1. I weep as I write.
2. There are several of you who I admire.
3. You will remain a part of my daily life.
4. This is my last blog post.
You see my friends,
It's about time.
![]() |
anita rivera |
It's about time
I say goodbye.
I no longer have the time to:
develop my own photography
create meaningful blog posts
work as a full-time French teacher
while aspiring to be
a real poet.
In our blogging world where
a beautiful home
arts and crafts
and obtaining desirable things
is mainstream
I have no more to offer.
I enjoy using music
stunning imagery
to accompany my own words.
But I can't produce
my own rhythms
my own rhythms
my own visuals that reflect my life.
my own visuals that reflect my life.
I've written one true sentence
at a time
to compose this narrative
I forgot
the truest sentence of all:
the truest sentence of all:
I love you.
1 – 200 of 272 Newer› Newest»Oh Anita, I hope you know how much I have been blessed by the images, words and music you've shared here. I hope I've made this clear to you since we "met" such a short time ago. And I'm so glad I found you before you made this decision. While I completely understand the time element and the desire to express oneself in a "true" way, I will miss your beautiful posts. You showed me what was missing in my own quest for self-expression, and for that I will be forever grateful. Oh, how I hope you'll stay in touch with me. You are truly a unique and lovely woman whom I admire, and who has inspired me beyond words. I love you, sweet Anita. ~ Nancy
is this true ? you are so so brave. I respect your wish . You have given SO MUCH to SO MANY OF US and I enjoyed all very much .
thank you so so much and I wish you all the best and more ...... Hope all your future dreams come true . Big hug and LIEFS .
All I can say a the moment, dearest Anita: we will miss you so much - no one here touched my heart as you did! Thank you for all those wonderful moments you gave to us.......they are not lost, they are in my heart! Thank you for everything my wonderful friend! My thoughts are with you!
With love and many many hugs, Jade, Sheila & cats
The blogging world will miss you but you will no longer miss yourself nor will your poetry miss you for you will be reunited again....Joy to you beautiful One! May your rhythm quickly find you :D
I so admire you! You will be sorely missed, but it's so important that you pursue your passions. There is only so much time in the day...and we just can't do it all. Have no regrets in this decision. It was for a season. You blessed so many and I'm so grateful for our friendship, which will last for eternity! :)
Love and Blessings!
You will be missed. Your pots were poetry. Wishing you joy!
Dear Anita -- You have had seven wonderful years of blogging. I hope you will not give up the idea forever, for I know that those of us who know and love you -- not just your posts, but the wonderful warmth you share with us -- will be eager to see your own words and visuals and walk that journey with you. I can tell that your blog takes a lot of time because of the photos you find and the music you add. Perhaps one day (and not all too far away!) you will have a new blog -- simpler, perhaps, because it will take less time -- but one that will express the all-of-you that you are leaving this spot to seek. I know I will be there.
Don't be a stranger, my friend. And think about a return when you are ready, for you shall be missed.
Oh Anita, quel dommage ! Je comprends mais ta sensibilité, la poésie et le raffinement dont tu parais ton blog vont terriblement me manquer ...
J'espère de tout coeur que ce n'est qu'un au revoir et pas un adieu et que tu laisseras la porte de ton monde enchanté ouverte pour que nous puissions nous y promener de temps en temps et faire provision de Beauté.
Je t'embrasse tendrement.
Oh Anita we will miss you so much. Your posts are beautiful beyond words. Ella
Thank you Anita for the tears, the joy, the inspiration, and the beauty. I hope you will consider an occasional return for those of us who do not get the privilege of seeing you in your real life and who have been touched by your talents. I would purchase a book of your poetry...so please let us know when that is available. You will be missed, but I understand....and love you, though we have never met face to face.
Oh Anita, say its not true...you must visit from time to time, and know that I will so miss our drama theatrical peoductions, our events in Paris and the little surprise glimps into your amazing French cottage.
Do treasure your time, play your harp, and dance about on all those dance floors of life...please take many photos and perfect your craft in writing poetry and return with inspiring beauty someday as a special surprise to us all. This post is one of those post that choke me up, and in a tearful heart I am going to miss your passion for all that you do and create.
I hope time away will allow you some time to inspire your days with your art, you know you are our miss clara where paper wands dance about, tutu's inspire a dance, and paper dresses amaze us.
The truth be it, it just wont be the same blogging without you.
I have your email and I will most certainly check in on you, hoping you will share something you are working on with me. I also will be looking forward to our chat.
This truth of yours is so hard to swallow, yet I know it's been long over due for you to follow your heart and pour yourself into your passion with writing, creating, and teaching French.
My truth is I love you as well.
Oh, Anita...say it isn't so! Your posts bring me such joy, as do your visits to my blog (and sweet, thoughtful comments). I understand the time commitment being too much, but I do hope this is just "see you later" not "good bye forever". Hugs to you, my dear friend!
I am very sad to be reading this. Your blog has been the one that I love to visit and linger awhile. You have a real gift (well, many gifts), and I thank you for sharing it with us in this venue. I hope that you will be "somewhere" where we can continue to read your thoughtful writing.
Maybe You don't have to miss the people, you can simply share your poetry, it would be wonderful to be able to enjoy it. :-)
Dear Anita, Your posts will be so missed. It must take you so much time to put them together to give us such magic. Enjoy the time you now have to create your own rhythms and visuals that reflect your life. Your blog is timeless and I am sure so many of us will still enjoy looking at the creative posts you have produced. Take care. Sarah x
One true sentence..The echo of your posts will be endless..xoxo
Dearest Cynthia, how kind of you to come by and comment. I see you do not have a blog, but I wanted to let you know I truly appreciate your words here. I had no idea you even visited in the past. The things you find out when you decide to quit....
Anita, You, your beautiful words and imagery will be greatly missed. Logging into blogger and finding one of your posts is always an inspiration and a treat. The best of luck to you; please let us know how you are doing. Hug! Bonnie
Dear Anita, I can’t begin to tell you how much I will miss you. Your sweet friendship means so much. I feel incredibly sad right now, but I understand how difficult it is to give so much. I hope we will meet again before too long. Barbara xxx
Anita, I think you know how much I love your heart, words and art. It is hard to leave blogging that has been so enriching in your live and the lives of others. But I also believe that giving more serious attention to poetry will be another way for you to express to us all that your soul has to offer. In other words, it not an end. You will still be speaking to us, only in a different way. It is s beautiful thing you have done for the last 7 years through your blog. But now another adventure begins. I am happy for you.
I just found you and now you will be gone. I will miss these beautiful artistic posts. They are never rushed through but savored because of all the time and attention you put into each one. I wish you happiness and contentment, joy and pure moments of awe!
Take care!
Dear Jeanne, I really appreciate your comment here. I thought about all the people I too have just discovered, only to stop. But I will continue to visit others while I hope to now have more time dedicated to writing poetry drafts and sharing with my poetry group at home. Blogging has been such a rewarding experience that has now led me to another door. What awaits me on the other side, I have no idea. No...I take that back. It will be a lonely place. But hopefully, a place where I can continue to hone my craft of expression. Thank you. Anita
Oh..... I feel there have been too many 'goodbye's' for me this past week. The end of a good thing is always hard for me.
But from experience I know that good things in the future await, and you are a friend for life, thanks to having met you here
at your blog. I know you gave this much thought, and there was agony in your decision, but you are brave to forge ahead
in what you know is true for you.
I will miss your beautiful posts, the best I have ever come across in Blogland.
How dear you are to me.
Farewell .... and "Bonjour!" to the new!!!
So Fondly,
My heart skips a best when I see you have posted... I shall miss those heartbeats. Thank you xx
I completely understand. I have felt the same. There is so much living to do. I am grateful to know you and love you too. Remember that you can email me whenever you begin to miss the 'community' part of blogging. I will always be a friend here for you. I know that your heart will be renewed in fullness as you embrace the true desires of your heart. You will be blessed in following these deep longings. I will miss you but I am so very happy for you.
Love love love
Anita, There will never be another like you....Will miss you...but God speed and bless...
How Brave Anita to follow your true self. If this is not working or you are not feeling in your heart this is the right venue then it is time to close this door. I will miss your beautiful words, pictures and music. Hope you will continue to visit when you have time. I will miss you very much. When this door closes for you another more desirable one will open to a new journey. Good luck sweet friend.
Kris :)
I am very sad to be reading this... I hope you will find another way to share your craft of expression with us as you are a true artist, my dearest Anita! Wishing you great success in your future endeavors. I do hope a new chapter gives you as much satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, and happiness altogether as the blogging did. Thank you for your gift of endless inspiration here as well as your precious friendship!
Oh Anita, I truly understand. I am sending you an e-mail now.
love, ~Sheri
tears in my eyes . . . happy for you . . . sad for the rest of us . . . do drop by Art and Sand periodically to let me know what you are up to!
Chère Anita,
Depuis 11 ans je fréquente le pays des blogs.
Des trente que je suivais la première année, il n'y en a plus que deux qui existent encore.
Je peux donc très bien comprendre ta décision.
Tu m'as donné des moments de grande joie par tes créations.
Je te souhaite une vie plein de santé, de bonheur et de succès...
Good bye, Anita, with love...
J'aperçois des fleurs dans ton sourire
des fleurs dans le miroir de tes yeux
que je ne voyais jamais
sauf dans une vision
de beauté immortelle...
Un instant tu as brillé,
une étoile d'or dans mon coeur
mais puis je me suis rendu compte
que ce n'était qu'une illusion...
Trois chansons d'adieu par des chanteurs de mon pays...
Dearest Anita,
I do understand. I will miss you very, very much and the joy you bring to the blogging world. I wish you success beyond your wildest dreams. Fond wishes always
Helen xx
I've read so sadly these words of yours ... I do understand, of course, but I was so very happy to have found you a few months ago and now I'm already going to loose you ... for ever ... it's too early to me, you're so lovely my dear, I know I'm going to miss you so so much ...
I wish you all the best for your future and may your dreams, all your dreams, come true !
With much love, gratitude and admiration
Dearest Cousin,
You have always been an artist. On paper or stage, I have admired your ability to create and express. You see beyond the horizon, beyond the coming day and far into the heart. Best wishes. Love you. Elizabeth
I omitted the most important thing... Thank you for enriching our lives every time you share your incredible gifts. I hope your new direction is filled with grace each day. Ella
Dear Anita. What can I say? I feel so sad for the blog world and for those like myself, who gained so much beauty and deep thoughtful moments from your unique perspective. Although I completely understand the pull towards something powerful, a dream that must be fulfilled and seems to have bubbled forth from your soulful expressions on your blog. One thing I've learned in life and it's that timing is everything. I'm so happy for you that you're choosing to act now, to seek that balance in your life that will allow time for your other talents to be expressed. Even though it means the loss of this beautiful blog. You never know, you might feel the blog-calling once again, I certainly like to think so. In the meantime the best of luck with your poetry and growing your creative life, my friend. Please stay in touch,
Anita, I had to read your post twice, just to make sure that I had it right! I adore your posts and have enjoyed every single sensory filled one. I am only sad that I discovered you such a short time ago, but I know that you have so much poetry inside you and you should focus on it. You must follow your passion and I cannot wait to see where it takes you...perhaps on a journey to a hardcover anthology that I keep on my nightstand! <3 xo
My dear Anita,
You posts have touched the souls of so many... Beauty, love and inspiration... Your words.... Not everyone can give meaning to images and tell a story, or plunge into your heart with words that accompany. I know with additional time to focus, you will be blessed with a flood of words to put on paper... With that said, I wish you the very best, dear friend.
You and I will always be connected... You presence will be deeply missed here..
Love you,
Chère Troebadoer,
Je suis touchée, émue par ses mots si parfaitement choisis, joliment arrangés, pour MOI?
Mais ce qui me frappe d'une façon merveilleuse, c'est qu'il y a des choses qui demeurent...la plus grande, c'est l'amour.
Ta présence ici, chaque fois que j'affiche, te voilà. Avec des chansons que tu m'avais donné, je pouvais créer des billets beaucoup mieux exprimés grâce à toi, et la musique que tu me laisserais. MERCI ma belle, tu es toujours bienvenue, et qui sait? Peut-être que j'afficherai un billet un de ces jours...dans l'intervalle, je suivrai un trajet merveilleux afin de découvrir ce qui existe au-delà de mes rêves. Anita
Hello Ella, thank you for stopping by. Anita
Anita, I am profoundly sorry you will no longer be blogging... and as I write this, I realize I am sorry for me. So I want to say I am happy for you, that your world will be full of beautiful words, and music, and languages. Your blog has truly been a respite, a pleasure and I will miss it, and the gift of getting to know "you" in the process. I wish and pray for you the best of everything. When you find your new outlet, please let us all know. Until then, xx Rié | Portobello Design
Anita, while I will greatly miss you, your beautiful words and gift of imagery, I do understand. However, where one door closes another opens. May God continue to bless you my friend.
You will be missed by all! please stop by form time to time and let me know how you are doing! You are such a fabulous talent and the world is your oyster!
I am sure this was a long debated decision. I wish you joy and happiness in your new chosen path to self expression. Doré encouraged me to start blogging and you my dear became my first supporter. I love you and adore you and will keep you close through chats and emails.
Anita you gave flight to fantasy, music to explore your poetic words and imagery to connect. I wish you joy and happiness as you flex your wings to explore new horizons and magical new adventures.
I love you Sista Izzy,
Oh, Anita, I respect your decision but will miss you. Kinda like a break up, I want to respect what is best for you but I still want and desire your blog posts. I hope that you find the next level of what you are seeking and never give up doing creative things. I will miss you my friend. Love, Deb xo
Anita, my dear, sweet Anita.... there are tears streaming down my face for I will miss you so! I have just become acquainted with you and your precious blog and it has been a gift - you are a treasure!
Though I am sad I completely understand and I truly respect your decision. I hope we can still "chat" from time-to-time, sweet friend. I greatly admire you. Sending you much love and big hugs!
Dearest Anita,
I completely, and passionately understand. You have a huge following of friends. The time it takes to compose and nurture the friendships that follow can take a toll on your creative mind and soul. You have GIVEN us so much care and attention. A labor of love and a relationship I shall cherish always.
A permanent imprint.
Your sweet interpretation of my Holland and Ben is framed and tucked with love within the walls of my kitchen. The image is cherished in "grandiose" scale on the focal wall of their play and "learning" room.
Thank you for sharing this chapter in your life's book with all of us.
Vous, je refuse de perdre.
...perhaps this is one sentence that may sound just as sweet en anglais...
You, I refuse to loose.
Oh my....I have so many mixed emotions about this post. First, I am happy and excited for you as you embark on the journey of following your dream. At the same time, I am selfishly saddened because I will miss all the magic and absolute beauty you bring to each post. In the end, I'm grateful blogging brought us together, but even happier that I have a forever friend. Light, love and hugs to you dear Anita.
Dear Anita you vessel is empty your ink well has run dry but you are a sponge that will soak up all that surrounds you and when you find your cup overflowing someday you will bless us once again. I cling to this glimmer of hope because I cannot imagine that you or any thing you do will ever really be over.
Oooops! I lost it!
I must correct my grammar.
You, I refuse to "LOSE"!
A Freudian slip!
It was my tears that were on the "loose"!
I am now laughing because I may have stated my sentiment better "en français!"
I love you, A.R.!
Oh, Anita! You are not the only one crying!!! I will miss you terribly. You offer such a beautiful spot to come and contemplate, a spot which I will miss more than I can ever begin to tell you. But I will miss YOU. You have become one of my favorite bloggers over the years, and I will miss our visits.
You are such a blessing to so many, and I feel blessed to have known you throughout the years.
Sending you love and all best wishes across the miles...
I understand. May you always remain true to what you know to be true and right for you. Adieu.
Oh Anita, I am so sad to hear this. Your blog is beautiful in a world that needs more beauty. But....I get it. You have to do what is right for you, and your heart. If it becomes a chore, it's no good anymore. I hope you still hop over to my little corner of the world and say hello sometimes. But I completely understand if you don't. (although I will miss your wonderful comments)
I wish you every good luck in whatever you do.
I understand. Your work is filled with magic and grace. Anything you touch will be blessed and beautiful. I'm crying now. (Sorry: Four true sentences.) Do consider returning at some point. :(
sigh..........................LOVE YOU TOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Anita....... what's happening here? It IS very difficult to blog, work, and be a wife (and some of us are mom's too!) . There is also so much to do, a learning curve, photography, etc.. We all struggle Anita. Go easy on yourself. You are not a quitter ... and you GIVE SO MUCH. xxL
Sweet Anita, your inspiration will continue to teach us all ~ for you are reminding us to listen to our hearts and follow our dreams! You are such an amazing teacher, with talents stretching so far beyond your classroom. Your lovely posts, filled with magic, will truly be missed, Anita. What will continue is our friendship! You have been such an inspiration, supporter, and friend as I tiptoed into the wonderful world of blogging. I will always be so grateful for the time you have spent visiting and leaving such thoughtful, encouraging words! Our tears of sadness will quickly turn to tears of joy ~ as you spread your wings and soar into your passions! Be happy, sweet kindred! I know that we will stay in touch. You are a true blessing… and your future dreams are 'simply irresistible!' ♡♡
Oh Anita! So glad that I caught your last (sniff, sniff) post! But I have to say that I understand completely. Perhaps I will see you on Instagram? Or Pinterest? somewhere??? Perhaps my inbox?(desoulblanco@icloud.com)....Much Love and Best Wishes to you!!!
xoxox Nathalie
The blog world is going to miss your amazing beautiful words and images. I will miss you, beautiful lady. You have been there for me when no one else was. I will never forget you and your beautiful and kind words. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about living without you in my blog world. I almost quit so many times but I carry on because of inspiration from
wonderful people like you. Love you back.
Anita, nous aussi, nous vous aimions beaucoup, ... C'est très émouvant cet .. Au revoir ... Cet ...Adieu
J'aimais venir ici pour prendre un grand bol d'air et de beauté ... c'était un endroit calme et reposant, serein et bienveillant ... Vous allez nous manquer ... tellement ! Je vous souhaite de tout cœur, un beau voyage ... dans la Vie ...
Avec toute mon amitié ... Stéphany
I am deeply saddened by this post, especially since I only discovered your blog not so long ago, but I totally comprehend. And I love Brian Crain's music. Sending you warm hugs and much love, and I wish you all the best in whatever you do.
Dearest Anita, I am so sorry to be reading this post, it saddens me so. I will miss the fairytale posts with messages of love you shared. You will be missed and no one could ever fill your shoes. You are so speciial and you are loved from this blogger. Wishing you all the best as you follow your dreams.
Au revoir,
Oh Anita, I am returning from my visit over to Violet after she visited me.
oh wow, wow! I just saw your two mini paintings of your sea, and your black and gold Chandelier.... Now that you are taking time away to reflect on your new path I need to not only add fuel to your driving force to write poetry, I again am going to inspire you to fit in the extra time away from blogging to get back to creating your art... I still have the sweet sketches you would include in on a card to me, and your Audrey Hepburn sketch..... How I would love to purchase a chandelier print, as for you mini sea, no one! I stress now one does it better.
Go create your magical world in poetry and paint it beautiful.
Oh! Anita!
Your wings did soar and you did have beautiful moments of creative bliss. And because of your blog which took so many of us to the unlimited universe with your photos and music and creativity, you have accomplished what many of us would have also liked to have accomplished. You did it! You accomplished it! God holds the memories of your accomplishments deep in his treasury of eternal gems. You will be able to enjoy them forever, once this life goes to eternity. And we will all get to share our dreams, our fancies, together again, with no good-byes, no tears, but joy on our faces forever. And I know you know that too. This isn't good-bye, it is just a brief interval between stages of who we are, and where we are going, and we will touch bases with you, and we will remember the bliss we shared with you on your blog. There comes a time, when we have to make choices, again, and I believe you are making the right choices. If only we were magical, and could hold time, and stop time, and have seven life times to do what our deepest wishes may be. But alas! Such is not the case. This is what makes 'tomorrow' more desirable. For I see, off in the distant, a star shining brightly, as you have shown and had shined for us, dear heart, right here on your blog. The memories are fantastic! You have changed my life forever! I am so glad that I was able to share in your creative bliss and see you reach your goals. Sheesh! Anita! This is hard! Anyway, I hope I have expressed myself enough to you, to let you know you will be fine, and God will direct your steps, as always.
And yes,
I love you too!
Dearest Anita,
I get it, I do. My emotions run high and complex as I write this comment because it all seems so final and final is never easy...even if you chose to make things final.
You are an AMAZING and TALENTED lady, Anita. You are also GENEROUS beyond the norm. I have never met on internet somebody as giving, in all wonderful senses of the term, as you. If you are struggling to fit it all in allow things to settle. You have so much creative drive and passion. I imagine also, with every passing new year, you simply wish to become something even better than before. I know that is how I feel. I also understand that this beautiful blog does not fit into your life scheme. I get it. My question to you is; do you feel more relief or sorrow now you have written your last post?
You can always return and many, many of us will be here with open arms, cracking open a damned fine bottle of champagne.
Please stay in touch, as I will too, of course. You were one of my guiding lights when I started my blog three and a half years ago. You will always be an inspiration.
With much love,
One true sentence.... but not a short one...
1) As I sit here with tears rolling down my cheeks, I realize I'm deeply saddened because I will truly miss you and your awe-inspiring blog posts, since they brought so much joy into my life!
Take care and hugs
je me suis toujours promenée en silence sur votre blog et vais donc regretter vos billets....pourra ton voir sur un autre site vos photographies ? Belle continuation "ailleurs", alors...
I will miss you your blog pictures and music!!! Wishing you all the best wishes for the future. Love always,
groetjes van Marijke
Bien triste post trouvé ce matin ! il est difficile de dire au revoir aux gens, aux lieux que l'on aime et apprécie.Vous allez manquer
Je vous dit bonne continuation Anita et peut être reviendrez vous ...
j'ai été contente de vous connaitre
Je vous embrasse affectueusement.
as I started looking at blogs, you were the warmth and the heart here. The selection of moving or non moving pictures, the words you choose...
No one can do this as you do.
So there will be a loss here, which no one could fill.
But I understand your reasons, time is really precious and so real life still more important.
I hope, you will stay with me though. The wings and theatre I will produce, in connection with your ideas...
And five books of mine are awaiting to be published almost 5000 pages... - one day, I will close my blog too for exactly this reason.
SO! I wish you all the best and FULL Power for your future. I thank you for all you gave - it was soooooooooo much!
Love always, Anita, please please have time for a little contact with me still, your friend Méa
I'll miss the poetry of your posts. But I can understand that your talent needs an other way than blogging to express itself. Good luck on your new journey.
Anita, you don't know how much your beautiful insights will be missed but I thank you for all that you contribute here... the hours of pleasure you ahve given us.
I hope that when youare ready you will share your words with us again... xv
Oh, Anita, I too was weeping as I read this. You have had such a powerful impact on myself and countless others and taking the time to write your poetry and develop your photography is exactly what you should do if it is calling you. I will continue to visit your blog and read past posts for inspiration because you, my dear friend, are one of a kind.
Thank you for sharing your gift with us, for showing us the beauty in life and allowing our hearts to fly unfettered each time we visit. Never have I been so moved by someone. Best of luck to you, sweet lady, and you will keep in touch, won't you? Lots of love to you!
Ohh Anita désolé, désolé ..je crois avoir compris que tu vas arrêter ton joli blog,je te respect mais je suis très triste...j'espère tu vas revenir un jour avec tes beaux articles et tes belles images, je ne parle pas anglais, mais je lis et je fais la déduction et je crois que j'arrive un peu.
Je te souhaite beaucoup de chance et bonheur dans le futur.
Gros bisous
Chère blogueuse,
Je ne vous connais pas, merci c'est vraiment gentil de vous de me laisser un message. Je vous souhaite une bonne année! Anita
Dearest Cathy, I cannot find a blog for you...I do see you have a poetry page, but no where to leave a comment. I am actually leaving blogging to pursue my poetry! Thank you for your visit.
I am very much moved by your presence here Dawn, as I see you don't have a blog, but followed by Google +. Thank you so much for this wonderful message. I AM STILL AROUND! Much love to you, Anita
Dearest Anita, I just received your post in my email and I suppose with this late delivery it held off the sadness I feel to know your blog will grow silent. However, I understand completely this time and place in life when one has shared it all and the time comes to move forward. You must know how much your posts have meant to me. How thankful I am for the inspiration you have provided in your photography and words. Your encouraging presence has been a blessing. You are a talented and gifted artist. Listen to your heart as it shows you the way. I cheer you on as you develop your photography, your work and your poetry along with teaching so many the beautiful French language. I know our friendship will not end and for that I am thankful. Wishing you the best life has to hold going forward and God be with you at every turn. Love and Friendship always, Celestina Marie
Chère Stéphany, je vois que vous êtes sur Google + - je voudrais vous remercier de votre gentil commentaire ici. Cela me touche vraiment. MERCI! Anita
Dearest Anita,
I am looking soooooo forward to experiencing your poetry in print!!!
You have such a blooming creative spirit, and it is WONDERFUL!!
You are wonderful!!!
I am writing this with Penny's Cordelia post music still playing in the background and
it is so fitting over here as well. A certain joyful anticipation lifting kind of feel!!
Your voice belongs in poetry!! :-D
xxx ooo Linnie
I can't remember an email I've read with more regret than this one.
Over the years, your love of all beautiful things - and so many the same as my favorites! - has made me feel that we are personal friends, even though we've never met.
I wish you the absolute best with your writing - with many rewards and enrichments (and success) along the way.
I will miss you - please, think of me on occasion and drop me a note to let me know how you are doing.
Anita, a beautiful soul such as yours must be shared, and I applaud your search for finding the best way to do so. We are your greedy readers and we want you to stay, but we also recognize that your beauty of mind and heart will be expressed the way that sets your imagination loose! So hard to accept the silence,....please keep your devoted readers AND friends aware of your future endeavors ! A shining jewel, a volume of poetry perhaps?
Anita...one thing will never change..the love & joy you bring to the world every single day.
I thank God for your friendship and your beauty in spirit. You will be missed in blogland, but you will have a forever
place here in my heart. I love you dear friend and we're only a letter away. He will continue to bless you on your beautiful journey xoxoox
All my heart,
Deborah xoxoxoxo
Anita..Yay..Many Congrats to you...it is so powerful and exciting that you are pursuing your deep passion as a poet/poetess!.
I am thrilled for you and hope you let us all know if you have a book in the future with your poems.
I have always enjoyed your beautiful world here and it has been a pleasure to get to know you and your talent and passions!
It is simply "your timing"...time to shine on and go for it..I am super happy for you..Wishing you many Creative Blessings and much magic on your new adventure..may your journey be filled with all that you dream. I admire you and your beautiful spirit!
Oh no…we so look forward to seeing you in our inbox with a new post, but know we will see you in print one day and will look so forward to that!! Please come back to update us every once in a while and we wish you all the best in your latest endeavors!!
My heart breaks. Oh Anita, this is where I was when I deleted my old blog. I too thought "I have no more to offer."
But with time, the truth whispered to me. With each new day there are new experiences. New dreams. New loves to share. Inspiration and encouragement from kindred spirits. A life bursting with creativity. So I quietly returned.
Please. Take time for you. Rest. Relax. Enjoy life. But my hope is that you too will hear truth whisper to you. And one day return.
Much love,
Hello,my mental coach,beautiful woman and talented soul,dearest Anita!!!
I know,I know...... I am not the ONE person here how says: this not true......:(((
I can say only one thing and this one thing is really big true: I can UNDERSTAND you,my dear friend.........
It's all about TIME:)))
I love you and thank you million times for your always toushful and meaningful post!!!
I will to send you my inner embrace and many warm hugs and smiles.....
O no !!! that is no good news Anita !!!!...i will miss you my dear friend from far away......but i keep in touch...i will email you...and hope you email me back...)))..i send you the most beautiful pins......)))...and i will always love you !!!....love love love Ria....xxx !
Anita, you are so courageous to have made this decision. I know how much your blog has meant to you, and I have enjoyed staying connected to you through your posts. I have often wondered how you could possibly do so much and do it all so well. You are one of the most multi-talented and focused people I have ever known. Your photography and poetry are beautiful, so I hope you can revel in your concentration on those things, as well as the love of language you share with your students. I wish you many blessings on your creative expression in all the forms it takes. Please say hello to Ruben for me.
Oh Anita! I will so miss the beautiful poetry you've been creating here on your blog... because I truly believe your combination of music, words and and imagery have been poems. And you've offered us all something that just doesn't exist anywhere else out in blogland (at least not that I've seen). Sure there are plenty of homes and style and pretty photographs out there - but that's what makes what you do truly different and unique.
I'm proud of you for having the courage to step away and to follow your heart. I wish you all the best in creating poems in a way that feels more true to you.
Selfishly, though, I will miss you!!!
Wishing you a beautiful journey! XOXO and more XOXO
SO, it's TIME to say GOOD~BYE....................
I SO GET YOU and what YOU are saying.............
I think YOU will start a TREND.............
YOU ARE A STAR................in SO many ways..............SORRY it took me SO long to find YOU and then hook up!
AT least I have your ADDRESS!
I will STAY in TOUCH!
HUGS TO YOU as I know this couldn't have been EASY for YOU.
Oh, Anita...I will so miss your wonderful posts...I understand your thoughts and I wish you much joy and happiness in your creations; you are such a talented lady and most of all I love your grace it has been an absolute delight knowing you.
With my love xx
My dear Anita, this has brought tears to my eyes as your inspiration and friendship has been an endless source of comfort.
I wish only the best for you of course and respect your decision. That said I am sure you know we all welcome you back at any time.
Featuring "Inner Spaces"
My spirit is extremely grieved by this.
I hope you'll have a change of heart.
Your gift is not simply an inspiration, but a luminary to the soul.
There, I've written more than one true sentence in hopes that I may convey my heart.
I love you, friend.
Then where can I find you Anita? I hope not facebook because I don't do that. Please stay in touch. I didn't find you until not that long ago and have enjoyed your blog so much. I have seen many blogs leave the blogosphere and do understand, but I will really miss yours. Bon voyage.
Oh Anita. I weep as I read. How I understand your position because I'm there. In flux. I hope I'll be able to find you somewhere. On instagram? I will miss you dreadfully. Consider coming back one day, even as infrequent as you like. No pressure. Be well. I love you. -Keri
Oh Anita, I am so sadden with by your post. You are so inspiring to us all. Your words are truly what gives me joy and inspiration. Nothing pleases more than reading your beautiful poetry. I would even offer to help you with your photography if I could. I will miss you dearly sweet friend but I understand that you must give your work your full attention. I am certain that you will reach all your goals and future endeavors. I do hope to hear from you once in a while. I will miss you very much Anita.
Blessings and hugs,
I am so HAPPY, THRILLED, BEYOND for you, (even though I know this is hard) that you are concentrating on what you are born to do!!! you will be missed so much by moi and all your other loves, sorely (wish I knew that word in French). but you have INSPIRED all of us in so many avenues and journey's, to find our own extra paths. EVERYTHING has to change, EVERYTHING. and here and now it has for you and us. WE SHALL see you WHEN it's all meant to be. THANK YOU for the you, that you have shared personally, as well as publicly!!!! you shall SOAR! all my bloomin' LOVE LOVE LOVE, wanda
Anita, NOOOOOOO!!!! We won't let you go...... I hope we (all your readers) can change your mind. I've been so busy with getting the house ready....haven't had time to blog much, so I can relate. But, please, just take a short break and come back, ok? Lots of love, L
One true sentence.... takes a heart and soul to compose. I am reminded of Biblical scripture Romans 8:26.
Time... needed for absorbing your message. Time...needed for comprehending the consequences. Time...needed for finding the words to express a response. Time...needed to compose ONE true sentence. Time...needed.
You have been an inspiration in your blog and in your friendship. I hope you will leave your past posts live for us to visit periodically to revisit a dear friend when our spirits need refreshing. Go in peace, dear friend, with my admiration and encouragement. You will live on in my thoughts.
à la prochaine,
Also meant to say that I hope that the change to full-time teaching status has been a good one for you.
Oh...dear...I'm awestruck...dear Anita. I stopped by to wish you warmth after that terrible flat tire in a snow storm, and share our mutual enjoyment of Mr. Clooney. This is so poignant, and so heartfelt, as always. I'm in tears. I've taken a moment to read through the comments of your adoring bloggers and readers. YOU are universally admired and beloved, Anita. You have added a unique art and beauty to the blog world. Your kind heart and gentle soul has also graced those of us who you check in with on such a regular basis. You have reached out to the world, through your blog, as well as your supportive comments to each of us. We will miss your inspiration and beauty, but I'm excited for this next chapter for you. Freedom to be, to focus, to create, to explore and expand...like a butterfly emerging. I can hardly wait to see...I will miss visiting the beauty of you, here, but our friendship will continue. You are as lovely as it gets, dear Anita. Love you, Heather
Dear Anita,
You've no idea how your blog has inspired and encouraged me . I regularly check in with your blog even though I don't usually comment. You've introduced me to music I would not have otherwise known. I play piano and love the music of Matthew Fisher. I've even downloaded some of his sheet music. All because of you. Your blog reminds me of all the beauty in the world even when it seems like such a dark place. I will deeply miss you. I hope that you will remain on Pinterest. I've recently discovered that wonderful place. (I'm a little slow with modern technology.) Best wishes and if you do come back I will be a faithful reader.
Anita, Thank you for the beauty and inspiration you have brought into my life over the past years. The amount of time and effort you put into your blog posts is obvious and appreciated. It is always a thrill to see a new blog post from you. This may be your last blog post, but Castles, Crowns and Cottages will never be forgotten!!
Well, I haven't commented here in quite a while, but I wanted to say THANK YOU for all the beauty that you have brought to us. And if the creative muse should strike again, we will be here waiting for you with open arms.
Gosh I'm sorry to hear this.
Not for you, but for all of us who eagerly wait to see what you have written!
Do you use Facebook?
If so I'd love to be friends there. It will be very interesting to see how your fairytale and dreams unfold.
Best Wishes to you...thanks for the time you've spent on your blog.
or Pinterest:
It's amazing, truly - the best, most talented of bloggers eventually move on. Perhaps it is as it should be? Perhaps one can only pour oneself out so much, in so many directions, before one must step back and breathe? You've given so much, dear and talented Anita! Your work here is a thing of pure beauty, utter delight. And yet...I cannot help but wonder: What grander thing will she move onto, if she frees her time and mind?
I hope we haven't heard the last from you. I hope to one day open my inbox and see your post there ,updating us with whatever fantastical thing you have moved on to. It could be months, or years from now...whatever it may be, I suspect that day will one day come.
Until then, may your life be filled with joy, health, beauty, and wonder!
What a brave and beautiful
decision! But then, YOU are
a brave and beautiful soul, and
as you well know, when one
door closes, another one opens.
I pray that it opens to something
so glorious that your heart soars!
I'll be waiting to hear what your
next chapter brings, dear Anita!
xo Suzanne
HI Anita!
I have such fun & sweet memories here at your blog! I remember our "visits" to Paris, your "magical journeys" to beautiful imagery... and also still enjoy your artwork... (one of your "Patisserie" cards still stands on display at my desk! ~ Merci )
I have hardly posted in the last year myself... such a busy time for us here... My father, who is 90 yrs old is living with us again after a terrible fall that had him in and out of the hospital and physical therapy rehabilitation hospital for over two months. I share with you all the work load of the teaching profession too. Anita, I always enjoy "seeing you" on Pinterest and the beautiful things you find lovely and interesting ~ ~ ~ I will say hello to you there and on Facebook (I was glad to see your post there... even FB has become a "once in a while" thing for me...)
God bless you in all you do! I will definitely look for you "out there!" Thank you, Merci, for the loveliness you have added to our lives!
~ xoxo ~
While I am so sad to hear these words, I am not at all surprised. The surprise is going to be what direction your path will take. There is so much inside of your heart, and God is not going to waste any of it my friend. I will miss you, more than I can say, but I SO understand this decision. I have also loosened the blogging chords for some of the same reasons. Plese know that you and Ruben will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know there will be more to this story and I hope you will stay in touch when you can.
You are a true blessing Anita.
Dear, dear Anita, You have accomplished so much as a blogger; lifted spirits, propelled us into otherworldly places, made a thousand friend smile and think. You are a lovely writer and person. Everyone will miss you, but I understand how you feel. Someday, I will say, This is my last post", when that time comes, I hope I will be missed as much as you will be... but I doubt it. I know we will continue to see you here and there, I hope You will always visit us in the Hollow. Sweet and Happy journeys to you my friend! With much affection, Jeri
Hello gorgeous Anita!
Whenever I feel like some visual BEAUTY and INSPIRATION I visit you!
You don't know me...
However, I know we are losing a very SPECIAL blogging friend.
Wishing you a year full of PEACE and CALM, knowing you have eliminated one area of pressure in your LIFE.
God speed dear Anita
Shane XOX
je suis triste à la lecture de tes jolies phrases, ton monde m'enchante, tu es ma sœur de cœur m'as tu dis écris un jour, je suis triste de ne pouvoir te lire à nouveau, certes le temps passe trop vite, on a pas toujours le temps de faire ce qui nous plaît, la vie au quotidien prend toute notre attention et fait l'objet de toutes nos intentions...Mais que c'est triste de parcourir ton ravissant billet, parfois le sens, l’aboutissement des phrases et ceci malgré la beauté qui se dégage laissent une certaine amertume...J'espère qu'il s'agit uniquement d'une pause et que tu ne tarderas pas à nous revenir...I LOVE YOU TOO
Victoria, I hope you get my message here, for I see you don't have comments on your blog. THANK YOU for such a kind farewell. I am not deleting my blog, and I will still be visiting. And I am also hoping to do more writing for magazines. I wish YOU much success with your beautiful photography as well! LOVE!
Dear Anita, you give so much to so many !
I am truly sorry to hear this, but echoing the above, sorry for us, not you !
Be well, keep safe and enjoy just every thing that life throws your wonderful way, my friend !
Smile at the moon, and I will be waving across the seas and from far, far away to you !
I, like so many enjoy instagram now, if you ever feel free or the need to join this, please look for me on here..
( Its great when words are few, and I have found most of my blog ladies dwelling here also )
To think I almost didn't leave you a comment all those years ago, thinking you wouldn't find my little corner to interesting !
Take care kindest lady on here ..
Maria with hugs and kisses xxx
Dearest Jules, I am so moved and this has been an outpouring that I did not expect. I am also awestruck by how my music choices have influenced you. However, we all inspire each other in some way or another, and it isn't until something changes or is gone that we can even articulate that special connection. THANK YOU for sharing this. I would have gone to you privately, but I don't see you have a blog. I wish you much success and most of all, JOY as you play the piano and touch the fringes of heaven. Anita
Oh Linda, you too....no blog? I can only leave a reply here, hoping you will get it somehow...thank you for this lovely "tribute" to my blog. I will not be deleting it, but leaving it up so that one day I can come back to at least post updates. Thank you for your kindness and support. Anita
Debra, I don't do FB, and I see you don't have a blog, but thank you kindly for taking the time to post your comment. I really appreciate it. I will still be in Pinterest and in Blogland, commenting, but my writing will be in private for now, so I can accomplish some goals. THANK YOU! Anita
I am so touched. I see that you too do not have a blog where I can leave a comment, so I will comment here. I am hoping to spend the time I've been committing to blog posts to my private writing so I can improve as a poet and writer for future publications. I can't do that here. I love the people, the connections and the inspiration that I WILL NOT LEAVE. I am leaving my blog up, but I must leave for a time. Thank you so much! Anita
I REALLY MISS YOUR PICTURES AND POESY EVERY WEEK !!! i am so sad when i read this word, you are more than a blog, you are my first inspiration in this word.
Always my first one.
personally selected products
As one of your newer fans I am so saddened by your news. Still, my heart sings for you and the possibilities that are before you. I hope you will keep your blog up for those of us who revisit posts on those days when beautiful words and images are all that will inspire and calm me.
I hope like Kristy and Beth of Design Chic that you will at some point will be in print. I'll look forward to posts, however infrequent, of news about your beautiful, artistic pursuits.
Oh No *sniff* this is the saddest day,no more beautiful posts!*sniff* See now you have me crying and SPeedy is sad too,Please Stay in touch with us ,you're part of the family now!Love you always Rachel and Speedy
A little bit of magic has left my life hearing this, but I am going to set it free so you may gain the magic in yours. You have enchanted me, moved me to tears and inspired me with your beauty. Be you whevever you are and it will be just right.
As I was just playing "Home is Ahead...the World Behind" by Matthew Fisher, I thought of your beautiful blog again. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, your music choices have greatly influenced me. Music is such a wonderful language all its own. You are so right. "It isn't until something changes or is gone that we can even articulate that special connection." I also wish you much success in your future endeavors.
Oh Anita!!!!!
I will miss your blog so much!!!!!
I truly loved visiting each week to see the beautiful creation you posted.
Promise me you'll still visit my posts when you can....
I will miss you so much!!!!!
Love you too!!!!!
Dearest friend, I think I can finally write to you without crying! :)
You already know how much I will miss you in the realm of blogland...this magical space you have created is like no other. My deepest gratitude to you for introducing me to blogging and the wonderful, creative souls who enrich my life and inspire me endlessly. I wish for you the manifestation of your beautiful dreams, dear Anita! The world is your oyster, chere amie... ♡♡♡
You inspire me every day to live a more artful, creative, sacred life....you are a master of this...
Love you, dear one....
OH Anita, I love you too. Say it isn't so. Can we still e-mail. I will miss you.
I feel as though you are a neighbor, a friend. A beautiful soul. Here is a tear filled
hug, please stay in touch. love you yvonne
Oh sweet Peggy, I see you do not have a blog, so I hope my message here gets to you. Thank you kindly for your words. I am still going to be visiting blogs, and will leave up my blog. I will never delete it! I really appreciate the kind words. I am thrilled however, to venture out into another realm of writing that I must explore. Peace to you! Anita
Thanks for caming visiting me again! I WILL MISS YOU LOTS AND LOTS,
Please keeping writing one post one mount. You are REALLY LOVELY , and my first one inspiration!!
Love love my friend!
I love you too Anita! I will miss you! It's like losing a friend.....You have gifted us with your beauty, beautiful stories and photos. Time for change. We all have busy lives. Stay well and concentrate on your future. xo
P.S. Je dois te décevoir : je suis du gendre masculin.
Wow 135 comments, Golly glad you are not leaving, it's so obvious you are loved here in blogging country.
As Dina Shore used to end with a big throwing kiss, Smack XXXXXX
Beautiful words, beautiful photos, beautiful music...all have been a breath of loveliness in an otherwise work laden, responsibility heavy itinerary. You will be sorely missed. I do pray that God will lead you in peace to what makes you truly enriched and that one day you may come back to us. A blown kiss filled with love is whispered back to you.
Massive hugs, thank YOU for such beautiful words, deeply appreciated..! Yay Fantastic, I look forward to more of your writing and creative pursuits!! Wishing you every happiness and massive blessings in all that you do!
you will be greatly missed + one door opens and another one closes. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com
So sorry to read that this is your last blog post but I underdatnd the importance of following you dream and passion. I wish you success with your poetry writing and good health and happiness in 2015. Your beautiful posts will be missed!
Dearest Anita, I've been trying to find the words........ This feels bittersweet........You must follow your Heart..... I will back you and and cheer you on to wherever your life and dreams carry you.
Thank you, dear friend, for ALL the loveliness you have shared with us here at Castles Crowns and Cottages. It's truly a blessing every time I visit!
Now you must Fly and Seek as the angels and my prayers follow you. <3 U Our MUSE!!!
XXXX and JOYfilledl tears! Do stop by my way, anytime. ; )
Lovely Anita,
I am glad you are honoring what feels right to you, knowing that this will give you more energy for your life and arts.
I will miss you in our wonderful blog realm.... maybe someday you will come back, maybe to a different blog with a different theme, maybe. I send you love and a sparkling smile wishing you days and nights that feel wonderful to you!
Anita, can this be true? Oh dear, I will miss all the beauty you have shared, but most of all, your friendship and support that was always unfailing and true. I wish you the best in all your set your hand to do, you will remain in our hearts and prayers.
For now, ....fly. Spread your wings and make the world beautiful!
Big hugs,
Hello dear Anita I am wondering if you could go back and repost as I could read what you have written and view your sublime photos over and over again and I know I'm not the only one. Quick and easy for you that would make you fans happy
Oh Anita, thank you sooooooo much..........your visit and loving words are such a joy for me! I`m often thinking of you and I send you all my best wishes for monday..........hope everything will be ok. and you will get only good news! Have a wonderful weekend and relaxed hours,
with hugs and love, Jade
Good bye My dear Anita. I will keep You in My heart. I do wish You the best of life.I will miss You, the beauty You have shown Us all of Your sweet sweet spirit.I remember You have had a few breaks from blogging in the past but I feel this is the true end of Your dear blog. I know God Loves You more than words can say and He wanted to share Your beauty with Us and I am thankful. Love Denise
Please somehow keep Us all notified if You ever do publish Your work . You will have hundred of sales immediately.I would love a copy of Your poetry someday but won't know how to find it or when to start looking. Thank You for the friendship You have given Me. Blessings and hugs Denise
Oh Yes.....You will always be My Pico Rivera sweet neighbor.
Goodness. Blogger is losing one of the BEST. But you have to make time for your passion and propel yourself ahead to see where your amazing talents bring you! We will all be in your heart cheering you on! Love doesn't go away when you aren't online! I wish you the BEST life has to offer! You will go far, so spread your wings and fly my friend!!! No one deserves it more than you do! Thank you for the inspiration here ALL these years. Here's to a new exciting road ahead! Cheers!!! All my love...
There is even beauty in this sadness dearest Anita. I understand.
Will email with a catch up soon.
With admiration and love.
oh ...Anita!
My gracious - you did it! I wish you the best but I will miss your posts so much. I'll be back to blogging in full form on Monday Feb 2. (ya but it has nothing to do with ground-hog day - but just solely the first Monday in Feb. I wanted 3 month off so it just so happened to be that groundhog day thing - which is a weird commemoration thing, huh?) I'm doing so much better finally. I have just a few more sessions of IV meds at the Huntsman and then some tests to make sure all of the cancer potential is nil. So I am able to get back to blogging without it being too hard on me. I haven't been completely well these few months (oh yes, I have been to a night clinic once and the ER twice for illnesses and conditions that were flukes and yet serious enough to be in the ER; because chemo and radiation have weakened me just enough to be more susceptible to junk) However, each time my blood work is great and I have just had to slow down. I have promised HM that I will only be at the computer for 3 hours a day. If more, than that I will have to cut back and modify my time at the comp for my blog. That compromise sounds great to me. I was at the comp WAY too much before my chosen break. So will you reach me on just email? Please don't disappear, ok? I would miss you horribly. You are one of my first favorite bloggers that is still here yet, you are going to stop postings, which is really that you are leaving blogland. To have you completely gone would be very difficult, but COMPLETELY understandable. This is a very great 'final' post. I've missed you and then got a startled feeling when I realized what your post was about. But yet, I do understand. See you later, hopefully. Love to you, too! Renae
Anita as a follower You will be missed ~ our paths take us in different directions .......a healthy happy Journey for you.
your blog was unique and beautiful
blessings Lorraine.
Dearest Anita, I can just imagine all the tears flowing in Blogland upon reading this but so too the Joy is flowing at following your Heart's desire of Poetry writing! I am sooooo happy that I happened upon Castles, Crowns and Cottages and have kept up with you! You are one fine Talented and Beautiful Lady! It will be lovely to keep seeing you around. Love you too Precious, Dzintra xoxoxoxo
Thank you Lorraine for coming to visit. I see you do not have a blog, so I will respond here. I am not leaving blogland all together, but for now, my writing priorities need to be put in place. THANK YOU for your readership!
I am heartbroken but I do understand. Producing a blog such as yours must take so much time and energy. Of course you want to pursue other things. I will miss your beautiful imagery and prose. Best wishes with your new pursuits.
I'll really miss you. Your photos and text kept me going on the hard days. ...a secret friend.
oh nooooo! and I just starting reading it again... i will miss you! though I hope we'll stay in touch otherwise. I will REALLY miss the amazing images you find and post. Bon chance, ma chere Anita!
Awww Anita! I will miss you and your posts, but I totally understand. So many blog posts have dwindled(including mine) or totally stopped because priorities shifted. Much love to you. xx
Oh Karen, thank you for leaving a comment. Funny how you never know how even knows you are alive until you're "gone." I will be back some day. Anita
Hello, gorgeous. Thank you for stopping by with your kind words. Yes, I am having so much fun. :)
Will write more via email.
Have a beautiful day.
Sweet Sweet Friend, how did I miss this post? I will miss you so very much but I know you are simply an email away. I totally understand your time constraints but there are not many blogs as magical as yours.You offer dreams, inspiration and joy! Love you so much and you are in my heart forever. xxxx Rhonda
Hello dear Anita!!!!!
How has your week been?
I will definitely miss your amazing blog posts. You are immensely talented!!!!!
It's been nice here; temperatures have been above normal but we're supposed to cool off again soon.....
Not too much is new. My dad had a good check up at Mayo; things are looking good!!!! He had his 4th ablation surgery and it went well; we are just waiting on the biopsies they took....
Hope all is great with you!!!! I did a whole blog post on just boots!!!!!
Sending love & hugs,
Chère Anita
Je suis si triste de lire ton dernier billet et en même temps j'aime ton honnêté et ta sagesse. Tous mes voeux pour cette nouvelle et que tes projets t'apportent beaucoup de joies. Bises
Marielle en dilettante
I am sad to read of the end of this magical mystery tour which you have taken us on over the years, but I fully understand, change is a good thing, an opportunity - new life. You were one of those who inspired me to share my thoughts, discoveries and images. I have loved the experience of having you in my life and a part of all that you gave to us so freely will always be in my heart. Wishing you a forever of happiness and even bigger adventures. It takes real courage to make changes, and you have that. Keep in touch. Much love to you and yours. LeeAnn xxxx
good bye, anita--you will be missed! beautiful blog! enjoy your life:)
I've visited your beautiful blog in the past but rarely left a comment. You will certainly be missed. Enjoy your life and thank you for all the beautiful words and images that you've shared!
Oh no....this breaks my heart. I have been out of tow this past week and just saw this!!!!
Your magical words and kindness are going to be missed by many. I hope that you know how much you are loved and appreciated. I for one an happy that we became friends outside of your blog and hope to continue that in the future.
I send you love and blessing for a wonderful life and adventure. Go follow your dreams my dear and know that you and your wonderful blog made so many peoples life happy, bright and magical.
xoxo Elizabeth
Anita, I am going to miss seeing your beautiful posts. I love them so much. But also understand the need to focus in your creative process. Stay in touch. A bientot j'espere.
You have been a joy Anita and a blessing to me. Thank you for the lovely posts you have shared with us all. I totally understand the time restraint thing. Sometimes I feel as though I haven't got the time to do all the things I want along with all the things I have to do and it does become too much. I had to be true to me, and so I put posting on the very back burner as you can see by how rarely I post and am on blogger and now I love it so much more. I don't know how you do all you do my dear, but maybe you will find a little more time later and come back and continue when it 'is time' for you to. You will be missed!
sending hugs....
Anita thank you for everything that you've shared
your inspiration, your thoughts, and feelings.
I will greatly miss them.
I wish you love, peace, success, and joy
in your life and
in any endeavor you might want to take up.
Oh Anita, what a joy to hear from you - thank you sooooooo much............your lovely words are the sunshine on this grey and cold winters day! Oh yes, that would be really wonderful..........if you come back to your blog one day! Take your time and come back when your heart will tell you!
Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend, with love and hugs, Jade & Sheila
Et si tu prenais juste le temps de publier lorsque tu en as envie ou lorsque tu as un peu de temps devant toi ? Tu vas nous manquer avec ta grande sensibilité et tes jolis choix d'images si belles.
Bonjour Christelle! J'espère que tu recevras mon commentaire ici donné que tu n'as pas de page de commentaires.
Merci mille fois de ton gentil message ici; oui, je reviendrai de temps en temps car je suis en train de organiser quelques billets (les meilleurs) afin de les publier dans un livre. Dès que l'aurai publié, j'announcerai ma réussit ici!
Merci de tout mon coeur! Anita
Dear Anita, you are loved by so many bloggers. You are a forge tme not of flowers.
I am started to lag on blogging. Can you believe I am still wrapping Christmas ornamen6ts.
Then there is so much paperwork waiting. Have shoveled the front door 3 times this Sat the SNOW is still falling.
Have to get plowed to get to Church tomorrow. Where is the guy??? Big hug yvonne
Anita I'm just stopping by from Carol's blog because I couldn't help notice the comment you left about the person in your daily life--a student I presume--who is condescending to you. You say that this person doesn't care for you and makes facial expressions to convey this and it made me recall a particular college teacher from my past. It took me a long time to realize that someone like this--so confusingly hostile-- clearly has issues. And it has little to do with us. We are simply the vessel that they project their unhappiness into at the moment. And I hope you realize this when you deal with this student. You are you. And it's sad that she or he cannot "see" you as you truly are, but I hope you don't personalize those negative feelings. Keep being the shining light that you are and let's hope for wonderful growth for this disgruntled person in your life.
have a great week Anita,
Oh my Anita this is my first visit and I was looking forward to following you. I appreciated your comments on my feature at Junk Chic Cottage. Sorry to hear you're leaving the blogosphere. I wish you well!
Marie@The Interior Frugalista
Oh Dear , so this will be your last blog-post.
Oh Anita how I will miss this, your posts were so special.
I know you and The Dutchess are very good friends, so I will be able to spot you there every once in a while.
You will be missed dear.
Thanks for your friendship.
Love and hugs
Merci, dear friend for your kind and most encouraging words.. Caboose! You are so funny.
I hope your back is feeling better.
Thank you so much for your kind words you left for me. Your friendship means the world.
Hi Anita, stopping by to thank you for the visit and kind words. Hope you are enjoying a nice week and staying warm. Did you get snow?? It is 73 degrees here and due to be 80 tomorrow. WOW is it summer yet??
Be Blessed and see you soon.
Hello dearest Anita!!!!!
How are you? Did you get any snow? We just got rain. I saw NYC and a lot of the east coast got slammed with snowstorms.....
My dad's biopsies came back negative but his doctors still want to do another ablation in 3 months.
The BIG sales start now as February starts to roll in..... the shops are making room for the pre spring and spring clothes.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!!!!
Dearest friend, thank you for all your visits.
I love our emails, but I miss you so here.
I'm checking in to see how you are doing. I hope you are enjoying your break. And please, don't be gone too long, friend. Winter is already dreary as it is. Come back soon!
hello miss anita … i remember finding your blog sometime in 2009 and thought it was so incredibly beautiful … i started my own blog in 2010 but have been very hit and miss … i did not post for a whole year … i would return to your blog time again catching up on all your posts … you have made quite a following … i was just reading 'tiny cottage in the woods' and saw your comments about your blog … we instinctively know what we need … and it simply isn't possible to do it all … i wish you well in all your endeavors … i imagine your will be a wonderful poet … i believe you already are … i will peek in on your interest from time to time … take care! dawn
that was supposed to be 'pinterest' not interest :) dawn @ www.bellavisione.com
Good morning, Dearest dearest friend :-)
I've been a bit slow at making my rounds (under the weather, and a laundry room renovation)
Thank you for your sweet visit ( hoping "the T"and his gang are well and spreading JOY)
I think of you so regularly and fondly. I wonder and imagine what you are creating and can only confidently
surmise that you are once again using your God given talents as another way to add joy and food for thinking !!! ;-)
Sending warmth, hugs , and Love, Linnie. ( and the Mousiekins)!! :-D
Oh, that is so not what I was expecting. You must take care of you though and being true to oneself is the cornerstone to happiness. Your posts have been inspiring and transporting. My oldest son, who turns 13 this weekend, has continued studying French outside of school (at school he is studying Chinese) and is joining a group in France this summer to further his language skills. I only wish I could speak French with him. I know your students adore you!
Sending you hugs and love on this winter day!
xoxo Elizabeth
Thank you so much for your message. I am both sad that you stop this wonderful and so poetic blog and excited for you that you start new experiences with a book, your poetry. We always need to find new ways. I hope yours will be wonderful, you have so much to say.
Merci Anita et à très bientôt.
Je vous embrasse,
Oh, I' m so sad to read this new!!!!
But you only have to be happy...
A lot of kisses from Belgium!
Une fin délicate et romantique. La musique va hyper bien avec vos paroles. Dommage de voir un si joli blog se terminer, mais je vous souhaite une bonne continuation dans tous vos projets, et beaucoup de bonheur.
What???? Dearest Anita,How sad....omstilt for your readers - AS I am sure you've thought a lit about this!Blogging is supposed to be fun and something we Lve doing AS we feel creative in some way - and if we Don't have that inspiration it's not fun anymore!
Just remember...You can always change your mind!
I thank You sincerely for all the beauty you've shared on your blog,both with words,pictures and yourself!!! We all Lve You back!!!!!!
Tovehugs :)
Dear Anita, I’ve missed you too. It was lovely to hear from you, enjoy your walk. xxxx
Oh Anita, thank you sooooooo much, I always wish you a warm welcome and I´m so happy to get your lovely thoughts! To feel you near is such a great gift for me! Have a wonderful sunday, my dear friend,
with love and hugs, Jade
I loved your comment today, and it's so true. Traveling and exploring is so important, even if we don't go too far. I wish I went to the exotic places that the girls go to, but I usually just explore other places of California. Well, Nel will be going to Texas soon, and guess where Jess' next destination is?.....Carmel! She loved the fact that you will be going there this year too. :~)
Have a beautiful day, love.
coucou ma chère Amie,
j'espère que tu vas bien et que tu trouves tout le temps nécessaire pour faire ce que tu aimes...
Je pense à toi
Bisous tout plein
Good Morning Anita! Just stopping by to say hello and to wish you a happy Monday. Stay warm and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead:) xxleslie
Dear Anita....I'm so sad to read this news and will miss you and your wonderfully inspiring and creative posts so much....your blog is unique and cannot be replaced!
I hope in time you will return (although I can completely understand your decision x)
Sending love and a huge thank you hug,
Susan x
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