Friday, April 2, 2021

Consider This




We are broken.


But guess what?


All you have to do is look out your window




be even more daring:


go outside 




examine the flowers of the field.




For most of us, the landscape is barely


waking up 


from a long death


yet your eyes do not deceive you.


Life rises again.




If the flower that falls 




blooms again in such splendor 


can ecstatically shout 





so can I.


Life will rise again.


Happy Easter.



Daniela said...

Happy Easter to you, Dear friend!
With much esteem and gratitude
XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

Junkchiccottage said...

Beautiful sweet friend. Music and pictures. Happy Easter. xoxo Kris

Barbara said...

Happy Easter xx

Wendy W said...

Beautiful images Anita as always. Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Happy Easter XOXO

It's me said...

Beautiful!!! happy Easter you enjoy love love🍀🍀🍀

Carla from The River said...

I love your posts, you have on wonderful way of sharing what is really important in life.
Thank you for that!
Love, Carla

Christine said...

Thank you. <3

Red Rose Alley said...

aaahhh, that little lamb is so cute. And the flowers are beautiful, especially those purplish blue ones. Happy Easter to you, my dear blog sister. I will forever be grateful for your friendship.

love you,

Polly said...

How true. Lovely photos, and one of my favourite songs.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Lovely words and images, Anita. The lamb is so very sweet. I hope you are enjoying these spring days. Hugs

Jeanie said...

Hallelujah indeed. That lamb -- Wow. I love that probably more than almost anything I've ever seen here -- and I love it all!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh Anita, what a beautiful post. Your words are like magic to my heart.
Hope your Easter was a joyful one

Anonymous said...

This is a topic which is near to my heart... 파워볼사이트 토토사이트

토토사이트 said...

J'adore votre blog et je trouve que la majorité de vos articles sont exactement ce que je cherche.

소액결제 현금화 said...

Thanks for such a valuable post.

신용카드 현금화 said...

I have enjoyed a lot reading this post keep it up.