Wednesday, June 3, 2015

So Then

how does

the micro-universe

of my life


Does it function in a tangle


stars and dust

in a 

pull and full circle


like the heavens' palatial

light show

that catapults from

endless end to endless end?

It's not for me to know

but perhaps

to go


beauty and truth kiss


lead me

to become part of it all.

les dames d'abord

We plan

we choose

we uncover what doesn't work

then adjust our course

to come back and say

les dames d'abord

I am returning to blogging on a monthly basis. Staying away just didn't work.


Junkchiccottage said...

Lovely Anita. The music is so beautiful along with these beautiful words.
Enjoyed this so much.

Leslie Harris said...

Oh Anita. Your words. Wise. Glowing internally. Published in the book of life. Sigh. This speaks to my heart, thank you dear friend for helping me stay in touch with my own personal goals. I'm leaving here with a smile.

Morena Ciambra Dreamartdolls said...

You're perfect just the way you are. XXX, Morena

Julia said...

Anita, como siempre unas fotos preciosas con mucha sensibilidad.

Linda said...

Oh how I have missed your wisdom and charm!
Welcome back.
Linda C in Seattle

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Anita! How wonderful to see you here! There is magic in your words... Love the music, and must not forget the gorgeous roses!!

millefeuilles said...

I am so, so very happy to read this dearest Anita! This is how it should be. Continuity and quality all rolled into one! Welcome back dear friend; you have been missed.

With love,


Simply LKJ said...

So happy to hear you will be back monthly I so miss your beautiful words, pictures and inspiring music.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh Anita,
I am so very happy you have returned. The beauty and graciousness you share is very much needed in our world.
With Warm Hugs,

Sylvia said...

Welcome back, dearest Anita, our poetic inspiration! I am happy to hear you will post monthly so I can bask in the beauty of your words, music and visuals. "Published in the book of life"- it couldn't have been said any better!
Much love

It's me said...

Anita !!!!!...welcome back my dear friend from far you....missed you...❤️❤️❤️. Xxx!

Cynthia said...

Lovely. Lovely words, lovely music. YOU, Anita, are lovely. Such a pleasure to visit with you. I cannot even begin to tell you how much this meant to me today. Thank you!

The Dutchess said...

There you are....xoxo said...

...and I am THRILLED you will be here! What a MARVELOUS poem. It makes one really THINK, and find the realization that time can give! YUMMY PHOTOS. OXOX

Ivy and Elephants said...

Yea!!! So glad to see you. What a treat that you and all your creative genius is returning to us, we've missed you so!
This poem is just an example of the beauty you bring to blogland. Glad you are back.
Big hugs,

Botanic Bleu said...

Do you hear the Hallelujah chorus in the background of this comment? I missed Castles, Crowns, and Cottages' blog posts, even though you and I have kept in touch. Once a month... do-able. Once again life is better.


Burlap Luxe said...

Have a great time in Carmel, I know your hide away very well, I would eat at the hogs breath regularly, and shop Main Street shops that leave you breathless, I moved from the area back to southern Ca. And have regretted it often. The Northern Ca. Sea pulls at my heart of memories. I hope you have a chance to drive the 17 mile drive taking in those beautiful homes.

Have fun.


La Contessa said...

GOOD of YOU to have figured that OUT so SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WELCOME WELCOME...........and now since I did not get the email informing me of your POST please PUT on INSTAGRAM when you DO post a new bit for all of us to listen to and absorb.....................
YOU are THE BEST..............
But I need to Know.........
I must have Missed that........or did I just roll by without giving much thought!?
Now I must go back and see what made you dig DEEP and realize who YOU ARE!

Three Sheep Studio said...

I will welcome your wise words and beautiful posts.
So grateful you have returned.

Red Rose Alley said...

To see these roses on here today melted my heart. And they ARE pinkish red, just like you said, what a unique color. How thoughtful of your husband to bring them to you - to think that he was just getting a few groceries at the store and came in with this bouquet - they are just gorgeous! And your pictures show how beautiful they are. I love how the white chair stands out against the roses.

I'm so glad you're back, even if it's for once a month. And this Header is so pretty - I think you know how much it spoke to me.

Love it all, and love you.


I'm off to look at your instagram right now. :~)

Debbie said...

I'm SO glad you're back!!!! loved this post - beautiful as always Anita.

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

Yay!!! You are back!! Your beautiful words and photos have made my day!! And I love seeing all of your instagram pics...they always brighten my day. xoxo

Sarah said...

Well, that's some of the best news I've heard all week! I've missed your beautiful posts, Anita. Are you on summer break now? Hope so! Some schools here were out last week, but the Austin Public Schools are out tomorrow.
Welcome to summer! All the best........Sarah

jerilanders said...

I wondered how long you could hold out! Good to see you , and I love your motto at the end of the post, something to aspire to.

Christel said...

Dear Anita, I am so happy to see you blogging again! I have missed reading your posts. It is soup for the soul , isn't it? Welcome back! xoxox Christel

donna baker said...

What a treat to read one of your posts again.

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Hurrah! You made my day! Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Anita, beautiful as always. So grateful your luminous presence is back in blogland. And I love that quote at the end especially the part about glowing internally.

Pura Vida said...

Lucky lucky us

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

A big welcome back! I wish you a spectular vacation in Carmel by the Sea. Enjoy and savor every moment of your trip.

CiciBianca said...

So very Lovely Anita. Thank you,

Unknown said...

I almost couldn't believe it when I saw there was a new post. I am so happy you'll be back. I'm on sabbatical with the occasional post, but oh how I have missed reading your lovely words,
xoxo Mary Jo

Suz said...

So good to have you and your beautiful words and posts back. I have missed the inspiration.

MJH Design Arts said...

Hi Anita, So glad that you are coming back to inspire me. Thank you. xoxo Mary

MJH Design Arts said...

Hi Anita, So glad that you are coming back to inspire me. Thank you. xoxo Mary

MJH Design Arts said...

Hi Anita, So glad that you are coming back to inspire me. Thank you. xoxo Mary

Leslie said...

Yay!!!!!! So glad you are coming back Anita! ..and as always you inspire us all with your words and photos:) I love the quote and the roses on the chair are gorgeous. xxleslie

Vicky said...

Maravilloso Anita, es un placer volver a escuchar tu música y leer tu mensaje!!
Un abrazo

Barbara said...

Well you just made my day! I’m so happy you are back dear Anita you have been very sorely missed. It’s a perfect day – blue sky, sunshine and Anita – Yay!! Welcome back dear friend. xxx

Art and Sand said...

thought provoking words ... set to marvelous music ... enhanced with one simple photo ... LOVELY!

Little Miss Titch said...

Woohoo Auntie Anita is Back !!!! At her very Best!! love you to the stars and back,xx Speedy

Paula said...

Do you realize exactly how happy you've made many people with this post? ... Your lovely photo and inspiring words of wisdom have made my day... thank you :)

Lynne said...

Un chœur de joie!
Everyone is here to sing their own harmonious refrain to you and your beautiful heartfelt words!
I love it!

Méa Strauß said...

Oh Anita, what a wonderful thing to do - a perfect solution, as it seems to me. No back and foreward for you - options open :))
So you are free, your heart does not need to be unhappy, and we still can stay with you - more than just via comments.
Hugs to you, this is a happy day, your friend Méa

Simplement ... said...

J'ai écouté et regardé !
Merci simplement chère Anita d'être parmi nous et de nous apporter autant de tendresse, de délicatesse, de beauté ...
Je t'embrasse affectueusement

Vintage Jane said...

I'm so glad. I have missed your beautiful and wise words. I am only blogging intermittently now, but cannot leave this lovely place altogether. M x

Mapi said...

So good to see you back again .....

Love and hugs

Tristan Robin said...

Your beautiful and inspiring words have been missed by me - they enrich my life.
I'm so glad you're back - even if only once a month!

VM Creation Atelier said...

Hello,dear friend Anita!
This music brings me at HOME,to myself....
Oh,welcome home:)
THANKYOU for this beautiful touch!

Rosa said...

coucou Anita... je suis ravie de te lire (bon je n'ai comrpis rien lol ...) mais j'adore l'image de la chiesse avec les roses.. peut être que tu vas reveir sur ton blog??
Je profite pour te souhaiter un bon week end et un mois de juin plein de soleil et bonheur
gros bisous

Tara Dillard said...

Knew you would be back. XOT

Celestina Marie said...

Good Morning Anita, what a sweet surprise to receive your post this morning in my inbox. I am thrilled you are back even in limited editions. Lovely always my friend and the music beautiful, your words thought provoking.
Wishing you a wonderful day.
Hugs and Blessings, CM

Jude Butterfly said...

Perfect. If we never tried a difference experience, how would we know how it would turn out? I sold everything I had and moved to Costa Rica 7 years ago; planning to spend the rest of my life there. After three years, I moved back to the United States because of difference circumstances. I've learned the most important thing in life is to be flexible and look forward to change. Because it's the one thing we can be sure of. Welcome back.

nélinha said...

Je suis ravie de te retrouver ma chère Amie, tu as fini ton livre????, ta photo avec la chaise est majestueuse...Mais c'est normal nous somme chez Castles Crowns and Cottages
bisous tout plein

Lin from A {tiny} Cottage In The Woods said...

I too found staying away doesn't work. The connection with others is magical. I've seen your comments on others' blogs and knew you were still "out there", but was happy to see your blog scroll up in my bloglist once again, Anita.

Unknown said...

I am overjoyed to read this news today, Anita dear! Your warmth, enthusiasm, support and grace with the blogging community is unparalleled. Your creativity has no bounds and has been missed. Once a month...perfection...we will take whatever we can get on this side of the computer screen. Welcome back darling!
xx, Heather
Lucky you to be OFF!! I'm still at it, another week, but mostly parties and celebrations for the end of the year at this point.
Carmel is looming in your near future...enjoy every moment! xx

Karen said...

I, and hundreds more, are celebrating this morning's news of your return. As I sit listening to you (always) wonderful music selection, I am so happy to have your wisdom, wit and humor return to my routine. I hope this monthly posting gives you the time to fulfill your artistic/creative side and still pursue your long range goals.

"Create Beauty" said...

That book title made me guffaw!!!! "Well, that didn't work" ~ an autobiography.


I love the photos you've been doing and the captions. Beautiful!

Yes, we MUST "go where beauty and truth kiss" .... and to be published in
His book of LIFE is all that truly matters.

Create Beauty.
And Share It.
I N S P I R E.

~ Violet

Robyn said...

Anita! I'm doing such a happy dance here - for you, for me, for all your faithful readers and all your future readers! You create something that is unique, touching and sometimes even, life changing and you must share that with everyone. Your photography, sweet friend, is flawless. The composition, colors, subject...all of it just gorgeous - and sexy, too! Your poetry resonates with me and I'm looking forward to more.
Have a wonderful trip and I can't wait to see what you bring back! You have made my day, my special friend. Much love to you!

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

Welcome back!!!! You have been missed more than you know! I am so happy that your beautiful words, thoughts, music and images will be filling my in-box with beauty again.

I hope that you are having a wonderful first week off school!

Karena said...

Dear Anita well that works for me and as you know I am usually a one a week or so blogger!
I am just happy that you are back with your beauty wisdom, and creativity to share!

The Arts by Karena
Jackson Pollock's Mural

Jules said...

I'm so glad staying away did not work out for you. Really, Anita, your poetry resonates with me. I enjoy blogs about food, gardening and homekeeping but your postings help to feed my soul. And the soul does need to be fed.

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

We should never grow up completely!!! (so it leaves plenty of room to keep growing)!! :-D
Blowing kisses and patting my heart!! We missed you !!! :-) Warmth and love, Linnie

Bonnie said...

So happy to see you're back Anita!

The French Hutch said...

How wonderful to welcome you back! Lovely thoughts Anita, thanks for sharing them here. Hope to see you here often. Happy Summer.

Jeanie said...

With your wonderful wisdom you hit the nail on the head. That photo of the tulips and chair is fabulous! Yours? Stunning.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Lovely. So happy to see this post from you dear Anita. The photography is breathtaking. You are glowing, my friend. Hugs, Nancy

Jeanne said...

Joy to see you here... Beautiful as always.

Forest Mother said...

I'm glad to see that your going to be posting....even once a means I am going to get to know you better through something that matters to you....your blog instead of just mine and that is beautiful.

La Petite Gallery said...

Afraid but Daring, written so well. Glad you are back with your loving blogging buddies.
My Bennie is so sweet and such a good boy. Renee and I are driving to Camden for lunch
at the waterfront restaurant, fireplace and great views.It's 40 degrees this June 4th, hope it's warms up by 10 o'clock.
Wish you were joining us. Big hugs and lots of love to you Anita. yvonne and Bennie and Renee.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Jules, thank you so much for this wonderful comment. I am a student of poetry, and I am finding that my desire more and more is to speak to the unchanging part of our being. I too enjoy shares on home and garden, food and other daily pleasures, but trends change, and it's hard to keep up with them! However, the soul is a constant, isn't it?

Wishing you a splendid summer and I hope you get this message....Anita

Stephanie said...

I am doing the happy dance right now, sweet Anita :) Oh my dear friend, I am ever so glad to see you back on your blog! Is it selfish of me to say I am thankful it didn't work out for you to stay away? If it is selfish than for once in my life I am going to be that way.....I really am glad it didn't work out :) You have such a beautiful gift for writing and inspiring people around the world and your blog is a lovely outlit for your gifts.

Thank you, deareat Anita, for coming back. I and many others welcome you with open arms and happy hearts. Love to you, my friend!

francis said...

Mais oui mon amie ........ OH I missed you so much . You must never stop blogging my friend . Of course that's easy said . You have a very busy and important job and many things to do . There has to be time . I do believe blogging is not about time .....
It's about LIFE and how we live our life and I have found soulmates through blogging and inspiring ladies overhere . It does not mother where we live and how far apart we are on this earth . To me it is about sharing , in words .
Glad we are on track again . Big hug ❤️

Jules said...

Yes, I did get your message. Thank you. Hope you, too, have a splendid summer.

Mary Hone said...

I am so glad you are coming back. I missed your beautiful posts. I also want to see your photography, paired with your wonderful words. Yeah, welcome back.

Sandy said...

I've so missed your beautiful and inspiring posts in my inbox, and so look forward to receiving them monthly!!

A Magical Whimsy said...

Yes, dearest Anita. You need to be here, just as much as we need your blog posts to inspire and help sustain the balance of the need for authenticity of Spirit....Whatever it is...A Place in the Sun...A Room of One's Own...The House at Pooh Corner... and your very lovely own 'Castles, Crowns, and Cottages' a real part of who you are!...We all need something to express ourselves, so as to keep us grounded in this experience called life. And you, my dear, have far surpassed that experience with your insight into the glorious with your ethereal blog posts which make all of us swoon, laugh, and cry at times.
Thank you for revealing your inner self.

Lowcarb team member said...

Welcome back to blogging, although I've not known you long .... your posts are always beautiful.

All the best Jan

Simplement ... said...

OUI Anita je suis sur Instagram ... (sur mon blog en dessous de mes liens)
Cela me ferait plaisir que tu me suives.
Gros bisous

Simplement ... said...

OUI Anita je suis sur Instagram ... (sur mon blog en dessous de mes liens)
Cela me ferait plaisir que tu me suives.
Gros bisous

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Welcome back Dearest Anita....I somehow knew you would be back here again! I have missed your beautiful posts and words!

I too am curious...what was the question?

Bisons, Dzintra

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Oops, Bisous

Unknown said...

Hi Anita, so glad that you are back. I missed being able to leave a comment on a current post, and your beautiful writing.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad staying away just didn't work. :)
Look at all those torches lighting your way back!! I'm always so impressed by your readers, so devoted. You can do no wrong.
Don't forget...once a blogger (of the heart), always a blogger.
Welcome back, fairest.

Marijke said...

Yippie I'm so glad I missed you!
lieve groetjes van Marijke

Woodside Park said...

Welcome back, dear friend!!! You've just made my weekend. Cannot wait to hear what you've been up to. And I'm so glad to see you on Instagram. Love all your photos. You are very gifted! Happy weekend!

Suz said...

Thanks for the visit. It meant a lot to me. It always does. You are going to love Carmel. Have a good trip.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Great news to find out that once again we'll be inspired by your pictures and words.

La Petite Gallery said...

I was thinking before the race he must be burnt out after the Derby, a 2 wk rest Then the Preakness, a 3 wk rest. all the others are pretty fresh. Then it started and he broke well, and took the lead, I was yelling in an empty house banging on the counter, the dog thought I lost it. It's the turn that everything goes nuts and he made it out front. What a heart this horse has, then I couldn't believe
he was so strong to pull out at least 4 lengths. He made history, and gave us all a thrill we won't forget. America has a hero.

Pilar Abalorios said...

Siempre un placer descansar entre tus letras e imágenes

Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

What a gift to find this! Hello Dearest Anita! Welcome home friend! <3

La Petite Gallery said...

OH Anita, My whole life has been adjusting, sometimes Up and some Downsizing.
That Horse race just gave me such a lift. It was wonderful. Anything is possible!!
American people need this boost. Love that horse.
Those Bull sharks in Fla. are getting out of hand.
3rd shark bite this month.

Intangible Hearts said...

It's always dreamy here. Keep up your dreams--with a slight tweek.

Seawashed said...

Thank you for visiting my Seawashed blog. I do not know if you are aware that I returned to my Sea Cottage. Blog. Anyway, I am happy you are back. I knew you would not stay away for long. Have a wonderful holiday in the most beautiful seaside cottage town of Carmel. I always feel like I am in another country when I visit Carmel. It truly is like no other. Even though my favorite destination is the Sonoma Coast because it is so empty and serene.

La Petite Gallery said...

I was in Carmel in the Mid sixties, it was awesome. Enjoy. I just watched the Tv and the village where Poland Springs bottled water
comes from. The water level has fallen and the trucks just keep rolling out. The town is angry.. yvonne

La Petite Gallery said...

Just reread the post, and I guess I am on the last chapter of life. I find I'm still changing course, making mistakes.
The Best thing is Life is so beautiful, I have to look at the beauty and just let go. Things somehow will work out.
EXCEPT for the water problem. Can't imagine drinking sewer water, ugh! This needs attention now.
Must fertilize my roses, Tah ta for now yvonne

Madelief said...

Dear Anita,

Creative is difficult to suppress. A blog, like Instagram, is a wonderful way to show and share your creative with others. So happy to see your blogpost appear! Welcome back sweet friend!


Madlief x

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Welcome back Anita!!!!!!
So awesome to see you back to blogging!!!
I saw Disney's Maleficent over the weekend; what a fabulous movie!!!! Have you seen it?
It's hot here now and I think summer has kicked in!!!!
When do you head to CA?
Hope you're having a great day!!!!!

Daniela said...

I cannot believe it, you're back, you that since I know make my day with the brightness you bring !!!
I'm so very glad, believe me, to read your word, listen this lovely music and watch your inspired photographs .... again !
Have a blessed day
With love

Leslie said...

Anita, I know Carmel well! My Mom is planning to be there tomorrow and will be staying with her sister for a few days. She owns one of those adorable little cottages;) Yes......the food, art, and shopping is the best. Enjoy the time with your hubby (it's so romantic there!) xxL

Red Rose Alley said...

Hi Anita,

I left a comment on this post the other day, but I don't think it went through because it just disappeared without notification. I wanted to say thank you so much for sending me those beautiful flowers for my engagement. My mom passed them along to me. That was so thoughtful of you. I hope California is treating you well and you are having a beautiful anniversary in Carmel! Also, I am so glad to hear you will be blogging a bit more. Today was my last day with my students, and I am so thrilled that I survived my first year of teaching! Haha, I am assuming you are on summer break too. Have an amazing anniversary and summer break!



Gail Peterson said...

What took you so long! So delighted... Look forward to your presence again.

Red Rose Alley said...

Anita, I came right over to see the pink rose, but it's not showing up yet on instagram. I do see the other pictures of Carmel, and they are fantastic! Are you having a wonderful time? Oh, look at the view of the water, and the mailbox on the sea, and the little bird hehehe. That looks like a blue jay. And The Tea Rose, is that a café? I'm so glad you told me to view your instagram pics, and I'll keep coming around throughout the day to see what you have on there. Carmel looks like magic; I want to go there now. Have a good time, my love.


Constance said...

Hello dearest Anita.
Hope you are enjoying the ocean and forest right now:)
Big hugs!

Personally selected products said...

Always is a dream visiting your words and touching your pictures .
Thank you for caming to visiting , always is a happy day when u read you!

Have a very good week end


Down by the sea said...

I'm so glad staying away from blogging didn't work . I have missed the magic of your beautiful posts so it will be a delight again to be enthralled. I'm sure you had a fantastic holiday in Carmel-by-the-sea, I know how much you love that location. Sarah x

Roberta said...

Anita, so glad you are back! You add a touch of heaven to this Earth! Roberta X

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Dearest Anita,
So glad that you joined the Ice cream party!!! (Especially taking time during your vacation time) !!:-D
Sending warmth and love and may you be filled and refreshed!!!
The Mousiekins want "The Tea" and Rattus to feel welcome to come any time for ice-cream (but make sure they go to the gym to be fit for cranking...everyone takes a turn at the churn) Hee hee
XX OO Linnie

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hello dear friend!
Thank you so much.. I thought you might enjoy viewing Gus. I can't wait to see the photos of the squirrels you met... A joy to see you too!

Burlap Luxe said...

Merci Anita , la signature du livre français , une belle vallée à pied à Carmel, et les rêves boutique . Merci de votre visite, vous voir bientôt .

baiser et câlins


Denise said...

Oh Anita I wonder how much I have missed or maybe I came back in to check on You just in time.I'll scroll back and peruse around a little to find out.A blessing Your post is to Me-Love Denise

Bonnie said...

Anita, I've been good to see you have returned. Your beauty has been missed. Bonnie

BlueShell said...

Oh, my...What a beutiful meditate. And the breathtaking.
So good to come here.
To be wise...what a blessing!


Denise said...

Dearest Anita,Yes I have been many times to Carmel,the latest was last Year.My husband has always loved the Ocean and before We moved to Rancho Cucamonga we would go often,straight down the 605.In fact, when I think of the ocean I think of Him.I must get Him there for Fathers Day.Blessings and hugs Your way-Denise

Denise said...

Dearest Anita,Yes I have been many times to Carmel,the latest was last Year.My husband has always loved the Ocean and before We moved to Rancho Cucamonga we would go often,straight down the 605.In fact, when I think of the ocean I think of Him.I must get Him there for Fathers Day.Blessings and hugs Your way-Denise

Barbara said...

Dear Anita, thank you so much for taking the time to visit me while you are on holiday. Have a wonderful time! Much love Barbara x said...

YES!!! SO happy to see you back Anita. There is just something unique about the way that hearts connect on these blogging pages, and you are one of the SPECIAL ones who has been missed! :)

Troebadoer said...

Chère Anita,

Je suis ravi de te revoir à ton blog et d'apprendre que tu nous offriras à nouveau tes créations merveilleuses chaque mois.

Je te souhaite beaucoup de succès avec ton livre et des jours plein de bonheur.

Comme le vent, glissant
des mots se dissipent
mais néanmoins...
quelque part...
la mémoire reste
dans les profondeurs du coeur...

Palomasea said...

I must admit...I am so selfishly happy that staying away didn't work! ;)
Whatever makes our hearts and souls soar...this is what we must do, my dear friend...
Such beautiful music and words (and PHOTOS!) are magical...and you are indeed '' where beauty and truth kiss ''...
Thank you for letting me know that you are back and more inspirational and splendid than ever...
Love you...xoxoxo

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Chère (ou, cher?) Troebadoer, je suis si ravie de vous voir ici! Car vos poèmes me parlent fort; vos liens de Youtube sont toujours parfaits pour le moment, et je vous remercie de votre amitié fidèle! ME VOILÀ! Anita

Simplement ... said...

Un plaisir ...
Gros bisous chère Anita

DolceDreams said...

You have been missed!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

yay! That's all I can say! yay!!!!

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Hurrah, dear Anita!...Such happy news!...I'll look forward to reading your inspiring posts each month (how pretty your header is today too :-) )
Hope you're having a great week!
Susan x

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dearest Anita!!!!
How are you? It has been raining here for days!!!!! We were thrilled to see the Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup!!!!
How was California???? Did you do any shopping? It sounded like you were having a glorious time!!!!

Debbie Harris said...

This is wonderful, Anita! I'm looking forward to enjoying you and your blog since I came to know you just as you were stopping.
Your roses are quite gorgeous.

Bless you, Debbie

Christianne said...

My goodness, you are one loved woman! I enjoyed the book title. I feel as if I've written and rewritten that one several times. This last path I'm on is one riding on the fumes of my faith & reminds of the phrase "doing something over & over and expecting a different result", also known as "insanity", lol. But sometimes that's what faith is and it does indeed seem like insanity to the rest of the world. Enough about me--I'm so glad you've decided to return. With sincere joy, Chris

Jade said...

Oh Anita, to see you back again is the greatest gift for those summer days! It makes me so happy and it fills my heart with joy! Send you so much love and hugs,


Jade said...

Dearest Anita, I don´t have Instagram, but but I had a look on your photos there.........absolutly breathtaking! That´s poetry in pictures! Thank you so much for all your inspiration and have a wonderful weekend,

hugs Jade

Leslie said...

Anita, welcome back home:) Carmel is such a romantic spot isn't it? Your IG photos were incredible and had me dreaming about visiting. Since moving to WA state (from the Ventura Country/Westlake area) we don't have the opportunity to visit nearly enough. Thanks for sharing your photos and is appears that you had a perfect vacation there! Happy Friday to you and I hope you've got something fun planned for the weekend! xxL

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Anita, stopping by to say hello and revisit this special post. So excited for your return. Wishing you a wonderful weekend as we remember our father's.
Blessings to you my friend. cm

Leslie said...

Anita, I addressed your Melasma question on the blog:) If you need more help, shoot me an email. xxL

francis said...

I cannot believe how time flies .... You are back home again ...... With wonderful memories in your HEART and mind .
Did you know Koralee was in Paris and..... Will be visiting Amsterdam next week . Saskia and I are going to meet her in Amsterdam .
I hope you will be able to visit France ...... Sometime in the future .
YES gardening with my granddaugther is MAGICAL . She is such a bright girl and she sings all the time .
Did you have a good schoolyear . I hope you still have some time off and can enjoy just being you ....... Big hug my SWEET friend

Anonymous said...

Good morning, friend. I'm up early this Sunday morning, catching up on visits...and missing my dad.
I'm sure you're thinking of yours too.
I'm guessing you're home now, and I can't wait to hear more about your trip.
Beautiful Sunday to you, love.

jerilanders said...

Hello lady! I am awaiting your photos of Carmel. I have a book called "Cottages by the Sea", filled with images of those charming and imaginative homes of Carmel, so I know we have a treat in store. I have such fond memories of trips along the California coast highway, it was wonderful!

Madelief said...

Dear Anita,

Popping over straight away to thank you for rushing out of the garden to leave me your sweet reply. I haven't forgotten about your attempt to stop in January. I still remember clearly, because it made me think as well. I am glad you realised in the end that you needed your blog to express yourself and to connect and share with others.

I think it's good to contemplate now and then. To see where we stand, what we want and what our blog posts do with us and our readers.

And now....go back to your beautiful garden sweet Anita! Hope you will show with words and images how beautiful it looks at the moment!

Sending you love,

Madelief x

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you missed blogging because I missed you so much!! Welcome back, dear friend!! Love, Deb

Rhonda said...

Well, how did I miss this post? Better late than never, I say! Life is ever changing and keeps us on our toes. There are days I never turn on my home computer...checking my phone ever so often but I get more "done" keeping off the internet. Precious time but I hate not being in the loop. I've missed your posts and for however long you are back....welcome and I LOVE IT. xxxooo Rhonda

Red Rose Alley said...

Anita, I was just browsing through your instagram pictures and loved so many of them, but a few caught my eye - the purple flowers, the sunshine coming through at your desk, and the Carmel pictures! I am so enjoying your pics, and keep it up, my dear. You're doing an awesome job taking pictures of interesting and wonderful things.

Have a beautiful week.


Ana said...

Just lovely Ms. Anita. Glad to hear you'll be posting again.

Hugs and Kisses,

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita, It's so fun to hear about your kitchen plans for the summer. Yes, it does take time (unless you have the large sums of money to throw at the project;) My husband is actually fairly handy around the house and does a lot of work himself. He is working on the marble flooring for the downstairs area and that requires cutting and lots of attention to detail. With his availability being limited, he only has a couple days a week he can work on the area so it's taking a long time to complete. Patience is so important for many reasons. Rushing may result in errors as well as drive up the cost of the project. Over the past year, I've learned this lesson and I have stopped asking him WHEN things will happen ;) Your plan to go white and bright in the kitchen is a great idea and you will enjoy the light coming in! xxL

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dear Anita!!!!!
How are you?
It's been a hot and stormy week here!!!!
I am celebrating my 4th year of blogging!!!!
Hard to fathom 4 whole years has flown by!!!!
I have met some amazing friends along the way- like you- and am so grateful for that!!!!
Thanks for everything!!!!

Deana Sidney said...

funny how that works. I have been away for a few months. Sometimes life does keep me from the blog but I no longer feel guilty about not doing it each week. I am happy to come back after an absence. I miss it like an old friend and miss those of you who have become blog pals. Good to see you are coming back too. once a month is fine. Honestly, I can't keep up with people who post every other day... just too much!!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

I know it's been forever since I've been to visit, but today must have been meant to be. Your quote touched me and now I feel invigorated!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Elaine said...

So very happy you are returning to blogging.

Ann said...

Welcome back.
Love the flower image
and your quote
is just simply wonderful.
I also want to be afraid but daring
all the days of my life
and oh to be published in the book of life
would be such joy.

Botanic Bleu said...

Once a month will come sooner and sooner. There is a mathematical reason for how time goes faster as we age. When we are one year old, a month is 1/12 th of our life. When we are 10 years old, one month is 1/120 th of our life. So, as we age, each day/month/year is smaller and smaller part of our life, making each day/month/year come faster.

I do not want to be afraid. It scares me to think of being afraid. Paradoxical? But, I do want to be published in the book of LIFE and believe I already have been through my years of teaching math to so many thousands of students. My life lives on in them and in their accomplishments made possible by my part in teaching them the math they needed for their accomplishments as doctors, engineers, research scientists, mothers, fathers, and TEACHERS.

Welcome home, Anita.


Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita, I responded to your comment on my blog but I'm not sure if you saw it:) I hope you are enjoying this beautiful summer day. The west coast is in the midst of a horrible heat wave. I'm sitting on the deck getting some email done before heading into the office. It's nice to be outside before it gets too warm. Enjoy your day!

Unknown said...

So happy that I can still pop over to wish you a lovely day my dear. Isn't summer delicious?? I know that you are enjoying it to the fullest. Thanks for the sweet comments today. Enjoy every moment!

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Thank you for coming to visit me dear Anita...I hope you're having a wonderful week!
Is it warm in your corner? It's going to be 31 degrees here today...the fans are already whirling in my workroom!!!
Speak soon,
Susan x

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

My dear friend.. Thank you so much for all your beautiful comments, and always remembering to come and visit.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Bonjour ma belle!

How are you my darling? I am well and happy and blessed. We made our journey to Paris and back and of course I fell in love with the whole French experience!! Stop by to see my first post on our journey. We'd LOVE to have you stop by. Please tell Ruben I said Hello.

Blessings for a safe weekend... bisous, Edie Marie

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Bonjour ma belle!

How are you my darling? I am well and happy and blessed. We made our journey to Paris and back and of course I fell in love with the whole French experience!! Stop by to see my first post on our journey. We'd LOVE to have you stop by. Please tell Ruben I said Hello.

Blessings for a safe weekend... bisous, Edie Marie

Palomasea said...

Thank you, dear one, for your incredible support and blessed friendship...
That moon is magical....I'm looking at it right now with awe and wonder....

Let me know if you would like any of those recipes...I will send them via email right away...everything was so yummy.
Love and bisous to you!

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita! I'm glad I saw your comment before heading out :) We are headed to Canada for a week and I won't have much time or opportunity to work on the computer. I hope you are enjoying your day and have something fun planned for the weekend ahead. It is SO hot here and I am looking forward to heading to a cooler spot. xxL

Leslie said...

Hi Anita! Thanks for visiting today. I responded to you on my blog:) I know you would make the BEST workout partner!

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita! Yes.. the lemon water :) it's so tasty in the morning and I'm loving all the fresh fruits this summer. Have a wonderful day!!

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita! Yes, this is summer and that means concerts in the park or in our case a Winery/vineyard. It will be warm so I'll be packing a hat and wearing lots of sunscreen. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you have something fun planned. (sometimes I respond to you on my blog and I'm not sure if you ever see the reply;)


Leslie said...

Anita, I loved your photo this morning on IG .. so fun! Thanks for stopping over at my blog;) I sometimes reply to your comment on the blog so hopefully you see those too! Enjoy your day:)