Saturday, March 14, 2015

Make a Wish From a Simple Life


a bouquet of fragrant moments bloom. 

anita rivera les dames d'abord

Dear readers and friends,

I am back temporarily


announce that I am gathering

all the moments

we've spent together


Castles Crowns and Cottages


a self-published hardback memoir


blogging with you.
With original photos 

from my studio

anita rivera les dames d'abord


anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord

and life as far

as I can reach it

anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord

anita rivera les dames d'abord


I hope to offer 

the best blog posts


Castles Crowns and Cottages

revised and edited. 

Copies will be available 

on demand

sometime at the twilight 

of this year.

anita rivera les dames d'abord

The only things missing

will be the music 


the comments we've shared

but when you page through the years


the fragrance of your life 




1 – 200 of 218   Newer›   Newest»
Jeanne said...

Oh my... I am sure your book will be very successful! Your pictures are so romantic and pleasing.
So nice to see you here. Please do visit now and then.

Unknown said...

What a great idea Anita. Way cool and we wish you well with it. Hope all s good in your world. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Jade said...

Oh Anita, what a big surprise, what a wonderful moment to see you here again! Your pictures are breathtaking and it will be a book of beauty and romance! Love your thoughts and inspiration.........thank you so much! Have a wonderful weekend,

with love and hugs, Jade

Martina said...

Dearest Anita, such a surprise to see your post! The book will be lovely - and it's a good idea to treasure all your precious work here in this way - visible for all your readers and friends! Hope you have a lovely weekend of early spring. Still cold here, but the next week will be warmer they say and i hope it's true! Love to you my dear, one!

Little Miss Titch said...

Oh Auntie Anita,how wonderful,such a beautiful idea from a beautiful Auntie,love you dear Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

Suz said...

Dear Anita, What great news! Put me on the list for a copy of your book. This post was gorgeous. I can't wait for your book.

Rhonda said...

Stunning and inspiring! I am so excited for you!! It will be a pleasure to hold and magical indeed!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Anita, Simply beautiful my friend and I so look forward to your final book with the beauty from the pages of your blog. It will be amazing, romantic and the perfect coffee table book!!
Thank you for sharing and I loved your post and the beautiful photos.
Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead.
Blessings always and have fun with the writing and designing of your book.
Hugs, CM

Jade said...

That would be a honor, my dearest Anita! Have a wonderful springtime too,

with love Jade

millefeuilles said...

When I think of Castles, Crowns & Cottages I think of aesthetic pleasures, yes, yes, yes! I also think, more importantly perhaps, of the connection made with a remarkable lady named Anita who somehow manages to BE THERE for so many of us. You have a rare gift dear friend. You are, in short, a treasure.


Down by the sea said...

Dear Anita, How exciting! Your blogging posts have always been so unique, beautiful and magical and to create a book of them is such a wonderful idea! Sarah x

Denise said...

Yeah......and a great beginning for more.....I just know it ; )

artistfriend said...

I love 'Create the things you wish existed' and see that you are doing just that! Congratulations.

Barbara said...

Dear Anita, a new post from you is such a treat, thank you. Congratulations, you must be so excited. I know your book will be one to treasure. Hugs and much love, Barbara.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Anita, this sounds wonderful. Your book will be filled with so much inspiration for all to see. I love all your pictures on here, and that one from Italy with the pink flowers always gets to me. :~) The first bouquet is gorgeous! Are those hydrangeas? This is such a special time in your life, Anita, and I'm so glad to be able to share it with you, as I will remember many of your sweet posts. How special that you are doing this.

love you,

francis said...

what a GREAT idea . How often I wished i could have them in a book to look over and over and over again and enjoy . Now my wish comes true . Thank you my friend . I hope I can order a signed copy ( smile ) ALL said...

oh what FANTASTICO news Anita. I just love this idea, especially from your files! and I can't believe it...I just came here yesterday to just look at some of your past posts and HERE YOU ARE TODAY. what a teaser this is...I've been hankering for some REAL CREATIVE "doings" from you, and my wish came true ;) TREASURING YOU MORE, wanda xoxo

Seawashed said...

I had a feeling you might be doing this! It will be beautiful. So excited for you and us. Best Wishes xxo

Linda said...

O~ be still my heart.
Your words and inspiration in print O joy!
Keep us updated I would (purchase) love a copy.
Linda C in Seattle

Lynne said...

Crépuscule? Pour Noël!
So . . . so . . . so . . . what I have hoped for.
I will make a playlist from your blog.
. . . and here you are, as you have been so many times before . . . my Samedi soir berceuse.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dearest Anita,
This is a most welcome and beautiful post.. Good news indeed! I think your book will be full of inspiration and beauty.
Sent you an email.
love you

Junkchiccottage said...

I am so proud of you to do this wonderful venture. Your pictures are always so stunning and it will so much fun to see it in print.
You my dear know how to capture beauty and inspiration through your pictures. I am so excited for you.

Jayne said...

Have missed your way of gracing our quiet moments with the treasured blogs! This is so exciting - I will be longing to see all the treasure in print!

helen tilston said...

Dear Anita
Lovely to see your post today and to know you are planning your book. I love the romantic sound of "the twilight of the year"
Looking forward to seeing your book. Fondest wishes
Helen xx

Sarah said...

What a lovely idea! Miss you, sweet friend!
Hope you are having some spring weather.
Hugs sent your way.......Sarah

MJH Design Arts said...

Hi Anita, I have been wondering where you have been! So glad that life is presenting new adventures. Congratulations on the new book; I know that it will be rich and deep and soulful. Please do not stay away so long.
xoxox Mary

Marijke said...

Hi Anita, miss you my friend so it was a present this morning when I open my eyes to see your blog... enjoyed it as always!
I have from my creablog some blog books made nice to look in to so is great that you bundle up yours!
Wishing you all the best... shall blow some spring weather en colorfull smells your way LOL!
Hugs XX Marijke

Art and Sand said...

I can't describe the thoughts that went through my mind when I was reading blogs tonight from the top of my blog roll down from most recently posted. There in the list, not far down was Castles Crowns and Cottages.

"but Anita isn't publishing anymore"
"is there really a new post from Anita"
"I am trying to read in order, but I want to jump to Anita's post"
"I wonder what she is writing about"...

And then, I read it and discovered that you are publishing a book. Sign me up. I can't wait to read it and drool over the photos!!!

Simplement ... said...

Oh le BONHEUR de te retrouver !
De partager toute cette beauté, cette si douce vision de la vie.
C'est un joli cadeau
Merci chère Anita et gros bisous du dimanche.

Tu as fait édité un livre, si j'ai bien compris ?

marielle said...

Oh Anita, je suis si heureuse de te relire. Reviens nous de temps en temps.... j'ai relu quelqu'uns de tes billets. Celui avec le ballet d'Aurelie Dupont est une merveille !!! Bises

Daniela said...

Oh, what a joy to have you back here, even for a while !
Yours is a great idea, that's what I also loved to do, maybe later, when my posts will be more ( at the moment I've published more or less 130 posts ) ... the problem is that in Italy it's not so easy to find publishers ...., I pray, when your colletion will be availbale don't forget to comunicate it to me, I won't miss it at all !
I hug you with much, so much joy, for your good morning was so welcome to me, have a wonder-filled Sunday and new week ahead,
sending much love

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Thank you for visiting! I wish I could thank you properly on a blog, and I hope you get this reply! Anita

It's me said...

What a great idea my dear to see you back here in blogland....lovely sunday take care my dear dear friend far you...Ria...x!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! That has made my Mothering Sunday xx

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

Oh Anita! This makes me happy beyond words! I absolutely cannot wait! Hugs to you, my dear friend...Happy Sunday! xoxo

The French Hutch said...

Dear Anita, a wonderful way to preserve and share your beautiful memories of CCC. I've been missing you and your amazing blog posts!
Lots of Hugs.........

Tristan Robin said...

What an absolutely enchanting idea! I am right at the head of the line for a copy (autographed, of course!). As you know, so of my fondest memories of Bloglandia are from Castles, Crowns and Cottages!

I can't tell you what a treat it is to see a post from you in my email inbox!

Cheryl said...

My dear Anita,
I, too, was thrilled to see your announcment. This book will be a feast for all of us who love the magic of CCC. I still come back to listen and look. It is meditative. Thank you, Anita, for your thoughtful words on my blog. They touched my heart.

Karena said...

Dear Anita, its thrills me beyond that you are bringing your dreams to fruition and in such a glorious way! To say I am excited with anticipation is such an understatement. I know you will keep us posted as to the coming event!
The Arts by Karena

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Wow! It will be magical! I can hardly wait to see what you create mon amie. Your imagination will take us to wonderful places of dreams, wishes and ideas. Hope you are enjoying life and I know you're keeping busy! I'm ready to pack my bags and fly off to my dream!! Blessings, love & hugs, Edie Marie

despetitsriens3 said...

C'est une belle surprise et un grand plaisir de vous lire !
Votre livre sera certainement magnifique. Bon courage pour la finition
Gros bisous Anita

Tara Dillard said...

Girlfriend, you do love a good enfilade to a front door ! Me too.

Congrats on the endeavor, and can't wait to own a copy.

Garden & Be Well, XOT

The enchanted home said...

HI! What a nice surprise to see you back...and what a beautiful compilation of your best work! You are so very talented that it would be a crime for you NOT to bring your talents and dreams to fruition. I cannot wait!

Mary Hone said...

Well wasn't this a most pleasant surprise this morning. A book is a wonderful idea! Your photos and words are always so beautiful. You must give me some info on the whole self pub thing. A certain someone keeps telling me I should do a book too.

La Contessa said...

OH MY GOSH!WHAT A DELIGHT.............I am definitely down for a BOOK!WHat inspiration ANITA!!!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

May inspiration continue to flow and you sweet Anita grace us with a coffee table book! Have fun, stay focused and sending love your way.

La Petite Gallery said...

This is s fabulous idea. I will be the first to wish you luck on this. Can't wait to see it.
is it a coffee table book? Ops I see others are asking the same thing. Went to see Marigold Hotel, it was good.
Sending you much love and respect, so happy you are doing this. Love yvonne.

donna baker said...

Wow, and thank you for gifting us another post.

A Joyful Cottage said...

First, my friend, it's so wonderful to see a blog post from you. Second, I think your idea of a book featuring your beautiful photographs is a fantastic idea. I imagine turning the pages of your beautiful book while lovely music (much like what's playing right now on your blog) plays in the background. Of course the lighting would be soft and romantic and I would drift away into dreamy joyfulness. God bless you and your talent, Anita. Hugs, Nancy

Leslie Harris said...

What a wonderful idea Anita! I've been thinking about you and wondering how your poetry is going. Until you have your poetry book ready this is one way for me to support you. I can't wait.

Burlap Luxe said...

Looking forward to seeing all the poetry you have been writing while away from blogging added into a book I am sure you will be most proud of. Will love to see your works in print and your photo choice will be the icing on the cake :)

Time spent away from blogging has put everything into perspective for you, and the outcome is the joy of your hard work.

Beautiful days ahead of you.

Will be looking forward to your book Anita, will expect nothing less then grace and beauty from you.


Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

It's going to be tremendous work, but it'lll be worth it!

Jules said...

Funny how I had just gotten up from my piano a few minutes ago. I was playing "Ballroom for Ghosts", a piece that I had been introduced to through your blog. I thought I'd check my email and there you were. This is wonderful news! Your beautiful and inspiring blogs all in a book that I can carry with me. Yes, put me down for one!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Jules! HELLO! I wish I could find a blog for you to return your kind comment here! Ballroom for Ghosts...oh how I remember that post and the fun I had with the music. And you play it? Fabulous! Your words here are so generous and kind. I am going to keep updates on the work. It will be a lot of work but for me, fun.

Have a sensational week! Anita

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Great idea! Best of luck in all your endeavors, Anita! :)

Francine Gardner said...

Felicitations! This promises to be a wonderful book .

Jules said...

Anita, I don't have a blog but I do spend way too much time on Pinterest. Oh, what fun!! I can be found under Jules at the Bungalow. You also have a sensational week.

I Dream Of said...

Well isn't this a lovely surprise and even better news! How wonderful, Anita. Congratulations to you! XOXO

Splenderosa said...

Totally AWESOME !!!
This will make a lovely gift for my girlfriends.
Anita, I am so happy you are doing this as you know I think you are super wonderful !!

Pura Vida said...

I can hardly contain my glee

Pura Vida said...

I can hardly contain my glee

Anne said...

C'est fantastique! Can't wait! It will surely be a totally gorgeous creation, chere Anita!

Bohemian said...

Surely this will be one for the Library Collection and will be a Creation you will be Proud of. I have Created Blog Books for my Grandchildren and they just love them because they are a part of them. Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

Méa Strauß said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, yesss! Anita :))) This is so wonderful! The ides alone - and there it is, this picture "France", I think, you took it via a mirror... Oh I wish you success, but what am I talking about, this already is success :))
Oh, I Huuuug you, and I am very comforted now, that we might have a post of you once and then :)) Kissies from Méa

nélinha said...

oh!!!, je veux être une lectrice, voire la 1er lectrice de ton joli livre à venir...Tes photos sont de toute beauté ma chère Amie, tu as de ravissantes choses à faire découvrir, ta belle demeure, tes voyages...LA FRANCE que tu aimes tant!!!!, je suis très honorée d'avoir pu te rencontrer même virtuellement ...Mais qui sait un jour pourrons nous nous rencontrer????? MAKE A WISH FROM SIMPLE LIFE....BISOUS TOUT PLEIN ET BONNE SEMAINE

M.A. the 2nd ~ Frances Russell said...

Dear Anita ... such a beautiful idea!!!!! Wonderful and so lovely to see you back if only for a short time! Best wishes Frances

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...


As I said in my note it is always wonderful to see you post here, even if only temporary.

I am excited to see your book so you can put me on the list to buy one! How exciting it will be to have a collection of your beautiful photos and words. I am looking forward to it.

Have a beautiful day!

Xo Elizabeth

P.s I do not know where my original comment went...

Woodside Park said...

Dear Anita -
Many congratulations! This is huge and very exciting!! Those photos are stunning - fabulous work, friend. Once your book is ready, please let me know: I'll share it with my readers. Have a wonderful week!! We just came home from London and Paris. xoxo

deb famularo said...

Anita my dear! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! You made my heart smile! I can totally envision this new beauty of yours!!!! It's going to be AmAzInG! Your beautiful gifts of writing and now photography combined will make for a unique and fabulous book! Your shining light shines through in all you do! I am so proud of you and cannot wait to see the final product!!! I wish you the very best of luck on this exciting journey! YaYYY! much love

Stephanie said...

Dearest Anita, this is wonderful news and quite exciting if I may say so :) What a delightful idea to create a book of the sweet memories you have made with your friends and readers of your blog. As Deb said, you made my heart smile :)

It will be the most beautiful book and of course I would love to purchase one when they are finished. Hugs to you!

"Create Beauty" said...

A splendid announcement!

What a treasure this book will be with your beautiful inspiring words and your very own lovely photos!!!!!
And these truly are lovely images .... I am delighted beyond measure!!!!

~ Violet

Rosa said...

ohhhh ma gentille Anita je suis ravie de te lire encore sur ton blog.. j'ai adoré les images que tu as mis, ces maisons, ces rues et ces fleurs sont une pure merveille.
Je n'ai pas compris si tu as annoncé quelque chose.. car je ne parle pas l'anglais, de toutes façons je suis contente de te lire et je me régale avec tes toujous belles images.
A bientôt et bonne semaine
gros bisous

vicki archer said...

Yay!! Yes please, count me in.. :)
Whenever it is ready it will be so exciting, so take your time... xv

Palomasea said...

Goosebumps and a happy dance.... :)))
Stunning....ooooohhhh...this is going to be spectacular.
A bientot, chere amie...LOVE YOU!
Je t'embrasse fort,
- Irina

Madelief said...

Dear Anita, Thank you very much for your sweet comment on my blog. I was happy to read that you published a new post!

Such a good idea to put your own beautiful photo's and words into a book.You will make many of us very happy! Hope you are well sweet friend and enjoying the extra time?! You have been on my mind often. I am still missing your beautiful posts. There is no one like you in the blogosphere :-)

Looking forward to hear more! Have a lovely week sweet friend!

Madelief x

Karen said...

As I only came to know of your lovely words and art late in the game, I'm thrilled with the prospect of enjoying your book. It will remind me of the inspiration and calm I always came away with after reading one of your posts.
I hope you are in a very good place sans blogging.

Robyn said...

Well, I've finally cleared everyone away so I can have a few moments with your gorgeous images, my friend. I am so thrilled about your book project. Sign me up! I so miss your beautiful creations, Anita, but I know you're off creating something new and amazing! Can't wait, beautiful lady!

Anonymous said...

Anything you do you do with excellence, so I know it will be marvelous.
I wish you much success in all your endeavors/adventures, dearest Anita.
Have fun, have tons of fun.

Constance said...

Wonderful, dear Anita! It will be a beautiful and eloquent written work of art!
Many supportive, proud hugs winging your way:)

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hello Anita....what wonderful news!!! Wishing you every success with your very own Self Published Book....I know it is going to be very exciting for you.....You will have so much Fun putting it together......Much Love to you across the miles, Dzintra xo

Unknown said...

sucha great news! Congrats for the book, it's amazing and I'm sute that everything will be great.

Carpet cleaning Wimbledon

angie said...

thank you for the beautiful pictures !!! love greetings from angie from Germany

Troebadoer said...

Chère Anita,

Je te remercie infiniment, parce que tu nous offres une partie de ton temps précieux, en nous offrant à nouveau un message splendide, des images de rêve, des mots agréables.
Je te souhaite des jours de printemps merveilleux...

Il y a de la lumière
tendre et limpide
nous enveloppant
comme une auréole

Il y a un sourire
un paysage enchanteur
si étrangement ensoleillé
qu'il chasse la melancolie
de nos pensées

Il y a de la beauté
si merveilleuse
un coeur enflammé
un jardin fleurissant éternellement...

LeeAnn at Mrs Black's said...

Dear Anita, I am so very happy to read this from you! And such wonderful images that you have cheered a grey English day for me. I would be over the moon if I could purchase one of your books, and would keep it forever as a memory of all the moments shared on your blog. All best wishes in this creation! much love x

Christianne said...

Dear Anita,
Welcome back, if only for a moment. Your book will be cherished, I'm sure. Your blog has always been full of beautiful images that inspire dreams. I will miss your choice of music though. It, combined with your words and images have always brought a tear, a sigh and a sense of peace. God bless, my friend.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ma chère Troebadoer,

Votre poèsie me revient suis si contente d'avoir affiché ce billet afin d'avoir ce moment avec VOUS pendant que je tape ce commentaire pour vous, j'ecoute la musique que vous m'avez laissée; Dreamcatcher.....c'est si beau, si parfait pour cette nuit chez moi, où je fais des rêves dans le someil de la poèsie.

Alors, je suis en train de lire et écrire de plus et aussi organiser mes meilleurs billets pour en faire un livre. Quelle jolie vie que je mène à cause des gens autour de moi...

Merci de tout mon coeur, Anita

Roberta said...

Yeah! Please do count me in. I would love to purchase the book! Glad to hear of this news! All the best!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Roberta! HELLO! I hope you get this message and I want to thank you for your visit! Stay tuned for updates on the process! Anita

Botanic Bleu said...

What a wonderful surprise to find your post today, Please put my name on the list of those who want to buy your book where you 'create the things you wished existed.' It will be a treasure.


designchic said...

It's going to be amazing - can't wait!

Christie Jones Ray said...

ANitA! How thrilling is this news!! I canNOT wait! I will stay tuned..
…and OH, such lovely music! I must search and acquire this dreaminess!
Much love to you dearest!

Karena said...

Hi Anita, I am back to let you know I have a new post up, you might want to sign up by email to get my latest (you know I do not post all that often and I adore getting your comments)
Still so very excited about your new!!

The Arts by Karena
A New Gallery in Town!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Good evening dear friend,
Merci!! I am so happy you enjoyed your visit with Juliet... Yes, I love to come across things that inspire a creation. This was such a good find. You know how much I appreciate your visits.

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Welcome back Anita!!!!!
A beautiful spring post!!!!!!
We had a couple days of 75 degree weather but we are back to the 50's now which is fairly standard for March & April....
How is school?
Hope you're having a wonderful week!!!!

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Ohhh!!! Anita how exciting!!! ~ Brilliant!!! ~ Exillient!!!!! :-D

I just came over to say hello and that I was missing you, and I am so glad I did because
all of these images are sooo wonderous!!
And your news of your book is is just PERFECT!!!! I am so thrilled to hear of this!!!
Sending lots and lots of warmth and love xxx Many many BLESSINGS Dear one! Linnie
and the Mousiekins

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

I am so glad you're turning some blog posts into a book.... That's awesome Anita!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oooh how exciting Anita and what an adventure looking forward to this
Fay xxxx

Jeanie said...

Anita dear, why did you EVER use anyone else's images EVER when yours are so spectacular! Congratulations, my friend. An ambitious and beautiful project! What a grand adventure!

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Anita,

Many thanks for the kind visit to my blog and the kind words you left.
How very exciting to turn your blog posts into a book - congratulations and best wishes for this.
Sending hugs and hope you have a happy weekend

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Anita,
Yes, Nowhere is open, and we are having such fun. Bebe just loves to spend time with Tea Rat
I will keep you posted on the roses.
Happy Spring dear friend

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

My dear friend,
teeheeee. You are so sweet. MERCI!
You are always leave such encouraging words for me.. I am so happy you enjoyed her... Bless you!

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dearest Anita!!!!
How are you? How is the book?
It's storming here and by Friday we get flurries!!! Spring in the great Midwest!!!!
How is school? I wish I played guitar!!! That Fender guitar in my last post is one of my treasures but I play puano not guitar....
Hope you are having a fabulous week!!!!

Ann said...

That is such wonderful news Anita.
Looking forward to the completion of your work
no doubt it will be inspiring and encouraging to other bloggers like me
and I'm sure it will be filled with so much beauty
just like this blog of yours.
Again, it is soooo gooood to read another post from you ♥

Debbie Harris said...

Hello Anita, it is so nice to meet you! My dear Stephanie did a guest post on my blog while I was away caring for my parents and you were so gracious to visit and leave the sweetest comment, thank you!
You sound like a lovely lady, one I would enjoy following, but it looks like you will be busy with other things, and my those other things sound exciting! How wonderful to be working on your own book and from what I see on your blog, it should be quite amazing.

Blessings to you with your new adventure.
Joy to you! Debbie

Zzzzz said...

I love this detalis :D Sooooo cute photos :D I'm following you on GFC, I would be honored if you follow my blog

Draffin Bears said...

Thanks for visiting me dear Anita and hope you are having a beautiful weekend

Sending hugs

Christelle said...

Merci pour le partage de ce monde de rève !

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Anita,
Thank you so much for your visit and heartfelt words... Twice!
Enjoy your Sunday.

Madelief said...

Dear Anita,

Thank you for your sweet and beautiful comments on my blog. They read like poetry and make me blush. I am so sorry you had such problems posting your comment on my blog last week. I don't know what happened. I had difficulty posting as well.

Hope you had a peaceful day at home writing. I can imagine you sitting behind your desk, looking out over the garden :-)

Wishing you and your husband a Happy Easter!

Much love,

Madelief x

Denise said...

Happy Palm Sunday to You and Your's........He's the King of Kings. Love Denise

hi-d said...

Hello Anita,

So nice to see that you're doing this! Please add me to your list...I'll take a book for sure!!! It seems like many have gone away from blogging...I JUST did a post tonight after 4 months since my last. And I'm hoping to blog a couple times a least that's my goal.

I miss your sweet face and comments. Hope all is well with you. Are you on Spring Break or do you go back to school tomorrow?

Take care...and much love!

Relyn Lawson said...

I am delighted to hear this. I'll take as much of you as you want to share. You are missed here, friend.

^.^ said...

Got here via Dutchess ... what a beautiful blog you have here ... and congrats on your upcoming book ... create the things you wish existed ... this made me cry ... not sure why ... but will try ... Love, cat.

hi-d said...

Hello Anita!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by yesterday! I have MISSED YOU!
So happy to hear that you are on spring break this week. And...summer is right around the corner for you! Yippee!!!!!
I will shoot you an email this week. :)

Love to you!


Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dearest Anita!!!!
How are you? Hope all is great!!!!
We went to the Fleetwood Mac show last week- what a AMAZING concert!!!!!
Stevie wore her famous black 6 inch platform boots. She looked as gorgeous as ever!!!!! We had a awesome time!!!!
I posted a bunch of photos.
It's warm here now but we're going to cool off a lot by week's end.... Spring!!!!
Hope you're having a wonderful week!!!!

Barbara said...

Thank you for your thoughtful words Anita. Sweet dreams Barbara xx

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Dear Anita, so happy to see you here. What a glorious idea to capture your beautiful blog posts into a book. Your posts were always dreamy and inspirational. I hopel life is treating you well. Happy Spring to you and a special Easter greeting. Thank you for your sweet visit. Take care.....

Leslie said...

Anita, that first photo of those hydrangea has me wanting to run right over to the market to pick some up! Gorgeous! Your memoir will be incredible and make a wonderful coffee table book or gift. Have a glorious weekend! xxL

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

I am so happy you enjoyed strolling down the avenue with Bebe... Your kind words are always appreciated so much!

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

Anita, I am so happy for YOU and us.

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Such wonderful news Anita that you are to create a book! (it will be like opening a treasure chest full of Castles, Crowns and Cottages magic x)
Your posts and inspiration are missed!
Susan x

Simplement ... said...

Je t'envoie un peu de soleil du Sud et aussi du ciel bleu ...
Je t'embrasse affectueusement

Simplement ... said...

Je t'envoie un peu de soleil du Sud et aussi du ciel bleu ...
Je t'embrasse affectueusement

^.^ said...

Happy Easter. Love, cat.

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Good Morning Miss LOVELIEST Anita! Happy Happy Joyous Resurrection Day!!
And to Mr. Tea Rat and all his friends and family :-D
Enjoy your day today with your dear Hubby!!
Lots of Love Many many Blessings dear friend much warmth, Linnie & co

Listen to this I'm dancing to:

Madelief said...

Dearest Anita,

Thank you for your enthusiastic comment on my blog! You always make me blush :-) Hope you and your husband had a lovely Easter?! Have a good new week.

Madelief x

renae said...

Anita, where are you?

I have returned to blogland and I miss seeing you. I COMPLETELY understand about your terminating the posts, etc.. I really struggled there for a while, however, I read and read and read while on my brakes and figured out what was missing.

This publication sounds perfect for you. I will be very interested in it. My granddaughters still talk about your fabulous posts.

Come by and see my new blog, url and layout, okay? I'm only able to comment here as if I am still at simple sequins, but I'm not there.
I'm at

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita! I can see you wearing a sweater, cuffed jeans, and sweet little pumps:) When the weather is rainy and windy here in Seattle, I dread going back to my boots at this time of year. Booties are my shoe of choice if I can't wear my pumps. I wish I could wear ballet flats buy oddly enough they bother my feet. I hope the sun shines brightly for you today Anita. Enjoy your day!

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dearest Anita!!!!
How is your book coming along?
We had a terrible hail storm here this past week & expecting more severe storms tomorrow.... Never a dull moment!!!!
My birthday is next week!!!!
Hope you are doing great and thanks for stopping by to say hello!!!!! I love reading your cheerful, uplifting comments.
They brighten my day!!!!!
Love & Hugs,

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Good morning dear friend,
Thank you so much for coming over to sit on the porch with me... I am so happy you enjoyed the roses.
The scent is from heaven..
Love to you,

farmhouse-story said...

it will be beautiful--congrats on your newest adventure, anita!

Laura Venosa Verbena said...

Hi Anita! It's was great to hear from you this morning! Thank you very much for your comment. I feel your book will become a Hugh success and best seller. Excited for this new chapter in you life. Its a small world and im glad your in it. Much love laura

Unknown said...

Hi Anita,

Congratulations!!! I just know it will be gorgeous!

Leslie said...

Anita! How exciting to have the stylist and magazine editor come to your home!! I would love to have someone come to style my home. We still have one area that's in progress and then the styling will begin! On the subject of casual~ off-duty attire;) you would look so cute in the same outfit I'm wearing! xxL

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Hi Anita,
I was just sitting here wondering how the weather is out your way so I thought I come by to say hi and see
how you are doing :-D
It is finally warm here but super duper windy! The green is thinking about showing itself... although there is more brown!!!
But there are crocuses and snow drops and the daffodils are considering their grand entrance!! So life is good!! :-)
Thinking of you warmly xx Linnie

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Hey sweetie, I was killin' time waitin' for Farm Boy to come home for nourishment when you crossed my mind. Don't worry, ya'll didn't mix me up too much. Heeehehehe!

A book!!! Wonderfully good for you. 'Hope you doin' more than fantastic in this journey of life precious one.

God bless and enjoy this beautiful day!!!! :o)

Jade said...

Thank you so much for stopping by, my dear friend............hope you enjoyed my Bavarian life in spring! Have a wonderful week, dear Anita,

with love and hugs, Jade

Ann said...

Just dropping by
see if there's any update on your project.
Lots of love and luck to you ♥

A Magical Whimsy said...

Count me in on a couple of copies of your book of muses! Can't wait to see it all completed. What a lovely idea and treasure for your blog readers!
Time will fly swiftly and the twilight of the year will come soon enough.
Thank you for this grand journey through your blog to hold in the hand all at once!
Blessings to you always, dearest Anita!

La Petite Gallery said...

2015 April 17, Dear Anita, been so sick, had two friends from Dallas, come to visit, 1 day after they arrived, they were so sick, couldn't leave to drive 2000 miles, well now I am sick and Renee stayed over night to care for me, she is so sick now. what a spring.
Been missing you beautiful Lady. Is that a Tiffany tree candle stick?

^.^ said...

... can not get enough of your beautiful photography, Anita ... all so white and clean ... wanting me to take a very deep breath ... Life is slowly coming around here in AB, Canada at April 17th ... I got my yard all cleaned up off leaves and twigs ... brown lawn will turn into green lawn soon ... provided we get some good rain ... then middle of May I can finally put my garden in ... we only have 100 frost free days, so everything has to grow very fast ... Love, cat.

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dear Anita!!!!
How are you? Spring is really creeping in with beautiful blooms and greener grass....
My birthday was last week. I know you have a birthday coming up- any special plans?
We both have spring birthdays!!!!
I hope you had a fabulous week; how is school? I'm sure you're the most chic, stylish, beautiful teacher!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait!!!! I was so excited to see a new post! Love, Deb xo

Rosa said...

coucou Anita... j'espère tu vas bien, je viens te faire un coucou et j'ai vu ce magnifique post.. j'adore tous ces portraits que tu as mis
Bonne semaine
gros bisous

Anonymous said...

Good morning, lovely. Thank you for stopping by. I typically reply via email these days (miss you here too much), but thought I'd stop by your castle and waive hello. Hello.

So many colors, so little time, my blue loving kindred soul. Aqua is my favorite, but as I mentioned to another visiting friend, there's always navy, true, constant, deeper than the sea navy, which anchors my heart and soul. Gotta love blue.

Leslie said...

Hi Anita! Thanks for popping in to say hi:) Charleston was lots of fun and the food was very good (albeit high calorie!). Oddly enough, our weather here in Seattle was better than S.C. ......and of course I brought clothing for warmer weather as that was what was originally predicted. Anyway, I can't believe you are getting such chilly spring weather. Enough of that! Have a wonderful day:) xxL

Anonymous said...

PS... A little birdie reminded me just now that a special day is around the corner. ;)

francis said...

This is your last day from this age . Tomorrow starts your new year . Happy happy birthday dear friend.
Wish I could drop by and see what birthdaycake there will be on your table .
Wish you an amazing new year and hope your wishes come through .

Barbara said...

Thank you for the spring wishes dear Anita and for always being such a loyal friend. xx

Unknown said...

Hello my dear Anita,
I miss you in blog land...I hope you are relishing the freedom and creativity of your time just now. Just wanted to extend an invite to our Lifestyle LinkUp 'STYLEview' that Jennifer and I are hosting. All the details are on my blog. We will be showcasing lifestyle inspiration and if you could come by and share a few of your favorite links it would be amazing. I would LOVE it! No new writing required. Just share a couple of links and say hello on a couple of blogs. ALL Lifestyle bloggers-seasoned and new-are invited. We are building connections and sharing inspiration. Love to have you join darling!
xx, Heather

Jade said...

Oh Anita, my dear friend.........thank you sooooo much, YOUR words are the rising sun and to see YOU on my blog makes my heart sing! Hope you are feeling fine and we send you many many hugs from Bavaria, Have a wonderful weekend,

Jade, Sheila, Katie & Pablo (he is sleeping in the living room.......after "working" all the night outside ;)

Barbara said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have the perfect day. xxxx

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

I think Mildred is "The Tea's" FAVORITE COUSIN!!! Hee!! :-D

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Anita I tried to send an Email to wish you
(but it would not work)
So I hope you shall have the best BLESSED

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to my lovely, inspired friend...may all your dreams come true!
xx, Heather

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Happy Birthday dear friend!!!!!
Enjoy your evening...
Love and blessings,
Penny, Jasper, Zoe and Bebe!

Jess said...

It's all so beautiful Anita! I love those houses from around the world so much! Have a lovely weekend. :)
Jess x

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Merci, my dear friend.. I always enjoy your visits..
I am so happy you are enjoying Otis.

Nancy's Notes said...

How exciting, a new book with your photo treasures! I know it'll be truly delightful to see! Oh my, your music was heavenly!!
Happy belated birthday!


Leslie said...

Happy Monday Morning to you ANITA:) I imagine your home is similar to mine .. as is your beauty and health regimen. Enjoy your day and I hope the weather is warming up a bit! xxleslie

bea de caracas said...

Dear anita, I'm really happy to read you once again!!!
Hope you'll continue for our pleasure!
A lot of kisses from Belgium...

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Happy Borthday dearest Anita!!!!!
I hope you had a wonderful day!!!!!!
It's cooler here now after we had storms over the weekend.
I have been going to the chiropractor because my lower back has been hurting.
Have you done any shopping lately?
How is the book coming along?
Wishing you a wonderful day!!!!!

Karena said...

Dear Anita, I come occasionally to visit, I am so excited to see what yo are creating and doing!
Tina from The Enchanted Home is offering a giveaway on my site. I do hope you will stop by...I miss your visits!

The Arts by Karena
Giveaway from The Enchanted Home!

Cobalt Violet said...

That is sooooo exiting!!! Congratulations! Way to make things happen and manifest into a tangible fruition!
Happy Spring! Very inspired!

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita! I am just checking in on my computer quickly prior to doing a trail walk with my pup Layla. I am off today (yay!) and have lots of things to get done. Hope you have a wonderful day and think of your Mom while walking through your garden. Be extra kind to yourself .. a little something is always a good idea :) .. flowers, candles, a pretty lipstick, a piece of chocolate.. xxooL

Simplement ... said...

Chère Anita,
Je te souhaite un joli 1er mai et un mois merveilleux.
Bisous du coeur

Diani Web Design said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
angie said...

What beautiful pictures !!! I love the simple !!! a nice 1 May wants angie

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita! I do wish you were not so far away as I know I could count on you to go trail walking with me:) So funny you should mention not exercising while menstruating.. I'd forgotten about that! Your mom was smart and ahead of her time. Yes.. the story of my first pregnancy and teaching classes is a fun one to reminisce about. People made me feel so guilty every time I did ANYTHING. I just didn't get it because I was used to doing it and most importantly, when I exercised it help with the horrible nausea I had. I felt better after I got some exercise and could then eat :)

It's a beautiful day here in WA and I plan to get to the nursery and do some gardening. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! xxL

Elaine said...

This is a wonderful idea. I would love to see a book with your blog posts to read anytime and anywhere. Keep us posted!!

Jade said...

Want to wish you a wonderful sunday, dearest Anita, and I thank you sooooooooo much for all your lovely words! That means so much to me and it makes the sun shine on this rainy weekend! Hope you are feeling fine and I send you love and

hugs, Jade

Madelief said...

Dear Anita,

Thank you for stopping over at my blog an leaving those sweet comments! I miss your beautiful and inspirational posts. Hope you are well? How is your book coming along?

Sending you a big hug!

Madelief x

Jade said...

Oh Anita, I´m a little bit late, bust I have to say you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and all my best wishes to you! My husbands birthday ist on April 24. - how funny!!!!

Have a great time, with love, Jade

VM Creation Atelier said...

Just a very glorious news,Anita!!! Your book.....
My big congrats to you,dear friend!:)
This is SO important,to create themselfs and to try make the world more and more beautiful!!!
Think of you,
Much love,

Anonymous said...

These are great news but I just so miss your posts immensely. I do hope when I am settled in Minnesota we get to meet and you can show me around Minneapolis. :)

Diani Web Design said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kim said...

Anita, how did I miss this announcement? I was visiting Carol at Art and Sand today and mentioned you, so I clicked on over. I think this is wonderful and I am beyond thrilled. I came to your blog very late in the game. I missed the first six years!! I can't wait to catch them in print! I hope you are well dear friend and enjoying all the wonderful that spring has to offer!! ❤️

Lowcarb team member said...

Such exciting times Anita - I wish you well.

Your pictures are so lovely to see.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Such exciting times Anita - I wish you well.

Your pictures are so lovely to see.

All the best Jan

Rié Moratto said...

Anita, I am looking forward to you poetic photos and dreamy words in the arrival of your book! Sometimes time off, even from things your good at like blogging allows a melding of creativity that wouldn't otherwise come... my sincerest congratulations! xx Rié | Portobello Design Blog

Leslie said...

Good morning Anita! Get through the day ahead :) and look forward to the weekend coming up. I had three LONG work days and I'm so thankful to be off today. It's too much to work those long work weeks.

Regarding butter London .. I am just starting the products and DO hope they live up to my expectations. Like hair, the nails change so I'm trying to take a little extra care:) xxL

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dear Anita!!!!
How are you?
This whole week has been hectic- my husband had surgery on his arm. So he's healing up.
I saw MN got some bad hail- are you OK?
Crazy spring weather!!!!
We're supposed to have rain ALL weekend.... Bummer!!!!
Hope you're having a great day!!!!!

Jade said...

Oh Anita, when you visit me on my blog and you are leaving so wonderful words, I feel like in heaven...........thank you so much, my dear friend! Yes, we always should remember what makes us happy...........I love your list - and most of all: " 5. BLOGGING. This one I gave up, but am considering coming back." That would be so great, dearest Anita..........if the time is right you will come good to know that! Have a wonderful weekend,

with love and hugs, Jade & Sheila (she is sleeping in the garden under the cherry is very warm today)

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Merci, dear friend!! I am so happy you enjoyed viewing little Finn..

^.^ said...

Happy Mother's Day, Anita ... I am sure, your Luke and my Jenny are laughing and playing together as we are waiting patiently to join them some day ... Love, cat. PS: You can't have everything, cuz where would you put it, right?

^.^ said...

i feel myself fumbling and

fallin, tumblin, stumblin

and escalating



but i will not

let this

get to me

again do you hear

me god of course u don't

why would you listen to me now

Happy 29th Birthday, Jenny Rose

Karena said...

Dear Anita, How are you and what are you up to?
I wanted to come and invite you so see my latest post, it is quite enchanting!
If you are interested in seeing my latest features you might sign up for email alerts, as you know I don't post more than once a week so you will not be deluged!

The Arts by Karena
Bunnies by Hunt Slonem

Anonymous said...

I could scroll through your posts a dozen times, and each time find something fresh. Today it's that gorgeous blue and white chair. Could have something to do with falling in love with all things blue and white these days. After considering many colors the last few weeks, I decided to change most of our home to blue and white (navy/cobalt blue vs aqua). Is that chair in your home? It's divine.
Thank you for the graduation wishes, my friend. I added more pics. It's truly a blessing to be able to share that special day with my blogging friends too. I still feel as if I'm walking on clouds. So proud of our girl, and grateful to our Father.
Yes, let's talk again soon.

Leslie said...

It's a busy time for you Anita! Working full time (at a certain age......) can be a challenge. I hope you carve out some time for yourself soon. Enjoy the sunshine!

Personally selected products said...

Dearest Anita!!!
Such a surprise to see you again. I always miss your sensitive and lovely emotional post , and i always remember you when you came to my blog and wright all emotional things. I know you are very busy , but just NOW, when i see your post sudently, by sorprise! Make me feel very happy to see you again !! Sorry my inglish , i just wake up and my first idea this morning was were is Annita and her lovely words and pictures? .
You are always inspiratinal and sensitive. You must be the

Lots love my sweety friend from Madrid.


Personally selected products

Personally selected products said...

Again i am hiar. Such exciting time! To see your beautiful pictures again, and read you! I was really busy but i think your birthday was the same day my father. Anyway is later but happy birthday and happy mother day!
If you write your book please let me know! Big congratulation to you . I am looking fordward to read you again and watch your poety pictures .
So far... So close.
Eres tan especial cuando escribes algo y muestras tu sensibilidad en la música y en tus fotos , que llenas el significado de la la palabra sensibilidad.
Por favor no dejes de deleitarnos con tus maravillosos post.
No sabes lo mucho que te he estado recordando.

Mi queridisima Anita!

Personally selected products

Christelle said...

Le choix des photos est parfait, je rêve ! Mission réussie !

La Petite Gallery said...

May 16th still missing you Anita. Have so much yard work, Painted all winter and the art shows are coming up, and company.
Renee and new hubby are tearing that cottage apart, Now they just put on a deck. He is awesome. Can do anything.
She sent me some Pasta sauce over so it was like heaven. I get so tired as of late. 79 and still going. No cigs now for a month. COPD is bad. Why doesn't the Govt. make them stop sellling them. Well, big hug. be happy and safe and well.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Chère Christelle! BONJOUR! Merci beaucoup, et j'adore ton commentaire ici!

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita! Sounds like you are busy.. busy with end-of-year school activities. Summer is right around the corner and I hope you have some fun planned. Enjoy your day! xxL

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Hello Anita DEAREST!!
I am looking forward to your new post :-D
Thanks for joining me in my garden! :-)
Hoping that all is going smooth as you finalize your students and prepare
for some time off!
Many many Blessings and Joy , Sending warmth and love, Linnie xx oo

PS I still think that you should be a magazine editor, with your own magazine
called ,of course, CASTLES CROWNS and COTTAGES!!!! It would be a great HUGE success!!!
Smile real wide :-D. XX OO

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dear Anita!!!!!!
Greetings from a cold and rainy day!!!!! We can hardly believe June is around the corner; this feels more like March than May!!!!
My parents were here for a visit this past week so I didn't post last week.
My mom & I went shopping and I got a Jil Sander white button down shirt that reminded me of your style!!!! It's really chic and cool!!!!!
I hope you're having a wonderful day!!!!
Love & Hugs,

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

Hello my dear! I have had you on my mind as I am sure that the end of the school year is just around the corner for you and your summer holiday will begin!

I hope that there is finally some warm weather in MN. Here it is up and down and up and down.

I miss your beautiful posts but am looking forward to the book!

Have a great night,

xoxo Elizabeth

La Petite Gallery said...

Hope this comment goes, 2nd one my computer loses the comment because I wasn't signed.

La Petite Gallery said...

OK!!! I flew. Want to wish you a great Memorial Day, I am going to put a flag on Hubby's grave and have a talk with him.
Getting a frost tonight,Ugh, have to cover garden and all those new plants. It's rough at my age. Renee(daughter) came
in yesterday with apple blossom branches, they are gorgeous. She called me last night and said she has a neighbor that passed away and looks like I may be getting a 5 yr old dog, he is small and I can't wait to meet Benji. Hugs to you Talented Lady.

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