School is almost out and summer vacation is tugging at everyone's attention! That means my students are finishing up their final projects and I am grading papers, entering grades, finishing up my second to last course in my masters program and trying to keep my harp in tune!
Alors mes amies, I will be back next week. I will however, take a break to visit you to see what wonderful things you are up to!
Ciao, Anita
Bonjour Anita,
I can not believe it's that time of year already. Time's really slipping away even though the days are supposed to be longer. I didn't even have time to post this week :(
Have a happy weekend!
I bet you can't wait! I love this antique photo.
I love this picture!! :)
The school year seems to have flown by~(More time for the creative stuff~)
Love the new background!!
Hello Anita,
You are a very busy woman! Hope to hear from you again soon.
what a fab photo!
I remember being a teacher at this time of the year ... and am so relieved I'm old and can't do that anymore. ;-)
Enjoy the final days!
I am so sad. This time of year finds me in the garden and out of doors!!!
I am TRYING to get to our regular visits.
am sending a blanket statement to all of my "girls"...this is what time allows for now
will you please forgive me???
oh yes - thirty years. theatre.
first high school, then college.
thank heavens I could start early and get out early LOL
Hi Anita, that would be me, the girl in front of the teacher doing my best to suck up for good grades! I'm sure your students are looking forward to vacation as much as you are.
Enjoy! Bonnie
What a great picture. Amazing how quickly the year has moved thus far.
Have a lovely weekend Anita!
Would you like to come and travel to france with me....I am going to take you with me in my heart..if you send me your adres by mail I will send you postcards from the places I travel..there is a mail on its way to you dearest....
Isn't that an adorable school picture?! ;)
Summer vacation! Yippee!
Happy Pink Saturday Blessings,
Boy, do I remember those days- the grades crunch!!! Hang in there!!
Les grandes vacances ne sont pas trop loin!! Ayez un bon week-end, mon amie!
Bonjour Anita,
A fast approaching summer break has many of us preparing for vacations and visiting family and friends. It all seems so hectic but I look forward to the break:) I hope your end of the school year preparations go smoothly!
I admire teachers.....your talents are beyond value.
The class photo is so charming. It's a tradition that's not practiced as much these days......I wonder why? I always looked forward to class photo day. I spent hours deciding what to wear, and whether to pull my hair back or leave it long and flowing. Long after that school year had gone.....just looking at my class photo could evoke fond memories of that moment in time.
Best Wishes,
That is so exciting! School being out is a wonderful thing. Have a good week finishing up everything.
Please come to visit!
Great photo! And I absolutely loved your last post! Good luck with everything coming up! Vacation is almost here.
Wahooooooooo Anita,
Vacation approaches for you my friend. How wonderful. You will have so many fun things to do this summer.
I, for one am looking forward to working in my garden and spending more of the warmer days creating. It's very difficult to create when it's cold, dreary and damp outside ~ which it has been quite a bit these days.
Have a wonderful day.
xo Cathy
Was not neglecting you...had a bout of bronchitis...was too tired to travel far from "home." Thanks for stopping by and have a grand week! Cathy
I remember as a student the excitement of school almost being over for the year. I bet with teachers there is mixed emotion. All of you work so hard to ensure our children are educated and cared for. I admire you so much for the job you do ♥ Thank you for all of the kind comments you have left on my blog.
Our daughter lives in Chanhassen and works in Minneapolis. It's one of our favorite cities to visit.
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