of blogging with my dearest blog friends!!!! Bonne Année, dear Anita,
Hugs and kisses, Jade & Sheila
Sounds like a grand adventure!!! Will hope to be along for the ride! Wishing you a wonderful New Year and may God Bless you Abundantly!!! Cathy
This is lovely -- as are all your posts! So excited to hear about your home too! You are multi-talented, my dear :) Here's to another year of great, inspirational posts by Castles, Crowns and Cottages!
Dearest Anita,
I love the video of Miss Clara. She is magical as is her beautiful home. I do not have instructions for the little doll I made. I made her up. I would ask someone like Patricia. She can give you better ideas than I.
Love you!
Goedenavond, lieve zuster vriendin, hier in Nederland is het avond. In Minnesota is het natuurlijk nog middag.
Heb je een leuke dag? I've been inside all day long, reorganizing my cupboard, it's still not completely done. And I did not feel like it in the first place, but I really had too, has been on my must-list way too long.
Are you enjoying these days before the changing of years? We will spend a few days in a little house in an amusements park. The children are very excited! And so am I, teehee.
Much love to you, ma cherie xxxxx
Sweet Anita,
What a treat dropping by your blog filled with such deliciousness. I am so excited to see your new cottage taking shape. It looks wonderful. I hope you had an especially wonderful holiday and can't wait to see what your amazing imagination will bring to us in the new year.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the fruits of your labor. A toast to you and your loved ones.
Oh my oh so creative friend...I have such good news to share with you!!! To my JOY and DELIGHT the mailman delivered me your amazing tags!!! I could of hugged him to death!
You my friend are soooooo talented!!! My daughter just could not believe that you created such beautiful illustrations with your own hands!!!
Why do you not have a Children's Book or two out????????
A million thanks...I quickly put them on my tree and will leave my tree up for one more day so I can admire their beauty. Then they will be hung in a special place so I can enjoy them all year long....xoxoxoxoxox
Happy dance!
You are so thoughtful...you really really are.
I feel so blessed thanks to you.
Hugs and lots of love! xoxoxo
A beautiful post dedicated to your loving husband and your dreams! Thank you for sharing with us!! When I begin to feel tired and discouraged I reflect on your posts and become inspired again.
All of our holiday travels are passed us. I will enjoy the last few days with my children before they return to school catching up on projects at home.. and blogging! How I miss it so!
I wish you and Reuben a new year filled with love, healthy and joy.
xoxo, B
I forgot to mention how lovely your addition is coming along! I am thrilled for you and look forward to seeing it finished. The photos of you with your harp is exquisite!! You are one amazing lady! Very talented and a big heart. What a lucky man Reuben is!
xoxo, B
Well goedemorgen groot talen wonder! Your Dutch is great, you choose the right words and your grammar is excellent as well!! Snow is slowly disappearing here, I don't mind. We will leave for an amusements park tomorrow, it's called The Efteling, and is rather large and well known in the Netherlands. Zondag komen we terug en maandag begint school weer. Looking a wee bit forward to getting each and everyone in the flow of daily life again ^_~
Ik wens je een heel goed uiteinde, happy Celebrating tomorrow, mijn lieve vriendin Anita en alvast een heel gelukkig nieuwjaar in goede gezondheid, may your dream cottage be all ready next year so you, my dearest, can start living in your own little piece of heaven on earth. Much love to you xxxxxx
You're quite amazing, sweet friend. Ik denk dat ik vanaf nu alleen nog maar Nederlands schrijf ^_^
Superb, super, superieur!!
Mijn droom huisje begint vorm te krijgen. En we schatten in dat we tegen het einde van januari er in gaan.
You do have the language feeling, ma cherie. They say Nederlands is a difficult language to learn, esp the grammar.
Enjoy joy joy your Jeudi A N I T A ! Plein de bisous pour toi xxxxx
Let's make it one of our goals for the new year, studying Dutch together apart. From your Dutch sentences I already saw, I can tell you WILL learn Dutch!
Lots of love to YOU xxxx
Morning my sweet friend.....thank you for visiting me already. I am up early...not as early as you...and waiting for my daughter to pop over...we are off on a date today. Heading down to your lovely country to have a lunch date and so a bit of shopping ...happy dance!
Yes...school will be coming our way soon once again....and life will get busy. I do love January though...new beginnings.
Sending you love for a great day...enjoy every moment of it...xoxoxoxoxox
Peace...hope...contentment..promise...anticipation for pure delight...those are my wishes for you in 2011...xoxoxx
What a lovely journey you have taken so far. I love decorating too. We bought our traditional Irish cottage and I have been having so much fun decorating it. You would love it, and hopefully one day you can visit and see it. Yours is just darling, and what a lovely husband you have..so like my Joe. I wish you much more magic down that exciting path of life...You will grasp each opportunity as avidly as Audrey H. did, but then you are her kindred spirit. Thanks for mentioning me...you are such a sweetheart!
Good Morning Anita Sweetie...
I just had to pop back over and say Happy New Year to you sweet one. You have so touched my life in 2010. I can't wait to see what 2011 brings to us. Only great things.
I am still waiting on more pics of your addition. I know the roof is on and your doors are in. Share soon. I can hardly wait. I know it is going to be gorgeous.
Thank you sweet one for touching my life when I needed it most. You have always been a candle shining to darken the corners in my life. I will never be able to thank you enough. You are such a gem sweet one. Thank you for allowing me to call you friend.
Many hugs and so much love to you and Ruben for the New Year. Love, Sherry
Thank you for your greetings that filled me with pleasure to my turn I wish you for this new year 2011 ahead in earnest, joy, happiness and health this year you should be beautiful and happy and see the achievements of all dear to your heart desires
A + + + Sacha
Happy Blogaversary, my darling! So exciting, I adore your posts, they are always so gorgeous and well thought out! You have been such a good friend to me this year! XX!
Dear Anita,
I hope that you have had a happy Christmas and that you are enjoying your holidays.
Many thanks for visiting me and now I wish you a wonderful and Happy New Year and all the very best for good health and happiness for 2011.
It is so lovely to have found your blog and look forward to visiting in the future.
Oh yes, pink champagne is my favourite!! We're planning a trip to Napa this spring, either during spring break or in May. I would love to visit the new Ladurée opening in New York but I haven't heard of an opening date yet.
I look forward to posting more this coming year. I'm hoping my shedule won't be as hectic as it was last semester. I remember I still owe you an email!
Talk to soon, dearest!
xoxo, B
Hi beautiful!!! I had to stop here again because at the end of my day, it is a smile on my face to visit you my dear!
Your new blog banner is exactly the look that I have been drawn to...until recently with my pondering I have been returning to my love for tiny rose buds faded on white and sea greens/blues, tiny cottage coziness. I have drank deeply of the calm in the grey quiet fog, but am needing a bit of freshness now. I am sooooooooooooooooooo anticipating your new addition. Dreams coming true!!!! I can hardly wait to see how you will decorate it...I'm guessing it will be layered in white like thick icing on a cake. Yum. I know it will be delicious and you will be twirling in it's magic. I've been busy applying for more jobs. I am hopeful for a possible position as teacher's aide in the pre-school of a private school down the country road. Pray!!! love you ox`fairmaiden
The PRETTIEST header in town!!!
You always make me sigh and a "Ahhhh" often escapes my lips when I sneak in your back door...I gave a soft knock, but when you didn't answer I just helped myself to a cup of steaming coffee and a wee treat from the cake box...Mmmmm....SO GOOD!
and dear one I am peeking at the progress of that builder boy we so lovingly call BOB....OH my, it is coming along just fine. Such a VERY fine roof you have. You will be painting in no time.
Well we just got back from a magnificent afternoon of "frothy tu tu's" and and a whole truck load of spadex....Ahhhhhhhh...it was splendid!!!! The Vancouver symphony orchestra placed the cherry on top of this scrumptious experience. Oh dear one, I thought of you so many times while I watched these talented ladies and gentlemen dance their hearts out for my enjoyment.
Last night was my baby's 22nd birthday. We all went to a fancy little restaurant and each had our favorite entree and then it was home for cake.
Tomorrow I will put my mom on the bus, and my daughter on a plane. We have had such fabulous time, it will be hard to see it come to an end...Ry will stay for a few more days so that I won't have to go "cold turkey" ;D
Well dear one, enjoy these last few days of holiday bliss, savoring these last few crumbs of rest and relaxation.
.....sleep well sweet friend of mine...love...~R~
Thank you for brightening the last few months of 2010 for me (since I discovered your blog!) You are a joy and a delight.
My dear Anita-
my blogging time is so small and I am sorry, that I couldn´t visit you for so many months...
It´s wonderful to see your posts...
Have a healthy New Year!
Love- Ines
Will you come to SPAIN in 2011???
Joyeux Nouvel An!!!
Bonne année!!
mon ami très belle.
Bénédictions à vous et les vôtres.
Happy New Year Anita,
Thank you for your inspiration...I hope 2011 makes all of your dreams come to fruition...you deserve it!!
Big Hugs xOxO Nerina
Oh Anita,
Have I mentioned lately how VERY special you are? I always have my first cuppa with you and cherish this perfect start to every day...Thank you for this sisterhood that you have become such an important part of. When the day has been ever so long, you know just the comforting words I need to hear. Dear heart, it is you who I look forward to sharing those simple daily pleasures that make me smile...and when you share the precious moments of your day with me, I am so very honored to call you friend. So, on that note, here is to another year of laughter and love...Happy New Year Dear One...
You are a treasure. We have this in common... what we truly set our minds to, we accomplish.
So, even when we need to encourage eachother because of our doubts, let's not forget we are shiny and kind and intelligent with gifts to share. I believe in you. Blessings friend.
just discovered your blog and i feel like i walked into a dream! i love, love, love it! you are added to my blog role and are officially one of my favorites! stop by my blog you might like it!
brittney from www.hushnwonder.com
so lovely to see your dreams becoming reality with regards your lovely refurbishments as well as your artwork.
you have such an an elegant and excellent eye for beauty,
your castle is beautiful beautiful beautiful, i love it so much it is just how i imagine a real fairy castle. your drawings are so very delightful, i love them very much.
Twinkle and i adore Audrey Hepburn. infact when Twinkle was very young and watching the film Roman Holiday with me, she told me that she thought the actress was an angel sent from heaven. and i believe she was. she is eveything lovely. i've always loved those pictures of her with the deer, she was so like a deer.
thank you for the inspiriting words and lovely photo posting!
may your drmz come true...
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