You are issued forth
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and then
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you die.
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And in between it all
you try...
to live a life.
November skies are meant for
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But rather than dream on
solid ground
and fly over the roof tops
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for from dreams
do wings bud
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from tested plumes
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sprout the realities of
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knowing that you can because
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Happy planning and enjoy your
Thank you Dawne for the first header photo.
Please visit Dawne here
for she photographs France like no other and
freezes it into a fairytale....
Thank you Dawne for the first header photo.
Please visit Dawne here
for she photographs France like no other and
freezes it into a fairytale....
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And if you are interested
This is my first holiday card that I have to
offer in my Etsy shop. Come on down for a
click here
This is my first holiday card that I have to
offer in my Etsy shop. Come on down for a
click here
Simply gorgeous. That is kinda helping now with tricky decisions I need to make on the house front.
Thank you Anita as always. Have a restful and joyous weekend,
Gem xx
I so look forward to your lovely posts.
And yes, planning is big here at the moment.
Thanksgiving coming soon!
I am in heaven.. Oh Anita, this is just beautiful!! Your imagination, your words and images always make my heart sing..
Thank you for sharing your beautiful self. Also for coming to visit Bebe and your encouraging words as always... You are a dear.
Bisous! Penny
I do believe dreams do come true. Dreams, hope, and prayer are so important to me. You always have a zest for life, and your posts bring out all the creativity and beauty in the world. Guess what? I have the Ralph Waldo Emerson saying in my home, and it is one of my favorites. I think your dreams will come true Anita, because you will soar high and try to make them come true. A big hug I am sending you, my sweet friend, and I am sure with all the love that surrounds you, you will receive that hug.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Hello Anita.This was breath taking,gorgeous.I love your words how they flow and happen with each picture.Very sweet post.You always inspire me.
Blessings dear friend!
So true Anita, It's all about the journey. We have a phrase in the UK which is, "you're born right, you die right, and you fill in the middle as best you can".
Breathtaking as usual, your combination of words and images always leave me calm!
Much love
Love your shared photos. Very Inspiring. I am glad I found you. Have a marvelous week-end. Linda
Dear Anita,
thanks for all the inspiration and beauty you share with us. Always a delight to come and visit you dear friend. Yes, Dawne does take the most fabulous photos of France.
I do hope you are feeling better, dear friend and now it is the weekend, wishing you a happy weekend and do take some time to relax and get over the laryngitis.
Sending get well hugs
Dawn is great ! just like you darling.......i wish i could fly darling....i will fly to you....and talk talk talk...drink some and eat some......and than i feel happy again.....owwww i from your ....x
Together we will fly.......fijn weekend lieverdje.....kus van
Ik wilde net de computer afsluiten en naar bed gaan....morgen werken.....hahahahhaha!!! but okay if you will ......i fly to
I am so glad I waited til the end of this extremely hectic day to read your lovely post and let it's magic wash away the pins and needles and reveal some soft fluffy cotton still remaining in my soul :)
Anita... Darling, Talented, Precious Friend!!
You are soaring with your profound poetry, chere amie..
This is inspiration with a capital "I"!!!!
I believe this is my favorite of Chopin's Nocturnes. And Rumi, and Dawne's magical images! The little girl with the basket melts my heart, and of course, Chagall.
The poetry, though..your poetic heart and brilliant mind are what makes this post, this message ALIVE!
Let us AWAKEN, then..let us bring the dreams into the here and now!
THANK YOU, dearest, for the goosebumps and the call to LIFE!
Love to you,
- Irina
Anita, this is such a lovely post with beautiful music. I always love your sentiments.
There is a special way to meet new people and be seen on etsy. Treasuries. You can create one choosing your favorite items from others only. Then you send them notes via etsy to let them know that they are in your treasury.
Here's an example of one of mine:
Then people feature you in theirs. Orders seem to pop up. Using your same amazing gift of choosing just the right images will mean that you will create gorgeous treasuries. Sometimes you get featured on the front page of etsy.
I am off to Vermont to visit my mom. If you have any questions I'll be back Monday.
Happy weekend.
Hi Anita, beautiful thoughts and photos that inspire and cause me to think about things! Dawne is wonderful and her work is so beautifusl.
Dear Anita,
You always give my weekends a great start with your wise words. Ida x
Bonjour Anita. Il pleut à Seattle. Non, il tombe des cordes, plutôt! Ton superbe billet est arrivé juste à temps pour me remonter le moral. Poétique et charmant, comme toujours. A bientôt. Veronique
Thank you, Anita, for your beautiful and encouraging post. After a rough day it gave me hope that tomorrow will be better.
Plans are made all year, but right at this particular time more than the usual are being made. You always start the weekend with such inspiring thoughts Anita! I am so glad you stopped by earlier. You my friend, are my most loyal! ~Hugs, Patti
Oooh-la-la-lovely Anita!
The wings are beauty-filled!
Its time to soar!!!
Deborah xoxoxooxox
Dear Anita
Your images and words are uplifting as usual. Thank you.
Have a restful weekend.
Helen xxx
You are growing wings my dear....
and are beginning to S O A R!
over the rooftops.
Beautiful poetic post, I am so blessed by you!!!
~ Violet
Hi Anita, this was a very inspiring and beautiful post. Hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend!!!
hugs~~~ Daphne
Hi Dearest Anita,
I just can't get past the "wow" on this post! I had to scroll back and look again and again!
You sure are an Enchanted Fairy Blessing of a Gal!!
XXX OOO Blessings Love and Hugs, Linnie
Hello my friend,
I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! Is your sweet prince back? Hopefully your little pup has been good company.
I am more inspired each and every time I come here to visit. The images are spectacular and the message to dream and soar...spectacular. One should never stop dreaming and never ever give up their dreams! I think yours are going to come true...even if not exactly when you want. Never give up on your writing dream....perhaps your drawing will allow you the time and energy to write.
Thank you for always giving me something to think about, something to inspire me and letting me leave this magical place with a song in my heart and a spring in my step.
Xoxo Elizabeth
Dearest Anita,
The long haired girl jumping up is the cutest photo and goes best with the poem. Soaring over the roof tops; that would be a nice dream come true!
Love to you,
My plans are forming, my can'ts becoming cans!! Beautiful post Anita xx
I've been sitting here tonight catching up on your last two beautiful posts Anita and enjoying every minute of it. I always enjoy seeing the images you bring us and the words you put to them.
hugs from here...
I have decided I want my baby footprints imprinted on my tombstone. No words. Just feet.
Hello Anita,
Like so many of your readers, I too look forward to your posts. You are always so positive and inspiring...
One day we will get to fly for the meantime I have dreams sometimes that I'm soaring through the air.
You are following your dreams. happy for you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
This is a beautiful post! So inspiring! I can't believe it took me so long to come over here from Being Ruby! I love her blog too! Glad I did! Jennifer:)
Hello my dear friend...Loved loved loved the images...I needed a lift...Thank you..Looking forward to see you...:))
Dearest Anita, how I wish I could find my wings. They seem to be staying very clipped. Hopefully one day soon things might change positively. Is your divine shop booming as it should? How is school? We just had our assembly item and we performed Dr Seuss "The Lorax". THe kids were fantastic and I was very proud of them. Fiona
Thank you for encouraging us to soar in the leaden skies of November. An important message indeed for those who tend to suffer from winter blues.
So lovely to see the photograph of Naphtaline! We lived near Bayeux for many years and it is on the little square opposite the cathedral.
Happy memories.
So amazing Anita! Will test my wings today and fly over the roof tops to Paris - for croissant et café au lait. And maybe some christmas shopping! So kind of you to come yesterday and thanks for meditating with me. Am so grateful for your support and send you sunshine to get well again soon. Use the cozy november atmosphere to relax and tune in. I have to rake a thousand leaves today! xx
Hello Dearest
It is so nice, while far away, to come to your blog and feel at home. This is an uplifting poem. "From dreams do wings bud." Flying over the roof tops on my way to you.
Anita, got you back on my sidebar.
I have missed you couldn't send you a comment. Love that Emerson quote. Beautiful header, where did you find the rooftops? So Paris...
have a good Turkey with loving friends and family..
Beautiful photos!! Love the message and reminder that autumn is the perfect time to sow the seeds of planning for a brighter day - filled with abundance of living!! merci mon ami, blessings xo HHL
Morning sweet the message once again and such stunning photos!
You are still feeling under the weather...oh no! I am sorry to hear that news...stay in bed today dear one...have a cozy home day and sleep sleep sleep. Take a day to do just that!
Sending you ooooodles of get well soon wishes!
Your post is magical! You always transport me away into other realms.....
Enjoy the weekend! Are you on the mend?
Much love and sunshine to you!
my first visit and am entranced, the beauty, inspiration, music.......ahhhhh.
so instantly taken i am adding you to my blogroll
thank you for such beauty
oh those beautiful blue feathers!
Thank you dear friend for your words...they are like the sweetest hands reaching out to all of us with a gentle touch to keep us going onward.
Your blog needs to be a book, you know!!
Much love,
I forgot to let you know I put your Esty site on my blog,( it's at the bottom) but wanted to know if the picture I used for it was ok with you :).
I am ALWAYS changing things around on my blog, so it could be moved around.
Have a HAPPY week-end.
Ahh these photos are unbelievable perfection :) Thank you for sharing! Have the loveliest of weekends.
Hi Anita!
Love your blog post (as always , listening to the music, reading your lovely posts, and of course pictures!) Creative people are always planning :)
Sorry I have not been blogging much lately. I am still in recovery mode, my back is still giving me problems, only because I cannot rest! I am way too busy...especially this time of year!
When you get a minute, check out my recent post. Benz and I went to the Pet Expo today....
Have a blessed weekend my sweet friend!
Oh, love , your blogging is so rich with color and loveliness... It is like having a really rich chocolate for dessert :)
Besitos, C
Hi Anita,
A wonderful post filled of beautiful pics....a great work(love this "cygne noir" maybe Alicia Alonso?)
Have a rested and happy weekend my friend
Muchos besos
Anita.....You did it again! Just when I thought you couldn't top that last gorgeous post....well you did! Oh how beautiful this message is.....especially love the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote...and how true it is. As scary as it can be to blaze a new trail how do we know its not a better brighter one unless we try? There is nothing more empowering than "taking flight" without any guarantees and having it be a successul this message and may all of our journeys be with Gods' speed and blessings:)
Yay! I am able to leave a comment here today, my computer is behaving!
I love this post!!!
Ah! Flight into the sky! What will it be like when we finally will be able to fly!? Amazing, I would have to imagine it will be. I do have flying dreams and they are incredible. Sometimes,when I hear music that touches my soul, I almost feel my feet could leave the ground. It is an ethereal feeling~
Death is just another passage through time, to another realm...the heavenly realm. I want to take all of the experiences I have learned in life and take them with me when I leave this Earth, so that I do not forget that I was once a human being full of life, and yet imperfect, so that I will be able to understand the reality and fullness of God and what he has done for me, filling me with HIS LOVE FOREVER!
I am happy you are feeling a bit better.
love, and hugs,
Hello my sweet friend, how are you these days?
How I love your new post!
We all have wings but some of us are not brave to use them. You've used them and have make youre dreams come true!!! Have you ever thought about selling your poems, you are a master with words!!!
Take care of yourself and have a nice weekend.
Hello again my friend,
You will see when the rush for hollydays start your sales will start again!
Advertising is very important when you want to sell a product. It take a lot of time when you wont to do that propely!
I've put the link to you shop on my blog, every little bit maybe helps.
Good Heavens!! I'm in a punnish mode today. My post has made me punchy. However, Dovecote loves the Dove and the via photography. I am impressed with the 51 comments since noon. I have a terrible time keeping it all up, ;but am working at it. Come by and say hello.
Beautiful, as always...
Such beautiful words and images to ponder on today.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
So wonderful to hear from you, sweet Anita! I am so behind on commenting, I had this post and your last post to enjoy for the first time! I am so happy for you that your Etsy shop is a wonderful success and you are selling on a regular basis! Wow, every artist's dream! I am so excited for your future too! Isn't it wonderful when we step out in faith and then see the world that opens up to us?
It must be a lot of hard work to keep all your art stocked as well as work full-time! How inspiring that is though.
I hope you are enjoying your Saturday! I am going out of town tomorrow on an annual family vacation. It is quite a miracle everyone can get time off from work still after many years of taking this trip! I think I will blog next weekend though...if I can catch up on everything else when I get back that is!
Much love to you! xoxo
Dearest Anita...
Your blog posts, besides being SO immensely talented, are uplifting and inspirational. This is so beautiful and the pictures are so prefect and special!!! You are truly gifted!!! I am lucky to call you a friend!!!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend!!! How is school? I can't believe there are Christmas commercials on TV- do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?
Hope you are having a great evening!!!
Hugs!!! Shannon
Oh the magic that your pen are truly blessed with a precious gift, for stringing pearls of wisdom and dreamy images together.
How are you dearest? Is that pesky cold gone? I hope so.
I am well...just so very busy, with furniture upholstery( a pair of retro swivel, slipper chairs), trying to keep the store well stocked, making sure that mom is behaving herself and putting my garden to bed for the winter.
Mom is finding it difficult to cope with her fragile state of health...and I am TOO far away.
I love her so and just want to be there when she is in need.
Your etsy shop is keeping you hopping....YIPPEEEE! This is only the are realizing your dream :)
Well dearest it is time for a late supper...sending you a Rosie
Hello my dear friend.... So sorry I am late to visit. How are you? I hope you are much better this weekend after being so sick this past week. I too have had a bad throat these last few days...... BUT, your post has made me feel brighter! :) My father died when I was young, but I never forgot his words... "there is no such word as can't" !!!
Oh dearest Anita, I just said "can" to the lead role in a play! It has been some time since I performed on stage, but I am ready to take on the challenge once more!
Your posts are always so inspiring, I love these beautiful pictures, and your poetry is SO uplifting.... Oh how I wish Spotty could grow wings! I could climb on his back and we would fly straight to your door!! I am seeing my darling boy today so shall kiss him on the nose and give him a big hug from you. Have a wonderful Sunday lovely Anita....
Much love, Abby and Spotty xx
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...
I'm thinking of dancing over rooftops this morning. Years ago I visited Boston in July. It was hot, it was crowded so I looked up to the blue, blue sky. I saw the rooftops and it reminded me of Mary Poppins. With a colorful carpet bag and one umbrella we can dance over the rooftops in life.
We can also wear our pretty white and pink frock and step magically on the back of a turtle and he will take us places others may not go.
We can sit fancy on a carousel and ride the merry-go-round all day long and never get off.
Here is a happy Mary Poppins and the fast paced world will magically disappear. It's a simple place, where one can simply feed the birds.
~I love you~
Standing tall with you, through the journey of life.
This post and the beautiful music make me want to get up and dance on rooftops. I love your message here, and this is a wonderful and inspiring post. Nice work.
I always find your posts so uplifting...I don't know how you find space in your head for so many ideas! (but I'm glad you do...)
Happy new week
fee x
ps is that a run of the mill pigeon looking so beautiful??!)
I just don't know how you gather up all your wonderful photos.
(I just joined pinterest and haven't a stinking clue how to use it)
anyway, isn't it fun to think of "flying beyond what we think is possible"
feeling grounded because we are afraid to spread our imaginative wings, and dreams.
I wonder how thinks look "from UP there" UP there where we can soar and BE.
BEAUTIFUL collection of photos as ALWAYS!!!
Beautiful pics dear Anita...I love the beigy to fly over that!!! Wishing you a wonderful week with many moments that just make you want to soar...Dzintra xo
Your Holiday Card is Lovely... and so are all of the images you have shared today.
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
Amazing Nita!!! When i was a child i dreamth to fly.... ins't it funny how the mind of child can be?
I am so happy to see your success with your shop.I know you are over the moon been able to create and share. wonderful my friend!
love you!!!
You always find
THE perfect photos
to make our hearts
want to take flight : )
Hope your weekend
was full of equally magic
moments, Anita!
xx Suzanne
PS. Did you get my
Love the wings and that first quote in your header! Also, your card looks fabulous!
Hi Anita
Love that little girl shot.. and the rooftops of course!! one of my favourite things.. If only we could fly
Have a great week!!! ciao ciao xxx Julie
ooh.. sorry..
meant to say I love your holiday card too!! clever you!!.. ciao ciao
When I visit you and see your gorgeous images and read your inspiring words, my heart beats quicker, my mind races and I feel like I can fly!!! Hugs and happiness your way,that card is STUNNING!!! X
Dear Anita, i LOVE your post!You always make me dream, you must be a big dreamer Anita, you always have that impact on me :)You header is also magic! Thanks for your nice comments! I need to take a little break because I give away a lot of photo gifts and that takes a lot of time in addition to ecerything else that needs to be done before Christmas. I'm looking forward to be back 10th of December to the magic of December. Your Christmas card is really magic and very beautiful! Have a great week!!!
Hugs, Kristin
And thank you dear Anita for popping in for some cheesecake...a wonderful day to you, Dzintra xo
Dearest Anita these are such soothing words for a Monday morning. Now if I could only figure out what my dreams are in order to spread my wings. :)
I hope you have a lovely and warm week.
Much Love,
So beautiful in every way, dear always seem to hit home to me...thank-you for your thoughtful, lovely posts.
Wishing you the most lovely of November days, my friend...
Morning sweet one...thank you for your visit. Wishing you a wonderful day of SPELLING!! Oh dear..not sure if you can have a wonderful day of spelling??? Not my favourite subject. Treat yourself to a Starbucks on the way home and crank up the Christmas music in your joy joy! xoxoxo HUGS
Such a wonderfully inspiring post Anita and the images are beautiful...I love your card and I am off to have a look around your ETSY shop now!
Wishing you the best of weeks,
Susan x
Thank you for the lovely post, Anita! My daughter was born at the end of August and I decided to take some time off from blogging to be with my family. It feels so nice to be back, and to take the time to see a beautiful post like this one (I promised myself I'd only read one, but I had to go through a number of the others as well - your posts are intoxicating!).
Have a lovely week,
Thanks for lifting me up and helping me soar a bit today. I certainly needed to get "above the clouds" a bit here in grey London!
Absolutely gorgeous! Your posts are always so uplifting and full of sweetness.Love every word and pic of this post.Thank you Anita as always. Have a nice and joyous week ahead :)
Aldy xx
Hi Anita,
Another beautiful and inspiring post, just what I need to get me through this week before vacation.
The thought of spreading wings and flying is divine.
What a simply gorgeous card! I love this post. These images just make me want to spread my wings and take flight...ahhhh...
I have brought you a brand new box of the softest tissues I could find, a steaming HOT cuppa of "neocitron"...and a little plate of sugar keep your strength up :)
Oh sweet girl, I hope you can kick this cold soon!
Tomorrow morning I am spending a few precious hours with a friend I have not seen in a VERY long time...tea and scones at a cute little tea house.
Then it is home to clean a couple of upholstered chair ( hoping I won't have to re~upholster)
Shopped like a CraZy woman today...I think it's a pizza night. Have a good nights sleep sweet friend...LOVE...R
Hi Anita, amazing as usual.
I adore your Holiday card you can make copies on your copier and sell many I am sure.
Your beauty is created in this piece.
I am done with the theatre's and I want to sell some of them. I am just working on the piece to display on the stage.
I am in agreement to what you have as planned for a show of our creations :)
I am excited to see all that you are creating and cannot wait for you to see mine.
You are my inspiration to what I have created I have you to thank for the outcome of my creation.
what a beautiful & inspiring post thank you
You are so very welcome dear Anita...Blessings to you, Dzintra xo
Well, again I find myself enamored by your words and pictures and find that dreaming of "plans" is a real possibility! Wishing you a wonderfully grand day! Cathy
Oh my goodness, that blue is stunning, as is the bird flying over the rooftops. Looks almost like it could be San Malo! Can't wait to see your collection on Etsy! Wishing you many holiday orders this season!
So beautiful and inspiring! It makes me want to fly. Your students must just love you. Thank you for this wonderful post. I hope you are having a great week.
Well, dearest Anita, I have flown over all the Parisian rooftops and returned here to Everafter Farm, and settled in my cosy computer chair, and I will now fly over to see you and this beautiful post! Again, you take the prettiest of thoughts, and dress it with the most evocative images. Thank you so much for using my photos again, and this time several lovely people have come to visit me because of that!!!! Thank you soooo much!! Did I hear that you were sick??? ooo, poor you, when you had to go to teach! Hope all the snuffles are gone now.
Fun email awaiting...
Come and see ideas for Kara and Shauns wedding on my blog. I don't have your email anymore? It is not working boo hoo so I came here to leave the message.
Her style reminds me of you.
Ah! I am just checking my email before I go to bed [ Yes! I am going at 8:00 because we are getting up at 0:dark Hundred to go to NYC to see the Christmas Spectacular at radio City Music hall!!}, and I see 2 new messages from you!!! Thank you for always being there for ALL OF US!!!!!!!
Baisers énorme! [ haha! Got that off of Google Translate!!!!!!!!!]
Oh dear one, I am sneaking into your kitchen and leaving a warm scone dusted with icing sugar, with what else, but a little raspberry jam and devonshire cream on the side. Hoping you will be up and about SOON!
Had a lovely cuppa with Becky, and then it was off to both the fabric store and the dollar store to pickup a plethora of crafting supplies to tuck in another care package for Liz. She was so overjoyed to open the last little package. I had tucked a tiny tree for her kitchen, as well as a sprinkling of Christmas decorations for her new house.
She is a B R O K E student, so thought she would have fun making some easy decorations...unsure as to how crafty my baby is, but thinking she will enjoy herself.
Didn't get to the upholstery cleaning done on those two chairs today, so will tackle it tomorrow.
Have a WONDERfilled Wednesday sweet R
Hello Anita,
I hope you had a good day at school. Thanks for stopping by. I can't believe how fast he is growing...I feel so blessed to have this little guy.
You are so sweet. Thanks for your kind words. That card you posted is stunning! It's quite amazing!!!
Hope you have a good rest of the week. I am slacking lately on my Kooky & Maximus posts. But, I hope to have something up within the week. :)
Okay...better get the little rascal to bed soon.
Good night to you!
Hi my dear...we have parent teachers tomorrow night and Thursday night with Friday off from looking forward to Friday.
It is another busy week. Thinking of you. xoxo
Dear Anita, Thank you for your time and making the time in your business to comment and plan for the performance we are putting on stage. The link party may have everyone feeling left out and un-prepared for it. Like you said if they have no theatre' then they are not ready for a show.
Perhaps our performance will inspire them to make one and we can do another one later :) We can encourage them to try to make one, or buy one or one of ours :)
Your plan to announce it works for me. Over thanksgiving I will come up with what I want to stage and how I want to show some history on it. I will gear towards a Christmas theme :)
I will email you this week and we can see what falls into place.
See my dear friend soon, don't let the stresses of schooling get to you.
Anita, I hope we get to see some of your beautiful home this holiday and what decor you have in store for it :)
I am sending you inspiration your way.
Hi Anita!
I've been visiting your etsy shop quit often this week ~ what lovely, lovely things... I adore your new card! Are you making a large print of it too? She's just so beautiful!
It's interesting you write of flying...
We just finished the book, Journey, by Patricia MacLachlan. In it, the main character flies in his dreams as he regains more and more of his joy.
I love it!
Perfect timing ♥
I hope you had a wonderfully calm weekend... and that your voice has returned fully ~
bless you always,
Wow, it takes awhile to scroll thru all your comments.... so popular you are ( and for good reason :)
You always leave me in awe. Every week I think what will she dazzle with us next.
This post was awesome and I am ready to head up to the roof :)
Thanks for the ok on the post. I hope to have it ready by this weekend!
I left a comment a few posts back and I sent you an email, sorry you didn't see it!
Hope you are having a wonderful week.
Lots of love to you Anita Bonita~
gi gi
Absolutely an inspiring post.
I have been so busy this week
and your post is wonderful
rest and stop
for me... rejuvenates my mind and
feeds my soul with encouragement.
Thank you so much.
Dearest Amita, thank you for coming today! So good to see you're a little better. Times here have been a bit crazy, because of another big project apart from the magazine. Now the data is ready and i hope to catch my breath, catch up with blogging and prepare for everything i didn't get around to: X-mas perparations, painting, etc. Love your Audrey card here and your gorgeous Etsy-shop! Wish you a relaxed and peaceful day! xx
That is so funny about finding Kooky on pinterest. Too funny! I did tell you that it's ACTUALLY a dog toy, right? haha...I know, I know...not recommened for children, so I only let Maximus get his hands on it when I take photos of the two of them. (And no, we don't have a dog)... :)
I'm so happy that you're adding more stuff to your shop. Will you be adding your cute drawings of the kids you do?
Hey...I saw this quote and thought of you. You have "opened" up that box and are using your gifts to make your dreams come true. Love that! Here it is: “There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say, "Yes, I've got dreams, of course I've got dreams." Then they put the box away and bring it out once in awhile to look in it, and yep, they're still there.” Erma Bombeck
Have a lovely day!
Happy Wednesday beautiful Anita!!!
How are you? I saw your holiday card for Etsy- so gorgeous!! I love it!!!
I can't believe Thanksgiving is getting closer & closer!!!
The weather has been so nice and I'm enjoying it as winter will be a long season!!!
TTYS!! Hugs!!! Shannon
Hello Sweetness,
If I'm a star, then you are a galaxy my dear one. Yes, Little Brown Pen, something to aspire to. With as full as her plate is, it really surprised and pleased me, little old me, to be included on the same page. Made my day.
Hope you are happy dearest!
Hi Anita
Finely I catch up with your blog, first and foremost thanks for your visits and kind comments, we are back to 100% and driving mom around the bend, but she loves it lol.
That quote, Do not follow is one of moms favorites, and as for your Christmas card beautiful as is the rest of the items in your shop.
Love and hugs to you all, over the pond. George xxxxx
My dear Anita
Your excitment sends me soaring! I am so happy you enjoyed them and that they were able to make you smile. You are in my thoughts today and always.
Bisous! Penny
Hello Anita!
Your Castle in the Clouds arrived day before yesterday and is so beautiful! The image delights me more and more every time I admire it! You are SO gifted!
I would have posted sooner but today report cards went home and I had parent conferences all afternoon. I breathe a sigh of relief each time report cards are copied and handed out!
Wishing you joy this day!
& Blessings!
How are you lovely Anita?
i love Emerson’s quote your used in this post; and YOUR words are wonderful at making us feel so good. will you make inspirational cards too? hope all is well,
xo sandra
I do enjoy your poetry and photos. Do you publish your work? I can't imagine that you wouldn't. And the cards you've created look amazing. Your whole blog is just awesome.
I love the combination of inspiration and beauty I always find over here. LOVE the quotes!!
Your holiday cards are awesome. They are going to sell like hotcakes!! xoxo
Hello dear one - here i come to fly a little with you before darkness sets in! Hope your day was lovely and and the kids were kind! Your Audrey card is so sweet with the glitter! xx
I want to fall into your header!! Honestly, how you find all these lovely photos... amazing!
Hope all is well with you and that you are enjoying November!
PS You are such a talented illustrator! Your card is just lovely...!
Ah! You visited my blog early today, hope you are feeling better, dearest.
Yes, my friend lived in France for about eight years (she was from England and followed her husband's job where it took them). Then they moved to Germany for almost a year, and he had just moved back to England,(where the job market was)and Denise was going to join him after straightening things up a bit in their French house when she passed away suddenly. (An on-going physical condition that would happen to her suddenly and if she didn't make it to the hospital for treatment in time it could take her life and it did this time). Very sad. She was a precious lady and very talented.
She and her husband used SKYPE, so he had been in touch with her until he urged her to get to the hospital, but she went into a coma soon after she got there.
I take a homeopathy remedy at this time of year to prevent colds. It is in a tiny blue plastic cylinder from Bioron Pharmaceuticals and it is called Hepar sulphuris calcareum in the 30 c dosage. I buy it at Vitamin Shoppe. I take three tiny pills three times a day.
It does help!
Have a lovely day~
Oh how I look forward to your posts! We must all live our dreams, take flight and soar! Another beautiful post!
Thursday is over...yahoooooo! It is the start to my weekend tomorrow...How are you holding out my dear?
Can you believe it is another weekend?...your Thanksgiving is very soon too isn't it?
Hang in there as the holidays are on their merry way...Hugs. xoxoox
Nita... Are you feeling alright??
i am here my friend... just crasy busy preparing for next year show and now the holidays... my children are already reminding me about my handmade gifts for....THEM!!!hahahah
love you!!!
Good Morning Sweet Girl...Just a quick HUG to start your day. Now off you go to spread your J O Y around Minnesota xoxox Love Rosie
Beautiful and inspiring as ever. I love the Emerson quote. Hugs, Catherine x
hello dearest
oh it is always so magical entering your realm! the feeling is so sublime.
i am sadly in a bit of a rush today, my computer time is so limited these day :( but i just had to come and peek at your delicious post and let you know that i am thinking of you, as i do several times each day, and sending my warmest wishes along with much love and an enourmous hug xxx
there has been good news for my sister. although she has become very aneamic and has a few other probs, her cancer has not returned. such a huge relief!
Happy sweet morning dear one. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
'Just marvelous sweetie!!! Thanks you...I will fly high today and soar above the Ponderosa's tallest tree!!!
I would not allow that 'C' word in my classroom. "Can't is a dirty four letter word," I'd tell 'em.
Soar high sweet sister and your dreams just may come true!
Off to check out your store again, it's been awhile. (Last weekend we had a wedding on the Ponderosa) Busy....
God bless an have a delightful day my sweet friend!!! :o)
Always, always, such a delight to stop are such a source of inspiration, beauty, and joy.... and you have made my days with your lovely words this week!
Have a relaxing weekend,
Good morning dear.
Yes,,of course, you can use it...
Have a wonderful and rested WE
Bonjour mon amie!
Yes I have my feathers and I am flying high! It's wonderful to be above the tree tops!!
Love your holiday card you created!
Bisous, Sherry
your illustration is gorgeous!! It is so thrilling to see how your shop has taken flight. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Lovely-all of it!
Lovely Lovely Lovely.... Merci my friend...
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