The door leading to our building project is standing very still at the moment, but will soon swing open wide in early September to let the bustling building crew barrel in and start digging. In the meantime however, we are enchanted with the almost limitless possibilities that await anyone who dares to dream and use what they already have, no matter how small...

If you haven't already seen the stunning on-line article and slide show in the Home and Garden issue of the New York Times on how Sandra Foster took the time-worn cabin that she had on her property, coupled with a little inspiration and a big imagination and made her fairytale come true, then you absolutely need to take a stroll with her through the woods here and follow this gorgeous petite dame in her red Wellies to the little white cottage of her heart.

With a limited budget, Sandra stretched every dollar and her decorating and building skills in order to create a Goldilocks-esque cottage that any passer-by or bear for that matter

would want to frequent and explore in order to faire une sieste in the ethereal loft

Photo 1,2,3
in order to wake up to a cup of good tea in the calm of the Catskill forest.

Photo 4
So whether you are waiting for a project to begin, or have no point of departure from which to launch your dreams, climb up onto Sandra's puffy white lit and let inspiration and imagination engulf your senses. Please take the on-line slide show tour and visit Sandra at My Shabby Streamside Studio in order to get the full view of the exquisite photos of this $3000 paradise.
Speaking of Inspiration and Imagination, I invite you to come with me to Paris

to visit with my sweet friend Mimi at Bonjour Romance, a hard-working visionary with whom I will be working in order to present an on-line magazine that we hope will show you how you can unleash the inspiration from within to exceed the ever-looming reality of budget limitations. In the weeks to come, you will be able to read my contribution to Mimi's vision where I will share our journey on the path to Inspiration!
In the meantime, dream on

and make it HAPPEN!

Photo Credits:
Photos 1, 2 My Shabby Streamside Studio
Other photos from The New York Times Home and Garden
How exciting for you!!! Will be anticipating your 1st offering! Wishing you well! Cathy
Can't wait to see pictures and read about your reno-project as it develops!!
This little Victorian cottage was a real inspiration ... what beautiful words would flow through from thought to page in such a setting ... a writer's dream retreat!!! It gets me thinking about the small garage we have that is currently a use as catch all... hmmm.. better wait for our own home renos to finish before presenting hubby with that idea...Have a wonderful week-end Mon Ami!! HHL
Sandra's little jewel is amazing! I absolutely LOVE what she has created and it's even more amazing how her project has ignited sparks of inspiration across the Internet!
I am so happy for you and Mimi as you both embark on this new journey! I will be right there to read every word!
Bon week-end!
How beautiful!
It almost makes you want to go there and play dress up!
I think we're all in for a treat from a true artist who inspires people to see how the limited pocket book can be trumped by the unlimited imagination and patience.
Viva La Vida! Imagination and Perseverance ;-)
Congrats for your new project, Anita ;-)
Oh Yes! I have seen the pictures of the delightful little white cottage. What a treasure! The little bear picture brought to mind the Teddy Bear Picnic song. Do you remember it? Thanks. Please stop by for a visit soon.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Dear Anita
Visiting you is always a pleasure watching all your pretty images and reading your words
~ Good Morning Anita ~
The cottage pictures were a pleasure to view... Her use of space is very creative and so lovely.
The Catskill Mts. will inspire anyone with doubt to truly believe there is a God who adores His creation.
Sandra honors the beauty of this area by being a sweet steward of her treasures.
What an inspiration indeed!
Looking forward to your own inspirations in your online magazine!
Enjoy a wonderful weekend ~Maria
This cabin story continues to
inspire me!
It's just delightful!!! I am so
excited about all of the exciting
things that you have ahead of you,
my friend, from your contribution
to the lovely magazine to the
addition of your sweet room at
Rabbit Hill....it's all GREAT!
What a treat that I got to see it
pre-addition and hear about your
dreams for the space. Can't wait to see the work in progress, and of
course the final outcome : ) Have
a wonderful weekend, Anita!
xx Suzanne
Hi Anita,
Such an enchanting post, with lots of eye candy and delightful music for the soul. I can't wait to click on the links. What an amazing little cottage, a dream, sigh.
Sandra's little jewel is a magical little haven.
Happy building..lucky you...really! I would so love to be tearing down walls and such.
That kind of stuff makes me sooooo happy.
Don't you just love that sweet cottage...it makes me want one ...a space to call my own..though I know I would never ever get my daughters out of it.
Hope your weekend is BLESSED in every single way sweet one. You are such a blessing to us ALL!
Dreams do come true!! I know yours will too!!
Love that article by the way!! I have seen it.
You have a fantastic weekend!
Thanks, I'm so glad you are a fan of my crowns. It's hard work, but I love it!
Chat soon.
I LOVE THIS POST!!!! I'm going to go visit that streamside cottage in a minute ... Sandra is going to be an inspiration to many. As are YOU my dear friend!!!! I can hardly wait to read your article.
~ Violet
I'm so excited about your new building project. You have some wonderful inspiration for it too! Gorgeous Post as always.
What beauitful photos...enjoyed them all!
I have been following Sandra's blog for a while now - such beauty she creates!
I look forward to reading & seeing more about your building project - how exciting!!!
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
i can't wait to see your magazine! all
my favorite bloggers are either in
magazines or creating them.
i must have exquisite taste. :)
thank you for creating such a special
place for me to visit.
How exciting! I will look forward to seeing your contribution to the magazine...dream girl!
ox~ fairmaiden
I have these saved from another time that I found this cottage!! I would love this place with all my heart! My goal is to have my house have rooms like this here and there! Thanks for the beauty dear friend. I send love! Blessings.
Oh Anita this is so very exciting!!!! and right up your alley. You my dear will do an amazing job...can't wait to see what that creative mind of yours comes up with... ......Congratulations!!!!!!!!
Oh this little cottage in the woods is too "dreamy" for words. I think just one might suffice....Ahhhh....
No word yet...still waiting...thank you for the beautiful "diversion"...Have a Happy Day ...love Rosie
You know how excited I am or you !!
Nita, these pictures are fabolous, you have such a fine taste , my friend...
Hi Anita.
It's a nice new....you and Mimi working together, I am sure that we will have a magnificent result.
Yes,Anita so beautiful images!!
have a lovely and "working" weekend,
Gros Bisous,
anita! this was very inspirational..and so cute and pretty and white...
and your online mission sounds intriguing! best wishes!!!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
and I'm thrilled that you keep up with my prolificacy! is that a word? heheee....
Hi Anita,
I always feel so welcome here!
I love Sandy's haven that she has created for herself. When she sent me the e-mail with the link to the article, I felt her excitment about sharing this little piece of Heaven on Earth. She has done an amazing job of repairing and repuposing that little hunting cabin.
I am so excited for you as well while you are in this stage of dreaming and planning for your own renovations. I know you will have a wonderful time choosing just the right look for you. And it will be a dream come true.
hugs to you
I am so excited about that online magazine! It is such a fabulously cool idea, cannot WAIT to see it, and hopefully contribute to it at some point! Love that little cottage, I did see it in the Times, and it is just amazing, what I wouldn't do to have one in my backyard! Thank you for all of your sweet comments this weekend, they are SO appreciated! XO!
Bonjour Anita,
Your new addition is sure to be perfect, as it will be built with lots of love and care.
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to work on this new online venture with you...a path to inspiration!
a beintôt,
Gorgeous photos!!
I watched the original marie Antoinette movie the other day in B&W-very interesting...
if you have the time, join in on the Practical magic blog party...details are on my blog.
Hi, I came across your blog through Princesa and I have found it very inspiring and your photos are just great. I also admire the photo at the bottom of the page, Is it your garden? well, if it is: congratulations. You are a very talented and lucky person.
Anita, this post is GORGEOUS! OMG, how i love this tiny house, so so pretty! And the photo of the 2 bears, Awww! Can't wait to hear more about your online mag, so exitingto be involved in projects like this! Have a wonderful weekend:)
September will be here in a blink, and soon your dream will be a reality! So happy for you!!! And what's this about an online magazine!!!!! wooohooo wowowow!!!!!! O-M-G that is so awesome!!!!!!!! You never cease to amaze me with your inspiration Anita! I can't wait to see! I'd wish you luck, but I know you don't need any! Well I'm sending you some anyways, with some love too!!!!! Have a beautiful weekend! JJ flies to Orlando Sunday & meets with the tower chief Monday morning, cross your fingers! We've had only one showing all week....but I have to believe when the time is right, it will happen!! love you! xoxo
I can't wait to see the launch with you and the wonderful Mimi! It is going to be amazing. Loved all of these images.
Dear Anita
How I love this post! I am so excited for you. So many new projects in the future. Can't wait to see the online magazine with your inspirational contribution. The little white cottage is real dream.
Thank you dear one for visiting Bebe today..
Bisous, Penny
Just to say...
I love your blog!!!
It always takes my breath away.
Yes, I've seen that diving little cottage. I like the arched cabinets. We have a second building stuffed with junk okay not the work shop but one side is filled to the gills. When I see thinks like this I imagine the possibilities. Looking forward to reading your new venture.
Hello Anita,
hope your day was relaxing, with a stroll through your beautiful garden.
No news yet...We think testing is finished for the time being...still no results. Will let you know when I hear anything...Thank you for your kind words and prayers...had a very long day, and an early morning tomorrow...will chat soon ...xoxo...Rosie
Hello Anita!
J'ai été bien paresseuse pour ne pas visiter les blogs de mes amis ces derniers temps et meme pour faire des photos!Mais la chaleur de le mediterranée me rend nonchalalte,je fonctionne au ralenti!En tout cas je constate que l'été n'atteint pas ton dynamisme ,ton sens de la poésie et du partage!Bel été Anita!
Dear Anita: thank you for the nice visit.Unfortunately on my last post I forgot to add the english version that always comes in the end , so you and others will be able to know what I talk about.By the way, My name is also Ana, so there you go, when they talk about the six degrees of separation...Besitos from Burgos
my dear sweet, beautiful friend.
your post moves me as always and your kind messages have warmed my heart beyond words. you have a lovely soul sweet Anita...you shine like an angel. how blessed i am to have met you.
i would love to read more of your posts, i have missed do many, but i can only spend a few moments on line today. my health is improving but it is a (frustratingly) slow process. i think of you often, daily infact and doing so always makes me smile :o) i usualy imagine us sharing a huge pot of tea and chattering away animatedly for hours, as i am sure we would if we met.
i really can't wait to get back here and have a good read of your previous posts with lily at my feet and a mug of p.g. beside me. lily sends her love and kisses by the way, as does little yuki-dove (the white cat) who has a love of all things elegant and adores your blog.
i send many warm hugs and kisses too with much love
i have just read this post and admired the gorgeous images for a second and third time......my heart is truly skipping, i can't wait to lean more!
i must muster up the energy and organise some time to get back here soon. you are so good for me, you uplift! you are a blessing to us all xoxoxoxoxox
it's me again, i looked a fourth and fith time....it's all so fabulously enchanting! (which you always are) and the bears!!! oh my word...
Bonjour ma belle!
I adore Sandra's Streamside Studio... I've been visiting her for some time now and am amazed at what she has done! I would love to be Goldilocks for a couple days and hide away in that dreamlike cottage!!
I'm sure your place will be equally as enchanting, no matter what decor you chose. With you & Ruben designing it I know it will be heavenly.
I'm preparing our place for a very special blogger friend that will be coming for a visit from the south!! I'm very excited.. you know her too. Can you guess??
Mille bisous!! Sherry
i forgot my tiredness for a moment and all that needed to be done and absorbed myself here for a little longer...not time to read as yet, but just taking in the stories via your magical visual gift. you are a most magical being...you are a poem
O MY...without words....just....AAAAAAAAH..
hello again my dear,
i have just seen that you have been to visit me with lovely messages.
yuki approves whole heartedly of the white tulle and white painted flooring. we both think it will be wonderously dreamy.
i think yuki would like to oversee some improvements here, she has such fabulous taste and would most definitely want to be in charge.
our home is rather plain, small and boxy, but yuki says it is a blank canvas and that there are miriad possibilities, even on a church mouse budget.
a lick of paint here, a few hems sewn there. some meadow flowers placed in chipped but still lovely jugs and old jam jars.
i have now read some bits of your previous posts and hope to comment on them on another visit (although with the way things are i am not quite sure when that will be). i just haven't been able to drag myself away.
you have filled me with insiration. like you i adore nature and simplicity, but i also love pretty feminine things, elegance and beauty (how i long to create more of that here), combining the two is positively heavenly. it is when we are being creative that we are closest to the divine creator. our dreams and imaginations are like prayers that when sung in a voice of beauty, love and gratitude are sure to become sparkling realities.
i am sure your project is going to twinkle with magic and bring you tremendous joy and satisfaction.
enjoy your walk in nature my friend. i hope to take a few breaths of it myself today. it has indded been uncomfortable hot and humid of late. but today, there is mercifully a cool breeze.
i had some good news this week... i have been appointed with someone to assist and support me with the agoraphobia. i am so glad and i will work very hard with this person (who is lovely by the way), i am most determined.
more love and hugs sent your way from all here at lilyfield xoxoxox
hello again my dear,
i have just seen that you have been to visit me with lovely messages.
yuki approves whole heartedly of the white tulle and white painted flooring. we both think it will be wonderously dreamy.
i think yuki would like to oversee some improvements here, she has such fabulous taste and would most definitely want to be in charge.
our home is rather plain, small and boxy, but yuki says it is a blank canvas and that there are miriad possibilities, even on a church mouse budget.
a lick of paint here, a few hems sewn there. some meadow flowers placed in chipped but still lovely jugs and old jam jars.
i have now read some bits of your previous posts and hope to comment on them on another visit (although with the way things are i am not quite sure when that will be). i just haven't been able to drag myself away.
you have filled me with insiration. like you i adore nature and simplicity, but i also love pretty feminine things, elegance and beauty (how i long to create more of that here), combining the two is positively heavenly. it is when we are being creative that we are closest to the divine creator. our dreams and imaginations are like prayers that when sung in a voice of beauty, love and gratitude are sure to become sparkling realities.
i am sure your project is going to twinkle with magic and bring you tremendous joy and satisfaction...
oppps!google said my comment was too big so i must write the rest in the next one...
oh! i see google did publish it after all.
Oh dear Anita...what an exquisite little cottage...I took a stroll to the woods to see the cottage...who could believe it started off as a box!!! Simply stunning...And look at you...an on line venture with Mimo...I am so excited for you and look forward to seeing it!!! Now we must truly raise our glasses to this wonderful weekend...Dzintra♥x
How Sandra transformed that wee building is marvelous. Makes me feel good about moving into a mini home compared to our home now. I'm so thrilled for you & Mimi. Your creative genius combined with hers will reach great goals. Can't wait Anita.
Have a peaceful weekend x
Dearest Antia,
I can't tell you how much I have missed reading your blog! It is beyond inspiring and truly a place to dream! I can't wait to see your project! I am sure it will be breathtaking! I am so sorry that I have been away from blogging. I have been painting morning till night. My husband was recently laid off so life is certainly not what we expected. So visiting you truly brightened my day. I hope you are well! I miss chatting!
Be back soon.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
My dearest Anita,
so sorry it has taken me forever to reply to your lovely comments.
We had problems with our internet connection over the past four days and the telephone company took for ever and a day to fix it. hope it's fixed for good now.
Had some catch up to do with your latest posts and must tell you how much I've missed my visit to your enchanting world.
I'd probably missed the news, or simply forgot, that you are renovating your home. that must be so exciting as you can unleish your wonderful taste and unlimited creativity beyond the limit of imagination to create a most wondrous place.
I'm also excited that you're going to work with Mimi on her online magazine. You two are the perfect match for surefire success - I'll be among your keenest readers as I'm sure I'll find inspiration in every page.
p.s. still searching for a house. we've seen zillions of them and haven't come even close to the one that my instinct tells me to be the ONE for me. I'm feeling a little frustrated as my apartment is now becoming too small for what my imagination is longing for: ample spaces to be filled with
love, beauty and lots of creativity...
how enchanting are these pictures ? I would love to do a ballet shoot in some of those settings. Brilliant post as ever...
I think that house is just perfect and her story inspirational... amazing what a lot of imagination ( and white paint) can do. I can't wait to see where your vision takes you... a little hobbit house perhaps??? After visiting the Cotswolds this week, I can safely say I would kill for one of those perfect thatched cottages... of, say, 16th century vintage? Dream large, m'dear!
What breathtaking pictures, Anita! And can't wait to see what you're up to with this online magazine! Exciting! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! XOXO
Oh, Anita, I will look forward to seeing your new magazine! The little cottage is AMAZING isn't it!?!
Did you see the place she and her husband share? SUCH a CONTRAST!:)
Hope your reno is progressing smoooooooothly, mon ami !
No need to freeze dear Anita...you will do brilliantly I'm sure!!! You shall tell beautiful stories that will have us all enthralled...Happy Sunday to you dear Friend...Dzintra♥x
Oh my dear ,
Am sorry to be late for tea...
We don't have any news yet as they don't work on the weekend...now we are hoping for Monday.
thank you for your comfort and prayer
Anita, you must have been sooo scared. I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like...was there any damage to your house or garden? Does this happen often? Your reno could have been a bit bigger than you had planned.
Yesterday was really busy at the shop. Did not get my paperwork done so am off to the shop, for an hour before church, to see what I can get done. Some of our Fall purses are trickling in...Warm browns and tans seem to be the trend...as well as HUGE flowers and ruffles...quite delicious.
My husband has started to landscape on the LAST side of the property...I came home to a LARGE back hoe in our side yard, moving some boulders. These will edge a tiered bed...Top tier "curly willow ...Second tier crab trees and mock orange....and bottom tier white roses and a tiny little boxwood hedge. This is only the plan that is wandering aimlessly in my head...my dear Bill know this is subject to change on a whim...pooor Bill...we have been married long enough that he takes my "fickle" ways all in stride.
Well really must scoot if I am to get done what needs to be done...have a wonderful Sunday my dear friend...we will talk soon...love Rosie
Dans la chaleur de cet après-midi de canicule, je veux saisir un peu de cette douceur, cette tendresse, ce blanc volupteux et si pur ... et m'abandonner au rêve ...
Je t'embrasse tendrement ma belle Anita et te souhaite mille belles choses.
Hello Anita !
Cette petite maison de conte de fée offre un coté magique elle semble être endormie , merveilleuse et émouvante à la fois ...un délicat et ouvragé cocon .... le lieux idéal et idyllique pour se consacrer au rêve à l'écriture et....à la création ! j'aime vraiment tous tes billets ...car tous sont délicieux ...
Bonne semaine à toi !
Hi, I didn't know where to find your email address, so this isn't actually a comment...it's an email :)
I just love your blog and was just thinking...I rarely offer my shop items for giveaways, but when I saw your Audrey Hepburn posts, the light bulb went on and I thought perhaps you'd be interested in hosting a giveaway with this vintage Cecil Beaton book, Fair Lady. http://www.parishotelboutique.com/store/product1233.html
You would host the giveaway and I would ship the book to the winner. Let me know what you think.
By the way, my name is Lynn and my site is parishotelboutique.com.
Take care!
Ahhhhhh, I just love this song..
Where did I put my dancin shoes!
Thank you so much dear friend for visiting Bebe and your most welcome thoughts..
Enjoy your evening and relax will you?
Good Morning Anita,
Oh I think a little poof of tulle here and a little puff there...will be totally whimsical wonderment ...Your bedroom will be heavenly. I think painting the floor a splendid idea!
Well, went to an amazing service this morning{it is ALWAYS specifically for me...or so it would seem}...got the paperwork done at the shop, and the back room a little more organized. I CRAVE organization. It just puts me in a good frame of mind. Still more to do, but it is certainly better.
Bill managed to get the rock placed in it's new home...I can see his vision, and I think it will be nice. I will have to pick out a few trees this week, so we can plant next weekend...you know how I love nurseries...this should be fun.
Hoping to hear some results for my baby tomorrow...oh, I don't think I can wait much longer. Have tried to keep busy...not really working so well any more.
In the big city tomorrow...the shopping list is not too long, so shouldn't be all day :)
Well...off to bed my dear, will chat again soon, love Rosie
Happy to discover your blog. Nice 'eparpillements" and wonderful pictures. Sincerely, @nne
Golly what a wonderful shack!
Good luck with your exciting new project
Sarah x
Oh...me oh, my, my, my! I want to sit upon the porch of this little white cottage and eat porridge, talk to the three bears and pluck pink roses from the garden....so sweet, romantic...what a true storybook find!
That little place is more than a diamond in the rough...it's a pearl!
Thanks for the links Anita...they help me get where I'm going.
Happy Monday from Gnomeland and friends...
My dear Anita...
Oh my GOSH... Is that not the sweetest little place? I believe I saw her interviewed on something?? Oh, for Pete's sake.....the memory's the first to go, right?
Loved the little, pink, happy door thingy. DELISH!
I am sooo thrilled for you and your new addition. I cannnnnot wait to see what you do.
Thanks so much for your sweet words on the bedroom. I so wanted that yummy blue that you use, but I couldn't find fabric....especially since I was trying to buy everything at the Goodwill. :-)
Huggies and LOVIES too.. :-)
My dear Anita
Could you pop by my blog and see if it is in english when you view.
Dessa Rae just came by and said it is in a different language and it does not offer english.. Ekkkkk!
Thank you dear friend
Bisous! Penny
This is all so inspiring and exciting. It is true the smallest of spaces can become the most beautiful of all with a little creativity and inspiration. I cannot wait to see what you and your hubby create. I know it will be absolutely wonderful. I hope you have a great week and are enjoying your time off.
Love, Carol and Charli
Hello sweet Anita. congrats on your up coming opportunity with Bonjour Romance as well as your remodeling project.
I want a little house of my own in my back yard. I told sweet hubby we don't have to go to Paris for my 65th if he will build me one!(O:(O:
Dear Anita,
I love this post so much, I had to come back again! Thanks so much for visiting me again and thank you for adding my " Claudette" :-)
That was very sweet of you!I have been painting sunrise to sunset! It seems like exciting things are coming your way! You write so beautifully and so creatively, your words to me seem like they are flowing from a paint brush.
I will keep your panel aside for you whenever you are ready.
I am so happy to hear all the good things that are on the horizon for you! Please let me know when your magazine is online!
Oh, I love Mimi! Give her a big hug for me! What a beautiful cottage, dreamy!
Oh Anita...I'm sure you will do very very well!!! Have a beautiful week...Dzintra♥x
Oh that cabin is amazing! A little girl's dream!
Dearest Anita .... the cabin of Sandra's is absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful, beautiful post and so inspiring ... also, can't wait to see your renovations and how exciting it will be for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I could bring over tea and scones one day! (Well virtual ones anyway!) I also am so excited to see your marble fireplace. I adore marble and fireplaces so it is the perfect combination. Also, your on-line magazine with Mimi sounds intriguing and such a wonderful idea. Thank-you as always for visiting me and leaving such beautiful comments! Have a lovely day... M.A. the second!
I know that you adore an invitation to tell a story. Stop by when you get a chance. One of our delightful blogging friends from Normandy, France is inviting us to tell a tale about her gorgeous Antique linen finds.
Happy Friend's Day to you, dear Anita ;-)
Nita, only now I had the chance to meet the Fosters and read about it. What an inspiration story. I love everything about it.
I hope you are alright... I am anxious to now what happened to your eyes....
Oh dear Anita I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with your eyes...Perhaps there's an infection there...maybe conjunctivits...Hope you were able to get some drops...Thinking of you dearest...A Big Hug through cyberspace for you...Dzintra♥x
How very exciting for you! Can't wait!
This adorable cottage is a dream. Such charm and so feminine.
Good Morning My Dear...
Oh I am so sorry for not pouring tea this morning...I told my husband I was just going to lay down for an hour...and didn't wake up until this morning...oops...so very sorry.
And what my dear, have so done to your eyes?...this must be so very painful...oh dearest I am praying that in his wisdom, the doctor will know what to give you to speed this recovery.
Were you able to get your article completely finished?...I'm sure it's a masterpiece. Am so looking forward to enjoying it.
Shopping went fine yesterday...managed to fine a couple new wholesalers, so that is always fun.
Today I MUST clean my house...put every thing back in it's place... and dust, polish and shine! We have been concentrating on the side landscaping so nothing has been getting none inside.
Today...We should hear today, what has caused my daughter's fall...do they know how anxious this mother is? I thank you so VERY much for your prayers and concern. Will of course let you know when I can...
So now I must start my day...and I will be praying throughout this day for His healing hand on you...feel better my dear...Love Rosie
Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog! I don't know how I've never heard of your blog before, but I am very glad I found it!
Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio
dear anita
i just found your sweet message :o) i'm about to go off-line again to cook some super but wanted to drop by first and thank you and to say hello and how are you too? i am sorry that i am not dressed very regally today... just jeans and a flowery (and floury) pinny. i promise to wear a tiara and something terribly extravagant next time, i am so glad your blog always give us the occasion to do this.
have you ever seen the film avanti? i think i might watch it tonight.
warmest wishes to you and your dear hubby, have a super evening, wish i could invite you both to share supper with us xoxoxoxoxox hugs and kisses
I've always been pretty good at creating something from nothing, I grew up that way! Of course, one needs an IMAGINATION and DETERMINATION, but lack of funds cannot stop a truly committed "do-er" from "doing".
By the by, thank you for your comment on my latest post, I don't think too many folks understood my humor, but I thought it was pretty funny and chuckled the entire time I was writing it! Jeri
Can't wait to see pictures, how fun.
This little cabin is very sweet , I love the catskills , it reminds me my year in the states
Good morning my dear,
How are you feeling...are you feeling any better...is the medication working.Oh, I hope you manage to get some relief.
Managed to get some cleaning done...not enough, but some. Will try to get it finished tomorrow.
Bill was home early, so visited a few nurseries and "fickle me" has changed her mind again...it would seem that a white privet hedge might be quite pretty...hmmm...well we shall see.
Waiting...still waiting...Lizzy says she is feeling better...I, will feel better when I hear from the wise doctors...maybe tomorrow
Oh dear girl, I am ready for bed...just can't seem to keep my eyes open...and I fear I am rambling...awfully sorry
Well dearest more chit chat later...thank you for your tasty cuppa each and every morning... ....sweet dreams Rosie
Oh Dearest you have reminded me...I had this condition once in one eye...and when I first saw it it sort of reminded me of a Vampire!!! Luckily though it went very quickly...as I hope it is doing for you...Take Care...Love to you, Dzintra♥x
Just thinking of you and wishing I could go to stillwater! We have decades... we will someday for sure. Blessings.
O, I had seen that piece in the NY Times. It was so cute (well, except that it didn't have a kitchen).
great to see you again! those are 'dreamin' photos! hope you are havng a great day! love the music...verbena cottage
Re your comment: I found you through another blog, your blog name caught my eye (can't remember which blog now...)
Bonjour my dearest! I am looking forward to your vision becoming a reality in only a couple of short months! I'm also looking forward to the launch of Mimi's online magazine. I'm certain you will be adding much it to as you have so much vision.
I hope you are having a lovely week. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
xoxo, B
Oh Anita I missed you...
Hoping all is well, and your eyes are healing...how very frustrating it must be. We take our eye site for granted until we no longer have it...I am praying for you dearest
The day was nice...a few more nurseries...a few more ideas...really CoNfUsEd at this point.
Well have a restful sleep and I will have the coffee on and waiting when you visit...love Rosie
Dear sweet Anita!!!!
I am delighted to hear about your lovely summer !!!!I
I must admit I have ben looking into your, as always, devine post and not commented!!!!!!
Since coming back from Paris life and summer has ben a roller coaster between family and work.
As you might know, my youngest daughter lives with her father in another city, she has been visiting for 16 days. We have had a wonderful time and I have devoted myself completely to her.... no pc, almost no minis, helping her with her project though.....and being on different trips to amuse her, and me :)
And I work in a home for minor foreign refugees, mostly boys from Afganistan. It is very fulfilling and nice to work with these bright young people. But it can also be very hard, as some of them are not aloud to stay in Norway and are being shipped out.....!!!!.... like packages!!!!!! I work a lot in evenings, and therefor having late nights.... and also late mornings!!!
When speaking of summer in Norway this year; It has not ben the best year so far.... very changing weather between a bit of rain and lot wind.....but of course, some rays of sunshine in between :)
It is no point complaining.... it does not help, better to make the best of it!!!!
How exiting with this new project; and I am looking forward to pictures of what you will do!!!!
I am working in the ref. home until the 8 of August, then, starting the 9 in a new, part time, job as a librarian in a high school!!!
I am looking forward to have a bit of spare time again for minis and friends :)))))
Lots of love and hugs,
Hey Anita, I hope you are doing good. Just dropped in to say that you have just received an award from me and my blog. Hope you will like it!
Congrats! on your venture ... will be excited to see it all unfold.
This was like walking thru a fantasy land dream ... such elegant & Cinderella beautiful decor.
Have a beautiful summer day ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
I just found you on Erin´s tourquoise blog.
Your blog is so beautiful- I am in love with that amazing little house! There could live an angel :-)
I hope, it´s ok, that I add you to my blogroll?
Hugs- Ines
Wow-I can't wait to see what you create! I had seen this amazing little cottage and was dazzled by all of the elegance in such a small space. I look forward to reading your article in the online magazine!
Hi Anita! I just read your comment and I just seen that you had a new post that I missed, yet AGAIN! I don't understand why that happens sometimes! Looks like things are starting to happen at your house! How exciting! I am so anxious to see the furniture that you are transforming! I know your new remodel is going to be fabulous! I am meeting some Ohio bloggers on Sat at a show north of here. Should be a fun time! Stay cool!~Big Hugs, Patti
Aaaahhh...what a beautiful respite! I so want one in my backyard! Thanks for sharing!
I'm so glad you found my interview with Violet! Thanks for stopping by! did you sign up for my monthly newsletter, too?
Have a beautiful weekend!
;-D Kathleen
So pleased the eyes are getting better day by day Anita...and you know, we have the same fear of going blind...it's just so scarey.
Wishing you a lovely weekend, and enjoy that warmth you are having...Cheers and pink bubbles, Dzintra♥x
Greetings my dear friend,
Well it is very late and I have work for many hours to try to update my webpage...managed to get it done. Oh my goodness I am so computer illiterate...
Heard from my daughter that the doctors could not find anything conclusive...so she is feeling better...so will be grateful for that and go on praying that this was an isolated incident.
How was your day my dear? When do I get to enjoy your magazine creativity...soon I hope.Are your eyes any better? Oh how tender that must be.
Excited to hear of your table painting!!! I bet they are sooo elegant. I will be up to my elbows in paint tomorrow as too many pieces sold today and I must fill a "dance floor" on Saturday
Oh dearest I am yawning and must climb into bed soon...have a lovely day tomorrow, and thank you so VERY much for all the prayer and sweet comfort you have so generously given...you will never know how much that meant to me...sweet dreams dearest...xoxo...Rosie
mmmmm...Coq au Vin, just perfect dear Anita...how about Ile Flottante for dessert...come on over, the pink bubbles await you!!!
My that other eye is being stubborn...perhaps the weekend will soothe it and be right for you, I certainly hope so...A big Hug for you dearest...Dzintra♥x
Hi Anita!
I do hope you will share pics as soon as you have that loft room together...how exciting!!!
;-D Kathleen
Dear Anita, My apologies for not stopping in sooner. It was my loss I assure you! What a beautiful, inspiring post!I feel as if I could create a masterpiece in that little cottage! I was a bit scatter brained when I sent the COA for the gift doll. Her name is actually AnnaMae, and she is registered with IADR. Thank you so much for the kind words at my doot Anita, I am so glad you were one of the winners! xoxox Christel
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