"Daddy, please play Clair de Lune," whispers the young newlywed as she gently sweeps her hand across her newly acquired vintage piano. "Oh! I need to study the music, I haven't played that in years" says the old man comfortably sunken into the old wing back chair. The young bride leans over to her mother and chirps, "I love that song, it reminds me so much of my daddy." The alarming whistle of the tea kettle seizes the fastidious hostess's attention toward the kitchen by way of her father's stare; the white hot California sun sneaked in through the curtains and had captured the glistening image of streaming tears on the septuagenarian's rosy complexion that for a millisecond, juxtaposed the vulnerability of a little boy and the disappointments of an old man.

I knew from where the tears came. It wasn't the regret of not having chosen a different path in life, nor was it the pain of a missed calling in music. No, the reason for this rare outburst was because I had associated my melodious love for this hauntingly beautiful piece with "my daddy" and that I had said it with my own rebellious mouth that for years up to this point, had only uttered empty, selfish words.

Music is an unusual thing; in time, it burrows its movements into your heart, engraving particular moments of pleasure or pain that resurface repeatedly until the day you die. For the both of us, this song has held the faint but indelible mark of a life, two lives for that matter that often clashed but nonetheless touched and I hope, will remain a thing of unusual beauty.

My father left me a valuable heritage. Rich in artistic potential, his interest in languages, nature, handcrafts and music has shaped the path I have chosen to take. Thanks to him, I have set a goal on my own musical journey on the harp; I want to play Clair de Lune and knowing me, no matter how difficult it is, I will do it. I have no children to which I can connect this musical thread that binds our hearts, perhaps it was meant to be just between me and my daddy. Therefore I would like to say on this special celebration, "I love you daddy, my heart belongs to you."
May you all have something wonderful to say to your fathers this weekend, and if they are no longer with you, pass on a particular gift they left you to someone special.
A la prochaine, Anita
Harmony - Bessie Pease Gutmann
Girl at Piano - Francisco Torrescassana
Le Symphonie Du Clair de Lune - Heidi Azurylipte Darras
Music: Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy
Oh my, that is so beautiful. What a lovely tribute to your Daddy. I am a Daddy's girl too and I understand this dance well. **blows kisses** Deborah
Oh Anita.....loved your post today! Very sweet but haunting with the music in the background. I hope you do learn that melody on the harp....very beautiful! I want to do a tribute to my dad too on Father's Day weekend. Have a wonderful weekend!
Anita~ A lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing that. I don't know anyone who isn't touched by that piece of music and you have a special someone you share it with (even if in memory). Beautiful!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Beautiful post~Music seems to coorespond well with certain memories, life events and so much more for me too. It's funny how our hearts akin back to those sweet times in our lives...
So lovly and cute!Nice blog you have!! Hugs Millan Sweden♥
What an absolutely beautiful posting! That is one of my favorite pieces of music. It was the piece I played at my recital when I was 12 :)
Happy Sunday :)
What a wonderful post ...Again we share something...not only the love for music but also a father who teached us..my father played the piano,and the organ in church(Bach-AMAZING!!)and he teached me everything he new about music and art..I can still remember the first time I went to church with him..climbed the stairs, way up high..and played on the organ for the first time..I was four..a little girl making a lot of noise:))
Have a happy day ..
This is such a beautiful writing, and such a wonderful tribute to your father. Your love of music and your father sings in every word.
My daddy always said I would thank him later for all those piano lessons.
He taught us to sing and adore music ...mostly hymns.
We still know all the words!!
What a beautiful tribute Anita to your dear Daddy...I'm sure your Dear One will hear you play Clair de Lune. My own Dad has passed away and right now this post has made me stop and remember him...Dzintra♥x
I SO loved your post and am still listening to the wonderful music this somewhat lazy Sunday morning.
I cried tears of gratitude and tears of regret over the "Daddies" in my life.
I never knew my biological father. Apparently the handsome Irish cad was deemed unworthy of parternal tendencies by my mother prior to my arrival on this earthly plain.
Ten years ago, I learned of my lineage through the help of the Internet and traced two unknown half-sisters in both Ireland and Germany. I savored the information they provided me about our mutual father, grandmother and our Irish heritage. Their childhoods held fond memories of our father, but also a lot of sadness and insecurities.
In reflection,I didn't always approve of my adoptive dad's antics, but in retrospect he gave me all any father could. Security, confidence, attention and oh so fond childhood experiences. And although he has been gone for years, I hope he knows how much I came to appreciate him.
And in retrospect, perhaps my mother did know what she was doing all those years ago. I lost my dear mother this last year at almost 91 years of age. She too provided me with her rich family culture of our Dutch and German anscestry and wrote a little book about her coming to America as a girl of 13 in 1929..
Family is precious, wherever you find yours! Thanks again for sharing.
Quick sidebar. I too had piano lessons as a child and the above mentioned stepdad paid me 20 bucks to learn La Paloma, an older country soung. Too funny, I had forgotten that!
I agree with you about the strength music has on our lives and how a certain chord or song can evoke certain embedded emotions in our hearts. My family is a very musical family. I am thankful for the musical influence in my life. I love to sing, especially with other people because I love harmonies. Music touches a part of the soul that nothing else can reach.
Oh là là, I made a mistake! I just realized I am a week early for Fathers Day! Oh well, any day is a good time to thank our dads or at least think about this most incredible job that men venture on! Anita
Oh my, but this is lovely! And the music was divine!!! Thank YOU!!! Cathy
Anita, I can post to your blog(s) but do you have a direct email?
Let me know!
Please forgive me if I misunderstand your post, but did you write those poetic words?
sometimes when the children are playing the piano and are called to other things.....they are so dissapointed............
what a wonderful post.....just so sweet Anita.
This was some of the most glorious, honest, writing and I am so very grateful to you for sharing your heart. You will do whatever you put your mind to and you are already contributing to the world with your kindness and all that you are. Know, too, that you have already played that song from your heart strings and that is the most beautiful instrument one can ever play. Blessings.
Oh goodness... I always say something wonderful to my parents when I talk to them which is several times a week.
My motto is, 'give me my flowers while I live" -smile-.
Oh Anita.....how very sweet. You'll play it too..........oooooohhh! Maybe you can tape it and put it on your blog when you conquer it...wouldn't that be great???
You say the sweetest things, dear girl. I hope you know how much you've uplifted me. You're a gift....
Good evening Anita, What a beautiful and heart felt post ♥ I feel the love you have for your father. My father passed away some time ago but we used to listen to Rapsody In Blue together. It was one of his favorite pieces.It's now one of mine too. You have such a special gift to be able to play the harp. I know you will reach your goal.
Ahh, you are such a dear. Nevers are not part of my vocab much hee hee. But, getting to be here is just as important, I agree! Blessings and good night dear friend!
Oh my dear, this is such a lovely post. My "Daddy" and I have an awkward relationship but music is something that does bind us.
I love this song so much, it was what I was learning when I "gave up" on the piano 7 years ago. Alas, piano is something that I love but never have been consistant with it - even in childhood.
This song is a very difficult for me cause my hands are small and cramp on those stretching chords but you have inspired me to try again with the hopes that the new baby down there will hear it and grow to love music like my other children.
Thank you so much for this post - I have been away with all day morning sickness for almost a month now and just reviewed many of your recent posts - they are simply lovely and I find myself lacking in the crown department! I must, must have one.
Merci encore ma chére.
(Is that correct??)
So lovely...
You brought tears to my eyes.
What a wonderful connection you shared with your Dad.
what a wonderful tribute!
trés bonne!
Very lovely Anita!!
What a nice tribute!
Thanks for sharing that with us!
Chat again soon,
Hello dear Anita,What a wonderful tribute to your Father.So beautiful.I loved my daddy very much and miss him.Sherry told me you had a harp.I would love to hear you play sometimes.The harp and piano are my favorite instruments.I'm glad I came back in time to view this blog.XXOO Marie Antionette
When I was a little girl I wanted to play the harp ... your post made me feel quite nostalgic. Lovely.
Hi Anita,
This is a beautiful tribute post for your father. You will play Clair de Lune on your harp and how wonderful the sound will float to Heaven.
There's not a day that goes by I do not remember my dad with much love and thank you for this post that's touched my heart.
G'day Anita...thank you for coming over and for your very thoughtful comment...rejoicing in eternal music and song...these words really struck a chord with me...We don't celebrate FAther's Day in the Land Down Under until September...a lovely lovely post...Dzintra♥x
Hey Anita,
Don't feel bad, I thought Father's Day was last weekend too. Your post just gives us more time to enjoy it now. You always leave the nicest comments and I love hearing from you. I'll be thinking of you Sunday and special memories you have of your dad too!
This is a wonderful tribute to your father. I love the music and background theme to go with it. Everything is lovely about this post.
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts
I'm so glad you're back, Anita! Two days without a computer is two days too much. I always love hearing from you. Put your name in for the goodies. Happy night sweetie!
What wonderful pictures! Please drop by as I have something for you! Cathy
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