is replaced by a confident stride of elegance

that gently slows down to a quiet grace.

During the peak but fleeting season of outer beauty


when youth is stylishly rushing to win the race against time and gravity

the wisest thing to do is to is to take off the pressure to stay young forever, and glide into a more comfortable pair of shoes

that will help you step into the next phase of life with dignity and peace.

When I look at the years that have passed us by

my only remedy to combat the inevitable, is to say, "The Best Face Lift is a Smile"

and to celebrate these last 28 years of an extraordinary life together.

Ruben and Anita
March 6, 1982
Ruben wrote the song, "Never Want to Wake From You" for me on March 6, 1997 for our 15th wedding anniversary, and has posted it on his blog, Rattus Scribus. Please go by and visit him and make the magic happen by telling the ones you love how much they mean to you in your own creative ways; life is but a fleeting moment...
Bonjour, dearest Anita ~
Happy 28th anniversary to you and Reuben!! I agree, a smile is the best face lift, as well as the best accessory =) You are a beautiful couple.
I look forward to Tony and I reaching 28 loving years also. Our 14 yr anniversary is in May. He wrote and recorded a song for me shortly after we were married ♥ It meant so much to me as I'm sure it does to you also. True love is wonderful.
Wishing you a beautiful anniversary and many happy years together.
xoxo, B
Happy, Happy, Happy Anniversary Anita! Thank you for sharing such beautiful family photos with us all. Certainly a reason to smile: Love.
Happy Anniversary Anita!
What a beautiful words and photos..
Life is good yes? Wishing you both a lifetime full of joy...
The song Ruben wrote for you brought tears... Enjoy your Anniversary my dear friend..
Love and Blessings,
Oh Anita I was just at your hubby's site. OMG he is amazing. He loves you SOOOOOOOO much.
Look at your hair the day you married him, look at you girlfriend, so beautiful.
I'm trying to fit into those comfy shoes, but I'm not taking it laying down LOL
Happy happy Anniversary my dear friend. I told Ruben to sing it for us. I miss voices in this computer. I'm a gotta see, touch, hear kind of person.
I've been packing, and sorting, and really need to put some of those shoes back in the cupboard. I'm taking way too much stuff when I know I'll be buying way too much stuff lol.
Love you and may you have many many more years with your soul mate.
Love You
Love Claudie
What wonderful and wise words. Thank you for sharing and Happy Anniversary.
Bonjour Anita My Sweetest...
Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happppyyyy Annniversarrrryyy. Happy 28th you two. I am so excited for you. What a beautiful couple you make. May you have the best anniversary day together, and here is wishing you much happiness for the next 50 to come.
I love the sweet photos of you my sweet Anita. How beautiful you were as a child, and what a gorgeous woman you have become, inside and outside. I cherish our friendship my sweet friend. You are so precious to me.
Country hugs and so much love. I will stop over to Rueben's blog so I can hear the song, and say hello. Love, love, love you sweetie, Sherry
I read Ruben's post. His song to you brought tears to eyes. Happy Anniversary to you both!!
Bonjour Anita, wishing you and your husband a happy day, whether today is your anniversary or not, I think the both of you deserve happy days always. I think it is so romantic that your husband shouts out loud to the world that he loves you. And to make such a beautiful song about you, oooh I just love that. You both look so happy on all photos and together you are the most beautiful couple! Happy anniversary too Anita, I hope that you will share very many happy and healthy years together, each year loving each other more.
Thanks Anita for being such a faithfull commenter on my collector series. I do appreciate that very much you know. Have a great weekend, maybe some celebrating with your husband. Anyhow, just enjoy yourselves and enjoy each others' company, bisous et bonne anniversaire de marriage, LiLi
Vous formez un couple magnifique, et si jeune ...
28 ans couronnés d'amour et de bonheur partagés, c'est merveilleux ...
Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde et plein, plein d'autres anniversaires à venir....
Bisous à vous deux de tout mon coeur.
Dear Anita, Dear Ruben,
I wish you both en endless story of beauty and love!
Great fotos and wisdom words! Beautiful post, my dear!
You are a cut couple full of joy! Tres bon!
Congratulations !!!
Bon anniversaire pour toi et pour ton mari. Tu sais ... mon mari et moi nous marions aussi en 1982 (17/9) Merci pour partager ce moment romátique et heureux avec nous. Des photos merveilleuses et cette chanson pour toi ....... j'ai pas les mots.
je te suhaite très belle journée,
Wishing you a happy happy day dearest....can you hear us singing...ITS A CELABRATION..YAHOE...:)))
Happy anniversary!!! I know it will be a delight! Don't feel bad about not getting to all my posts, this week I posted very often for the Alice experience. I am going to go post today and then take a few days for getting things done, time with family and art and reading. You are a treasured part of the week, so thanks for the visits! Blessings.
Happy Anniversary Anita and Ruben!!!! What a lovely post....I hope you will have a wonderful day together!
Heureux anniversaire Anita !
Ton blog m'enchante ..comme toujours ....
Pour toi un prix sur mon blog :Chemins et jardins :
Bon week-end Sacha
Happy Anniversary to you my dear! And you are right - the best face-lift IS a smile! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos - it is a treat to see you "grow up" into the lovely, gracious woman you are today!
Oh Anita...how precious!!! 28 wonderful years with Ruben...Happy Happy Anniversary to you both♥♥♥♥♥♥
And what beautiful pics you have shared with us...thank you!!!
And then, as it is Ruben's favourite...the Cheesecake it must be...Enjoy your very special day...and wishing your many many years of happiness ahead of you with Never Ending Love♥♥♥Dzintra♥x
Happy happy anniversary!
Love the post - and, Anita, your wedding pic with that fabulous hat is just gorgeous!
Now, I'm off to hear Reuben's song.
Hope you have a magical day!
Have a wonderful anniversary, celebrating your years of loving each other! (You will be a woman of grace and beauty at any age.)
Bonne Aniversaire, chere Anita!
Wishing you a marvelous day in any way!!
Your post is gorgeous, in picture and word!! xo
Wow Anita,
You know I always look forward to your posts. (You really need to make a book with each of them- your memoirs!)
But what an extraordinary post this is. This one hits home for me, personally! I will remember this!
I wish you both the HAPPIEST anniversary! Both of you have a precious gift, each other! love deb xOxO
Oh Anita.......what a beautiful post!!! Looks like you have had an extraordinary and glorious life with your significant other.
Blessings to you,
My heartiest congratulations on your anniversary!!!! You have such a lovely wedding picture~ My very best to you both! Cathy
Congrats on your marriage anniversary! And I raise my glass of Champagne ( well, not the genuine stuff, but a good super dry "Sekt") tonight to many more for you to come. ( I will start anew with "being married" in June ;-) and can then count up again...)
Celebrate and enjoy! kind regards, Martina
What a beautiful post!! I am almost speechless!! Happy anniversay to you! And thank you for your last comment. It was so exciting to read! Loved everything! My husband and I have also talked about 'wintering' in France, or even Italy, when we get older. We'll see! It's wonderful to have dreams! I would also love to buy an apartment not too far away from Nice, but it's a bit expensive! But dreams do come true!! Would't mind having one in Paris either :) :D
Have a nice evening! xo's Kristin
Happy Anniversary! Wishing you a day that's simply delightful!Blessigs!
Blessings, that is! "Blessigs" is how it sounds when you have a cold!
Happy Anniversary Anita!!
How sweet and romantic your husband is.
Hope you two are having a romantic weekend!
Love your photos as usual.
You always have such amazing posts.
This is a beautiful post... the pictures are wonderful and I can so relate to growing older and saying good bye to that youth that I thought would last forever.
Happy Anniversary dear Anita to you and your handsome Ruben. I love that wedding photo - your smile says it all. And a smile is the best face lift!
Just came back from Ruben's blog, such lovely words to his true love.
Wishing you both many,many more happy years together my friend!
Anita amor, Happy Anniversary to you and your amor! I cannot believe it has been 28 years...you guys look so young :) But..Gives me so much to try and emulate...because so many marriages these days seem to last mere hours...yours gives me something to strive for...May you anjoy lifetimes together filled with much love, happiness, laughter and every success that life can offer. Felicidades amores! Besos, Rose
ps..now I am goingt to go listen to your song....Devine
Gracious is that last photo gorgeous! And how wonderful to have 28 years with the one you love. I hope you'll be blessed with many more.
Blessings... Polly
Happy Anniversary Anita,
Enjoyed the great photos.
You are a sweet couple and may you have wealth, Health and Happy
Days for the rest of your life.
oh happy anniversary to you and your love... love your outlook on life and love.
Dear Antia,
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! A smile is truly wonderous! Wishing you many years of happiness together! Life is but a fleeting moment and we have to make the most of every minute! I will be married 20 years this summer!
I am so thrilled that I found your blog and am adding you to my favorites! Thank you so much for your very sweet comments on my blog! I am so flattered! I did paint my French Ladies and hope to do a few more. I am so glad that you liked them.I love everything french and have a love of fashion as well! I wish I knew how to speak fremch!
Well, again I am thrilled to have found your blog and will vist you often!
Again wishing you a wonderful anniversary!
Hello darling Anita! Life is sweet but so much sweeter when there is a special someone to share it with. Congratulations and a happy anniversary to you and your darling prince, Ruben.
Love, Bonnie
Happy anniversary. I love the pictures!
What an amazing song.
Gros bisous
Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! Your photos of your life together are so sweet! You look so devoted to each other! Here is wishing you another 28 years of health and happiness together.~Hugs, Patti
What a beautiful post. Loved every word. I wish you the best that marriage and life have to offer us all.
Anita, Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and your beautiful realationship with Ruben. I remember your wedding and being at your reception thinking how beautiful you looked individually and as a couple and I must admit I was envious for what the two of you had. Time has flown by, hasn't it. The beauty of it is that you've managed to keep the fire burning after so many years when many couples fall apart. Your dedication to each other is something to be celebrated. I pray you share many more years together. My love to you both.
Tu es très touchante dans ce billet!bon anniversaire à tous les 2!
Happy Anniversary to you!!!
You both look so lovely and write such lovely things to each other...Rubens song to you brought tears in my eyes....28 years of love.. it's fabulous!!!!!
I hope your anniversary day is a really great day and may life treat you as wonderful as you treat each other!
Synnøve xx
Happy Anniversary Anita and Ruben!!! what a beautiful post:)
Bravo ma belle!!
Said with such elegance! We have to slip into the different phases of life with grace... it is the only way to be successful at it.
The photos of you & Ruben are fabulous!! What an incredible bride you were and your Prince Charming so dashing. Happy Anniversary ma chere!! I wish you the blessings of many more.
Mille Bisous, sherry
I saw your comment @ tristans blog and I'm glad you had a wonderful day!! Sometimes in life the best things are soul things~ Creative things, inspiring things, people, and music, and sometimes just being still enough to hear the grace that exists under our own skin.
What a wonderful blog on life. I being a senior know how it felt to be young and how the seasons changed in my life... May I say happy anniversary and may you and your husband enjoy many more. I came to your site by way of my daughter Gwen's
Enjoy life and each other.
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! What a beautiful and very true post! I love what you said about the smile being the best facelift! Although I use lots of moisterizer to try to stave off the inevitable aging process for as long as possible I still celebrate the wisdom and wrinkled beauty that accompany our journey to older age:). Blessings my friend for a happy and healthy anniversary celebration!
Darling Anita!
Twenty eight years...wow that's so beautiful to hear....especially in a time when marriages seem to be facing the greatest challenges ever! To stay together in love...!
and I also must agree that the best and most natural facelift is a beautiful fully spread out smile!!!! how it makes us happy to see one, they say smiles are contageous! and it's true!
your blog is contageous too...for it always serves to make me happy and bring a 'facelift' to my visage!
ciao bella...
have a blissful weekend!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. I love your philosophy, and the great pix.
Here's to many more years for you to share with Reuben.
Happy Anniversay to you and your hubba!!! I wish you both much happiness in the years to come. I loved your photo's and your words. Thanks so much for sharing. I always love to come to your blog.
Happy Anniversary, sweet Anita!! Isn't it wonderful to share a life with someone you love, and to have shared it for as long as you have? These days, marriages hardly last, so many give up, which can be easy to do, but to fight for what you love and who you love, so worth it. Many best wishes for you and your hubby.
Dear Anita,
I am thrilled you and Reuben had a wonderful anniversary! A day filled with love and macarons is indeed lovely.
I am familiar with Trader Joe's ~ ♥ them. I have yet to see macarons there. I will be sure to look for them. Thank you for letting me know.
Wishing you a week filled with beauty and happiness.
xoxo, B
Dear Anita
Thought I would pop in again before I call it a night and enjoy the music and your beautiful images..
Take care dear friend
Blessings, Penny
Good morning my friend~ happy , happy Anniversary! I love to see your past pictures as well as the newly ones.*grin*
I love the picture of the lady on the stair with a infinitly long dress...what a sigh!*grin*Lovingly~
Wish you both a very happy anniversary!! You are truly a graceful lady just as this post depicts!!
I'm so excited to see the picture of you as a child and I so appreciate the beauty of wearing flats and you and that man of yours cutting cake and loving each other for a life time and knowing that beauty is in flight but what lies within never leaves and....
My long running thoughts traveled to you this weekend as you toasted 28 years.
On my plate this morning is a very ill grandmother to my three children and my three children hurting. However, God see's us through the hard storms.
We have just returned from the antique show in Portland...I'll be posting soon, all about it!
Jacqueline loves you,
Oh my dear Anita........
What a fabulous post. What a little cutie you were as a tot...and grew into such a lovely girlie.....Happy, Happy Anniversary! Wow.....28 years! Whooopppeeee...........NONE of mine have lasted that long. Shhh....don't tell anybody, it's soooo embarrassing. I'm the MOST married person in ALL of my family......Ok, that's gotta count for something, right? :-) I love, love, love your wedding picture....the look of love, for certain.
Big huggies to you AND your sweetie....
Happy Anniversary to both of you. You deserve the best...and I'm pretty sure that's what you got!
Awww... Anita happy anniversary to you and your Ruben!!!! You seem like such a sweet couple ♥ I wish you all of the happiness and blessings the world can hold. I loved seeing the pictures. What a beautiful sroll down memory lane.
What a beautiful post! Happy Anniversary. I will hold on to this thought. It's such a wonderful feeling, growing up together. I can imagine what a great rush it must be for you. Hope you have many more wonderful years of loving and caring ahead of you.
Just popped in to say happy day! Hope you are well. Blessings, Amy
Sweet friend...your words are magic today...Happy Happy Anniversary. Your love for each other is felt by us all today! xoxo
Quel bel hommage à votre vie de couple. Les années marquent le corps mais pas l'esprit et l'humour qui permet de rester jeune et vivant le plus longtemps possible. Je suis admirative de votre vie, il y a du bonheur et de la joie chez vous. Soyez heureux encore très longtemps. Avec toute mon amitié. Fine.
Enjoy the day with you special guy!
Oh, I am so excited for you- that you are embracing what you love! I can't wait to see your creation! I'm going crazy not seeing, are you going to give us a little peek soon! xOxO
Dearest Anita,
so sorry didn't have the time to stop by earlier to find out sooner about your 28th wedding anniversary.
This is such s blissful milestone in your life and want to wish you a 100 more anniversaries with the wonderful person your Ruben is.
It couldn't be any different for a marvellous and sweet soul like you.
I know how much you two mean to one another and this fills my heart with deep joy as it proves how powerful love is.
And the song he wrote for you my dear Anita is pure poetry... I can strongly feel his great love for you behind each word he wrote.
Congratulations, dear Anita. Beautiful pictures,lovely feelings.
Have a very,very happy day with your family and smile for ever. Kiss & hgs.
Happy belated Anniversary to you both and my you live and love through many more. I loved your beautiful pictures together.
I'm poppin' over to hear the song, ohhh this is gonna be good!
Have a wonderful day of celebrations and sweet, sweet blessings!!!
Wonderful post and tribute to long-lasting love. Happy Anniversary!
I now have good reason to purchase a new pair of shoes...I want to step into the next phase of life with style, elegance, and grace.
Anita! This is beautiful in every way! Happy Anniversary to you and your soul mate.
Wishing you love and happiness for at least another 28.
loved this post anita.
Thank you Anita for calling by...We have just had houseguests since the weekend and have been enjoying every moment...Now getting back to normal...I hope you had the most beautiful celebration!!!(Did you make the cheesecake?)...Have a wonderful day...Dzintra♥x
How did I get so lucky to meet you!? You are the most encouraging, positive person I have ever come across!Thank you for always making my day! And now, I can cheer you on with your new and exciting adventure!!! YaY! Have a magical day! xOxO
Happy Anniversary Anita.
What a wonderful post, Anita, and may I wish you a very Happy Anniversary and many more happy years together! I adored this post.
Sheila :-)
This was such a perfect and poignant posting Anita, thank you so much! I absolutely adore your perfect face lift and will work to remember that as I cross over into the half century mark this year.
Happy Anniversary, Anita!! What an absolutely splendid post! I relished it from start to finish...so much so, that I went and read it again before I clicked my way to comment. :> Exquisite!! Merci!
:> Karen
Hello again, Anita!I'm really looking forward to your posts on France - how exciting! I will definitely see Babette's feast! It sounded so nice running around town and then find a macaroon bakery. Heavenly! I've been to Laduree at Champs Elysee. Don't know which one is most famous, but that one is beautiful. You should see my post on it (among my favourite posts). Have a nice day!
xo's Kristin
Happy anniversary Anita, This post is absolutely beautiful!! I am going to put on a lovely pair of comfy ballet flats today and walk through my day with the kind of confidence only a woman of a certain age can have!! Thank you for sharing this graceful post with us!
PS, If you have time we are giving away a lovely toile moss green cake stand!!
Bonjour Anita! Thanks for your ever enchanting comments each and every day. One would like to start an every day blog project just to receive those! Yes dear, there is a 12 coming up. In fact I have a post planned for each day of March, counting up to 31. You might be surprised to see what I collect, have gathered, found, couldn't throw away and just kept. No precious silver this time, as I have presented a lot of that already in Silver Sunday series, just some items for fun. I admire you that you still can keep up! And I do appreciate your lovely comments each and every day, bisous, ma chère copine, LiLi
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. Time passes by so quickly and I hardly know that person in the mirror these days, I am trying to accept her and not look too close!
Oh let me get my dancing shoes on!
On my way out and had to stop by.. I love this post Anita...
Sweet dreams
Love and Blessings,
Congratulations Anita! And Happy Anniversary! Thanks for stopping by and for worrying about me. To answer your questions, I have family in Paris and we've been going over for the last 20 years. And there is still so much to see and enjoy! Usually when we're there, we are all about traveling tho I do a little writing while there.
Hope you have had a fabulous anniversary week! Looking forward to your next post as always!
Hola Anita,,j'espère que ta semaine a été bien et que demain tu nous enchantes de nouveau avec tes mots et tes images.
Gros bisous,
I am so Happy to of had a lovely visit with you.
I love your writing style and your great attitude, thanks for such a great time,
sending warm Hawaiian sunshine
Happy anniversary... what a beautiful thing to write a song for the one you love... no wonder you look so young and Audrey Hepburn-like!! How wonderful!
So adorable!
m ^..^
Happy Anniversary!!!!! Congratulations to both of you! LOVE is a magical thing isn't it! I can't believe that Hubby & I have been together 40 years this year! YIKES where does time go? Wishing you & your sweet9ie YEARS of JOY to come.
Do you remember who did the Crown Event last summer? Do you think she will do it again this summer? If not... I would LOVE to do one. Have a great weekend. Charlene
This is a beautiful tribute to a marriage that has become a diamond over time...you both are truly blessed. Thank you for allowing us to celebrate it with you! much love, Rose
Hi Anita. Oh my, you are such a very talented woman! We are just different in what we do. Thanks for stopping by for a visit!
I would love to have your email address. If you wanted to give it to me in a comment I can delete it and not publish it... but if not, that's okay. Today I was so wishing for some photos of crowns to use in some artwork. Do you have any you would be willing to send me? (Photos, not the actual crowns, LOL! Well, unless you have some extras laying around!) Or, can you tell me of a photo source for them?
Have a wonderful weekend, talk to you soon, ~ Violet
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