Friday, July 18, 2014

Dear travelers

The view

from up here 


...I recognize

Paris Grey



in its mist

photo by neil j. wilson flickr via pinterest




Budapest the Beautiful




and details from

a Scandinavian countryside.


via toves sammensurium

But the closer I approach

my destination

the sky below 


inside of me


is morphing into a rather 


but perfect dream-like focus

toward my 

European Dream.

Narrow canals now channel



my arrival to a



I don't know 

if I'll ever meet her -


Dutch blog sister


Add caption

 So hang on tight 

take flight

click on the links


see the real stars 


1. Judith with Botanic Bleu
2. Carolyn with Draffin Bears 
3. Violet with Create Beauty
4. Speedy and Rachel from Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny 
5. Marie-Ange du blog Rêver au Sud
6. Catherine with Cashmere Lover 
7. Robyn with Simply Fresh Dinners 
8. Denise with Denise's Delights in her Coffeeberry Cottage
9. Sandy with You May be Wandering  
10. Nancy with Fête et Fleur 
11. Mary with Tales from the Backroad
12. Suz with Crusin' Over Sixty 
13. Lynne with Dreams on 34th Street
14. Nélinha du blog Mes Passions en Toutes Saisons 
15. Penny with Angelsdoor  
16. Martina with MV'S Art Impressions
17. Karen with Garden, Home and Party 
18. Rhonda with A Little Bit French
20. Heather with Style Minded Chic Life
21. Marsha with Splenderosa 
22. Peggy with According to Braswell 
23. Mary Jo with Trust Your Style
24. Karen Harvey Cox with Scrapbook of Inspiration
25. The Contessa with Vintage Hen House
26. Linnie with The Butt'ry and Book'ry 
27. Eden Clare with Artful Fairytales
28. Dawne Polis with Quiddity 2  
29. Jade with White and Shabby
30. Marcia with Marcia Pilar 
31. Emily with The French Hutch 
32. Stacey with Design Addict Mom
33. Dawn with Petals, Paper, Simple Thymes 
34. Monica with Prince Snow Farm
35. Violetta with V M Creation Atelier 
36. Marie-Paule du blog Marie-Paule Faure Paris-Campagne
37. Toves with Toves Sammensurium  
38. Irma du blog Soupières et Vieilles Dentelles
39. Karolyn with The Relished Roost 
40. Kim with Exquisitely Unremarkable 
41. Karena with The Arts by Karena
42. Maria with The Good Life  
43. Marijke with Marijke's Thuis
44. Luisa del blog Personally Selected Products  
45. Sonja with Bits and Pieces
46. Karla with Jill of all Trades  
47. Sandra with Thistle Cove Farm
48. Sarah with Hope in Every Season
49. Lynzie with Thoughts from a Young Writer  
50. Jayne with Jayne on Weed Street
51. Barbara with Moveable Feasts 
52. Ria with It's Me
53. Irina with  Gypsy in Me
54. Linda with Life and Linda
55. Carol with Buttercup Counts her Blessings 
56. Elizabeth with Pinecones and Acorns
57. Sharon with Faith Hope and Cherrytea 


1 – 200 of 221   Newer›   Newest»
Barbara said...

Hello, my lovely friend, your words and images are as beautiful as always, thank you for so many wonderful links - I'm away to visit as many as I can. Have a fantastic weekend. Barbara x

The Dutchess said...

O my you have me in tears..Mis Moussie too...xoxo

The Dutchess said...

I.m back..Miss Moussie too...and we would like to say thank you and hug you and then take flight to your place...Gustave is now planning to build us a Hot Air Balloon..!!

We will meet someday I know we will..
Love..Your Sister..

The Dutchess said...

And now..we go visit all those marvelous links..

Jade said...

Thank you soooooooo much my dear friend.........for your great ideas, for all your inspiration, for bringing us together! I love to see the world with your eyes - what a magical post again! I´m so happy to be a part of this travelers summer dream and I love to visit all the other blogs. Have a wonderful weekend, dearest Anita,

hugs Jade

Unknown said...

Oh, are simply the best...I'm so happy to be joining you on your European Party ;)
Beautiful images and ooh, the balloons they make me smile...have a wonderful weekend! xx

VM Creation Atelier said...

You are so GOOD,dear Anita!!!
THANKYOU so so much for all these inspirations....
Yes,ofcaurse I go to all these link party friends to look inside and read all mind inspirational places:)))

Hugs to you,
Dear friend:)))

The enchanted home said...

Wow soooo beautiful. This could make anyone want to become a world class traveler! So beautiful, love the images, they took my breath away. Great idea, so wish I could have joined in but just too much to do having just gotten back. Next time for sure! I look forward to taking a virtual trip around the world with everyone else...bravo Anita!

Simplement ... said...

Ce fut un extrême plaisir de participer chère Anita.
Tu es l'étoile qui relie les coeurs. (clin d'oeil sur mon blog ... Moustiers Sainte Marie).
Merci à toi et à tous les blogs participants.
Je t'embrasse

Cathy said...

I shall fly away with you!

The French Hutch said...

Dear Anita, your beautiful post leaves me breathless! How beautiful, the visual and the music, (I love this movie and soundtrack). What a delight it is to join you for this party. Merci, now I’m off to visit other party goers................Merci!

The French Hutch

Anonymous said...

Soaring up there with you, my friend. So many beautiful sights here today. I cannot wait for our Final destination, what a day that will be.
Off to visit with some of your lovely friends.
I will not get tired of thanking you for continuing this summer tradition.
Thank you again, love.

Denise said...

Gorgeous and fun ! Yes, I'm on My way -almost there .There was a traffic jam on he way to the airport .

Personally selected products said...


At Time!! finally the conect is international!!.
Today I am so happy watching your pictures, your imagination and enjoy your Blog !!!
Thank you too much for that!!

My always lovely Anita!!

i would like you enjoy with my favorit European city... MADRID!! , is MY HOME !! : )

XX Lots Love my AMIGA !!

personally selected products

Kim said...

Thank you Anita! I am excited to grab my hot water, sit by the pool and I go! :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Chère amie, querida amiga,

I just went to your glorious post to SPAIN!!!!! But I don't see a space for comments! Are you deactivating them? Please let me know, for I did not see a comments space! The photos you shared have inspired me to go there; my cousin just came back from Granada and loved it so!

Thank you sweet friend. Have fun, but the fun won't be complete unless you have your comments page active! Anita

Rhonda said...

Good Morning Anita, I just posted and how gorgeous is your Paris post? I am so happy to be able to join up with your party today!
xoxoxo Rhonda

Constance said...

Good Friday morning to you, dear Anita!

This so exciting! What marvelous pictures you have chosen to start our glorious link party with as we vicariously delight in traveling the globe through each-other's links this week!

Ohhh, you make we want to be in Paris, Venice, Capri, Budapest, Prague and the Netherlands this morning!

Big Hugs for your outstanding idea!

Jeanie said...

I love your beautiful world journey. And the Netherlands. Oh, I must return there -- I loved it so very much! I have a big happy sigh today. How lovely!

Celestina Marie said...

Good Morning Anita~ Simply a wonderful way to start the day, off to an adventurous destination. You've set the stage with your whirl around the world. You share beautiful pictures that inspire our dreams. Thank you for hosting this special party. I am off to start my visits.
Hugs and Blessings!

nélinha said...

oh que c'est beau et très expressif ce billet, tout est enchantement et féerie...Quelle classe Anita!, je suis ravie que tu es reçue mes petits présents se n'est rien tu sais....Je t'ai juste envoyer un peu de chez moi chez toi my friend
Bisous tout plein, je vais visiter les autres blogs

Deborah said...

Wow!!! So beautiful Anita!!!
Your photos here invite.....just gorgeous!
And look at all your stars! I must gaze upon them!
Love & hugs sweet friend!

All my heart,
Deborah xoxoxo

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Thank you so very much, Anita, for allowing me to participate. So many wonderful memories have been brought to the forefront, so many delightful pictures...I took more than 1,000 and those are the ones kept!...and it's been a delight to me. God bless you, yours and the work of your hands and heart!

BRASWELL said...

thank you anita + I am peggy

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

I love this post! Thank you for dreaming with Bebe! .I am so happy you enjoyed my dear friend. I am ready to travel to far off places..
Thank you so much for this magical party!

Karena said...

Dearest Anita you always take me away in the most magical way...I have posted on Rome and hope that everyone enjoys my little tour of remembrances!

The Arts by Karena

Little Miss Titch said...

Auntie Anita we are up and running!this is great!xx Speedy and Rachel

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

What a glorious post dear Anita, such inspiration and beauty to greet me as I enjoy my morning cup of coffee. I am always inspired by your words and photos. Enjoy this week-end. xoxo

La Contessa said...

You give me GOOSEBUMPS..........every time I open your posts!REALLY!
Who is your BLOG sister?Cause if she does not come through I have a dear friend in Belgium!Holland is right there.......
Oh, the NETHERLANDS........those canals,!!

Leslie said...

What fun Anita.. take me away! I'll be bookmarking this post as it will take me a day or so to visit your guests:) As always, your blog post transports us to our destination with exquisite poetry and photographs. Have a wonderful weekend ahead! xxL

Stacey said...

Oh Anita! What a luscious post! I am excited to travel to exciting places as I visit the others!

Ps. Working on my post right now!:)

Barbara said...

Your journeys are always irresistible, Anita. Pleased I was able to come up with something this again this year. Such fun. Your post if lovely and I can't wait to visit everyone. Thanks for hosting!

Méa Strauß said...

Anita, I love you for this!!!
Biiiig Huuuuugs from your friend Méa

Robyn said...

Oh, Anita - what a beautifully crafted post that makes me smile and tear up and remember such a fabulous trip. I have been to the Netherlands and it was one of my most favourite trips so far. The people are so hospitable and I even saw farmers working in the tulip fields wearing wooden shoes!
Thank you for this special week of all your friends coming together - it is going to be such a pleasure travelling around the world with them! You are so fabulous, my friend. Much love to you. xoxo

Palomasea said...

OH, my dear and BRILLIANT friend and sister...this is breathtaking perfection.....
How honored I am to travel on this most wonderful journey with you...
I do hope so much that you will someday meet in person!! You absolutely must!
Thank you for YOU....
Have a fabulous time on your travels...I am starting right now!
Je t'embrasse....

Splenderosa said...

Anita, this is simply splendid, my darling friend. And, I am now POSTED & LIVE!!!
I will visit every single participant and possibly meet some new friends.
Wonderful X10 !!!!

VM Creation Atelier said...

Oh......:( I don't know what's happened with my comment page???
I had two comments from Luisa and Catherine and didn't knew that something wrong....
THANKYOU million tones for this opportunity dear,dear Anita:)))

Palomasea said...

I had to come right back and thank you for your beautiful comment, dear one! Thank you so much for having tea with moi...and your cottage is pure know how much you inspire me. :)
Love seeing your exquisite post again...Peter Pan! That mist....that HORSE! Bliss....

Fete et Fleur said...

Hello my dear sister,

You surprised me with your destination, but I know how much you and your Dutchess are kindred spirits. I hope you both get to meet someday soon. I can see you both rushing to each other and embracing with tears.

I would love to go to Paris with you someday. How wondeful that you will be there again next year with Ruben. You will have to visit Versailles for me.

Having fun on your lovely irresistible tour.

Have a beautiful day and give yourself and Ruben a hug from me. Everyone here says hello!


Rosa said...

tes articles sont de plus en plus beaux, dommage que je peux seulement regarder les images... mais elles sont d'une beauté exceptionel.
bon week end Anita et bel été chez toi.
gros bisous

Fete et Fleur said...

Now I am crying.

Can you imagine the shenanigans we could get up to in Paris together. It would be a blast. I will let you know, but I will definitely be there in spirt with you.


Botanic Bleu said...

Bonjour Anita,
Bon fête! Merci mon ami for your wonderful comment on my post... How like you to see the metaphor that I missed even in my own writing..... my French door love post was the door we all walked through to begin the party.

Your collection of photos is Simply Breathtaking! and Simply Irresistible! The ballerina...perhaps my favorite. In my next life I will be a dancer, but in this life I strive to become a better writer, better story-teller, better editor, BETTER, inspired by your writing.

Ècrivain extraordinaire!


Anonymous said...

Oh how beautiful, Anita!! The lovely music, the breathtaking images, some favorite travel memories, and many travel dreams… all here for our discovery! There were tears in my eyes when I came across the Charles Bridge in unforgettable Praha! Thank you for remembering The Netherlands today. We are all one… Anita, your creativity and kindness make a real difference in our world!
♡ Dawn

Red Rose Alley said...

I love it all! The Netherlands is your destination - I have a few friends from the Netherlands, and they are so nice. I love the Venice picture with the birds, and aahh, the white Scandinavian horse. Those canals are so dreamy, and it was one of Jess' greatest experiences in Europe. That is such a cool picture with the air balloon - is that the sea below? What a beautiful post this is, Anita, and I will be back many times to see it. Off to check out some of the others.


Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Dear Anita my sista,
So beautiful, so enveloping this wonderful european tour. I wish I could of taken part but with my planning the memorial service and a much needed weekend visit with friends and of course my very personal post to appear I just could not wiggle my nose and do all.
I am trying to visit all the wonderful posts of places far away. So far what I've read and viewed are all fantastic. Love, love, love, adore, adore, adore our Penny's magical whimsical tour of Tuscany.

When it was the 400th anniversary in Amsterdam John and I went there. I fell in love with the flatness of the country, the homes in the low lands and the waters in the highland. I marveled at the brilliance of the Dutch taking salt water and turning it into fresh to fish. We took boat rides through the canals 3 times a day. Allowing the water levels to be monitored by the dams into the canals. If only our engineers had listened to the Dutch way back, then the misery of Katrina could of been avoided.
The Dutch blend the modern with old world in an amazing sense of design I have copied in our Row-home. We toured all the museums and drank in the essence of the wonder and beauty of the Netherlands. Any-day, anytime, John and I would jump on a jet to join you and Reuben in this beautiful place.
I will between my visiting view the magical posts that have taken part in your highly enjoyed and looked forwarded to link party.
Thank you Anita, for your spirit and your free flowing talent and for being blessed with your friendship. Beautiful link party beautiful you.
Sending love,

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

I meant the 400th anniversary of the Dutch masters, art and a place of beauty, sigh all the lovely canals, with a million bikes!

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

I would luv to participate!
in both the event and the giveaway ~ such loveliness!
I have several posts - not sure if you want just one linked or more...?
An Afternoon in Paris
Paris TeaTime
Paris in Pink
Merci ! and....
Thankyou for creating and offering the celebration!

"Create Beauty" said...


What a fabulous party you have thrown!

Such variety! Delightful inspirations!!!!
stop back by my Cotswold cottage, I spied a fairy in the garden this morning and she allowed
me to take her photograph!!!! I've added a couple more photos at the bottom of my post.

~ Violet

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Anita,

Sorry I had to spend the day away yesterday and have just got back - my post will be there very soon.

You have thrown a wonderful party and love all the inspiration you have shared with us - had a quick look and will be back again to spend more time looking at your post.
will be back soon with my post and apologize again.

toves sammensurium said...

OMG Anita!Your post is magic!!!Love those little movie clips that makes the dream even dreamier,lovelier.Beautiful pictures!Want to go everywhere!!!! BUt my destination is this,take a look at my blog,here´s the link I am joining with :

Looking forward to visit the other blogs who are joining to dream along with them and enjoy the pictures and post!Such a great party,best I´ve ever attended in many years ;)
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Tovehugs :)

Troebadoer said...

Chère Anita,

Ton message est merveilleux...
Je n'en ai pas vu d'autres...
Je me perds dans ton monde de rêves parfaits...
Je te souhaite des jours plein d'extase...

L'eau, un miroir clair
sur la montagne pâle
la lumière stellaire froide
Un conte murmurant doucement
marquant son chemin lointain
en paix immense

Et je voyais la splendeur
de tes enjambés
L'éclat merveilleux
de la lune bleuâtre
sur ta face paisible
L'ombre de ta silhouette délicate
dansante dans l'argent
de la fleuve frémissante

A présent je me demande
où tu allais
O dame admirable
Il y avait un temps
où nous nourissions
le même rêve...
ton coeur
et le mien...
sur la terre promise
la fleur de nuit du bonheur...

Je l'ignore...

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Anita,

Just want to say a big thank you for sharing your inspirational travel destinations with us - really makes me feel like packing my bags and heading off to see more of this beauty around the world. Thanks for the little escape for the weekend and for organizing the fun party - I really appreciate your friendship and kindness.
My post is up there now - sorry I am a little late with it.
Happy weekend and hope you have some sunshine there

Sarah Coller said...

What a super fun, beautiful and dreamy post! I'd love to have a beautiful vacation to one of these gorgeous places! Thanks for hosting all the fun!

Karen said...

Oh, Anita,
I had to work today and to come home, fire up my computer and put on my headphones to listen to the magical musical accompaniment was just what I needed after a hectic day of work. Thank you for his. I will visit each of the links for further tours of destinations and the magical dreams of your readers.
Thank you so much and enjoy your weekend.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dearest Anita,
I have viewed such beauty today.... I wanted to come back and thank you again for arranging this magnificent European link party... You have worked so hard to put this together, and it has brought so many people together to share their experiences and dreams... MERCI dear friend.
You are the best!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anita. My apologies for the mix up. I had this scheduled in my calendar to start on the 20th. I am unfortunately not at home tonight or tomorrow and won't be able to post it until Monday as I had scheduled.

Sarah said...

Beautiful as always. I'd happilyl fly away to these irresistible destinations. You've done it again and gathered together a wealth of beauty. I'm off to visit………...

nélinha said...

ton idée des destinations ets superbe, j'ai eu le plaisir de découvrir de magnifiques blogs avec de belle photos et de beaux mots...Mais ce qui me fait encore plus plaisir c'est que la France est souvent à l'honneur et je me sens flatter pour cela, vous parlez tellement bien de notre beau pays et cela me touche vraiment...Je tenais juste à te le dire toi la plus française des américaines si tu me le permets....Bisous ma douce amie

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh là là.....chère Troebadoer, ce poème, c'est le vôtre? Qui est le/la poète? Vous savez mon amie, j'étudie la poèsie (la grammaire, le syntaxe, le choix des mots) et des autres "outils" qui composent la structure d'un poème. Et celle-la, c'est un chef-d'oeuvre qui évoque des émotions, strophe par strophe, un mot à la fois. J'adore le première strophe qui retient le verbe et le sujet aussi longtemps que possible en utilisant des noms, ensuite, le poème se deroule mervielleusement! Le dernier strophe réunit le narrateur et l'objet du poème. Bravo.

Je vous remercie de votre fidélité à mon blog! Je vous embrasse fort, Anita P.S. je vais cliquer sur le lien (je suis sûre que la musique va me couper le souffle!)

Dawne Boynton Polis said...

Oh, dear lady, you have chosen the most beautiful images here! I want to go to each and every place! Thank you so much for putting together this year's Irresistible party. And for coming to visit me so quickly. I am slowly getting around to all the countries represented., in between packing for our move These posts make me want to fly off today! Such fun!
Merci encore, mon amie.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Good morning Anita, I am very thankful for the opportunity to share my dreams with your fellow travelers. With my cup of coffee in hand again, I shall visit more blogs today. It has been a delight. The weather here is beautiful, not too hot....just perfect. Enjoy this lovely Saturday. I shall continue to dream....Much Love, Linda

Denise said...

Dearest Anita, I just wanted to thank You for Your friendship and this wonderful time We've had through the Years with Your parties.All Us virtual internet friends love You.I can only imagine how blessed Your friends are that get to spend real time with You.At one point in Our lives We did live so close together-growing up with the same stomping grounds-Whittier and Pico Rivera.One of the first boys I fell in love with went to El Rancho HS,so I spent a lot of time in P.R. Your poetry,prose and other many gifts have so often touched My heart.I know for sure We will meet at Our final Simpy Irresistible destination,Where We can then dance like Ballerina's.

prince snow farm said...

How beautiful Anita! I'd love to travel along with you on this journey! (and I am up and running….so sorry!)

Personally selected products said...


I had to give THANKS for this wonderful Link Party and let me always fascinated with your comments and photos, I am so excited about how wonderful it is proving the Link Party, I'm doing two tours of this fantastic tour!

Have a good Night
Luisa XX said...

OH mY gOODNESS! so BEAUTIFUL...and so great you are doing this Anita. I perused many a blog last night linked from here and had the BEST DREAMS! STUNNING, DREAMY photos! THANK YOU!

Tara Dillard said...

Travel to study historic gardens across the globe. For decades.

Yet know the real magic is, I travel farthest in my own garden.

Garden & Be Well, xot

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, always inspiring. Thank you for allowing me to visit all of those places if even for a few seconds! xo

Unknown said...

Anita dear, Extraordinary post! I feel as though I was just transported back to the charming European countryside that I left behind in Spain just yesterday. I have to take a moment to absorb all the beauty........ Thank you, darling friend, for hosting a glorious link party again this summer. I appreciate that you added my link. I have not yet done an official post on my recent trip (so recent we arrived home at 2 am ;), though I posted a couple of post card posts. I plan to create a new post in the next day or so and will see if we can update the link. In the mean time I'm simply loving all these inspiring posts. What a wonderful, wonderful world! Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes and I'm glad I was able to get a glimpse of the lovely country of your heritage. Happy Weekend to you dear Anita!
xx, Heather

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

Oh Anita! This is such a wonderful kick off to the link party!! My computer has been having problems but now I am here and ready to go PARTY with everyone else. Thank you SO much for organizing this wonderful gathering! I hope you are having a beautiful weekend! xoxo

irma said...

Désolée j'étais absente et je n'ai pu poster qu'aujourd'hui...
Merci pour cette invitation, je vais aller visiter les blogs participants...

It's me said...

What a post Anita !!! are a real party beast !!!...i have my own party on from me love love Ria...x ! said...

Oh my GOODNESS Anita! I have only read about a dozen of these wonderful ladies posts, and I am so hooked!! You have an amazing group of readers and I am loving every entry. I will read all of them. They are such a reflection of you, and it's a joy to share this week with all of them. Thank you for this idea and making it come to life. :)

Troebadoer said...

Chère Anita,

Merci infiniment pour tes réactions si positives et enthousiastes.

Depuis 10 ans j'ai produit des petits textes poétiques en néerlandais. Je n'ai néanmoins jamais eu l'ambition d'être un poète. Les textes ont uniquement comme but d'exprimer quelque part la beauté éternelle qui se trouve dans chaque être et chaque chose, et les désirs et la nostalgie des humains.
Je n'ai jamais appris des règles ou eu le souhait d'être original ou littéraire.
Les poèmes que tu as reçu sont traduits de mon original néerlandais.

Je te souhaite des jours fantastiques.

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

Dear Anita,

It's been such a long time since I've come to visit! Having a baby has really thrown me for a loop! But a good one, I hope. :) I love your grace and beauty, which shines through your blog and kind words to others. At my home we've recently had an "Anne of Green Gables" tea, so I guess Prince Edward Island is the place for our traveling adventures!



Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hi Debby! Is this sweet Debby from Inspirational Girl? Thank you for coming to visit! Enjoy the tour! Anita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WOW...chère amie, lieve vriendin....

Alors, vous êtes vraiment douée de talent. Car votre poèsie issue de votre être, comme coule une fleuve...naturellement, et quelque chose de beau et qui nourrit. Merci mille fois et je crois que vous m'avez appris quelque chose d'important lieu de toujours dire, "JE VEUX ÊTRE poète" - il faut: ÊTRE. JUSTE ÊTRE. Ecrire pour le plaîsir c'est ça.

Merci. BISOUS!

Tammie Lee said...

such a magically gorgeous post
you inspire me to dream
to dream of travel
to explore life to it
s fullest
such a beautiful post!

jerilanders said...

Anita! It turns out I didn't need to post on this because Linnie expressed my exact sentiments on her trip to Britain! I am having some fun traveling the world with all your guests. The Netherlands is on my list as well... after all, I did grow up with the last name of Osterhout. Well, my dear, I am off and away to visit more foreign domains.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Anita dear,
Was this another magical day or what! I feel like Bebe and I have traveled the world...
I see Jeri is traveling also.. Hi there!
Merci, once again my dear friend...

Suz said...

This is a special thank-you for creating this beautiful post and for having given the chance for the fantastic bloggers that have joined your link party. These are some of the most beautiful places I've virtually visited. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart for this joy.

vicki archer said...

Truly, truly too beautiful Anita... this is one of your most beautiful posts... i think I always say that... :)
It's true... Have a wonderful Sunday... xv

VM Creation Atelier said...

Anita,dear friend!!!
How excited and inspirational this movement if you,beautiful woman:)))
Thanks a LOT for this irresistible Link Party:)))
Love to see all great and so inviting post around from the wole World.....
Just breathless,beyond inspirational and STUNNING!!!
THANKYOU dear friend:)))


Martina said...

Dearest Anita, i was away for the last 2 days and so exited to have a look here today after family brunch. This post of yours is a magical journey and i feel like flying on fairy dust with you - not only to wondefruö places in Europe, but also to the land of imagination and creative magic. You are a great hostess and i feel so honored to see your sweet comment on my riviera post. Will take time this week to visit all participants here and make new friends. Hope your sunday is filled with prrettiniess and send you HUGS!

despetitsriens3 said...

magnifique voyage!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Bonjour Bernadette! Merci de m'avoir laissée un commentaire! Je ne peux pas trouver de blog sur votre page de "Google Plus" - alors, je vous laisse un grand merci ici. BON VOYAGE! Anita

Anonymous said...

Hello! My post is up! Sorry about the confusion. :)

Red Rose Alley said...

Good Morning Anita,
Aren't those shutter pictures pretty that Jess took? The turquoise one with the white flowers reminds me of you because you love turquoise and aqua. I get a kick out of the boy on here holding onto the balloons and going up up and away in the sky. Wouldn't that be thrilling? And those charming canals I would love to see. They have some gorgeous ones in Italy too, which Jess experienced.

Have a beautiful Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Hello lovely hostess. I'm back today to continue visiting with your much beauty.
I left you a comment yesterday, but apparently it didn't go through. Thanks to you, Mr G and I enjoyed a night in Rome. :) He made his tomato basil soup and we watched Roman Holiday.
Off to more visits.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a trip!

Down by the sea said...

What can i saw you have found such amazing pictures! I must find time to visit your fellow bloggers! I wish I was joining in too! Sarah x

Libby said...

I happened to see the party at Monica's Prince Snow Farm, just this morning. I wish I had know about it earlier! and would have had a post ready. No time now, but I will definitely visit as many as I can! Merci mille fois!

Palomasea said...

Wanted to pop in and tell you how much fun I'm having...
I hope you are enjoying the sunshine....stay cool, dear one...
Je t'embrasse fort...

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hello dear Anita....finally I have made it over here. You see, I haven't been able to get internet on my phone or computer in the house but could on my iPad....weird!!!! Oh, what a ride I have had seeing this absolutely beautiful post.....oh my, and the music.....pure and utter majick! I just might have to go and visit everyone else......Oh, I saw Starry Nights when it came to an exhibition here last year in Canberra and bought a few souvenirs with it on them......Sending Love across the miles to you, Dzintra xo

Vintage Jane said...

Your post is beautiful and I am sooo looking forward to visiting all the other journeys. M x

The Dutchess said...

This was a wonderful journey...and you know what..!!! It will continue always in my heart..xoxo

Kelly said...

Ahh..... the places you can take us Dear Anita! It calms my soul with all the craziness the world is in! Thank you for this fabulous stay-cation and encouraging our HOPES and DREAMS and ohh yes........ taking us to the STARS!!!! <3

deb famularo said...

Just breathtaking. Seeing the world through your eyes is ALWAYS a pleasure for me. You have such a beautiful gift, well, many to be honest! Everyone needs to spend time on this blog to get to their "happy place" inside! Your way with words married with your imagery is like no other. Thank you for always inspiring me. You are a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Much love....

Jade said...

Oh Anita, my dear friend.........the sun rises and the stars shine brighter when I hear from you..........THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! And to be here is always such gift for me! Have a wonderful week,

love Jade & Sheila

Unknown said...

Anita, I don't have adequate words to say thank you. You are truly a dream maker and the power of your magical posts expanded to touch so many bloggers with this beautiful link party. Thank you for being you and inviting us to be part of your world. I really loved being part of it!

xoxoxo Mary Jo

BRASWELL said...

anita, thank you so much for doing this + you are the best. xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Sweet Mary Jo! I left a comment on your blog, but I'm not sure if it was eaten up! THANK YOU!

helen tilston said...

Hello Anita Forgive me for being late in visiting. This is a spectacular feature and I am enchanted by your post. You are inspiring me to travel to all these wonderful cities. Now I must hop along and visit your links

Have a glorious week

Helen xx

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Nice! I'm breathless. And thinking ... someday. Been to Europe twice now, and loved both trips. Beautiful post, as always.

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Anita, I just realized, that even though I came here, I haven't left a comment for you and here you are the sweet nucleus of this whole extraordinary event!!
This post is a wonderful flying floating dreamy magical tour with the best stunning pictures!! :-D
I knew this simply irresistible tour would be fun but little did I know how grand it would be! I am having such a wonderful time "Globe trotting" with the loveliest group of Ladies!!
I had a slow start for I had 5 grandchildren staying with me (from 6-14yrs) for the weekend!! I would try to steel away to jet across the dream tours but they would find me out and whisk me away!
I am glad you enjoyed the English videos ;-D see you soon, much love and many blessings,Linnie

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Oh and P.S. did you happen to notice something familiar on the wall of the first two pictures in my studio?
Hee, let me know if you see it

donna baker said...

"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning." Peter Pan Anita, I just love your posts; enjoy them so much. Blogging perfection if you ask me.

hi-d said...

Hello Anita!!!
And please forgive me for not coming over SOONER! This music goes so perfectly with your post. Oh, I do hope you make it to The Netherlands someday. Our dear friends were over there for earlier this year. They are part of YWAM. (Youth with a Mission) and I believe they stayed there for 3 months. Now they are back in Hawaii where they are leaders helping with discipleship training. was COLD COLD COLD there when they were in Finland.

I hope everyone is enjoying the party! I'll definitely check out the party this week. So much fun. I wish I could have done something. Maybe another time though.

Have a wonderful week!

Love to you,

Burlap Luxe said...

Oh Anita, you make such a beautiful traveling companion .
The different city's sites and art oh so inspires all my dreams. We must make a holiday trip again like this but one close up and personal. A group of us bloggers could so find so much enjoyment! :)
I have visited 2 times before but knew I was having trouble with my comment loading before I was thrown off site.
Now I see this one will go through.

I am working on a very special smaller French theatre in hopes to create a beautiful well thought out production for the holidays.
I am hoping you will join in along with beautiful Anita.
We will have plenty of time to squeeze in some new art work and a well planned production. I am so pleased with this sweet theatre made from a humidor cabinet French in style, I cut it up changing the floor plan and added some stylish moldings from a French Rocco mirror that were broken bits, yet fine for a rustically old decayed French theatre of this era of entertainment.

I will write you soon, and we will be working on a Christmas production that will delight our homes and the special places we stage them on. A new French Christmas story is on its way, maybe others will follow and join in.

Anita, I have not received your photos on the painted wooden horse, I so wish I could find one, one that I could recall the memories of my grandfathers Horse ranch and his show horse named Bar-neb.
I am going to love seeing your horse, so Jeanne d Arc living in style i am sûre.

Its all so beautiful and simple irrésistible hère.



The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Hee hee I am so glad you saw it!! Did you know that I was your very very first customer?? Hee!
(the lamb was only a thrift store find for a oil that had to be rescued) ...but there is a Jeri Lander's
scherenschnitte below your wonderful castle. ;-)
I keep them over looking my art table for the warmest of inspiration!!

nélinha said...

je tenais à te remercier ma chère amie pour cette jolie initiative qui m'a permis de connaître certaine de tes fidèles lectrices des personnes charmantes qui m'ont déposée de biens jolis mots...Bisous à toi et merci à elles...Je pars la semaine prochaine pour un bon mois donc on se retrouve en septembre...Bisous tout plein et bel été sous le signe de la joie et de la détente

Lynne said...

I am here!
Just checking in!
...not quite finished with my journey of journeys!
Still more to see and more to learn.
Thank you for bringing the our world together in the name of beauty, serenity and love!
I'll be back on tour tonight!

YONKS said...

Hello Darling Anita,
I'm Back. Such a lazy blogger I have been and look what I have missed. I have some catching up to do. Bear with me, I will speak with you really soon. This is, as usual, mind blowingly dreamlike! So Anita. That is going to become my new phrase for something beautiful "that is so Anita"!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

This is so lovely. In my dreams awake I am. You are so gifted my friend.

A Magical Whimsy said...

Oh! My Gosh! Anita! This is spectacular, superb, this magical, mystery, flying tour of Europe! My flights of fancy will be dreaming tonight, and flying off with Peter, and Wendy, and John, and Michael, along with Tinker Bell and fairy dust!
The music is so divine and enchanting, with an Enya style and Tim Burton musical mix!
I love it all! And will go off into the sunset of surrealism to visit other blogger's muses!
lots of love and candy kisses!!!

Tristan Robin said...

I am
to your world of wonder
beauty and intrigue.
Your words and images;
thoughts and dreams;
idles and idylls
are the treasures the Gods
have blessed and gifted us with.

I thank you for sharing them with us!

Barbara said...

Dear Anita, thank you for your sweet comment. I’m going to have an extra key cut just for you. Hugs Barbara

Intangible Hearts said...

Enjoyed the European vacation and your amazing photos. Very creative post with the French art, music and the moving clouds--your technical details make this one of the most beautiful posts I've ever seen. Thank you.

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello beautiful Anita!!!!!
I love the 1st photo because it reminds me of a Edgar Allan Poe poem.... I LOVE Poe's work!!!!!
How have you been???? I'm still recovering with my stomach but it's better!!!! I had to basically give up Diet Dr. Pepper (I have a ulcer). I love Starbucks vanilla rooibus tea so it's a great substitute. And I love unsweetened ice tea with a little vanilla.....
I have been seeing SO many great fall coat!!!! You know me and that statement coat!!!! I preordered a Elizabeth & James multi colored fur coat with leather trim. I can't wait to see it in person!!!!
Have you done any shopping?
There's SO many awesome sales in July & August!!!!!
Hope you're having a great day!!!!
Sending love & hugs,

Anonymous said...

Anita, dearest!
The past five days of traveling together have been simply irresistible!! Thank you so much for creating such an amazing community of lovely bloggers! We are all drawn to your friendly, encouraging words, dear one. The images you share are always breathtaking. Your marvelous enthusiasm is contagious to all who visit your enchanting blog! Heartfelt thanks for a 'simply irresistible' journey of travelers and dreamers. This was the first Link Party for my new, little blog. I will always be grateful for all of the wonderful visitors and their thoughtful comments… and YOU!
Je t'embrasse!

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Anita, I just read your comment to my Daughter. She screamed GREED., before I got to it. This is so hard to believe. I did not know this about the colleges. We will be so out of touch with humanity. A robot nation. I get frightened when I read about the new Brains they are creating. It's like the devil himself has taken over.

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