Sunday, January 6, 2019

The First Kiss

from a Minnesota January


slow and still.

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord


the ambiance slightly changes

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

when I decide I'm simply going to

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

and illuminate the barren landscape

as I wait

to be embraced by the caress of spring

and the heat 

of summer's passions.

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

Be kissed by a rose. 

Follow my Instagram page Les Dames D'abord to see my progress 

with my new camera. Cards and prints to be available later this year. 


  1. Is this from the new camera too? Oh, I can't wait till you have your cards!

  2. Beautiful. Very cheerful to see on a dull white sky day.

  3. I will be kissed by a rose anytime hahaha. Oh, these roses are so soft and beautiful. I especially love the close-up of them, such a pretty color of pink. You are having fun with your new camera - and it shows! I look forward to seeing all the beauty you capture this year, Anita. I hope the new year is being good to you so far.

    love, ~Sheri

    ps....are you making Valentine cards this year....wouldn't that be nice?

  4. Anita, I have not been by your blog in a long time. For some reason I thought you had retired from blogging. It is still lovely. So glad I happened upon it again.

  5. Absolutely gorgeous. Ohhhhhhhhh love!!!!
    Hugs and Happy New Week.

  6. Hi Anita,
    Thank you for focusing my gratitude.
    xoxo Mary

  7. Anita!!! best friend far instagram here.....please stay blogging ...because That is also Nice to do....happy week your roses ....can’t wait till your cards are ready love live Ria always πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  8. Oh! Anita,
    You always do such a beautiful Post.
    Best wishes for a Beautiful 2019.
    Love you Sweet lady
    yvonne and Mr. Bennie

  9. FABULOUS NEWS!!!!!!!!!!
    IT's about TIME!!!!!!!!!
    HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Fabulous post, I enjoyed your words and your photographs.
    My good wishes for 2019.

    All the best Jan

  11. Dearest Anita...
    A most beautiful post, as always. Stopping by, after being away a bit, to say hello and wish you a most blissful and blessed New Year 2019.
    I must follow you on Instagram! Hugs...xoxo

  12. Your photography and words enhanced by the music are a delight.

  13. Hello Anita,
    Wasn't that goose behind a funny picture? They are such grand birds with long necks and I just love them. They are usually cautious around people giving out their loud HONK, but that particular day they just wandered and let me take their photo. I noticed the English copper watering can on Instagram. That is so pretty. I see you love copper too, and I am really enjoying my copper tea pot. Have a splendid week, Anita!


  14. Lovely Anita! How nice to get a taste of your poetry again! And loving your photos on Insta! Happy January, my dear... now half over.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa